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    Friday, April 30, 2021

    Diablo Multishot Unhallowed Essence | Leaderboard Pushing Build Guide

    Diablo Multishot Unhallowed Essence | Leaderboard Pushing Build Guide

    Multishot Unhallowed Essence | Leaderboard Pushing Build Guide

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Just need people to play with

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Hey im on rn and just wanted to know if anyone wanted to play im on ps3 and dont use reaper of souls. So i hope to see people soon my name is Elitevandal19

    submitted by /u/Elitevandal19 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Best way to upgrade current build via bloodshards?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:51 AM PDT


    I'm currently grinding out Paragons as I try to push a GR100 Solo (Currently cleared GR97 as a personal best). I've noticed that my build is a bit stagnant in terms of upgrading my equipment.

    What's the best strategy for spending bloodshards/upgrading rares to improve this build, and what items should I focus on?


    submitted by /u/binarysmurf to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Bow for Scoundrel

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Bow for Scoundrel

    I rolled this bow.

    Should I use it instead of Cluckeye from this GR Pushing Scoundrel (CC Version) guide?


    I added the gem yet couldnt find any guidance on best gem for it...

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/layne-staley123 to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Third Ring attribute - convention of the elements

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:48 AM PDT


    I got a solid convention of the elements, but I don't know what last attribute to roll. (extra DMG, INT or CDR)


    Some recommendations would be helpful.



    submitted by /u/Zipfelbob_OZ to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Firebirds nerf question

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Firebirds nerf question

    With the nerf to mirror image survivability I see that enforcer is basically mandatory in solo mid-high Grifts but I haven't grouped since the nerf. Are people now using enforcer in like group speeds 120+??

    submitted by /u/Freaver to r/Diablo3Wizards
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