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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Diablo Andariel Tattoo

    Diablo Andariel Tattoo

    Andariel Tattoo

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Examples of Flavor/Design in Items that D3/D4 items lack.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Edit: this isn't a D2 good D3 bad thread, its about combining the best aspects of both game's items in D4 instead of just doing D3 items again in D4.

    There's been a couple threads about how D3/D4 uniques are only unique due to one single stat and everything else being randomized. In my opinion this has removed any of the cool flavor that ARPG items used to have for their uniques and has greatly reduced the design space for what an item can be.

    When every legendary is just 5 rando stats and 1 affix, it stops blizzard from creating cool flavorful items and really makes all legends feel way too similar in my mind. I'm going to use some examples of uniques from D2 and Path of Exile while I go through some points.

    Gona start with a fairly simple one but I still love the design more than any D3 item.


    Nearly all of the stats are there to try and match what a "lightsaber" would be in the Diablo universe. There's a lot of magic and lightning damage added, the chance to proc chain lightning for some flashyness, ignoring defenses (whats gona block/miss from a lightsaber?), the + light radius due to the lightsaber glowing, the lightning absorb (sabers block/absorb force lightning in star wars). It all adds up to create this flavorful cool fucking item even if it doesn't have that gameplay changing legendary affix.

    In my mind D4 should expand on this type of item by adding a legendary affix in addition to all the other stats that define it instead of just being the affix and 5 random stats like in D3. It should be a unique crafted item where you look at all the stats and think damn, alright that's badass, i like how they came up with stats to match what this item is. There's items in D2 with like 10 stats+, especially the runewords. Sure they're not all amazing for you but it gives that item a cool unique identity that's sorely missing nowadays.

    A few more examples




    These items have a cohesive theme and flavor through all their stats whereas the D3 version would be dagger with 5 random stats and a slow legendary affix or armor with 5 random stats and paladin buff affix. Just boring and uninspired. We should be EXPANDING on these items in D4 adding a legendary defining affix like in D3, not gutting the flavor to be a generic randomized rare + legendary affix.

    The simplified way D2 sorta worked and Path works for gearing is that you find these hand crafted unique items that benefit or make your build and take into account what they all bring to the table. In most cases, these unique are lacking some raw stats that you need whether thats crit chance or more health or more resists, so then you balance your gear between these uniques that have different unique stats and powers with a few rares to get the stats youre missing. Since all D3/D4 uniques are just rares + an affix and always have all the raw stats that's never a consideration and we're left with the far more boring unique items flavor wise as a result. (this starts to get into the defense/attack stuff but i feel like im getting off topic there). The items just aren't fun/cool to find anymore which is a huge deal in this genre with the loot hunt.

    Example of one of my favorite items in any arpg


    The Bringer of Rain, turns you into a gladiator badass like the name referring to Spartacus. Has great stats and a sixlink in a helm and allows you to block when duel wielding but you have to give up a chest piece. It even adds extra gore to the game. The flavor and design of the item are fucking awesome and an item like this just can't exist in D4 how it currently works. (also includes the idea of something very powerful with a drawback you have to play/gear around that I think is interesting to have in certain items)

    Free legendaries from the rigid and uninspired design space of 5 rando stats and an affix and start creating some truly unique items that are fun to identify and find/use.

    EDIT: Another example from path


    This bow isn't a top tier one but i made a new character/build around this bow just because i thought the item was badass. It had the risk/reward of giving alot of benefits for stacking frenzy charges in your build but also the negative of taking more damage per charge that you need to find a way to mitigate through resists, max resist modifiers, and life regen. I just think blizzard should open up their design space for legendaries for items such as this which couldn't be done very well with 1 affix defining it. It feels like theyre restricting themselves so much and the loot is suffering because of it.

    submitted by /u/whoa_whoawhoa
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    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I really enjoyed the latest quaterly update for Diablo IV. I appreciate the transparency and insight into their methodology and what they are currently playing around with during development.

    Now, something that has me very worried is the emphasis they are putting on Multiplayer. I understand that they are currently early in the stages of experimenting and seeing what feels good for world events and interactions within social hubs and that nothing is final. I do really appreciate the team's willingness to wanting to try new things and expand on certain concepts for the Diablo world. This being said, I am personally NOT interested in anything when it comes to multiplayer games and even more so in a Diablo game. I want to face to darkness of the world on my own, role play with my own character, and try to rely on no one else by myself to try my best to defeat the minions of hell and survive. I am not interested in participating in world events with x amount of other players appearing on my screen as we get together to defeat this huge demon. I feel like that completely pulls me out of the game I am currently playing even if it is just for a few minutes and would add that it personally undermines the darkness and threat of the world.

    I personally have no interest in any kind of forced multiplayer activities. I just want to be able to play completely solo. I want to play the game at my pace and enjoy trying to better my character on my own. I very much enjoy the Solo Self Found category of Path of Exile as an example.

    I completely respect that the team is trying very hard to innovate and try new things, but I don't see these types of activities being part of the core identity of a ARPG like Diablo. If I wanted to fight world bosses, I would log onto World of Warcraft and group up with players and play a social game as such that was designed from the get go. I personally have a hard time seeing these concepts as being something that defines a Diablo game. I actively choose to play Diablo because it is a great single player experince.

    Now this doesn't mean I think the team shouldn't make these types of activities or design some of these concepts if they truly feel inspired to do so. This is their game and I know they are trying their very best to craft the best Diablo game they can. I am just asking to please respect the desire of wanting to play the game completely solo and to please include a mode where this is possible. Diablo I, II and III all had this functionality and I honestly believe it would hurt the identity of Diablo to remove such a thing.

    Thank you for being transparent, communicative and open to feedback.

    submitted by /u/WoodSim
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    Tyrael Tattoo

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    A childhood dream is finally here! I'm so excited that i wanted to share.

    A few weeks ago i had Tyrael done on my lower arm, as part of my black/dotwork sleeve. Made by @vincentpenning

    submitted by /u/bookx
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    Generic affixes on legendaries should not be randomized

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Among all the discussions concerning items in Diablo IV, I haven't seen this part brought up much but I figured it'd be worth mentioning

    Uniques in Diablo II were primarily based around the idea of having unique combinations of affixes which otherwise would not be possible on magic and rares, but the items themselves had very little variance. There were a couple affixes that had a possible roll range which could affect how good of a version of said unique item it was, but they always had the same actual affixes. You wouldn't normally expect a unique to differ more than maybe +/- 10-15% in power depending on its rolls

    On the other hand in Diablo III, legendary items were defined by having one completely unique special ability that changes the way you play the game somehow. Discounting the power creep issue of it all, the basic design philosophy behind this is definitely more interesting, and so it is unsurprising that they are proceeding with this idea for Diablo IV (but hopefully improve on it)

    However, what seems to get overlooked a bit is the other side of things, namely the legendary's other affixes. In D3, most of a legendary item's primary affixes were usually still just as randomized as any other magic or rare item, and so the amount of variance between two legendaries of the same type could be massive. The difference between finding a legendary which rolls all the primary stats you want and one which doesn't is so big that anything other than the former automatically becomes trash due to the relative power difference between them. If an item doesn't have the right main stat, if there's no crit on it, no socket on it etc then you just don't use it. It could be a 500% relative power difference or something. As a result, only a small percentage of the drops of any specific legendary actually ends up becoming useful, which in turn leads to legendaries no longer becoming exciting to find since you know that it's almost guaranteed to be garbage even if it's technically a good legendary item, and the devs will likely feel encouraged to boost legendary drop rates to make up for the fact that only a small subset of them will actually be good, which will only make it even less exciting when they drop

    As far as I can see, Diablo IV seems to so far be taking pretty much the same approach, and therefore will likely end up with a similar problem. So what I would suggest is to simply combine D2's and D3's design ideas. Make legendaries still have these cool and game-changing abilities, but keep their other affixes locked anyway just like in D2 in order to greatly decrease the amount of variance between different drops of the same item. Maybe even make it have wonky unique affix combinations that you otherwise wouldn't get, just like in D2, although that by itself is not essential. By doing so they will remain very unique and interesting items, but you won't end up with the vast majority of the drops of that item effectively being useless due to the potential relative power differential. This would also justify drop rates for legendaries being kept significantly lower as they would be much more consistent in power and in turn hopefully make finding them actually feel exciting again as well since it would be a more rare occurence and you'll also know the item will at least be decent

    submitted by /u/FemmEllie
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    Simple suggestion for inventory small icons...

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Posted on imgur, as my original post was denied...


    submitted by /u/Askon
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    Defensive Depth and Flavor

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    First off, this is not a direct response to the quarterly update. I understand their itemization is still a work in progress and I very much look forward to the itemization focused update. However, I do want to simply make a post with some ideas that I would love to see in game, and maybe help trigger some ideas.

    I feel like the direction of itemization so far has been very offensively minded. I just wanted to bring some attention to the defense aspect of things. In the same way I want to build my character and choose how I deal damage, I also want to choose how I can survive in the dangerous demon filled world. I would love some flavor around defensive base items. I want to feel scared when surrounded and also feel as though my choices mean something tangible. In a game like Diablo, I believe we need defense to have RPG elements. A major downfall to D3's defense system was that all systems felt the same. Everything simply translated to some form of effective hp increase (EHP), in the form of Life, Armor, Resists, which in my eyes ended up being a little boring.

    Not putting on nostalgia goggles, but I did like the concept of hit recovery in D2, but hated D2's system of defense. I am referring to defense translating into essentially what we know as evasion. Higher defense = more chance to evade which means less damage taken and instances of being put into hit recovery. Hit recovery would make taking damage very scary as it locked you in place. It was a secondary defensive system that you needed to deal with.

    My suggestion which would add some "flavor" and depth to the defensive system in the game is to bring back hit recovery and also the variety of different defensive schemes. I think at the core, the system of life, resistances, evasion, and armor (an hp buffer) is tried and true. Its a defensive combination that feels extensive but not convoluted. Path of Exile uses this system and I love how players have to make a choice on which defensive scheme to focus on. Where I think the system can be improved is by merging in D2's hit recovery and introducing cons to the schemes.

    Life & resistances increases EHP in the most standard way, yet multifaceted. Hit recovery could be a function of the % size of the damage chunk that you take. Taking damage of 1% of your hp would hardly put you in hit recovery, but a 50% chunk could lock you for longer. Thus more life, can slowly help reduce hit recovery.

    Evasion would cause you to take no damage, the damage misses and therefore there is no hit recovery. This could technically be the most efficient EHP increase, but it comes with risks as each hit that goes through evasion is much more devastating since you couldn't invest as much into other forms of defense.

    Armor could have a predefined hit recovery. Armor lets you shrug off hits, maybe capping hit recovery times at the rate of a 5% hp hit. This has the strongest hit recovery protection and thus usually comes with the smallest EHP increase on similar iLvl items.

    Lets add in secondary defensive stats that maybe the difficulty heavily encourages stacking. It could maybe even be flavored around stats, and you really start to get thematic meaningful defensive decisions. Maybe life regen is common on ancestral pieces, life steal is common on demonic, and increased healing is common on angelic.

    My ultimate goal is that I don't want to go through the game only thinking, does this piece of armor help my dps? I want to put meaningful thought into how to survive, and don't want defense to just be an afterthought. I'm not a game developer, and maybe it doesn't matter because offense is the best defense, but I sincerely hope that defensive flavor and depth improves.

    submitted by /u/Noodlese
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    Please keep audio journals and diaries in D4!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    These can describe a past event or situation that took place in the area, as recounted from the author's perspective.

    I loved listening to them while playing, it was like listening to a cozy podcast about the beast or environment you are in without interrupting play.

    In the June quarterly update there was no mention or journals of diaries in the "Storytelling" section, please could any developers expand on this, will they be coming to Diablo 4? At the moment it looks like lore will be delivered in chunks, of cutscenes and zoomed-in conversations. I'd love to see an approach where lore is delivered in a variety of ways. I loved the section about telling story's with the environment.

    submitted by /u/Dualyeti
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    Items and runewords in D4

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    The quarterly updates are very nice and I'm hopeful seeing that Blizzard communicates with us. I see that the itemization will be a bigger topic in the next update and the examples are not final versions, but there are some things that I would like to suggest based on the presented items and also the current runeword system.

    First about the items :

    The attack/defense numbers look too big. Blue staff with 854 damage seems too much. The two-handed legendary mace shown has 2,603 damage. Maybe the items presented are high level drops, but I still think it's a good idea to stay in the range of hundreds and not enter the thousands territory. Coupled with %damage and %critical damage/chance increases from other items the numbers can get out of hand.

    The rare/magic items have too few different stats on them. Rare items with 3 different stats seem kinda boring. For comparison the rare items in D2 had a bigger amount of cool little stats that weren't necessarily gameplay defining, but made the items more interesting. Also please don't make the rare/magic items unusable at a higher level. The only good thing about D3 rare/magic items is that you can press 1 button to salvage them all. That can be avoided by using the D2 system of rare/magic items having chance for higher rolls.

    The items need more flavor. Inspired by this dude's post - https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/hg90ci/examples_of_flavordesign_in_items_that_d3d4_items/ Random stats on end game items are not very cool. Making them more unique and handcrafted is.

    There should be equal emphasis on offensive and defensive stats. Inspired by this dude's post - https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/hgazed/defensive_depth_and_flavor/ The items presented in the update are centered around damage/cooldowns/modifiers. There should be a balance between offensive stats and defensive ones like resists, life, life regen, armor, evasion and so on.

    Now about runewords :

    The runewords weren't covered in this update, but I think they are equally important as the items. The new runes look fresh and they undoubtedly bring more variety and depth to builds. There are two things that concern me about the current system though.

    Items with maximum of 2 slots look kinda boring. There should be 4 slots on chest pieces for 2 causes and 2 effect runes. There are different ways that can be implemented depending on what works best in the dev's opinion. Each cause rune can activate only the effect rune below it for easier balancing. Each cause rune can activate both effect runes, but with activation cooldowns and finally, the most wild option, both cause runes can activate both effect runes.

    The new runes are cool, but they are not really runewords. The runewords from D2 were one of my favorite, if not favorite thing in the game. The feeling of getting the last rune needed felt so satisfying. Not only that but it felt like you made the item. It didn't just drop for you to pick it up, but you put each rune in a special order to transform a useless grey garbage into a beautiful unique item. If it's the balance that concerns the devs, then runewords can be something like the new mythic type items. A character can equip only one mythic and one runeword item and there you go. Balance is easier.

    submitted by /u/Sireneee
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    Sane numbers return in the latest D4 update!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    The quarterly update showed off 6 different legendary items, and the power gains off them were completely reasonable. The gains look strong in context, but the number scales so far seem as if we're not going to massive single skill stacking multipliers to deal with.

    Also, there was a weapon displayed with a drawback! This preview has me very excited for a return to reasonable numbers and multi skill builds.

    submitted by /u/pointlessone
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    Character names

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Coming from WoW to Diablo III, I really appreciated that I didn't have to search for an unused character name. If I want to be unoriginal and name my character Atalanta, I can just do that, I don't have to worry about whether it's a name anyone else has picked.

    I hope character naming will be like that in Diablo IV too. It's so nice being able to just name my character what I want to name them.

    submitted by /u/minosandmedusa
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    D4 itemization suggestion Mockup - Affixes, Stats, the addition of slots and etc. What are your thoughts?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Had some fun with the D4 UI.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    Question about Kadala and bloodshards.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I was playing a whirlwhind barb in s20 (my first season back in years), and I seem to remember someone telling me when using bloodshards for set pieces it was best to buy only pants and convert them. Is this the best way to go after them with shards, or should I buy the specific slot I am looking for?

    submitted by /u/baracuda2004
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    Frozen Orb MF Sorceress additional Skill points allocation

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hey r/Diablo

    I would like to get some answers regarding optimizing my Frozen Orb sorc. I've tried to look up some guides, but 90% of them are Frozen Orb/Fireball hybrids, and I really don't like hybrid builds. The other few are talking about ES but I'm not really sure that I understand the mechanics of Energy Shield at all. So anyway, since FO is pretty easy to max I left with many unallocated skill points.

    Right now I have maxed FO, Ice Bolts, Cold Mastery and I also maxed Wramth. The reason behind Wramth is that I also put 1 point in Energy Shield and I really wish to maximize my mana regeneration so that it effectively working as HP regen. But I dont really know how to treat ES in itself. Should I put more points into that? Or 1 hard point is enough and since I'm not an ES focused sorceress, I should put the rest on telekinesis to get better conversion on ES?

    I'm playing hardcore exclusively so surviving is the top priority, not killing speed. Right now after CtA buff I have 1800+ hp and 800+ mana with around 80FCR. Basically I'm clueless after maxing out FO and putting 1 point of the mandatory skills like Static and Teleport etc. Any help is welcome.

    submitted by /u/MajinDLX
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    Any Diablo 2 East Ladder Softcore Baal Run Channels?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    BNS is down for potentially 2 weeks and I'm in hell and can't see nightmare baal runs. And any channels i find in forums through google search are empty and deserted.

    submitted by /u/LittleTovo
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    Is this a new class?? in the right corner, the fallen have him surrounded

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Is it normal for D2 to be this choppy? I've been trying everything to resolve it and make the gameplay more smooth, and i've failed. When i watch streams and others play, they seem to have a much smoother experience than me. Any tips would be appreciated.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Tips on solo 1-70 lvl-ing with available Paragon.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    So there are dozens of guides on how to level a character from scratch to 70 and finally start playing the real game.

    But what is the best approach when you already have a somewhat strong character in your account, when you have Paragon points available, when you have access to large amount of blood shards and all this.

    I assume there are tricks to do it blazingly fast. But what would be the best approach?

    submitted by /u/tisek
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    In Nintendo Switch version the Demon Hunter turns around by himself when shooting. He shoots in other direction

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Has anyone noticed this bug? Normally he should choose the target himself, but instead he just turns around 180 degrees and shoots in to the air. I haven't sound a fix for this so I have to ask here.

    submitted by /u/keem85
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