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    Monday, March 1, 2021

    Diablo "Return to Darkness" is NOT about filling a blood and gore quota

    Diablo "Return to Darkness" is NOT about filling a blood and gore quota

    "Return to Darkness" is NOT about filling a blood and gore quota

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:51 AM PST

    "Return to Darkness" is one of the design pillars for D4. In the wake of Blizzcon I've seen a lot of confusion over one of the common criticisms of D3: that the game wasn't dark enough.

    D3 was filled with blood and gore, but because of the tone and art style they chose, with blended, saturated colors, exaggerated models, and Snidely-Whiplash monologuing, it inevitably feels cartoonish. All too often the tone of D3 is bathos.

    It's a mistake to think that the painterly art style of D3 was per se a problem for the game's tone. They could have easily created something like the terrifying classical paintings of Bosch or Goya, but they didn't; they made something that felt more like a comic book or rated-M Warcraft game. (Promisingly, one of the other D4 design pillars is "Old Masters", and in interviews the team has cited Rembrandt, Remington, and Inness.)

    Darkness isn't about blood and gore. It's about danger. It's about fear. The atmospheric, gothic, and horror elements of earlier Diablo games felt absent from D3. Mortal life in the world of Sanctuary is nasty, brutish, and short, and victories against evil are pyrrhic and short-lived. Players need to feel that.

    Darkness is about sound and music. D3's music is often bombastic and overwrought, better suited to a medieval action epic. (There's nothing wrong with an over-the-top medieval epic—and I actually think most of the score is excellent—but it's not what Diablo was.) The score from the first two games is far more ambient, haunting, and restrained. Go back and listen to a track like Catacombs or Caves. (Even when Uelmen, the composer for the first two games, is more orchestral, he usually makes something more melancholic and atonal. Listen to his early concept for the D3 theme.)

    Darkness is about the rhythm of gameplay. You're not just a whirling superhero cutting through enemies; you have to spend time fathoming haunted corridors and darksome caves. Exploration alone is a rich opportunity to grip players with a sense of dread. Go back and play D1: there's real terror every time you open a new door or hear a skittering noise in the outer dark.

    Ultimately a "Return to Darkness" is about the psychological, the atmospheric, and the unseen. In the earlier games, everything from the light radius to the pastiche of Western religious symbology fed into this. These are the things that worm their way into your brain and teem nightmares.

    submitted by /u/Castaing
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    I think it's the perfect Assassin. I'd prefer without any make up, but the facial features are great! A lot more like the original.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:11 AM PST

    D2R News. Single Player Alpha

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:43 PM PST

    How do I report a game on the App Store?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Global servers is a huge deal for trading and HR/Item supply

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:15 PM PST

    I see a lot of comments/posts expressing concerns about the supply of HR's (Especially Enigma runes and Zod's), but it's worth pointing out 2 things:

    1. There will be a lot more people playing D2R on Battle.net than is currently playing D2 battle.net. More players = more items being found and available for trade.
    2. The global servers means that every player online is able to trade with eachother. The "supply" of items is no longer segmented by server region, thus, the number of each item that exists on the server is going to be multiplied.

    I see no reason to modify drop rates before we even get to see how trading goes during the first ladder season.

    submitted by /u/coolniceman1995
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    [Art] Druid: Equivalent Exchange

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:55 PM PST

    The fight against botting

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:34 PM PST

    There has been some posts about botting and hacks in general that have eluded to the fact that bnet will never be impenetrable.

    Blizzard: the MOST important thing to me is that public games never turn into the "follow the bot" meta. This is one of the biggest turn offs to playing D2 currently. I hope the blizzard team has a hand full of people to check into the public games and slap bans on the obvious bots while they work on automatic cheat detection concurrently. It was always a sore point the amount of negligence there was. Sure it was an old game but any moderator can spend 15 minutes a day and identify botters. I expect the response "no manual GMs exist anymore" but this isn't an acceptable norm, meet us half way to keep this game great for years.

    submitted by /u/SlashTurbo
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    Anyone else think Diablo 2 remaster looks better than D4?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:35 AM PST

    After looking at images of both I can say they both look fantastic. With that being said I still think the look of D2 remaster looks a lot darker and less cartoony than D4. It just has that atmosphere of a dark age period. The lighting is dim and the characters fit well. The characters in some of the shots I've seen from D4 don't look like they mesh with the environment well.

    submitted by /u/decaynexus
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    Will D4 power levels and abilities be more toned-down than PoE and D3?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:52 AM PST

    I'm pleased, like many, that D4 will have a darker and more muted aesthetic than D3, but I also hope that the endgame won't just be being super OP and spinning and winning through trash mobs with tons of silly effects filling the screen. All of the footage we've seen has been low level gameplay and even D3 looks more like Baldur's Gate before you get more skills, so I don't think it's any indication of what it'll look like endgame.

    Have the devs said anything about what the endgame difficulty will be like and whether there will be fewer mobs and less visual character effects? Messing around with multipliers and suddenly getting massive power spikes is fun for a while, but it's always made me bored of these types of games because it feels too linear than actually strategizing what's on the screen. PoE is no better in this regard. Characters end up looking like a 13-year-old's wetdream.

    submitted by /u/_Ex_Nihilo
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    Cornholio are you out there - Indicajones here

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:43 PM PST

    We use to play d2 classic non stop together like 15 years ago or something like that. Hit me up and lets take down some bad guys together again soon!

    submitted by /u/joverclock
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    Balance Suggestions - "These alphas will, of course, start to shape the future of Resurrected. The door is open for things like balance changes– if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen. Either way, that process starts with the alphas."

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:54 PM PST


    Do you want half of skills not being worthless beyond norm/nm and many more builds available, all mercs equally considerable, more QOL etc.? I sure would love builds around skills that now are underpowered, like: holy fire, twister, hydra, immolation arrow, magic arrow, jab, poison javelin, blade sentinel, shock web, phoenix strike, bone spirit, fire golem, thorns/iron maiden/spirit of barbs, poison creeper, spirit wolves, less fire druid delays, frost nova, fire bolt, blaze, skeleton mages.

    I write here some of the popular suggestions (I am not saying that all of this should be included) write down which ones you like and/or suggest more of what you consider should be part of D2R, the game will be how the people loving original D2 envision it to be, at this point I dare to say, the remaster is in right hands, all hail the devs!

    1. Make all mercs equally considerable not just A2 for auras (A5 having warcries for example).
    2. Make ladder runewords available on singleplayer.
    3. No skill being worthless in nm/hell, many weren't balanced beyond norm/nm and don't scale properly. Make more builds viable with what is already ingame.
    4. Improve enemy and summon AI.
    5. Stackable gems, skulls and runestones (max 3).
    6. Include cut content from Act 4 (NPC dialogs, 3 more quest and 6 more waypoints)
    7. Identify and move items also with for example shift+click.
    8. Immunity capped in Hell at 99%.
    9. Make fire damage in Hell as viable as other kind of damage.
    10. Towns interacting more with the world (more NPC encounters like Flavie in A1, maybe randomised events of towns being attacked) .
    11. New zones in each act (maybe for endgame, farming or PVP).
    12. Arctic Blast and Inferno fixed.
    13. New runes and/or runewords.
    14. In the future new content (full expansion and/or more playable characters, towns, acts).
    15. Optional (perhaps repeatable) side quests.
    16. Body parts! Used in recipes (Blizzard North wanted this a lot)
    17. Guilds and Guild Halls (cut content from the original game)
    18. PvP Arenas (cut content from the original game)
    19. Mercs having more equip slots (balanced adequately)
    20. Essences dropping on all difficulties
    21. Items having more variety of skills (chance to proc) apart from Nova\/Lightning bolt that are good only on normal
    22. New Horadric recipes (not runewords)
    23. No max level cap.
    24. More variety of potions (temporary buffs etc) with recipes
    25. Increase overall difficulty.
    26. /players X not being a command but a button
    27. Teleport having a delay of couple seconds that gets reduced to zero with telekinesis synergy for the sorc (enigma not being a pvp-breaker)
    28. Have an option when making a character to play Classic/LOD/Ressurected (gameplay)
    29. Non physical attacks having chance to crit.
    30. Character customization option during creation (simple, not sliders, just premade face and complexion options)
    31. New skills.
    32. More dialogue options and more interactive dialogues.
    33. More passive skills in the tree (not on the expense of the amount of active skills)
    34. Random small events in the world that would increase the diversity of farming
    35. Fix attack rating and being able to block while moving
    36. Poison and Explosive potions having nightmare/hell versions, not only normal
    37. Collectible materials in the world used for recipes (herbs, ores, wood etc)
    38. Items (gold included) having weight, weight capacity increasing with strength
    39. Gold being a valuable currency, not just a gamble/dead merc dump (more scarce, lower more realistic numbers, no sell cap)
    40. More dense inventory squares (not meaning more space), more realistic space being occupied by various items
    41. Equipable bags that expand inventory space
    42. Generic non combat skill tree for all classes (examples: jump, climb, roll, feign dead, sprint, sneak, lockpick, swim, cook, set up a tent/campfire)
    43. Survival stats that would need to be taken care of: sleep, hunger, thirst, body heat, illnesses (diseases, broken bones, long term curses - also blessings)
    44. Runewords that create a unique skill (not present in skill trees, or a variety of one) instead of a bunch of suffixes (waypoints and talrashas tomb uses horadric runestone magic)
    45. Runes having categories like gems do - Example: Horadric/Skatsimi/Demonic/Zakarum runes (with more RWs, depending on the what type of runes used)
    46. Gem 'resonance', almost like runewords, gems altering each others bonuses depending on what gems are socketed next to them, cancelling each other or amplifying for example
    47. Skulls having more usage in recipes or for example to resurrect a merc
    48. Potions having a couple second cooldown
    49. Make all physical attack based skills to use stamina, instead of mana. (of course with skill tree, suffix and stats adapted to it)

    3 most important updates in my opinion:

    - When making a new character, being able to choose, apart from Classic, also LOD or Resurrected (to make the gameplay purists happy)

    - Make all skills viable, as half are worthless beyond norm/nm. And have them scale properly. (wrote some examples in the post)

    -Make all mercs equally considerable not just A2 for auras (A5 having warcries for example, and finally A3 not being worthless)

    submitted by /u/M_a_t_i
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    [Diablo 4] Can we get lore tomes in Diablo 4? They were one of my favorite parts of Diablo 1, particularly the tome in the Halls of the Blind. "Shadows move where light should be. Out of darkness, out of mind: Cast down into the Halls of the Blind."

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:10 PM PST

    The sub Diablo_2_resurrected banned me for questioning their "giveaway"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PST

    I was instabanned for asking about the the tech alpha beta key giveaways. It says clearly on Blizz that there will be ZERO keys and yet they say they have some. Banned for spreading misinformation? Wtf kind of scam reddit is that?

    Seems super fishy.

    submitted by /u/feartherooroo
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    If the Rogue gets Multishot as a Skill, it should consist of several individual arrows like in D2, and not just be a single, cone-shaped field of damage like in D3

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PST

    Multishot in D3 does not actually consist of hundreds of individual bolts. It visually looks like it does, but it is simply a single field of damage, in a way like this here.

    Multiple Shot in D2 on the other hand consists of several individual missiles (+1 arrow per skill level), as it can be seen here.

    One of the cool things about that was each missile calculated Chance to Pierce individually, which means that when one missiles failed to pierce through a target, it was lost, while the other missiles continued to travel in a straight path...

    ... and another was that you as the player are able to control the spread angle of the missiles. The further away you click, the more narrow the volley gets. Was fun to play around with this.

    Chance to Pierce was a good stat to hunt for on items and also via Passive Skills and I hope it makes a return in D4.

    Anyway, maybe with a small visually upgrade, by ordering the individual arrows in a more 'spiky' formation the skill could look even better.

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    Is there any info on how Uber Diablo/soj tracking will work now on new bnet for D2R?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:21 PM PST

    Hoping some dev lurks here.

    submitted by /u/DefinitelyIncorrect
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    Most Populated Diablo 3 PC LFG Discord Server?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:01 PM PST

    I used to be on before I dropped off, and now I can't seem to find it or any servers as active. I'm starting to think it was a Switch server and that's why. But I'm on PC now and can't seem to find any populated Discord servers for looking for a party.

    submitted by /u/hands0memichael1
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    Bots and trading sites

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:45 PM PST

    I'm curious how many people use bots trading sites while they play? Is this a part of the game for you, or would you be okay with blizzard limiting trading?

    If left untouched, console alone will be overrun by duped/hacked gear just like D3 was/is in the beginning

    submitted by /u/existentialfalls
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    How important is MF in Diablo 2?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Im one of those person that like to use gear that makes my character stronger in terms of power and survivability, because of that i never use Increased Quantity and similar stats in PoE.

    It just always felt wierd to me to equip stuff that makes my character "weaker".

    But after reading that the best Class wo start in D2R would be a sorc because of MF it seems like MF is a must have in D2?

    submitted by /u/V4ldaran
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    Diablo II Version 1.0 Amazon Timeline - Act III

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:23 PM PST

    Should I play Diablo 2 or wait for the remaster?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PST

    I am new here and don't know if this can be posted here. I am wanting to play Diablo 2, I know that the remaster might come out this year and should I just wait for it or should I play the original. If so is the original still active and have a large community?

    submitted by /u/devinlara21
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    Is anyone else left curious about the pbr engine layer?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:14 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm not some super coder or anything, but is anyone else SUPER curious about the "glue" being applied to the 25fps engine underneath this new pbr? Like how these breakpoints are interpreted by the new renderer? Or moreover, how the underlying legacy code is encapsulated in the new engine? How is that translated? I have serious doubts it's running raw asm or c (in the legacy code). SO MUCH would have to be hooked to bring modern features to light, not to mention the networking nightmare to get on modern bnet.

    Just wondering if anyone else has these burning deep dive desires for a topology overview and if anyone can provide any cool examples or tech docs on similar feats accomplished with old legacy code being revived.

    submitted by /u/Maxstressed
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    [D2R] Currency discussion

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:28 PM PST

    D2R will have a shared stash, which is a much needed improvement to the overall enjoyment of the game (and economy).

    But since Diablo 2 effectively has no currency for players to use (gold is worthless), people have found other items to take its place; perfect gems, runes and third-party website gold.

    In my opinion, I would prefer if we don't have to rely on third party websites to create an economy for us in the game.

    How would you feel about letting runes/perfect gems stack? So that they may be stored more easily and used as a currency.

    If not, do you have a better suggestion?

    submitted by /u/EluneNoYume
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    Diablo 3 Vanilla had a lot of potential that Reaper of Souls broke.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:19 PM PST

    D3 vanilla gets a lot of hate, a lot of it was deserved because of stuff like the auction house, the loot being terrible 99.9% of the time and affixes were too random, the network problems at launch and a bunch of bugs that made it fairly obvious this game was rushed and needed more time, but a lot of that was fixed later on.

    This isn't to say D3 vanilla was fantastic or that it couldn't have been made better, just that it had potential to grow into a different experience, in fact you can't even experience D3 vanilla anymore, the game was so different back then and being online-only, you can't really go back to play it, but yet my most fond memories of D3 seem to all point back to vanilla, like when Kripparian and his friend live streamed the world first HC Diablo Inferno kill or even my own first inferno Diablo kills.

    Back then, loot meant something, getting a full armor set was extremely rare and extremely powerful. Locations like Act 3/4 Inferno were terrifying considering how strong the enemies were so you had to progress more slowly. Progressing to harder areas meant getting better loot. Seeing a legendary drop actually meant something (although the roll was probably bad, but if it was a set piece then the bonus was worth it). Damage numbers were normal. The game didn't have area damage either, this is why D3:RoS is all about grouping tons of monsters in 4 man meta with a bunch of support that provide no damage so they can group stuff to blow it up. The crazy damage number modifiers didn't exist either, this meant you could try all kinds of whacky builds and they weren't incredibly useless like they are now.

    I think unfortunately the backlash on D3 vanilla was so hard that they went the opposite direction with new leadership and kind of destroyed the original vision D3 was trying to reach. Reaper of Souls added a lot of cool features to the game that make it more enjoyable, but it makes me wonder what the game would have been like if D3 vanilla had those features while maintaining its vision.

    submitted by /u/raseru
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    [D2R] Quality of life, how do you feel about a way to get better quivers (larger quantity)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Or are you nostalgic about returning to town for arrows/bolts

    One big disadvantage bow builds have is the fact they have less space for loot/charms.

    submitted by /u/EluneNoYume
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    New Path of Diablo patch league on Friday

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:43 PM PST

    A ton of new changes to items and skills especially for Assassins and Barbs. Patch notes here

    Lots of QoL with loot filters applying message prompts and sound effects(like PoE). Option to see loot without holding Alt. New stash tab for runes, gems, and orbs here!

    submitted by /u/reanima
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