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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Diablo How important is flying dragon for Inna pushing? Best combo for legendary weapon/cube?

    Diablo How important is flying dragon for Inna pushing? Best combo for legendary weapon/cube?

    How important is flying dragon for Inna pushing? Best combo for legendary weapon/cube?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    I've been playing Water allies this season and have a really fast team for up to GR 110.

    However I'm running into damage issues with GR 120+ now and trying to figure out what combination of legendaries I should be using. I see a lot of people running flying dragon + ingeom but I can't figure out what is best for the third. Without Messerschmidt my cool downs feel a bit long but if I run it I also feel too weak.

    submitted by /u/bosstweed3 to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Reverse archon energy twister

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    On max roll the vyrs set says there is an ethereal build with energy twister for reverse archon but I can't find the build for it. Does anyone know where I could find that? I'm interested in using vyrs without chantodos resolve

    submitted by /u/stvmjv2012 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    GoD HA bug with CALAMITY in cube

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    I have just picked up an Eth Buriza, with the Vengeance cool down on it - so I decided to try something different in the cube - substituting Dawn, with Calamity (just to see how the extra 30% damage might feel).

    Since applying this I have noticed when ever I fire Hungering Arrow (HA) manually to gather momentum stacks - it applies marked for death, but does not give me the Momentum stacks.

    The only way to get momentum stacks is to fire HA away from the monsters.

    Has anyone else experienced this?
    I'll be removing Calamity from cube slot for now - but just thought that was really weird.

    Let me know your thoughts/findings.

    submitted by /u/EntireCow4149 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    God Hungering Arrow

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    I know this may sound like a real noob question but with the god hungering arrow set up is it better dps to strafe constantly or use hungering arrow in big groups/elites ?

    submitted by /u/purepandah to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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