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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Diablo Activision Blizzard CEO To Get $200 Million Payout While Others Get Laid Off

    Diablo Activision Blizzard CEO To Get $200 Million Payout While Others Get Laid Off

    Activision Blizzard CEO To Get $200 Million Payout While Others Get Laid Off

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Picked up D1 for the first time in 20 years and had this magic shield equipped until I noticed my magic stat. I guess I am the fool.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Will they fix the "Fend bug" in D2R?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    The bug occurs for Amazons who use the Fend skill and also add points into Dodge/Evade/Avoid.

    The bug happens when the amazon is attacking monsters using Fend and the Dodge/Evade/Avoid passive skill triggers -> this causes the amazon to miss all her attacks. So basically she attacks monsters and does zero damage to them.

    This basically makes Fend skill unusable, because this bug occurs very often, especially when your character is close to few monsters: one of them will trigger the Dodge/Evade/Avoid -> and you miss all your attacks.

    If you want to use the Fend skill, you have to resign from putting any skill points into Dodge/Evade/Avoid passives... what means that your character (who probably is using a 2 handed weapon) has no real layer of defense (since you are 2 handed you dont have a shield and obviously you cannot Dodge/Evade/Avoid since this means you deal no damage).

    This bug makes Fend an useless skill. Nobody plays it apart from few poor newbie players who never heard about the bug and who suffer, as their character keeps missing all the time. Some players who know about the bug try to make a character without dodge/evade/avoid, but then this character is simply very weak (the 55%+ chance to dodge attacks is very useful to have for any melee character).

    I think Zeal skill had the same problem but that was (partially?) fixed, for some reason Fend never got fixed -> what is quite sad, because it could bring one more archetype to the game [not a great archetype, but it could work: get a high damage two handed weapon and use dodge/evade/avoid for pseudo-block]

    submitted by /u/vba7
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    Shorter Ladder Seasons Promotes Online Item Buying And Selling. D2 Is Not A 3 Month Ladder Season Game.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Topic. Any arguments otherwise should have good justification. The grinding in this game is unlike any other ARPG I have ever played, and once you finally find that GG item after month's of MF runs, you don't want to have to start all over again. It's barely even enough time to gear one char.

    submitted by /u/FriendOfAFriend24
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    How far behind the Dark Wanderer and Marius were the players characters in DII?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    When you show up at the docks in Act III and leave town the first time, he's right there. Which suggests that we're right behind him the entire time- like, had we entered the Tomb of Tal Rasha moments earlier rhan we did we would have encountered the Wanderer and Baal rather than Duriel.

    submitted by /u/Trick-Quit700
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    Will act 2 still be buggy in D2R?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Act 2 of D2 was notoriously buggy. The maggot lair in particular was full of bugs.

    submitted by /u/Crasp27
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    The D2 Community is extremely nice: A Story about my first Uber Tristram

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    My friend and I have been playing D2 again for the past few weeks hyped for D2R. We'd been farming up keys to do uber trist, just to try it out because I had never done it playing years ago even though I played quite a bit. I play an elemental druid and my friend plays a javazon and we were decently geared, so just figured we'd give a try, why not... So we start off pretty strong and killed all 3 bosses in the key portals. Andy gave us a bit of trouble, but we cheesed it by spamming dire wolves while he javed it at range. So we summon the uber trist portal and take out Diablo pretty easily and feel confident about it all... and then got ABSOLUTELY RAVAGED by baal and mephisto. My god we were throwing body after body at them and barely scratching them... I even jumped on my cold sorc to farm some gold in another game for us to fund potions while devising strats to take them down..... but nothing. We must've died trying to kill baal/mephisto for an hour or so before just about throwing in the towel.

    But instead of logging I decided to jump in chat channels and said "Does anyone want to help kill uber tristram" and one guy joined with a barb that used werewolf form. Admittedly he said it was a meme build and not sure if it'd work but it couldn't be any worse than what we were doing. We join and try to fight it aaaand nothin... He was dying just like we were... So he brought in the big guns, his smiter pally buddy. He was only level 71 and I think undergeared a bit...becacuse he also died pretty quickly. I was starting to think we should just call it a night because it was getting late but they seemed to have a plan. He swapped to his hammerdin, swapped some gear around and even did a token reset to change his higher level pally into a smiter and SMOOOOKED both baal and meph. Both excited and not sure if they'd steal the torch or not, I clicked that shit so fast and unidentified it only to be FUCKING DEVASTATED that it was an assassin torch...... but I didn't know anything about torch stats and they told me that it actually rolled PERFECT 20/20 stats! They also mentioned it was worth quite a few high runes and just were happy to have killed the ubers. I felt so bad for not having anything and offered anything I could. One of the guys took my token and some ral runes.

    Just a really cool experience and kinda crazy I got a perfect torch on my first uber run. So RQ and SmashDaddies, if you're reading this, thanks again! :D

    submitted by /u/UncleSlim
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    BlueTracker | Compilation of Blizzard's comments of the week

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Follow us on r/blue_tracker and @blue_tracker

    You will find all comments below

    submitted by /u/blue_trackerbot
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    D2R: Will Merc bugging be fixed?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    In D2 there is a bug where if you trap a merc behind a door.... walk away to where the merc does not show on your map and it teleports to you it will be bugged and can only be targeted by distance enemies. Will this still be present in D2R?

    submitted by /u/Techerson
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    Firebird set question

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    I've been trying to choose between running a Crusader or Wizard next season and the firebirds set has my attention since I love how it looks and the mechanics. I just want to know something which is confusing me though:


    If you take a look at this video you'll see that at random points the guy just gets this HUGE burst of damage and often procs his cheat death. Other times, however, he's super tanky and just has no problem.

    I've been seeing this consistently on a number of other run videos where the person just suddenly experiences a huge spike of damage for no reason.

    Can someone explain to me why those spikes of damage occur? Is it just the number of mobs around him or is there some mechanic going on?

    It's not the shields since I kept an eye on the bar and animation and the shield seems intact almost always.

    submitted by /u/Bossmantho
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    Will D2R have Aussie servers?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    D2 is laggy for me on battlenet so I mostly play single player, will there be an Aussie server for D2R so I won't lag?

    submitted by /u/rfecdx
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    Hypothetical: D2R endgame maps

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    First let me clarify: I know it is very unlikely that this will be ever implemented in D2R and I'm totally fine with it. Its not even a suggestion or anything, I'm just curious about your opinion. What would say if they would add a similar endgame that PoE (or more like Path of Diablo) has, with random generated maps. I imagine they would be world drop and the same level as the area you found them. You could then just right click it in the town to open a portal to a random generated dungeon.

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    submitted by /u/yavy
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    Restarting with the same character in Diablo 3

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm a returning noob. Played D3 when it first came out, loved it, but put it aside when I went back to school. Graduated, playing again, lots of things have changed.

    I think it used to work like D2 did, where you could finish the game with a character in normal mode, then if you continued it would drop you back into the first act and you could play everything all over again.

    I'm enjoying the bounties and rifts but I would also like to play through the story again with the same character in a harder difficulty level. All the banter and conversations and companion quests and everything, all over again, just starting at my current level with my current gear and harder monsters.

    Is that still possible or do I have to pretty much delete him and remake him? Or, since I made him in Season play, will this be more possible when the season is over and he gets dumped into adventure mode?

    submitted by /u/BrightestHeart
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    A decent build for a fresh Level 70 mage - Diablo 3

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Hello !

    This is the first time I play Diablo and I'm really having a good time. Started as a mage and completed the main quest + RoS at normal and after I started the adventure mode on Master and I've completed a few rifts and 3 acts bounties, but once I got to 70 I feel like my items don't help me anymore (the dps is low and I'm talking heavy dmg).I've searched the internet for some builds and one based on the Mammoth Hydra seems fun but I miss a lot of legendaries.I have upgraded all the artisans and I have a few blueprints. Can someone recommend me a decent build based on crafted legendaries/sets so I can be able to farm till I get everything I need for the build? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Adnosius
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    Diablo 1 in 2021?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    How do you find it holds up. Modded or not so you think it's still a good game?

    I remember when it came out and the story and atmosphere was so captivating.

    Diablo 2 of course was brilliant and 3 isn't as bad as people say (eternal).

    But how about D1 in 2021? Have you played it. Does it hold up?

    submitted by /u/b100mpanda
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    Blaze pet finding.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Is there an easy way to get The blaze pet??

    submitted by /u/JuicyPlanets
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    How to play Diablo 1 on Mac? - Solved

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    I was looking for this and wasn't able to find an answer. Google gave only solutions that included either very old version of MacOS with 32bit version or included virtual Windows.

    However, I did find a solution. If you want to play Diablo 1 on Mac or on any other platform that can't use GOG version then you can do the following:

    - Visit https://d07riv.github.io/diabloweb/

    - Get DIABDAT.MPQ from here https://ia800901.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/16/items/Diablo_1996_Blizzard/Diablo%20%281996%29%28Blizzard%29.iso (people from previous Diablo thread on Reddit mentioned this link is legal)

    - Enjoy Diablo 1!

    I am writing this as future reference for people like me who were looking for how to play Diablo 1 on Google and couldn't find a solution. I hope it will help you guys!

    submitted by /u/seva98
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    D2:R bugs fix question

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    My latest poll on Andariel quest bug has revealed a very interesting thing. A lot of people say that making runes/gems stackable will affect the economy by making these items cheaper and more abundant, since you will be able to store them more easily. A fair point.

    They also say that making D2:R easier is a bad thing. Also a fair point. But when it comes to fixing old bugs and exploits, same people suddenly change their views and claim that bugs, that clearly affect the economy and make the game easier (such as Andy quest bug, which makes farming certain very strong items A LOT easier) shouldn't be fixed. Which I think is somewhat contradictory.

    So let's talk in general about all such player-friendly bugs, because there are many of them. You can also argue that everything related to DUPING can be considered as such player-friendly bugs too. Why fix it then? It seems like keeping D2:R easy, bugged and expoitable doesn't bother many veteran players.


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    submitted by /u/user315708
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    D2 FB/Orb Sorc

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    Is it a solid build for a fresh start? I remember back than that it was pretty good, but maybe it was just in my memories as a child :P

    All i see are recommendations for blizz and lightning sorc.

    submitted by /u/ThePacki
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    What Was the Biggest Disappointment from D3

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    A bunch of repressed memories about the d3 development have surfaced for me recently. For me it was "shut up pvp guy" from the lead dev Jay Wilson.

    submitted by /u/BugsRCute
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