• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Diablo [NOTICE] There are NO Legitimate Diablo 2 Resurrected Alpha Keys. Anyone claiming to have one is scamming you.

    Diablo [NOTICE] There are NO Legitimate Diablo 2 Resurrected Alpha Keys. Anyone claiming to have one is scamming you.

    [NOTICE] There are NO Legitimate Diablo 2 Resurrected Alpha Keys. Anyone claiming to have one is scamming you.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Anyone claiming to give away D2R Tech Alpha keys is not legitimate. Blizzard has mostly gone away from using keys to grant any kind of alpha or beta access, instead granting access via accounts. We've been getting reports of users getting invited to a subreddit claiming to have a Tech Alpha Key giveaway, which is 100% not possible.

    If you'd to have a chance to sign up, you can opt-in here.

    Blizzard's Support article on the matter:

    Note: There is currently no Alpha or Beta testing for Diablo II: Resurrected. Pre-purchasing Diablo II: Resurrected does not grant Alpha or Beta access.

    Customer Support cannot grant Alpha or Beta access.

    If you want to participate in the Alpha or Beta testing of our game, you can sign up on the official Diablo II: Resurrected website. The sign up is only available when the testing is open, or shortly before testing starts.

    Signing up for Alpha or Beta testing does not guarantee access to the Alpha or Beta.

    If you are selected to participate, we will send you an email to let you know that your Blizzard account now has access to the Alpha or Beta. Our email will not include a code. All you need to do is log in to the Alpha or Beta client using the Blizzard account that was selected for access.


    submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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    If you only played D2 by being rushed, and leveled in Cow/Baal runs, please read this before asking for nerfs to the difficulty of D2: Resurrected.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Like all video games, there is a learning curve to D2. A basic example would be using antidote/thawing potions to make certain fights easier. There is a reason why the first two Act bosses deal elemental damage that can be mitigated by a cheap potion. Heck, Andariel can be killed with Fulminating/Exploding potions relatively easily. Another learned skill is knowing how to approach monsters based on your character build, the surroundings, and the monsters' own capabilities. Would you sit in a doorway versus a boss pack of Vampires (the guys who can cast fireball/firewall/meteor)? No, of course not. But that might be the right strategy versus a bosspack of melee monsters. A final example is knowing niche items that are seemingly useless, but may be difference between life and death. The runeword 'Nadir' (made in a 2-socketed helm with Nef+Tir) has 13 Cloak of Shadows charges*, one of the most powerful crowd control skills in the game. You can repair the helm as many times as you like, or use a horadric recipe to recharge it if you run out of gold.


    What I'm getting at is if you never had to learn how to play the game because you were always rushed through it by a high level character, and then sat in cow/baal runs and used very powerful runewords/sets/uniques that were mostly found by botters, please don't be a part of the inevitable cohort that asks the game devs to make the game easier because you are still unexperienced at actually playing the game, start to finish, with a variety of builds. Play the game, learn the game, and you may find that it is fairly well-balanced in a world without bots. Obviously there are some exceptions, but for the most part the game can be completed with a huge number of builds with gear only found by that character. And having access to a worldwide b.net for trading and help means you will have innumerable chances to improve your gear far beyond what is actually necessary to complete whatever part of the game is a roadblock.


    Now, what I'm not saying is that there couldn't be improvements. Some skills are useless because of bugs, or simply being underpowered. And Kaa the Soulless is sometimes straight up unkillable by some builds with the right combination of boss-mods. But I kinda like how insanely strong Kaa is, it's fun to see and strategize a way to take him on :P Same goes for Hell Ancients, but you can reroll them as many times as you like by simply creating a TP. And I'd personally love to see some more mid-level runewords.


    It's just I've seen quite a few highly upvoted posts here asking for changes to the game that go far beyond QoL or making more builds viable. It seems clear to me that many people may be familiar with leet gear/builds, but are unfamiliar with what strategies are effective to actually beat the game w/o an over-inflated economy and the ability to make a game called 'RshMe4Forge'.



    TL;DR I'm not saying 'git gud, scrub'. I'm saying, take a chance and enjoy D2 from start to finish w/o rushes and baal runs. Read a few online strategy guides. Try out a non-meta build. You may re-discover the game as I did.


    *edit: Whoops. Level 13 cloak of shadows, 9 charges.

    submitted by /u/cookmewhole
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    Uh, I really hope that's not what I think it is.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:33 PM PST

    Please, stackable runes and gems (Diablo II resurrected)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:37 AM PST

    I don't care about purist, please I want to have spaces for them

    Edit: LOL about the attempt of "Boss of me" (Actually I love Ska-Punk and Malcom :) )

    submitted by /u/victorav29
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    Tips and tricks

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:36 PM PST

    I've am unfortunately one of the people who has always been rushed and don't really know how to "play" the game sort to speak.

    If anyone could give me some pointers that would be great.

    submitted by /u/Superb-Reference-872
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    Don't join this sub

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    D2:R Fan Character Edits + Comparisons

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Diablo 2: Resurrected will take advantage of DualSense features, says Blizzard

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:22 AM PST

    D2R suggestion - Having an In-game checklist for unique/set drops and runeword gear

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    I'd love for the game to track what drops I've had, so I can go pokemon on D2 and "catch em all" eventually. It could be when you simply have an item, when you vendor it, or maybe a separate NPC that you have to "give" the item to in order for it to count toward the checklist.

    I understand there is a Holy Grail spreadsheet, but an in-game method has these advantages:

    • Most people will likely be playing the game fullscreen, causing video problems switching back and forth all the time

    • Most people don't know about this spreadsheet, and wouldn't even think of looking for it

    • An official method will not only be more official, it can look a lot better and be much more organized

    • An official method could be used to look at the gear and act as a sort of Arreat Summit, to check the stats/properties of something you found in the past

    • Not everyone has a spreadsheet-viewing program installed

    • With an in-game method you can't make a mistake, and you can't cheat by lying about what you found

    • The data could later be used to show a different type of ladder, where the people with the most complete spreadsheet appear at the top

    submitted by /u/surf_ninja385
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    Diablo 4 can actually benefit from Diablo 2 Ressurected launch

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Considering that Diablo 4 is far from being ready the development team can learn a lot from D2R (D2 really).

    We will CERTAINLY see great success in D2R in sales and player satisfaction if it is really 70% a copy of D2, I have no doubt in that because I know D2! And that's a blessing really!!


    D2 being an older game gave it an aura of being obsolete. And D2R is here to show it is not!

    D4 developers will see how a more grounded and methodical playstyle can sell and satisfy the audience, how a more "human" artstyle can also attract the attention of the "modern" newer younger audience.

    And MAYBE they can be influenced a little more! Not to do a copy of D2, of course, but to apply some more of what made D2 great in the new game!

    I'm loving what I'm seeing from D4 so far, really, and the learning will always be beneficial!

    submitted by /u/bvgross
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    Diablo II Version 1.0 Amazon Timeline - Act II

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Do I wait for D2:R?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:02 PM PST

    Every now and then I'll get the itch to play some D2. I have it installed on my PC always, I dump in 150-200hrs over 2 or 3 months then I've satisfied my itch and I leave it for awhile.

    Well I'm feeling the itch to play rn, I logged in last night and started a new character and promised myself only to play till level 10.

    I don't want to play the shit out of it now and then resurrected comes out and I can't enjoy it because I've dumped 200 hours into D2 between march and June. They said it's releasing this year, so I don't wanna burn myself out, then D2:R comes out in October or something and I have D2 fatigue.

    tbh it would be an absolute nightmare for me if I got all excited for D2:R, buy the game, load it up, make a character and then get 10min in and realize i can't be fucked haha.

    So do i wait? or do i just go for it and play the shit out of it now and hope that later this year i can enjoy Res?

    submitted by /u/jhsmckay
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    Diablo 2 original still active?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:43 PM PST

    Wanna grab it cause I'm so hyped for the RM & wanna play but are the servers still active or anything?

    submitted by /u/shades_fnatic
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    [D4] Are Scrolls of Town Portal confirmed? Noticed them on a screenshot.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 12:21 PM PST

    Diablo HD Mod barbarian vs warrior? Which is better?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:05 PM PST

    Just started the Belzebub mod for Diablo and started out with a warrior. Got to level 8 and compared his skills with a barbarian. Apparently the Barbadian gets cleave skill with no mans loss at all along with a few other cool looking offensive skills.

    In short I'm rethinking my character and whether to continue. I kind of wish I started with a barb now but I also enjoy sword and shield play (not just 2-handed axe) which I believe is the barbs sweet spot. Which is better? Should I just stick with warrior?

    submitted by /u/neoflo22
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    Are the builds in the unified builds section of d2jsp still good to use now even though some are from 2008 and for old versions of the game?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Jw if I can go by the many guides on d2jsp still even though I notice they are for older versions of the game. Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/Nahz27
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    No bots will dramaticly change the economy in D2R let's talk about it

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Let's talk about how items that are extremely rare will actually be rare now. You won't see everyone max geared up in two weeks it will take two months.

    submitted by /u/drake_chance
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    day: ruined.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:13 PM PST

    What kind of D2R you would prefer to see on release date?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:58 PM PST

    [POLL] Would like to see what people really want for D2R

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/rtng
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    D4 Set, Legendary, Unique drop rarity

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:23 PM PST

    Please keep the high end item drop rates extremely low. D3's system where loot rains from the sky ruins the loot acquisition progression that was extremely present in D2. With character power going back to the character and not so much on items, item upgrades need to be few and far between in order to keep someone playing the character. If you hit max level and then get multiple legendaries or set items at a time for doing an activity like in D3, a character will quickly run out of things to look for.

    Making some items ultra rare even among the same item tier also gives players that 'holy crap' moment that many D2 players strived for for so long.(ex. Mang Song, Deaths Fathom, Tyraels Might, etc. are ultra rare compared to other exceptional uniques)

    submitted by /u/Hyabussa
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    Will I lose the horadric cube if I join the pieces of the staff?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:42 AM PST

    I wanted to make a cool sword with it but I am afraid I will lose the cube if I join the staff together.

    submitted by /u/smrt666
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    Swarm King and Plains Stalker - Diablo inspired monster concepts sketches.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:38 PM PST

    Which Diablo game are you guys looking forward to playing the most?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Which game are you guys looking forward to the most?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/FalconBond
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    What QOL do you want to see in D2R?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:13 PM PST

    I'm curious what everyone would like to see. Personally the main one's I care for is some more intuitive controls, Maybe an in game runeword system that reveals ones you can do, and trade improvements.

    I think they mentioned trade improvements are coming.

    It's going to be interesting to see them balance QOL and keeping the game as tied to the original as possible.

    Edit: Interesting that my post was downvoted for just asking a question.

    submitted by /u/Antique_Ninjaku
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