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    Wednesday, August 11, 2021

    Diablo Diablo 4 Director No Longer at Activision Blizzard

    Diablo Diablo 4 Director No Longer at Activision Blizzard

    Diablo 4 Director No Longer at Activision Blizzard

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Cow King has udders in D2R

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Diablo II resurrected intro cinematic !

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    See you in Hell!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Let's think about why there won't be ladder at HOUR ZERO on launch day. Seriously. Think.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Let's brainstorm. We are talking worst case scenarios. Why? Murphy's Law.

    Not even Calla-Fucking-Duty (Cold War, their like, 11-billionth launch, and on a much larger scale) had a regular season until like 3 months after launch, and I highly doubt it will take that long for D2.

    Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. D2 wiki says the first ladder season in LOD was TWO YEARS after launch, at patch 1.10 in 2003.

    So what could go wrong day one?

    Server overloads. "Ladder is ruined, I can't connect! They should've waited for it to stabilize!'

    Duping exploit found. "Ladder is ruined, it's all cheaters! They should've waited for a patch!"

    Bot/Maphacks giving unfair advantages. "Ladder is ruined, it's all cheaters! They should've waited for a patch!"

    Broken skills/glitches. "Ladder is ruined, it's all exploiters! They should've waited for a patch!"

    Login Server Auth gets DDoS'd, like D3. "Ladder is ruined, I can't connect! They should've waited for it to stabilize!"

    Unexplained server rollbacks. "Ladder is ruined, I lost progress! They should've waited for it to stabilize!'

    Contain your emotions. I want ladder. I would love ladder at launch, IF THERE IS ZERO CHANCE OF AN ISSUE THAT WOULD IMPACT THE FAIRNESS OF LADDER.


    submitted by /u/Jack_of_all_offs
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    D2R launch is essentially another open beta until ladder launches

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    if ladder doesn't start on launch... and you keep the ladder-only runeword restriction:

    • the (short?) window of time you invested into your launch character will not outweigh starting all over with ladder-only runeword access and the majority of playerbase

    • time between launch and ladder start is therefore an open beta with all classes/acts enabled. most ppl will restart once ladder launches (and your pre-ladder progress only carrying over to non-ladder space, which won't be relevant until first ladder is done... 6months?)

    meanwhile, if you enable ladder-only runewords in non-ladder:

    • once ladder launches, few players are competitive enough regarding leveling to ditch their progress and start fresh so soon on ladder season 1. so you would be essentially doing the equivalent of launching with a day 1 ladder start

    I would be okay with keeping ladder-runeword exclusivity and just wording D2R 'launch' as another open beta, and giving a date for ladder launch. unfortunate for those who booked vacation. personally I don't have any reason to play until ladder is launched - I want to play with ladder-only RW and the majority of the playerbase, and I don't have incentive to practice beforehand on a character whose progress will (essentially) be wiped quite soon

    submitted by /u/good_grief2
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    Per Rod Fergusson - No Ladder at launch. RIP.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Per Rod Fergusson - No Ladder at launch. RIP.

    Nail in the coffin. Might as well not even buy or play until ladder. Missing out on a ton of runewords, a ton of unique items, and putting time into a character that will be useless once ladder starts. Sad day.


    submitted by /u/o-Zero
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    Can we please get a Day 1 Ladder Start? Or alternatively..

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Dear VV,

    as early christmas present i wish for my fellow cave dwellers and myself:

    1. Ladder Only Content available in Non-Ladder


    People love the race for the top spots regardless. Limiting their options by removing ladder only Runewords makes the experience just worse.

    Or alternatively:

    2. just give us a Ladder start on Launch Day 1, september 23rd..

    Option #3:

    combine both :')

    Please T-T

    submitted by /u/RunewordGrief
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    Ungate Ladder Only Content

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    So no ladder on release right away?


    This more than anything is why NON ladder should get ALL the right now ladder only content too.

    Make ladder about the NEW economy and the race to the top, not about gating content.

    A chunk of people will no longer bother will ladder then, admittedly, but the people who enjoy starting from 0 with a fresh economy and all will STILL do it.

    It can still boost BETTER drop chances and higher difficulty or whatever else there is as an additional incentive but please remove the exclusivity of runewords, cube recipes and item drops.

    submitted by /u/wesivir760
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    Diablo 2 Resurrected Cinematic comparison videos - Old vs new

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Why is there widespread belief that Diablo II has 8-directional movement?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Why is there widespread belief that Diablo II has 8-directional movement?

    There are 16 different angles of animation for walking, however you can move in more than 16 directions.

    Ever since the technical alpha of D2R there has been a lot of talk about how using a controller is better because "unlike using a mouse, it grants you full 360 degress of movement instead of the standard 8 directions".

    Why do people believe this? Can we clear up this misconception once and for all so people don't feel the need to play one way or the other because it presents some sort of perceived advantage that doesn't exist?

    Movement and spellcasting in Diablo II takes place on a grid. The player character takes up more than one square on this grid. Diablo II: Resurrected is just Diablo II running in the background with a layer of 3D graphics on top. This doesn't in any way change how movement is handled.

    "But I can clearly see that my character turns a full 360 degrees when using a controller and doesn't jump between preset angles"

    That's because the 3D animations they added on top of the game are rendered in a full 360 degrees. This doesn't change the fact that your character does not possess analogue movement.

    It's just baffling to me how prevalent the belief is that it somehow becomes a different game when you plug in a controller .


    submitted by /u/Lokhe
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    Diablo II: Resurrected Act I and II Cinematics

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    D2R: Another thread about ladder functionality in single player

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Add this please. Also allow endless cow king kills, cus that's just needless anxiety for the person farming cow levels.

    People that like to play ladder, will play ladder. It's their niche.

    People that play single player will play single player regardless, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve the full game. Ladder will be as populated as it needs to be.

    Diablo 3 is different, it adds something new every season. Diablo 2 has the same items that are shifted in and out of existence every ladder, you either play with the game's full content, or you don't.

    So, allow ladder functionality in single player and non ladder, also allow endless cow king kills. Pretty please?

    This is not a question, this is a threat. I will email this suggestion to blizz and VV with many UWU faces. I have a phone and I'm not afraid to use it.

    submitted by /u/Etzello
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    It's now confirmed, we are getting ALL runewords in SP! Thank the gods and bring on tomorrow!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Beta is releasing in few days ! Who’s excited?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:38 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/TheMoustacheDad
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    Any news from Devs on RTX / DLSS tech for D2R?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    Barbarian WW controller layout?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    Can't seem to find a good button layout for my barbarian WW, any suggestions on a button layout? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/colinhuck
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    Why I think the “blizzard fiasco” is going to result in better games - from the perspective of a corporate Monkey

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Everyone is freaking out about this Activision Blizzard situation. Admittedly, things are bad, the company as a whole has had it's reputation tarnished, management is getting the boot, and customers are mad. Despite this, let's analyze things a little bit.

    Specifics aside; this is going to be a tough lesson for Activision Blizzard, listen to your employees, receive all feedback and listen to all voices, take care of your staff and prove to your customers that you are worth their money.

    I've been part of a Fortune 500 company for 7 years now, I've climbed reasonably in my positions and have survived 2 substantial rounds of layoffs, many rounds of Covid furloughing….and through that, this is what I've learned.

    In times of success, companies push the boundaries of taking advantage of their customers. Over-charging, greed, lack of innovation. They get a little… comfortable.

    But then when something bad happens, it's time to lick the wounds, invest in yourself, and put the greed aside. It's time to forego massive profits in an effort to KEEP your customers.

    Employees left standing will feel imposters syndrome and they will be left with opportunity at their feet and liberation in their heart. Collaboration will be often and effort will high.

    Sure, some immediate deadlines may be delayed, but once the ship starts moving again, it'll be a force of nature. A collective of passionate individual contributors working towards their new legacy.

    Stay tuned guys, I think Diablo 4 is going to get a whole lot of love from the remaining and new team.

    I'm rooting for them

    submitted by /u/SheetShitter
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    Diablo II: Resurrected Early Access Preload started at 12:48am EST

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Possible solution to the ladder issue in d2r.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    A simple solution, if they're set on keeping ladder exclusive items on ladder, is have all runewords available day one for non ladder characters up until the second ladder starts. Once the second ladder starts make it so you can no longer make ladder runewords on non ladder. I think this is a solution that would make pretty much everyone happy.

    submitted by /u/Sharpie61115
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    Looking for developers for multiple new Community Tools.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Im currently creating a D2 Item Database, Builds Database, and a few unique tools nobody has created in the past. As well as a future trade website depending on D2R mod capabilities.

    I've been a UX Design Technologist for 18 years and will do the html/css and all design but figured I would check here for any passionate gamers that want in on the projects before I pay out some 3rd party developers.

    PM if you want to be involved. Looking for MEAN or LAMP stack people.

    submitted by /u/d2items
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    Rainbow (and other) Goblin spawn chances - based on my Cosmic wings hunt in S24

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Rainbow (and other) Goblin spawn chances - based on my Cosmic wings hunt in S24

    I actually log every goblin I encounter, minus the ones in the vault or the ones spawning from the Goblin Shrine since they don't have the RBG in their pool and it will skew the results.

    My route is a fast sweep of the top five spawning locations:

    • Caverns of Frost
    • Leoric's Passage\Cathedral L2
    • Royal Crypts
    • Cave of the Moon Clan
    • East+West Channels

    The data sample is not that big as I started only a few days ago - I farmed 2564 goblins in total.

    Here's the distribution and the calculated chances:

    Goblin spawn chances in S24

    Anyways, just wanted to share that depressing RBG spawn chance which is about half of the original chance according to a few searched I've done.

    If anyone farms RGBs in the season, feel free to PM me - maybe we can join forces.


    submitted by /u/edebby
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    Goblin Vault

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT


    I just started playing a few days ago, and gotten my first Goblin portal.... is it normal to feel like I just won the game hahaha ? Millions in gold, legendary and set recipes, 100s of blood stones... It's Christmas time, lol


    submitted by /u/danievdw
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