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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Diablo Killing the Cow King should not prevent you from opening the portal again in a different game. Moreover, The Cow King should respawn just like any other monster in the game.

    Diablo Killing the Cow King should not prevent you from opening the portal again in a different game. Moreover, The Cow King should respawn just like any other monster in the game.

    Killing the Cow King should not prevent you from opening the portal again in a different game. Moreover, The Cow King should respawn just like any other monster in the game.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    I always disagreed with this kind of "one and done" mentality in games.

    I get that there's a special set dropped by the cow king, but these are just items.

    Killing the Cow King is fun. You should be able to do it on your own as many times as you want to. I mean, it's just a game. Let us have as many ways to have fun with it as possible.

    submitted by /u/BowelMan
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    Update: My 4th roll on this %15 Eth Zerker I hit Perfect EBOTD!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    An alphabet made from the D2 Runes, runic lore and uncovering real life inspirations, the enchantment on Tal'Rashas tomb and the relative atmosphere philosophies in the Diablo franchise

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Diablo II runes are a writing system used by the Vizjerei to channel powerful arcane magic, (but likely predates them) chiseled into waypoints and stones that draw upon the hidden forces that make up reality, the runes are from the time when they still used pure magic (The Sorceress uses magic indirectly, to invoke elemental based spells as at one point the Vizjerei forsake pure magic as they believed the immense power of it was corruptive, not like demonic magic, but more in the sense of bringing forth the true nature of its users, which if being evil, acquired power to do evil. The Assassin's order was created to stop them, Natalya was in Kurast Docks ready to kill Ormus, in case the powerful magi would get corrupted by Mephistopheles, the Lord of Odium). There seems to be a connection between the ancient Skatsim religion, which the Zakarum opressed, and the origin of runes.

    Blizzard drew inspiration, when it comes to Skatsim from Vedic culture, the runes from Sanskrit and Norse, and Zakarum from Zoroastrianism (religion that overthrew the Vedic culture and was the predecessor of religions like Christianity). In the Vedas there is great importance given to sound, specific letters and words and the Sanskrit language which is believed to be an ancient language chanelling "magic", this is oversimplified of course. The Vedas were made by Rishis, seers, which are an inspiration for the Vizjerei. Pre-Islamic arabs were having a culture closely related to the vedic one too, the harem soundtrack from act2 is in Sanskrit, vedic poem praising Lakshmi. Andariel looks like the goddess Kali. There are Shiva statues found in act 3, overgrown by flora and forgotten. The place is east of the middle-eastern inspired Aranoch desert where you can find crumbling Sumerian statues in the sand, and act 3 is inspired by Vedic northern Indian/southern Iranian jungles, Sorceress is of Indian ethnicity.

    What I see in this cinematic scene is runes used by the Horadrim, that are powerful enough to imprison Ba'al Zəvûv, the Lord of Excidium, within Tal'Rasha, (if not for Marius) for all eternity... (looks like occult alchemy symbols, possibly runes beyond Zod in potential D2R future content?) When Al'Diabolos, the Lord of Metus, assumes his true form in the Temple of Light, there is an unholy ritual going on involving the same alchemical runes as on glowing on the floor around him.

    I hated the direction D3 went with the player being a legendary nephalem.. in D2 you're a mere human who has to overcome his fear to face horrors no human was ever ment to face for the sake of all (s)he values (may it be survival, vanquishing evil, glory, knowledge, treasure...), the story is cleverly narrated through Marius, who is supposed to represent humanity being at the mercy of unfathomable evil. You aren't a superhero, you are powerless and you are ment to prove yourself against all odds, but the bittersweet victories on the way, that feel so satisfying, are overshadowed by a dark cloud of despair and defeat. And there is a strong sense of mystery from the ancient past with the Horadric Order, the Skatsimi, the Nephalem are a distant ancestry... much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. (LotR)

    It would've been interesting if the Diablo runes were a real alphabet that, for the sake of connection to reality, could be used as an in game writing system akin to Tolkiens elven or dwarven runes, (it'd make the runewords even more interesting). Maybe even a font could be made of it to use among the Diablo 2 players, or as a material for various Diablo 2 content/fan art/fiction/tattoos. It could seem intimidating first, but you'd be surprised how fast the brain makes reading and writing with a new alphabet automatic, especially if it's done in a known language and being familiar with the runes. I've decided to asign the runes to letter repending on their names (Mal = M), but it could as well be done based on the look of the runic symbols aprox matching the letters (Jah = M)

    submitted by /u/Scythian_
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    The Immortal King

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    You are to late to save the child

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Results of 1000 Lower Kurast chest runs

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I just spent quite a bit of time over the last few days farming LK runs, and recording the results for the latter part of them. I thought you all might find the results interesting to read!

    As a note, I didn't record which individual run I found something on, I just recorded my results in batches of 10 runs. I didn't want to note every time I found something. I was playing a druid during this entire process, so it was very slow. I don't enjoy playing sorceress and I wanted to farm up my own Enigma.

    • During the first 10 runs, I found my first and best grand charm. Probably the best find during the entire 1000 runs. 1 to Barb Combat Skills and 39 to life.

    • From runs 21-30, I found 2 small charms that I kept. 11 to lightning res, and 3 to faster run walk + 10 cold res.

    • During 31-40, I found my first high rune in Lo.

    • Nothing notable until runs 281-290, where I found 2 unique rings off of 2 corpses. Carrion Wind and Dwarf Star.

    • 301-310, I found a 1 to druid skills, 2 to tornado, 2 res, + to life druid helmet.

    • 411-420 was a 9 to lightning res + 19 to life small charm.

    • 521-530 was very lucky. I found a Sur rune immediately followed by an Ist rune the very next run. (I already found 2 Sur runes before starting to record, so I was getting somewhat close to the runes I needed for an enigma. I stopped for a few minutes to farm for a low quality Dusk Shroud, popped it in the cube with an el and a chipped gem and took it to Larzuk to socket it.)

    • 611-620 I found an Um rune.

    • 721-730 had a Vex rune. I was pretty excited about this, as I've never made a hoto self found either. Unfortunately, I never found a Pul during this, so I had to use 6 Fals and a Lem to make it.

    • 791-800 had my second and final skiller GC. 1 to Poison Necro skills and 19 to life.

    • 971-980 had a Lem and a Sur. The Lem was turned into a Pul.

    • 981-990 had an Arm of King Leoric. Not sure if this is a notable item, but I'd never found one before. Sold it, as I didn't have the stash space and don't play Necro.

    • 991-1000 I found a Ber off of a stash. With that, I was able to make my Enigma.

    I didn't originally plan on only doing 1000 runs (truthfully, it actually was quite a bit more, I just didn't record all of the ones before this. I found a Lo, 2 Surs, and 2 skiller Grand Charms during those), as I heard it usually takes several thousand to get a decent number of high runes. I'm not sure if I had abnormally high luck, or if what I read was incorrect. Nevertheless, I never want to do that again!

    submitted by /u/Rodundra
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    Hellfire Amulet and Rings... only 3 ingredients?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I was just going to craft another Hellfire and upon doing some research I realized it's supposed to have four ingredients, but mine only has 3. I am level 70 w/ 250 paragon on T7. When I go to Squirt to buy the level 70 version it doesn't show up. I have 4 level 70 characters, same story for all.

    The weird thing though is when I look up the level 70 stats it's supposed to have, that's exactly what mine show??

    I'm so confused, maybe someone can help me out here.

    submitted by /u/CapmBlondeBeard
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    Is there a thread to find friends before next season starts?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Hello, potential friends. Is there a thread or place for me to find friends before season 23 starts?

    If so, please direct me there.

    If not, or in addition to that source, here's a bit about me:

    I'm coming back after a few season break and I'm very excited. I only have 2 personal friends to play with and they won't be as passionate as I am. I'd love to find some people to play with. I'm looking for people to chain speed grifts and T16 rifts with. The only class I play is wizard and I'm not sure what build I want to try yet, but I hear Firebird's is all the rage right now. Not sure if that makes me wanna play it or try something less common like LoD frozen orb. I might dabble with all the decent wizard builds since it's the only class I play.

    Last year around this time I got really into the season and about 1-2 months in I was the number 4 wizard in solo play, but got dejected after people with massive paragon levels destroyed me (I just played solo or with my buddies). So, I want to farm more paragons this season and see what I can accomplish. Despite my lofty goal, I'm not a cutthroat player and I won't yell at you for wasting 5 seconds or not being a pro. I just wanna smash demons and get loot. I have Discord if you wanna use it.

    My name is Lightsaber#1239.

    submitted by /u/IconicIsotope
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    D2R: When a socketed Item has a rune word attached I think a change in the artwork would be cool

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Just as the title states. I think this would be a cool artistic license the devs could have. Maybe there are art elements that get added to the base art when it has a rune word applied. Each rune word has different elements. Nothing shining or sparkling.

    submitted by /u/Techerson
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    Bosses--A Portion of Atmosphere

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Many who has played Diablo 1 may recall opening a random door near the beginning of the game only to be jumped by a large demon with an intimidating voice, in a room containing a few bloodied corpses. He rushes you, whacks you a few, and kills you. Some people may have expected this, either from word of mouth or by talking to the townsfolk, who tell them of the horrors they've heard or witnessed.

    Diablo 2 is very much the same, albeit to a lesser degree. The first act builds up Andariel as some powerful and terrifying force of hell, and then in its last quest sends you off to kill her. Takes a good minute to get to her, finding a monastery and through its catacombs, a dungeon sparse with a few tortured bodies, and creatures so evil they can only be described as 'Tainted'. Finally enter a room with a pool of blood and a little fire--knowing SHE was just beyond that door, waiting for you to enter. You open the door, and then are promptly scared by her appearance alone. I know I've ran back to the previous floor in my first playthrough, though I was functionally immune to poison (not knowing that would even help).

    I would prefer not to see hate in this thread, but man Diablo 3's bosses. Trap you in a big boss room, give them a cutscene to show them off, then you fight them in an arcade arena. Some of them are rehashes, some completely ruin the diablo aesthetic (butterfly?), some interrupt the flow of the action by retreating till you take care of their minions or trigger a cutscene and/or rematch. Malthael was cool, in an ironic edgelord sort of way; I liked Diablo's new look, but that's all I can really say about them. I felt every boss was trying too hard to be climactic, which reversed their impact. I'm much more excited to fight a rift guardian. Love the game, and I can respect its different approach, but it's this disappointing aspect (as well as the linear maps and checkpoints) more than anything else that make D3 what it is. Of course, the customization limitations and all that are well suited for this style, people just didn't want this style. In Diablo 3's defense--at least it's not Sacred 3?

    submitted by /u/KeepNCreep
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    D2R communication/chat

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Has blizzard said anything about how they plan to update chat? I know they said they were going to modernize it but how? Anyone know if they'll support voice chat or anything of the sort? Just curious and I'm sorry if this info came out and I missed it but appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/chrisxcrisis
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    Where will Firebird land after the nerfs?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I know it's only speculation but where do you think firebird lands after the nerf? Do you think it will still be the #1 wiz build or will LoD twister and Vyr Chantodo have it covered?

    submitted by /u/Bunnings__Sausage
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    Game keeps crashing on Xbox

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    Hi, my game keeps crashing on Xbox since yesterday. It just closes itself without any notification or freezes. Every other game runs fine. I can't find anything about Xbox problems on the internet, maybe someone in here has got an idea what to do or how to fix. Thx in advance

    submitted by /u/420blazeitftw
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    Some D2R Characters Fan Art, selected/updated based on feedback

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Sound issues with Diablo 2

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    My sound has about a 3-4 second lag. Ive delet3d and reinstalled, updated drivers, and ran in ebery compatibility mode I could. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Odinson133
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    The Amazon, Spear of Justice!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Just wondering..

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    what relationship do Diablo, Baal and Mephisto actually have with each other? Other than being brothers ofc

    submitted by /u/Straktos
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    What to do between Seasons?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Although I've played off and on since launch, I've never been this active as a season ends. I actually tried the season journey and really enjoyed it. Now that it's over though I have no idea what to do till the next one starts.

    submitted by /u/giftigdegen
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    Expert difficulty

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Hey so I'm playing expert as Crusader and it's been super easy I get to Belieal and OMG was it impossible had to drop down to Hard to be beat him does it get any harder on expert or is it best to stick to Hard

    submitted by /u/MajorLegneds
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    Why are character rebirths limited to 3 per season?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    I have a lot of hours on my characters and I may be anthropomorphizing them more than is healthy. Is there any benefit to rebirthing versus deleting and creating new characters that needs to be limited?

    submitted by /u/bendover912
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    Question about Diablo 3 Career Screen

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    What does the label written in the tab "2020 - 1" means?

    Cause I have beated my record in 2021 but the record is written in 2020 tab.

    submitted by /u/Gandolaro
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    The gang's all here :)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Haven't been so kind to the wallet with all this Diablo hype lately...


    submitted by /u/DiabloHoodie
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