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    Diablo S22 1st time WD

    Diablo S22 1st time WD

    S22 1st time WD

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:04 AM PST

    Hey, i recently started to play D3 again and would love to have some good builds to grind for. I know the mundunugus is the strongest rn but i need something good to grind portals till i get all of the items i need to actually play the set. Its so boring to wait till the manitou barage kills the enemies while i just stand there. So hopefully someone could help me :D

    submitted by /u/manubro_ to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    Need help!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:46 AM PST

    Hello! I picked up Diablo Eternal for the first time a week ago and I'm hooked. I'm playing trough Reaper on T3 with my Demon Hunter, but I don't know if it's near an optimal build.

    The thing is i picked a legendary item in act 1 or 2 that makes my Twin Chakram into Hatred generetors. Instead of spendig hatred, they generate 4. All my other gear is from Act 5 but I never could part ways with that item because I spent the whole game spamming chakrams to generate hatred, and using it with impale or sentrys (I also use the wolf, vault and vengeance).

    I don't know if that chakram item is randomly OP or what, but I just can't imagine my Demon Hunter without it. I would like to know which are the commonly used skills and runes in level 70. I may be doing everything wrong just becouse I love that chakram hatred generetor too much, lol.

    I also made the mistake of not making a seasonal character (I didn't know they eventually became regular characters), so I don't know how to get GoD. I understand they are pretty important.

    Finally, I've been putting my first paragon points (and all my other gear) in dexterity. I understand that she uses DEX as the damage atribute as a rogue would do in DnD, right? The game is not very good explaining this things to newcomers, and the first 4 chapters are too easy to stop and give a damn XD

    Sorry for the english, greets from Argentina!

    submitted by /u/BacaSegura to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Possible glitch?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    I am using the patterns of justice set as a seasonal hero, I have the full 6 set, not using the ring of royal grandeur. I am also using a few other things causing me to have 2 mystic allies and I use tempest rush and sweeping wind because this set buffs those obviously. I also trigger cyclone strike when I hit with tempest rush and anything hit with cyclone strike takes double damage from my mystic allies. Occasionally when I start using sweeping wind and tempest rush as a combo my attacks will suddenly start dealing (practically) no damage. (From tens of billions down to a couple million) this is immediately remedied by pausing and unpausing but it may randomly start to happen again. It seems to happen most often when I first active sweeping wind, and also when I hit three stacks of sweeping wind. Any help would be appreciated, is it a known glitch with this build and if not would someone mind reporting the glitch as I don't know how.

    submitted by /u/Soontobeawelder to r/Diablo3Monks
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    How to use bone armor :)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    So basically I am following from what I read the best necro right now. I have all gear from videos. My thing is bone armor feels like it expires so fast. I have to constantly be near mobs to applie which is hard because I evaporate them.

    So my real question is, is there any way y'all can think of how I can increase the active duration of bone armor?

    Best build I am using is bone spear with curses & bone armor

    submitted by /u/TheWujuLegend to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    LF Clan - PC NA

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Good day fellow demon hunters. Looking for a friendly, active and nooby patient clan. I started playing about a 1 1/2 month ago and ready to run rifts, bounties and whatever else I haven't discovered yet. I am able to do GR 28 and working my way up. I also have a demon hunter, monk and necro but no experience yet except for ranking to 70. Thanks for read.

    submitted by /u/rrgdog72 to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Looking to trade this primal ancient for other WW/rend build Primals. Xbox gamer tag @glasstoker93

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Any use for a primal butchers carver?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Playing the Mundunugu set and beat a 99 GR. Really struggling finding a good juicer, barber, etc. I did just land a Primal butchers carver. Anyone ever incorporate that somehow into a similar play style? Maybe not because it's two handed? Plus you lose spirit barrage upgrades.

    submitted by /u/duabrs to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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