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    Diablo Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary: End Dates

    Diablo Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary: End Dates

    Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary: End Dates

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    What other games keep you occupied until D2R is released?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    Just looking for some inspiration.

    submitted by /u/BowelMan
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    D3 S24 until D2R comes out?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Like many - anxiously waiting for D2R to come out.

    Was wondering if it's worth getting into D3's new season when it comes out in a few weeks. Haven't played since season ~13. It was fun but nothing special.

    Has anything materially changed in the last few seasons?

    submitted by /u/dilchooss
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    A simple guide on how to ethereal grind all classes effectively for casuals...

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Next season the ethereal weapons are being unleashed and, should you collect them all, you'll be awarded their transmogs permanently. To do this quickly and effectively, however, takes a little bit of pre-determined pathing in relation to what toons you create and when. Along with what you'll do with them. This guide is a very simple one for casual runners who want the transmog but can't put vast hours into the game.

    The premise is simple: Not every class is created equally and some have better and more effective perks than others. By determining which classes offer the better perks, we can build a "map" that leads from your first toon all the way to the last. Each effectively helping the next grow in power so the last avalanches their way into a speed build. First, we have to deal with some biases and BS, however...

    The first toon: The first toon is arguably your most important as it will be your Anchor Point from the start to finish. It serves not only as your main speed and pushing tool, but also your key farmer and shard farmer. The first toon is debatable and can be one of 3 preferred classes: Barb, DH, Monk. I'll go through a simple overview of what they offer to a casual/amateur player...

    Barbarian: Perhaps the best class in the game due to its endless utilities. The barb offers not only the smoothest leveling due to ample and easy multipliers you can gamble for, but it also offers good sets regardless of the season. King's is not the best set, but it can easily help you grind out your Wastes set with no problem. The wastes set will be your speed, bounty, and push set with very small variations between each. Making barb an excellent anchor as you run those shards and gem level ups at max speeds. However, Barb is a Jack of All Trades. This means he doesn't really excel in either. Luckly, Barbs do come this season with an insanely strong Ethereal that will make GR speeds a breeze to run. For true casuals, THIS is your class.

    Demon Hunter: A fan favorite and the center of all "best class in the game" debates. DH offers an insanely powerful and equally fast set that can make key farming and speed GRs a walk in the park. DH also gets a guaranteed weapon modifier which will carry you into 70 and well past it thanks to synergy with the seasons set in the form of two daggers that have ample use. However, the set itself isn't exactly the best. Nats set is far from the worst but it isn't quite an amateur's dream, like Barb. It takes some building to get it to max power and its channeling variation requires a belt and isn't exactly fast. This only makes things worse as you have to grind the GoD set, which will be your main for all activities. To add to the pain, GoD requires some rather annoying set up. Cooldown rolls on gear, The Dawn, Yangs, Ballista, etc. The weapons, especially Dawn, can be downright nightmarish to drop and will turn off a lot of amateur players who want to just start speed grinding. While GoD can perform without its weapons, the weapons are really your main strength. Furthermore, while GoD is an amazing speed, it lacks in Pushing as it can be a bit complicated to go into deeper GRs due to the piercing nerf as they need good maps and mob knowledge. Making it a bit harder for amateurs. And you will need to push at least a little for this guide to really help you. Furthermore, this guide makes use of a particular weapon that does not drop on this class, meaning you lose out on a very useful tool for later.

    Monk: The final, but far from last, Anchor option comes in the form of the monk. Monk is the undisputed key farmer of the game, having 3 different speed farm sets which range from - Fast, Sonic, and "Suddenly everything is dead". While it's fastest set is a LoD which takes some building to get down, its other two options are incredible either way. Monk will rely, however, on Inna as its main set. Should the set remain as it is, Inna will be your Speed and Push build with small variations between the two. It's surprisingly amateur-friendly, even the push variation, so there won't be much hassle to push those GRs for the strategy to take place. The speed variety is a tank and pet build, making it perfect for anyone who likes to watch netflix or chat while grinding since it requires little attention. More importantly, it teleports. Monk has the best movement tool which lets you turn awful maze maps into childs play as you jump through walls with no prob. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been two other options. Take heed, fellow travelers, the set Monk will be getting is the Fist of the North Star..... Wait no... Might Guy.... No, also not right.... Oh, right, the Uliana's Set. Uli is a surprisingly good set and also pretty damn fast. As you give it more modifiers it becomes stronger and faster, able to push and speed pretty decently. However, there is an issue. Monk sets require certain weapons and helms which can be a pain in the ass to fish for. So Monk isn't as easy as barb but also not as punishing as DH. Uli on it's own for speeds continues to be a "one button show" and as you add modifiers it just gets fasters, making the inna grind easier. Inna is a bit less dependent on this stuff, but still not as nice as Barb.

    Personal preference: From a strategic point, in my opinion, a complete amateur should roll Barb. It has a very easy start, the set is easy to put together and the wastes will easily hit deep GRs and fast speeds. If, however, you want effectiveness then it's Monk. Since the longer you run Inna's the stronger your push and the more chances to build LoD WoL which is the undisputed king of keys. Along with the fact these two drop Bovine Bardiches. More on that in a bit.

    So, you chose your starter pokemon, what's the strategy to get your ethereal transmogs? Well, we use what's called a "snowball effect". We begin with one class and slowly add more with benefits that roll into the next. Let me explain....

    Personally speaking: the best starts are Monk or Barb. The reason being that we want "Bovine Bardiches" and they drop often in both these classes. Using them as anchors ensures they drop more often and we can stockpile them for later. Now, how does the strat go? Well, it focuses on the Anchor pulling resources so the next class can Kadala its speed build, and then as you speed clear with that class you gain resources which benefit the next. Let me make it simple then add the details.

    Monk > Barb > Crusader > DH > Wizard > (WD > Necro) - The final two depend on LoD. I'll explain at the end.

    Alright, so there's the order you go in terms of characters. Now you ask "But why?" Well, it's based on what each character offers and how they snowball into the next.

    1. Monk begins as your first class, you build your speed and push. With monk the goal is to push as high a GR as you can so you can have a greater Shard purse, while also making as fast a speed build as you can to speed GR's and key farm in order to power up gems as fast as you can. However, that's not all we want. We also keep an eye out for two items: First is a Puzzle Ring which drops for everyone. Hold onto them, especially Ancients. Second, and most important, is the "bovine bardiche". They grant access to the cow level which we want access to for later as well. These little beauties have a tendency to drop for three classes often - Monk, Barb, Crusader. With a big shard purse and fast GR clear, we move into the very important part of this guide: GEM OF EASE. You need two. One at a minimum 100(you can make it higher) and one at 25. A high Gem of Ease is just an easier time leveling and required to solo level so you don't need to search for groups. However, if you get PL chances, have at it too. Once you have everything set we can then make your alt: The Barb.
    2. Barb: We create a Barb second(If he was made first just place Monk before DH) because the Barb has three multipliers you can guarantee for levelings: Leorics crown, Bracers, Hammer. Make sure the Crown is worn and kept as it'll be used by all classes from here on. From here you can go full leap or full HotA depending on your choice. Making leveling a breeze. However, it's not the leveling that we care about, it's the gear. Again, this class is the second of three to drop our Bardiches and that just adds to the use. While speed grinding for ethereal's keep on the lookout for items that your next class, the Crusader, can use. Both classes dip into the strength stat so they can interchange a few items. However, that really won't happen till much later for the last 3 classes. This is more of "just in case". Don't get greedy, build as fast a speed class as you can and just rift your heart out for those Ethereals. You can do some speed GR's but dont invest too deeply in gear min/max as you want to keep as much resource as you can for much later. As you do GR speeds make sure to constantly be increasing Gem levels. Especially ones your future speed classes will need. Just raise them as high as you can and let Monk finish off the really deep levels.
    3. Crusader: Sader packs another set of good multipliers in the form of a shield, bracer and weapon. All easy to roll for. You already have a Leoric crown you can share from the barb. We just raise this badboy quickly and build his Thor set. From there it's the same as Barb and we speed grind while saving Puzzle Rings and Bardiches for later. At this point, if you have all the gems your alts will be using at max level, begin leveling sacrificial gems which we use to Augment Monk so we can push further and speed clear deeper GRs for more shards per run. If not, just keep leveling those gems and level augment gems when you reach that point.
    4. DH: While Monk and DH do share Dex. DH uses crossbows and quivers, neither of which really drop for monk. Nor does DH have pieces Monk has access to which you can change. Hence why you start Barb after monk. DH gets the same treatment as the above classes and we build right into GoD. While GoD is an almighty fast build, Monk still has more ease and still is faster to some degrees(especially the GG LoD version). More importantly, Monk drops Bardiches which we want. So just run the GoD and get your ethereals while increasing gems for augments. At this point, if you have a few gems ready to augment, don't. Only augment what gear on the monk has a good stat roll. We want to have future augment gems for a little later in the run. So also remember to stockpile them stat gems(especially INT). If we have all the gems we need, we want to leave GR grinding and go into Bounties. DH can do some damn fast bounties and we want to take advantage of this by grinding rifts and bounties. DON'T OPEN THEM THOUGH. Stockpile as many as you can instead. When all ethereals are yours, move on.
    5. Wizard: Now we reach the big part where you'll start to see the snowball in effect. By the time the Wizard arrives, we should be packing a pretty solid Paragon count, a super fast anchor for speeds, and some modifiers to speed up the leveling. Again, we put on that Crown we got from Barb. However, this is where the leveling changes a tad bit. Wizard doesn't pack a lot of good modifiers so we go a different route. We gamble shards for that Winters Flurry modifier then we add a "Custerian Wristguards" and open ALL saved bounty bags. The gold should give us a huge boost which should give us instant access to the level 30-ish modifier we shard gambled. Change Wristguards for "Pox Faulds" and on you go with those massacre bonuses. The Crown with a red gem, Pox, Paragon and Gem of Ease 100 should easily get you through. If you have yourself a collection of "Ramaladni's Gift" you can upgrade a wand into a legendary weapon then add a slot for the gem of ease. However, make sure you have, at least, 5(2 for monk, 1 for the last 3 toons including yours). This way you get a chance for another modifier for your wizard. Here, however, we have choices of builds and we want ONE. We want the "Frost Hydras Speed Build". While a lot of you will want firebirds or some crap, we go Frost Hydra. Not only is it a great speed and bounty build, since we will not do GR Speeds and instead do Rifts and Bounties like DH, it also shares modifiers with your next TWO classes. Meaning you can literally stockpile future items for your next two classes. How? It's simple: From here on all classes are Pet builds and all classes use Int. Meaning a good Tasker and Theo rolls for all three. So build the Hydra and get to rifting/bounty. Remember not to open the bounty bags as we will be using them again. As you play you now keep a look out for choice items used on a LoD MAGES/CORPSE EXPLOSION NECRO. Anything that drops related to those two builds you save. Here is where things also change.
    6. The next class: Your next class depends on how you finish your Wizard. Once you have the three Ethereals. If you have enough ancients to build a LoD Necro Mage or Corpse, you go Necro. If not, you go WD. Legacy of Dreams should be at max level by now thanks to your Inna. For the sake of ease, let's say you DON'T have the items for a LoD Necro.....
    7. WD: Same strat as before, Wristguard in cube and bounties. You can roll a Gazing Demise with Shards prior, just to have something. Along with upgrading a legendary Dagger then slotting it and placing your gem of ease. Here is where Bardiches arrive. By now you should have a few. If you do, congrats. Just cube your Pox, activate your pets, and massacre bonus the cow levels till you reach full power. Once there we build either Spirit Barrage or Chicken, your choice, and we use whatever similar items Wizard had for their pet build in our pet build. Now speed through bounties and Rifts while looking for those LoD Necro pieces. If you find you need a bit more damage, you can use the spare gems we saved to augment WD a bit just to give the builds more speed to clear faster. Don't use everything though, we need some augments for Necro.
    8. Necro: We reached the finish line. By now you should be drowning in Materials from weapon trashing and bounties, along with a high paragon, high LoD gem and hopefully some LoD gear. This is where the snowball takes effect. We want to build a Corpse Explosion or LoD Mages. If you dont have the gear, grind what you can on Hydra Wiz. If you have the gear, but it's not too well rolled, use your mats to reroll stats. If you roll ancient, stop and move to the next piece, dont worry too much about multipliers yet. Focus on max ancients. Once all gear is rolled, slot in the LoD Gem and go hunting for the finish line. Leveling the Necro is the same as the above WD method. Except we can upgrade scythes till we have two good modifiers to use(by adding a slot to the one we hold) and we just grind the cow level for massacre bonus galore to cover whatever levels your bounty caches didn't reach with the gold. Here you can grind rifts, GR, bounties, whatever the hell you want.

    And we are finished. As you saw, the intent of the order I made is so when you reach the final two classes you essentially have the deck stacked for a LoD Necro since Masquerade took a massive hit. Course you can use Masquerade but LoD Mages or Corpse is MUCH faster and we want speed. Now, you're probably saying "WTF, what about the Gem of ease 25 and the Puzzle Rings?" Well, this is an optional route that is HIGHLY dependant on RNG and is better in a group.

    • The Puzzle Ring: Should you have a few ancient puzzle rings lying around, you can make a new character who needs the 3 Ethereals, add the gem of ease 25, then level him to about 13. Once at 13 we form a group(to increase item find) and we begin opening the ancient vault on T6. Once inside your party murders everything and you hopefully get Ethereals. This method, however, has 3 glaring issues:
    • 1. T6 or Glitch dependant: As a low level you can only open T6, which is less item drop chance. You can enter T16 through an annoying to perform glitch, but this is a casual guide and that crap ain't for an amateur. Meaning even with this method there is no real guarantee you'll get all three Ethereals in just one run.
    • 2. Ancient: The vault needs to be Ancient for max goblin spawns and guarantee chance. Which is a pain in the ass. Rings are hard enough to find, Ancient Puzzle rings are a nightmare. It just isn't a casual method since they won't see many ancient puzzle rings drop and normal rings won't work too well if at all compared to just running a speed.
    • 3. Group find: Method can be done solo but shouldn't be as you want as much increased luck to combat the T6 item drop chance issue as possible. Group's aren't hard to make but a T6 also isn't something desirable. As this method is widely known, chances are you will get mostly level 13 toons joining. However, you also have the chance of getting selfish pricks who come in without good multipliers and add no damage to the group, just die instant, so it's a shitshow since you need to be one-shotting goblins for max use. This is without mentioning impatient idiots who begin collecting right from the start and porting out instead of clearing the whole vault, collecting, THEN going in for the final boss. So it's just all-around annoying. I don't like relying on people, so I don't like group methods.

    As I said before, this is an amateur-built guide for people who don't have hours upon hours to play and have to work or go to school. Whatever. It's the most effective means to run each character to guarantee a smooth grind for every toon all the way to the LoD last which can be annoying to build for a speed. This isn't perfect, nor the fastest, but it will help you get them ethereals. If at any point you want to group level, or run speeds in a group, I advise doing so because it just increases ethereal drop chances. However, once you reach DH remember to run bounties just so you have mats that pile on for your future Necro ancient gear rerolls. Otherwise, Necro is just a nightmare without good RNG.

    *Bonus: "You said DH was hard to push with but the Ethereal it gets makes it easy with all that damage". No, it does not. This is a casual guide meaning the person may never see that Ethereal drop with the Piercing effect or good modifiers. If the build is dependant on one extremely rare drop, it's not casual friendly and it just wastes time. Inna's does not need an Ethereal to push pretty easily, nor does Barb. Making it more favorable. By comparison, Barb is better since the Ethereal he has is just as strong and can also drop. DH still needs that mob and map while Inna's gets a bit more tanky breathing room and Barb just needs some rend application. At least in my, casuals, perspective.

    I want to reiterate that this is all OPINION-based and from my own experience as a CASUAL player. It's not a competition or min/max style. It's simply a guaranteed method for anyone who has a life outside this game and wants to guarantee the transmog conquest. It isn't about what class is the greatest overall or who has what. Just about how we can use each class to pile on resources to the next for our own benefit to speed things along easier. I won't argue statistics. I don't care about the late game or mid game or whatever. I just care about what order gets you to the end easier.

    If I made any mistakes, correct them freely and I'll revise the guide accordingly. My memory is trash and I'm not a pro by any means at this game so I may leave something out or mistaken something. You can technically grind all Ethereals in one class, but they are rare as is and the chances of a non-class loot item dropping are like 15% or something. So it would take HOURS of constant play for just one to drop. And we're talking about 19 other toon items. It would take forever for casuals.

    Any questions, ask.


    submitted by /u/Bossmantho
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    I live in EU but my account was created in US. I just purchased EU diablo 2 keys. Please let me know if you'd like free EU based diablo 2 and LOD cd kyes to register.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    I can't return them :(

    submitted by /u/LandauCalrisian
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    My preschooler wants to watch me play Diablo, is that probably fine?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    He isn't easily frightened by games including monsters, so is it probably ok for him to watch it? He's really enjoyed watching Breath of the Wild and has played zombie games with us as well as watched both parents play rpg games and has watched me play Shadow of Death on Android.

    submitted by /u/sophia333
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    Hellfire Monk build

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Just started a new Monk it's around lvl 10.

    I found this guide but it's hardly a guide it doesn't tell you squat where to put your stats to:


    " a melee style glass cannon "

    This by itself makes no sense whatsoever. A melee cannot be a glass cannon.

    So far I figured that staff is the best way to roll with because this can only equip 1h sword and with that you cannot hit 3 enemies at once like you can with the staff so I guess this character is going to be a staff user till the end.

    Stat wise I pumping strength like crazy otherwise I would have hard time killing enemies but building up on the MAGIC as well cause magic is king in this game nothing else can beat it in level clearing in endgame.

    Is there even any point in putting into DEX with this character next to it makes possible to use some items? I guess it's not like the archer where if you dont put in DEX then you cannot target enemies properly.

    Any other good MONK TIPS 4 HELLFIRE?

    submitted by /u/Aggravating_Cheek898
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    [PSA] Trading etiquette tips/refresh before D2R hits to ensure a better trading experience

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    When somebody types "ber 4 sur"

    The first part of the deal is what the person has to offer and the other part is what is needed. So the guy needs Sur and has a ber to offer for it. This has been an etiquette trick so avoid confusion while allowing people to save as many letters as possible in D2 game names

    And you what are your trading etiquette tip?

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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