• Breaking News

    Monday, August 2, 2021

    Diablo Statement by former CM Nevalistis/Brandy/Dayntee

    Diablo Statement by former CM Nevalistis/Brandy/Dayntee

    Statement by former CM Nevalistis/Brandy/Dayntee

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Nevalistis worked at Blizzard first in CS for years before a layoff in 2012. Then again in Community as a Diablo Associate Community Manager. Read her blog about Blizzard here:


    submitted by /u/nobbie01
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    D2R: NOT Delayed, Beta is still in August

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    Suggestion to let us choose at Kadala what classes' loot (filter) we want to gamble our Bloodshards on

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Let us choose what class we want to gamble for at Kadala instead of having to log onto another character every time our Bloodshards are full when gearing an alt.

    That way we can farm sets/specific class legendaries for other classes while still playing our main.

    It could actually also be sort of a check list that allows to gamble for multiple classes at once.

    This would also really help to gear up classes like Crusader and WD that are currently not in any Speed XP farm meta (where most bloodshards are made).


    submitted by /u/Tholoth420
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    Any news about D2R pre-order early access beta start date?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    Should start soonish as it is august?

    submitted by /u/LonkkiZ
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    Help please

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    So I was told that the new Ethereal Weapons stopped dropping after Gr 70 is that true? Because I can do a Gr 70, I did a 68 is like a minute and a half and I would like to go further so I can get higher up on the leaderbord. So Is that true that they stop dropping?

    submitted by /u/Daemon_Alexander1403
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    I got bored around three in the morning and decided to draw Baal. What do y’all think?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Tribal Chieftain or Tribarian anyone?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Using a controller for D2:R

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm sorry I'm not sure if anyone has been able to play an early release version of D2:R here yet but I was wondering how it'd control with a gamepad. I plan on buying this for the PS4, but since it's better graphics laid on top of the old game engine do you have to move a cursor around using the stick still or would it work more like how the controls in D3 are?

    Sorry for the n00b questions, I'm a longtime D2 fan from way back and can't wait for this one!

    submitted by /u/Del_Duio2
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    Only Primal found so far. At least it’s part of the LoD WoL build ��‍♂️

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    So given that the best builds in the game are almost all pet builds now, will Blizz finally Buff phalanx?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Edit; 3 of the classes use pets in their best build. Clarifying that for all the "2/10 isn't all the builds". It's been ages. I've put out mini novels about all of the problems with the skill, it's supporting items, etc.
    It seems now that blizzard is embracing pet builds, maybe they'll finally buff phalanx? Am I dreaming?

    submitted by /u/Magz17
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    D2R Mods/What Would You Like to See?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Just as the title says. I honeslty want to play an Eradication mode, where clearing an area, clears the area. No enemy respawns, hardcore only, and more generous rewards from quests.

    submitted by /u/Unfair_Cap8693
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    Druid Pelts

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    Back to playing D3

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    As the title states i just got back to playing D3 again, but im in the Asia server which honestly feels dead atm.

    If anyone is in the same server and want to play casually and just chill out let me know! Would be glad to make some friends along the way and throughout the season. Can't wait to get back on the grind again lets go!!!

    submitted by /u/Jmszs
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - August 02, 2021

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    **Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Refunds and blizzard controversy as a victim of sexual abuse

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    This is just something i want to get off my head. I wanted to refund my copy of D2 resurrected, but I don't want my money to stay at my blizzard account, I don't any of my money going in benefit of blizzard, sadly the payment method I used won't allow a direct refund to my bank account.

    Somehow, I feel dirty, knowing that my money will be used by a company like Blizzard, I can't get out of my head that the responsible of all this toxic work culture will benefit, if maybe marginally, with my money. Somehow it sickens me, makes me feel bad about myself, angry... but above all, dirty. It's hard to explain, but it's a sensation that is hard to shake off whenever I somehow remember about this issue.

    submitted by /u/sergioes
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    Should I buy Diablo III or Diablo II:R?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I know the question has already been asked since I already checked a similar post on Reddit, but I still need your input to make the right choice.

    I'm looking for my first hack n'slash and I'd like something I can pick up for 30 min or play for a longer period of time. I don't mind grinding, actually I even enjoy it, especially in multiplayer. I'd like a good multiplayer support and a loot driven gameplay.

    I've never played any game of the genre not any game of the franchise so both of them would be totally new to me. Aesthetically, I have to admit that I enjoy D3 vibrant colors a bit more but the remaster looks very good as well.

    According to my expectations, could you advise me with which of DIII or D2:R would best suit my expectations?

    Also I'm wondering whether I should buy it on the Switch or pc…

    Thanks a lot for your help! :)

    submitted by /u/AC-fan
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    [D2:R] Some of you guys are going to be ultra hardcore scammed in trades. Diablo 2 changed a lot after patch 1.13 (2010). Some quick explanation and a story that broke my heart today

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    With patch 1.13:

    • rune drop rates were drastically increased
    • respec was introduced so people didn't have to rely on boosts because they could dump points into skills that were good for leveling and respec later into viable hell builds. This is imo the best change ever, players in public games started to actually walk to Baal in lower difficulties
    • duping was targetted hard
    • random, but the firestorm proc on Torches was nerfed from 25% to 5% so your Javazon doesn't crash servers anymore in baalruns.
    • some other balance changes and fixes I can't remember
    • bots were still rampart, but that didn't affect rune values relatively to each other as much as duping

    EU BattleNet PRIOR to 1.13 (pre summer 2010)

    On EU bnet PRIOR to 1.13 every high rune was basically traded for the same price because no one gave a shit since they're mostly duped. The most common price was 1 HR = 4 Ists. After 1.13 you started seeing prices like Ber vs 24 Ists. I have never found a single HR in the years before 1.13, but 2 weeks into the first ladder (lvl 97 rank 20 sorc on EU) I found 2 Bers, saw Ohm and Jah drop. Whichever way prices developed afterwards in each regions, the important information here is that prices never went back to degenerate pre 1.13 era and I'm afraid most people here are used to these prices.


    Nowadays most D2 communites have some kind of HR value system. For example in Project Diablo 2, Vex is CURRENTLY 0.5 HR, Ohm 0.75, Lo 1.25. Cham is currently 0.5. These values are semi-arbitrary and vary throughout the ladder. Bers are always insanely high in the early weeks because most build-viable-making-runewords need at least a Ber, primarily Infinity.

    This leaves a lot of room for people getting scammed. With money, you know $100 is worth 2 x $50 bills because the number is on the bill. With runes, 1) the number is not on the bill and 2) the value in other bills changes over weeks. D2 communties on private servers are mostly tight knit so this rarely happens, most people know these prices because they are active in the forums.

    The story that broke my heart 30 minutes ago

    I was browsing trades and there was a game named "O Lo N Ist Mal". Game was instantly full, some guy was 2 secs faster than me and got the trade. The Amazon that traded their Lo was very obviously new. I talked to them and they said the last time they played was over 10 years ago. Some boomer shit trying to sound "OG" but it was obvious that they were dogshit back then as well - basically this entire subreddit over the last months. I befriended them, did some runs together and tried to carefully explain trading and prices in D2.

    And it kept bleeding...

    After they asked me if I had an Ohm I asked why they didn't just trade their Lo for Ohm Ist Mal (which is still cheap). At this point I gave up, after 30 minutes of carefully talking about and explaining trades I had to tell them that they have been scammed out of their mind and that the other person made almost 1000% profit. They basically gave away more than an Ohm just then and are now desperately looking for Ohm. I felt so bad for this person, I tried to help them a lot because obviously they cared.

    My heart kept bleeding when I did CS runs with them and they kept picking up trash uniques and wowowowowing over them. My friend, you just gave away an Ohm which you are now desperately looking for and you got excited over Ravenclaw.

    Eventually I asked what they needed Ohm for. For Call to Arms. They still had shitty gear and random yellow Javelins. I felt so awful for this person.

    If you don't want to get scammed

    Always have some discord trading server or whatever establishes itself as the go to trading forum in D2:R, so you can quickly CTRL + F and see what your item is traded for. I'm not going to advertise for a certain JavaScript Page for D2

    submitted by /u/GosuPleb
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    Conquest help playstation.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys I need a bit of help getting my last conquest. I was hoping to find some people who wanted to run the boss one or maybe the cursed shrine.

    Anyone interested??

    submitted by /u/DeenoTripp
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    the canon sex and names of the player classes in diablo 3

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Johanna (female Crusader)

    Kharazim (male Monk)

    Li-Ming (female Wizard)

    Nazeebo (male Witch Doctor)

    Sonya (female Barbarian)

    "The Chosen" (female Necromancer)

    Valla (female Demon Hunter)

    this info comes to us from this link: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/The_Nephalem

    submitted by /u/lunaria_inaran
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    A suggestion to make ethereals a permanent feature.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    Ethereals are awesome. They've reinvigorated the item hunt. It'd be a waste to have them come back only during certain seasons or worse, not at all.

    BUT they do feel a bit easy to get right now, and simply reducing the drop chance isn't an interesting enough solution. I want to propose a solution that helps with another problem that's bothered me for a while, whilst also preventing ethereal drops from influencing early season play too much.

    You know how it's almost always a bummer when a primal ancient item drops because you simply can't use it? It's always a primal ancient Tyrael's Might or some such.

    So in future seasons, a solution that kills two birds with one stone with one new cube recipe: Any primal ancient item + x number of all bounty mats = ethereal for your class. Ethereals no longer drop.

    This way, you won't be permanently tainting the early season experience by having ethereals in the drop pool, you'll need to at least get far enough to unlock ancient item drops and you will always have a use for primal ancient items by cubing them for an ethereal.

    submitted by /u/galkatokk
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