• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    Diablo He did it. Mr. Llama found his Holy Grail

    Diablo He did it. Mr. Llama found his Holy Grail

    He did it. Mr. Llama found his Holy Grail

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    I'm praying to avoid corny humor in D4

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    This drives me nuts about a lot of popular media and it is completely disruptive to the atmosphere of Diablo when it happens. I just started D3 again and it reminded me of some of the examples. When you first enter the Slaughtered Cafe Inn shortly after starting the game to meet Leah. 5 people erupt in blood and become undead. You cut them apart and the bartender says, "This is killing business." Its among the first handful of lines delivered in the campaign. Then you go outside and there is someone unloading corpses off of a cart and tossing them onto a fire. So am I supposed to take this seriously? Is that joke so funny that its worth undermining the elements of realism in the game? It just feels like nothing matters, none of the characters care about anything happening.

    Another one that I could never get over was the blacksmith introduction (I don't remember his name because hes completely forgettable). You go with him to his wife who begs him for help before spitting up and turning into a horrible wretch, then he helps bludgeon her with his hammer. This could be a serious moment where he faces the horror not just of losing his wife, but having to beat her undead body until it was motionless. Prior to the quest, he has some lines where he is facing that reality, but as soon as you step out of the cellar, he remarks "And if you see my fool apprentice out there, tell him to get back to town." It just doesn't fit with anything that happened, its flippant and especially in the context of just murdering your own wife, your apprentice being lost outside with the demons and zombies probably isn't a good sign. I can't even tell if its intended to be a joke to lighten the mood or what the line is even supposed to do.

    Oh right, and everything about the Jeweler intro should never have happened. I can't believe that made it into the game. I'm not saying there are no opportunities for humor or to lighten the mood, but it happens way too often and with absolutely no taste for when it is appropriate.

    submitted by /u/ValuableQuestion6
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    How and why Malthael became the angel of death in Diablo 3?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Hello! I finished the Reaper of Souls and feel confused about Malthael. He was the Angel Of Wisdom and then somehow turned into the Angel Of Death and stole the Black Soulstone.

    My guess is that he was affected by the beings locked inside the Soulstone and they made him steal it. As for his newly acquired death powers probably works the same explanation. The imprisoned Great Evils somehow 'corrupted' his original powers and that's how he became the Angel Of Death.

    Am I right or missing something?

    submitted by /u/Aralis1
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    [Art] My Darkest Hour

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    There are exactly two months left until the 21st anniversary of D2 release.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Some people hope that D2R will be released on June 29th 2021.

    I suppose if multiplayer beta tests start within the next two weeks then I guess it's possible, leaving enough time to collect the data and fixing remaining issues/QOL changes.

    But if beta tests don't start within these two weeks then I think it's very unlikely.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/BowelMan
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    Are there any good podcasts so I can better understand the lore?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    I've been playing Diablo since D2 when I was a child and have always been fascinated with the lore. But as a kid, all I really knew about D2 was basically, "I'm the good guy killing lots of littler demons to get to big guy demons" and D3 wasn't great with story telling so while I understood things a bit more I still didn't really fully understand what I was really doing and why. I would love to start from the beginning of D1 and go through the timeline to D3.

    submitted by /u/fenderc1
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    Loot and runes in d2 plus scarcity

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    I wrote a response to someone who claimed that runes were introduced to fix diablo 2's "terrible" loot system. And how rune words broke the economy by making cheap best-in-slot equipment for every character.

    The post was deleted before my response went through. Clearly, they had not played very much if any d2, but a lot of new players will likely be coming in fresh with D2R and if someone legitimately had those views on runes, surely others must too. So, here's a little explaining why that's not at all the case:

    (Original claim was that d3's loot system was so well implemented that it didn't need runes to fix a broken system)

    Runes weren't introduced to fix a broken loot system. The loot system in d2 is great.

    In fact, even before runes D2 had an incredibly active trading community. The issue was that, as players amassed wealth, trading got more difficult. (Gold wasn't a crucial resource and items became worth multiple inventories full of perfect gems.) Before too long, a particularly coveted single-slot item (The Stone of Jordan) became the currency of choice, because it was compact and highly valuable.

    Borrowing from that success, runes were designed to be a 1-slot currency system. They were so outrageously successful at doing that, that other arpgs have copied that currency system (PoE puts its own spin on it, for example).

    So then, did runewords supplant all end game gear for every character as claimed? Of course not. First, runes can only be socketed into 4 of 10 equipment slots, and low-to-mid runewords are rarely as good as low-to-mid game uniques.

    A few of the best items in the game use runewords because to make a currency system have any value, it needs a payoff. That said, getting high runes legitimately in unmodded d2 is ludicrously unlikely without insane luck. I'm talking hundreds if not thousands of hours of play time to get jah & ber to make enigma. That's using the most efficient means of farming. Cubing up to high runes is a process so daunting, it's a waste if time because the number of runes needed grows exponentially between tiers. How many El runes does it take to make an Um rune? Nearly 7 billion. How many Els to make a Zod? 14,281,868,906,496. Let's say you're really, really fast at combining runes and already have every El you need somehow. You've got putting 3 Els into a cube, hitting transmute and taking the Eld rune out down to 3 seconds (that might be impossibly fast, but we'll go with it). It would take you 452,875 years of just combining El runes into Elds. Then, you'd have to combine those into Tir, then Nef, then Eth, then Ith, then Tal, Ral, Ort, Thul, Amn, Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, Io, Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul, Um, Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, and Cham to get to one, single Zod.

    The problem isn't the loot system or runewords. Runes are very scarce and very valuable. The problem is botters and dupe exploits, which are two issues diablo 3 has, too.

    submitted by /u/Word-Bender
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    I hope Diablo 4 has some sort of Knight class that wears shiny heavy armour

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Would be good

    submitted by /u/Coomercide
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    What Conversion Should Have Been. My personal mod (work in progress), doing first playthrough.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Random question time. What the heck is she saying??

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    One of the characters in Diablo is constantly saying something like "Feel the wrath of P-Togg!!". It drives me nuts not knowing what is actually being said for some reason and I can't find an answer anywhere on the vast internet. But then it's hard to search accurately when you don't know entirely what you're looking for. Anyone know???

    submitted by /u/MsAnthr0pe
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    D2R Ladder Runewords in SP

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    My question is, will there be like a notepad.txt or something you can edit to allow ladder runewords in SP? I have heard this rumor going around and I genuinely hope it will be that easy because I much prefer SP for many many reasons, but a big downside to SP is not having all of the really good runewords because most are ladder only. I would totally play PlugY on D2R but I highly doubt that will come to the game any time soon.

    submitted by /u/inthevoiiid
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    D2RModding filter for gems, potions and scrolls

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Thanks to u/wariscrafty for color codes, i have created little mod for renaming gems, potions and scrolls. Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 meens rarity from cheapest (1) to rarest (5).


    To install use D2RModding and unpack files to right directory. Font is custom, because original exocetblizzardot-medium not supported symbols ⁴ and ⁵


    submitted by /u/proff13
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    Can we stop with the “purist won’t like this” in posts? It’s pretty redundant... whatever you will post they will dislike it, no point mentioning it, it’s a given

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Can we stop with the "purist won't like this" in posts? It's pretty redundant... whatever you will post they will dislike it, no point mentioning it, it's a given

    submitted by /u/The_Creatorist
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    D2R VPN Ban?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    So I went to log into b.net for LOD, and I forgot my VPN was on. For those that don't know there is a blanket ban on VPN use on d2 b.net. So now I'm automatically temp banned.

    Has there been any word on if VPNs will be allowed on resurrected?

    submitted by /u/Viewtastic
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    D3: Magic Weapon "Force Weapon" Vs Storm Armour "Shocking Aspect"

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    One provided a flat %Damage increase, the other %Bursts on crits.

    Apples and oranges, I know, but which one would you pick? And why?

    submitted by /u/Woodnest
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    Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - April 29, 2021

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's installment of Thursday Help Desk.

    This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

    Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

    If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

    Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

    If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Purists wont like what im about to say but logic is on my side... For D2R Tyrael Might and Silk of the Victors armor models should be swapped

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Silk of the victors

    Tyrael Might

    D2r's Tyrael Might

    Tyrael's actual armour

    at the very least not make Tyrael Might Blue...you even see that in D2r the devs reallized it doesnt make sense it isnt gold, they went halfway through tho haha

    We dont know what Silk of the Victors look like in D2R already but pretty certain it looks more like Tyrael's armor than Tyrael Might

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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    D2R suggestion: What do you guys think about being able to set /players X difficulty in battlenet?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    1) Only game host can set or change players difficulty.

    2) Only works for private games.

    3) /players x can't be set lower than number of players in game.

    Pros: Makes pvm more challenging especially for endgame content.

    submitted by /u/Pedset
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    Should "Ultimate" skills with long cooldowns be in Diablo 4?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    I don't think VV should change Runewords, but if they did...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    So I've noticed a lot of this going around on Reddit and other forums about nerfing Runewords like Enigma, Grief and I know Blizzard sent out a survey that included a question about interest in buffing underused Runewords as well. I've probably put about 30-50k hours in this game since it released so here are my thoughts if they did change them. Although I hope they don't because it's a delicate balance that Diablo 2 got right and small changes could cause big unintended consequences if not properly though out.

    • Enigma

    +1 all skills instead of +2. I think 0Skill Teleport balances out other characters compared to the Sorceress significantly but there is no reason it needs to have +2 all skills.

    • Grief

    200-300 damage instead of 350-400 and regardless I want them to fix it to show flat damage accurately in the character screen. I think if they did that and kept it the same people would be blown away by how much damage it actually does.

    • Spirit

    Make Runes higher, Cham Sur Gul or something. Picking less used higher runes and using 3 because everybody wearing Monarchs is boring and yes that will make lower strength builds have some more life. Nice 3 socket shields are harder to get IMO because you can't just take a white one to Larzuk and socket it. I know you can buy a 3 socket Kite Shield from A2 but most people would want a nicer base if they're spending Cham Sur Gul. I don't think we should nerf the FHR even though its 55 because double Spirits is the only decent way to hit 200 fcr/142 fhr on a Sorceress and that's a fun build that has trade-offs. I don't think people would mind changing runes because nobody cares about Tal Thul Ort Amn like they would about changing Enigma runes to be higher. It's insane how powerful Spirit is for Runes you can find in normal difficulty easily.

    • Brand and Ice

    Should have 60 ias. They still won't even come close to touching Faith, but at least you could hit 8fpa with 87 additional IAS using a Grand Matron Bow which is feasible. 7fpa would be impossible.

    • Brand

    I've always liked the idea of this bow, but the biggest attraction, 35% ctc Amp when struck, goes against a Bow users main strategy, not getting hit. I would just change it to 15% ctc Amp on striking.

    • Famine

    Should have +1 Vengeance 0Skill on it.

    • Wrath

    Man this just needs a total re-work there are a lot of options for this because of just how bad it is currently. I would remove chance to cast Decrepify and % damage to demon/undead. I would add 300-350% damage, 8% chance to cast Amp, Level 5 Sanctuary aura when equipped. Level 5 Sanct is 270% dmg to undead and PVM characters use Laying of Hands for additional 350% dmg to demons so this balances IMO and tries to stick to the original intent of the Runeword. Making it too powerful and keeping Decrep would cause a lot of BM in PVP. I think this would make for a fun PVM option.

    • Wind

    This is another completely worthless weapon especially for costing a Sur. It seems more like a NM level weapon when looking at the mods so I would make it Hel + El, making it level 33 required and losing Hit Blinds Target from Sur.

    • Venom

    Remove 25% Monster flee, add 200% ed, chance to cast level 5 venom on striking.

    • Gloom

    I would give it level 5 Blessed Aim when equipped.

    • Lawbringer

    I would give it 150-200% damage, it has none.

    • Harmony

    Give it some base IAS, 20-30 maybe.

    • Kingslayer

    Increase 230-270% damage to 300-350%.

    • Lionheart

    Change 20% damage to 50% damage. Add 100% Defense

    Extra: * Tyraels

    Add +1 to All skills

    Change 50-100% damage to demons to 50-100% damage.

    Change 20% Faster Run/Walk to 40% Faster Run/Walk since the 20% is actually 10% due to the fact that there is a 10% frw penalty for wearing a heavy armor.

    This is the rarest unique in the game and it pretty much sucks.

    submitted by /u/DildoFingers
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    To Twink with a weapon or not :S

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    Man, so I woke up this morning and realized I'm now level 42. My friend gave me a bartuc's cut-throat back in act 2 normal a week or so ago, and I haven't used it yet.

    Well I just made it to nightmare (hc Bnet) and have beaten the countess. Totally pure. I just decided to look at the weapon and it tripled or even quadrupled my damage.

    I'm agonizing over this lol. Claw assassin is definitely difficult, and I did a quick run through cold plains and oneshot basically everything. Didn't pick any loot up.

    Should I use it? Or keep going pure mode? It's a lot of fun, and I am enjoying the hardcore grind for good items.

    Thanks for suggestions :) there is no right answer here.

    submitted by /u/Siigari
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    Diablo Immortal 8v8 PVP gameplay

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:10 AM PDT

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