• Breaking News

    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Diablo This is not what I wanted...lol

    Diablo This is not what I wanted...lol

    This is not what I wanted...lol

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Question About Self Sacrifice Rune

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm playing HC necro and am doing a patchwork LoD build. I'm using simulacrum at the moment and I wanted to ask if anyone knows if self sacrifice triggers before final service. I am nervous to test this myself since I am paranoid of some horrific accident/bad interaction.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/SuicidalPolarBear to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Game News - As of 26.06.20

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    New Stone of Jordan and Tal Rasha

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Has anyone got one of the new SOJs and tried it with the Tal Rasha Meteor build?

    How did you like it?

    submitted by /u/Adventux to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Wrath of the Beserker

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Been playing around with a few builds on d3planner. Have never played as a Barb but am going to in Season 21.

    Quick question on Wrath of the Beserker. Seems like it's pretty key to most builds. With a Whilrend barb, how do you maintain 100% or near 100% uptime?

    Does the combination of CDR on gear/paragon, Diamond in helm, Capt. Crimsons set and an Obsidian ring do enough? I assume you get lots of Obsidian procs when Whirlwinding thru large packs

    Thanks in advance for the advice

    submitted by /u/CD_NZ to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Season 21 | T16 Gears of Dreadlands | Hungering Arrow Build Guide | 2.6.9 PTR

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    Why not Razeth's Volition?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Mobile so bear with formatting please

    I'm building a set for my long abandoned Necromancer using an icy veins guide page (see here) to fill the downtime before S21.

    I've currently put Tasker and Theo on the armour cube but I'm looking at Razeth's Volition and seeing no reason it isn't better for the build.

    Note that I'm pretty casual with the game so I'm sure there's a reason why Tasker and Theo are better, but it caught my interest so I figured I'd ask about it.

    Thanks in advance all!

    submitted by /u/Basement_Alt to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Game News - As of 26.06.20

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Weekly Consolidated Gear Advice Thread

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    To reduce clutter on this subreddit, please post your gear check questions in this thread only.

    Please note that independent gear check threads will be deleted with a note to copy/paste that gear check here.

    In order for others to provide useful feedback on your gearcheck, you MUST include the following information:

    • Your desired build

    • A link to your battle.net profile

    • A description or screenshot of how your paragon points are spent

    • A description of your what you want to accomplish with the gearcheck - e.g. your goals and/or problems - a grift difficulty level, ubers, a specific build or playstyle, etc.

    • An in-game screenshot of your stats with the details tab open is recommended, but not required - if we can see your dps, toughness, all resist, armor, hp, cc, cd, etc. as you see it in-game, it's easier for us to help you.

      If you use printscreen and paste, it will show your desktop. But if you use printscreen and go into your Documents/Diablo III/Screenshots folder, you will find the in-game screenshot.

    ANY post that does not include this information may not receive a response.

    In addition, if you haven't done so already, take a look at the guides in our sidebar. Many of your questions will have been answered there.

    Thank you, and may your sentries clear a path to victory!

    Please note: The consolidated gear check posts are created every week (Tuesday) at approximately 2 PM GMT (7 AM Eastern)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Best weapon combo for justice build?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    I see a lot of guides reccomending pig sticker for a rempestntush justice build. Couldn't won khin Lau be better? Not only is nit more damage than pig sticker it lets me change my kanai cube power to balance giving me another 600% tempest rush damage.

    submitted by /u/AffectionatePart5 to r/Diablo3Monks
    [link] [comments]

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