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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Diablo Found on Normal Baal, pretty stoked!

    Diablo Found on Normal Baal, pretty stoked!

    Found on Normal Baal, pretty stoked!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    One of the best QOL the game could have and it doesn’t make the game easier but rather melee and other builds less Clunky... allow all skills on both right and left click... PLEASE

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    It's a fucking pain in the ass to switch from teleport to you main skill just because it wasn't considered to be played with left click

    Inb4 dumbies come and say « but using 2auras hurdur »

    Do you think the devs are that dumb that they don't have the brainpower to just block this possibility?

    Being able to use auras on left click could be really nice for melee paladins since it would allow them to use Right click.

    For those who don't know right and left click don't function the same way


    Left click: allows you to pick items, click on interactable stuff, move to and attack, attack in place when shift is hold

    Right click: when hold without target it'll autoattack the next encounter... super important mechanic for melee that is ruined because of support skills not being usable on left skill forcing you the constantly swap


    Scenario 1: conviction on left vengeance on right, hold right and don't be botter to constantly hit nothing because packed monsters are desync

    Scenario 2: teleport on left main skill on right, hold shift to teleport use your main skill without the issue of misclick and move toward target

    Scenario 3: you are a singer... left click is useless... all your useful skills are on right click, unless they are not anymore and you can Wc from left click and bo/find item/teleport/etc from right

    In the end, not being able to use all skills on both sides is arbitrary archaic artificial hinderance. The game would be netly better by giving freedom to players

    Edit: somebody pointed out controller support and went to see it... damn it surpassed keyboard and mouse!!unlimited 5buttons vs limited 2 buttons lol

    Note: seeing all the downvotes but only positive replies, I'd be curious as to why you downvoting people hate this idea so much?

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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    When is the next Quarterly Update (Q2) for D4?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    When is the next Quarterly Update (Q2) for D4?

    submitted by /u/SpearoftheOdin
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    D2 LoD and D2R Simple Quest Editor (warning: mini-cheats)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    I made a simple save-file editor that works on quests for char save files (.d2s files) for LoD and D2R

    Warning: these are mini-cheats! (and SP only)

    Some things to play around with:

    • Accidentally killed cow king? you can undo it
    • Disappointed by a Hel rune drop from Hell difficulty's Hell forge? You get another shot
    • Wanna use a larzuk socket quest but don't want to make another character? Reset the quest and kill shenk again

    Download here: https://github.com/pairofdocs/d2s_edit_recalc

    Quick instructions:
    download the .exe and patches.txt, uncomment lines in patches.txt, run d2s_edit.exe
    (detailed instructions https://github.com/pairofdocs/d2s_edit_recalc#usage )

    Screenshot of the GUI


    submitted by /u/wariscrafty
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    Diablo 2 Remastered or Diablo 3?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    So I'm new to ARPG games and Diablo looks freaking awesome. Just thought I'd ask some more experienced people if I should wait for D2 Remastered and get that or of I should just get Diablo 3?

    submitted by /u/RossAshby
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    What do you think? I hate charsy and kashia. The other ones i really like then.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    D2R - Toggle Old Graphics Include Menu/Character Select?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    So from what we know or have seen so far, you can toggle between the remastered graphic settings and the original graphic settings nicely. I was wondering if anybody knows or could speculate on whether we'll be able to do the same in the menus or character select screen?

    Personally I loved the character select screen from D2 LOD (Characters listed from left > right, with a small animated graphic of said character). I'd be a little upset if we're going to lose that completely even though it has no bearing on gameplay.

    Also another quick question, haven't been able to find any evidence on - do we still get to name our characters? Will it be like D2 where we pick a name and only 1 person can have that name during the ladder or more like D3 where multiple people can have the same name and it doesn't matter? Or are we going to be listed as our battletag no matter which character we are playing?

    Any info appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Zuglife99
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    (Diablo 3 related question)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Both me and my dad play this game, I'm more on the casual side while my dad is more devoted, and he told me to ask this question on his behalf.

    Why our cheracters so weak in comerasion to others? Even when new season starts and there are people with a much lower paragon level, yet their equipment is alot better then ours?

    Is it because we picked up the game only 2 years ago and not on release? Or something else?

    submitted by /u/MerkavaMkIVM
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    Should outdated and inconvenient control mechanics be part of the games difficulty? (D2R)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    I am of course talking about how in Diablo 2 you use you skills by pressing keybind + LMB/RMB and newer games in the same genre uses skills with a simple button press. I am not arguing for replacing it, if it would be implemented I would like to see it be as an option. More options is always NICE. At least in games, in my opinion.

    When it has been discussed before the only argument I have heard against implementing it. Is that it would make it easier to spam different skills and therefore, be easier to play and the difficulty would be lowered. One other counter argument I could imagine is that the developing team should focus on the games release instead of new features. Which I don't agree with since the groundwork has already been done with the console UI, which uses skills with a simple keybind.

    To answer my own question in the title. My own opinion is that the games difficulty should not be balanced through inconvenient gameplay mechanics. Of course there are games were the bad and inconvenient gameplay is part of the game like Getting over it or QWOP, but I don't see Diablo 2 falling in this category. I am all for the game being hard and difficult, but not through inconvenient gameplay mechanics.

    If we analyze the market for D2R I would say the main one's is Nostalgia, purist who have played game for 20 years, D3 players, PoE players and players from similar genre and people who comes from marketing. I know that people who have played D3 and PoE would like an option for skills to be used with only a button press. So if the games gets more sales and bigger player base I am all for it.

    As an option I do not see how it is anyone's business how people play the game. I think that we should embrace availability. I could see the old control mechanic being more difficult for people with disabilities. For example paralyzed people that plays games with their mouth, an additional button press could make an big difference. And lets make it clear when I say people should play how they want, am I not defending botting. If you play through bots, you can go to hell.

    submitted by /u/Holymormor
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    Starting D2R with group, advice

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    Hey, me and my few friends will be playing D2R upon release. I am the only one with any experience with D2, the others haven't really played it at all. I'm looking for some advice. Will we be okay playing as group? Will we get enough items to share for everyone? We are not very interested in farming, how far can we expect to get to without doing so?

    Our classes are: A Sorc A Necro (summoner I think) Druid (me, haven't decided on build yet. Maybe wind?) One Undecided

    Are there any things we should keep in mind because we are playing as a group?

    I can't wait for the release. I'm currently doing overtime at work so I can take days off when it's released :)

    submitted by /u/rastii
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    D2: Normal Single-Player Baby Nova Sorceress SHIELD?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    Fairly early on, I'm supposed to dump my staff for a FCR wand and shield. I'm holding on to a cheap FCR wand, but have not found a decent shield (as far as I know). I assume I'm after resistances, something along the line of a four-socket shield with four perfect diamonds, but that's not going to happen before Act 5, and I just hit Act 2. I'm physically weak (STR 31), limiting the types of shields I can carry.

    What do I need to keep an eye out for between now and Act 5? One wrinkle is that I just put Leaf on a two-socket staff, to escape a crushing addiction to Mana potions. I'd hate to give that up!

    I realize that my low resistances are going to stop me in my tracks soon enough. Already, I have to run /players1, rather than my normal /players8, because I've never played a Sorceress before and I really suck at this game.

    submitted by /u/MightyMississippi
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    What MrLlamaSC finding his final grail item says about item drops: the less flashy the drop, the more exciting. Diablo 4 must do it the same way.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    For those of you who don't know: MrLlamaSC is a Diablo speedrunner who recently completed his holy grail (finding all unique items). He found Mang Song as his last item:


    Here is the run:


    If a rare or unique item drops in Diablo 2, there is no special sound going off, nor are there any lights or other signals flashing. It is just a normal drop in a special colour, which is even easily to overlook if the screen is cluttered. This is a very subtle way to tell the player that something important just happened. There's even the moment of differentiating between a rare (yellow) and a golden (unique) item. And this is exactly what the process of an item dropping makes it so much more exciting than in Diablo 3. You have to pay attention to everything that drops, and you decide on your own if something is worth picking up.

    In Diablo 3 on the contrary, you even have a ping on the minimap if a legendary item drops. The game literally tells you that a good item just dropped, and you have to pick it up. Subtlety? Sophistication? Forget it, in Diablo 3 it's all about handholding and in-your-face style of gameplay for the toddler-IQ generation. The game tells you what items are good and what you should pick up. Fisher-price Diablo at its finest. Symptomatic of the dysfunctional itemization in D3.

    Diablo 4 must inherit how Diablo 2 handles the special item drops. No sounds, no shiny graphics. The game itself doesn't know if an item is good. but the players knows if the things that just drop might be of any value.

    If the developers want D4 to be a good game, then one cruicial point is this: no more patronizing of the player in Diablo 4 as if the playerbase are a bunch of 10-year olds.

    submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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