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    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Diablo I wouldn't mind losing my HC characters, if I knew what killed them...

    Diablo I wouldn't mind losing my HC characters, if I knew what killed them...

    I wouldn't mind losing my HC characters, if I knew what killed them...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:09 PM PST

    Kind of annoying to go into the Fallen Heroes to see: "Killed by: Unknown".

    Wtf do you mean, unknown? It was a very strange death, too. I wasn't near any mobs and had full health plus the 60 second death prevention skill that every class has. When all the sudden I get insta-gibbed.

    So, what happened? Did I just get KO'd by Lag? A glitch? How many others have lost chars to "unknown" deaths?

    submitted by /u/Brandy_Buck
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    [D3] Please add legendary affixes to useless legendary items that don't have them.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    As everyone probably knows by now, D3 is in life support mode for a long time now, the resources are going to D4. So we can't expect any big changes. I have a suggestion but I'm not a programmer or a dev so I have no way of knowing how difficult it would be to implement, but from my position of ignorance it seems like it should be relatively easy. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    The suggestion is simple. D3 has many legendary items with unique in-game models, art, effects and icons that all go to waste because those items have no legendary affixes on them and no one ever uses them. And since D3 is already fully based around focusing on stacking massive bonuses to one skill, wouldn't it be amazing if the devs could add legendary affixes that increase the damage of some of the skills that aren't really used because they're not supported by any of the available sets? I think it would be awesome. I want to cry each time I see Revive skill, especially knowing how much work and resources went into it. Or many other abilities that are simply cool and fun to use but they're too weak. Simple affixes with +X% damage to unused skills could make them viable, increase the number of viable builds, especially LoD and LoN builds I imagine and make those legendary items useful and actually feel like they're "legendary" items.

    Edit: So yea, looks like many people are right and Blizzard has been doing that slowly for some time. I guess I didn't notice. Whoops. In that case, I can only say I hope the future additions will achieve what I described above and I hope they'll add items that will make new LoN and LoD builds possible, because personally I'm bored by sets. Sets are too strong anyway imo.

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    Did you know: D1's manual lore chapters were narrated by Paul Eiding (Warrior/Sorcerer etc VA) on PS1 version

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Wow! A staff, wonder what it does...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    How does Diablo 2 fare against other looter-rpg?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    I have never played Diablo 2. From what I can tell, the combat gameplay and the story itself already looks good as any other dark rpg, so those already have piqued my interest.

    But I am seeing the rng loot system, and this is what stops me from buying it. While I understand it is a core game mechanic of Diablo 2, my experience from other games that uses this mechanic makes me doubt whether I will fully enjoy this game.

    I am talking about more modern games that have RNG loots. The loots in these games always come down to the same thing;

    I find a cool looking piece of equipment, and it's legendary! Ohh, boy! It's so good for my build. I guess I'll just keep using it annnnddddd I found a better thing with the better stat, and at lower tier. It looks like shit, but it still outclasses the crappy legendary!

    Another thing that usually happens in these games is how much of a grind it can be to get the endgame gears. They have these really hard raids and dungeons that take hours to do, all to get something that doesn't align with your build.

    I often hear that D2 is the only game that does the loot system right, but I'm not sure if the game suffers from same as these other modern looters

    submitted by /u/sgy0003
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    Should jewels return in addition to gems in Diablo 4?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:26 AM PST

    Would you like to see them return in diablo 4?

    submitted by /u/Ggthefiree2
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    Diablo 2; but it's in Grim Dawn. A 1:1 Remake.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    Can anyone recommend a game that plays like diablo and has myltiplayer and trading?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    I've played poe. I've bought grim dawn, titan quest.

    I'm.just looking for the same experience but a different game. I guess I'm trying to find and relive the golden years of diablo 2 1.07-1.11. LOD. 🤣

    submitted by /u/phantombuz
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    Solo dash monk sprinter in depth guide

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:32 PM PST

    I got this conquest solo in about 57 minutes after much consternation. Part of the problem of trying to complete this conquest is there is very little information out there for those trying to complete it - all there is that is easily findable is for the monk, which is by far the fastest solo class (and this is still very little).

    Ive decided to write this guide because most of what IS out there only details builds and perhaps timings. There are few if any write-ups that offer time saving tricks and strategies which leads to a lot of unnecessary trial and error for those attempting this conquest for the first time (like I was).

    Gear Prides fall helm Raiment shoulders, chest, gloves Rondals neck Reapers wraps wrist Avarice band / zodiac rings Cap crimson belt pants Crudest boots Ingeom/fleshrake

    Cube Burst of wrath Cindercoat Rorg Kyoshiros soul

    Skills 1 sweeping wind inner storm 2 mystic ally air ally 3 epiphany insight 4 mantra of healing circular breathing 5 wave of light explosive light 6 dashing strike radiance

    Passives Fleetfooted Beacon of ytar Exalted soul Chant of resonance

    Templar follower with regen aura

    Goal behind the build is infinite dashing strike which is by far the fastest traveling skill in the game. It shines in a couple of places that I will detail where you have enough space to go many entire screens within the span of a few seconds. As you dash, you will hit and kill things, which will lower the cooldown on epiphany and mystic ally, allowing you to regenerate your resource indefinitely. As long as youre paying attention to your skills coming off cooldown it's difficult to run out of resource with this build.

    And this is where most guides stop with the bulk of their information. You can go fast infinitely so go do Sprinter! It's absolutely not that simple. Below is a list of several tips per act to help you better set your own expectations when trying to complete this conquest.

    Under each section I will list a "reset after" time, meaning you should probably reset the run if you complete the act after that time. One caveat: if you are learning the campaign, I strongly advise you to just complete your first 5-10 attempts regardless of time to help you learn the tilesets and maps. This knowledge is absolutely critical and you do yourself no favors resetting after act I over and over until you get under time without practicing the other acts as well.

    Act I Reset after: 16 minutes Tips: -there doesn't seem to be a pattern to the Cain tileset, which is the first maze in the game. follow long corridors until you see an indicator, generally heading in a downward direction. bottom left seemed to be fairly common for me. -after rescuing Cain and talking to him in the cathedral, tp immediately (you don't need to follow him to progress the quest) -the defiled crypt is the first rng of the game (outside of maze setups). contrary to what others say, there is no crypt you walk into that starts an event immediately that you can just leave from. you still have to go in part ways at least. if you see a large square boneyard type area you're in the wrong crypt. if you reach a teleport to start obelisk you're in the wrong crypt. the right crypt and the obelisk only crypt have similar looks/feels, can't explain this beyond after doing enough runs I kind of knew when I was in the boneyard crypt at entry. i would advise a reset any attempt that you guess wrong on the first two crypts, since that would cost you anywhere from 1:20 - 2:00 on average. -after you give the crown to haedrig, waypoint back to leorics passage and stand by the ornate door. you don't need to wait in town or talk to haedrig after he stops hammering to progress. -cathedral 2 exit is similar to Cain tileset - find and follow long corridors until you see an indicator on the minimap. -cathedral 4 (locating the crypt) is a deviation from what has been seen so far in that the exit is usually in an offshooting path towards the center of the map, typically originating from the west heading east or the north heading south. these will only appear as narrow hallways on the minimap of little usual interest. occasionally the crypt exit can also spawn in a top of map position as well. taking a long time to find the crypt is common and usually necessitates a reset. -after rescuing tyrael, start the conversation with him and zip to the waypoint (don't need to stay and skip conversation). -the khazra den is the only cave with a blue light and can be maddening to locate. it can literally be hidden in a small part of shroud that was encircled during searching and the map is relatively huge. best advice is start looking towards the left and sort of zigzag your way up, then move to the right side if you still haven't found it. -maghda can glitch in her first encounter and stop spawning cultists. reset if this happens. -warriors rest and ancient path (or whatever it's called) are usually close to each other, but every now and then one can spawn way up north. After getting both orbs waypoint back to the drowned temple and save some travel time. -araneae is very irritating, the path to her lair is always long and upward AND PRECEDED BY a sort of winding path to the left or right (instead of just short transition to other spider "nest" areas or dead ends). look for this winding path and go north as soon as you are through it, because you are close. -check the right side of the map first for the khazra staff, you get a little break on this one because the indicator shows up a little further than usual. -halls 1 follow long corridors and look for giant cleavers slashing down, when you see the cleavers you are close. -halls 2 is always up and to the right. -the butcher is always a long path headed up, but sometimes this path is far away from the entry and other times it is very close. follow long corridors. Act II reset after: 14 minutes, or total time exceeding 30 minutes -hidden conclave is always on the left side of the map, secret altar USUALLY on the right side but can be at the top as well occasionally. after clearing hidden conclave go to the top of the area and move right until you hit the wall, then down. -moving to khasim is one of the instances where dashing strike really gets to shine, you can pass over most of the terrain blockages. move to the top left until you see wooden stairs and then move into the city and continue. -after khasim the path to alcarnus is always a narrow path in the bottom right, winding around to go into alcarnus proper to the right, up a staircase, and then back to the left to maghda. -the game can glitch after the first emperor encounter, not allowing the four pylons to be destroyed. reset. -unfortunately I have nothing to offer to help find the wretched pit, dahlgur, or the forgotten ruins. even on my successful run I was going completely blind and hoping. long paths are irrelevant in the sewers as they can lead to dead ends just the same. dahlgur is also an enormous map and I always have to kind of just stumble on the ruins. I'm sure there are set spawn points but I don't know what they are.
    -in the ruins kulles body can also be on the edges or on an inward leading path. these tilesets are maddening as well because the narrow paths leading either to the goal or deeper into the map can look like dead ends to someone dashing through and cause you to explore a lot of dead area. Look closely is all I can tell you. -dahlgur exit (with kulle) is always top left. -similar to before I have no tips for western or eastern flow control, other than the western (first) maze gives you a minimap indicator from a decent way out, and the eastern maze gives you zero indicator even when you're standing in front of the exit. -the crucible is always on a path leading upward. go up until you can't, then find another way to keep going up until you can't. -cave of the betrayer and vault of the assassin are absolutely my achilles heel. they are very similar to khazra den on the map (can be tiny and hidden by a tiny amount of shroud) and there are TWO of them. worse, the interior and goal items of each are very similar to forgotten ruins (narrow paths that look like dead ends at first glance; random goal item placement). -somewhat mercifully the storm halls and unknown depths DO have an indicator when you're heading in the right direction: long, segmented pathways. go straight when you find the second one to find the goal item. -the shadow vault is unfortunately just like vault of the assassin and forgotten ruins, but fortunately it's the last one of these. -the fastest way to do the refugees is to go over every single circle and move every single cart. matter of fact it's the only way I know of. Act III Reset after: 10 minutes, or 40 minutes total time -the good news for act III is a lot of the maps are exactly the same every single game. the entire sequence leading up to the keep is consistent every game, so just practice. -the keep is the only real maze of act III. for keep 1, follow paths until you see kind of a lava room with long platforms jutting into it and around it (not a big open square). for keep 2, you're looking for an outside snowy area, but there are several areas that fit this description that isn't the exit. these do seem to indicate the correct path, so if you see them, keep moving in the same general direction until you see a busted out portion of the keep leading to the larder. -ghom is always on a long upward path similar to the butcher in act I. -the korsikk/catapult/rhakkis sequence is always laid out the same, with small variations in catapult placement (trebuchet always generally in the same spot). rhakkis is another dash monk showcase - zoom right past everything to siegebreaker. -core 1 is usually up and to the right, however you need to pay attention to paths splitting off to the left and then resuming an up-rightward territory. cydaea speaking while you're pathing is an indicator you're heading in the right direction and getting close. -the ring maps are fairly consistent: if you start on the outside, get to the inner ring and look for a pathway heading into the central structure/exit. if you start on the inside, get to the outside and look for an exit around the outside. -after destroying the heart, proceed directly to the exit so you can go through as soon as it's accessible. -repeat the above strategies for cydaea 2. after cydaea is dead, you are granted an indicator straight to azmodan in the subsequent area. Act IV Reset after: 6 minutes, or 46 minutes total time -Act 4 is really short and linear. library of fate is always far left. -the only rng in act 4 is finding the hell rifts, just keep killing the black stuff till you find them. -when looking for izual and diablo, look for long paths and stay straight on them (open central areas are bad -stay on the edges) -make sure you end diablo phase 2 before he spawns a shadow clone. Act V Reset after: 14 minutes, or 60 minutes total time -gideon's row can be tough to locate, but you do get a generous indicator. be sure to follow paths that do not arch back into areas you've already traveled. -in the cemetery, go stay on the edge in the first area until you find an offshooting transitional path to another area, the go to the other side of the area to look for the exit. -after the second soul crucible is dead and you talk to Miriam, the game doesn't clearly indicate the next step, which is tyrael in the north of survivors enclave. -tower of korelan/urzael is similar to gideon's row in that its a large map with many winding paths, with a moderate indictor. stay on new paths (don't arch back into already discovered areas) -it is MUCH faster to locate all of the nephelem guidestones and eliminate the wrong passages then it is to guess. look for little circles on your minimap. - the siege runes in battlefields of eternity are the last large map, but it is HUGE and you have to stumble across what you're looking for (timeless prison and endless battle). the timeless prison is usually in the middle of the map somewhere and the endless battle is on the edge, but it can be the edge on either the right or the left side of this enormous map. good luck. -make sure you knock the hooks off the ram. -in pandemonium 1, make sure you talk to the dude on the left to make the death gates spawn. the exit is hard to find and pandemonium 1 is full of side quests and events, if you trigger one you're in the wrong area. stay on new paths. -pandemonium 2 will give you death gates after you kill the champ mob. follow them to get to pandemonium 3.

    other tips: spacebar skips text boxes AND the little speech bubbles. mash your spacebar anytime you're around an NPC out of habit. if you start tilting take a break. dash monk can get "stuck" a lot. learn to walk a bit to point yourself in the right direction before resuming dashing. the fastest time I've ever seen solo is 51 minutes, so you can make up time. the fastest act 1 I've seen is 14 minutes, act 2 12, act 3 9, act 4 4, act 5 12. complete your early runs until you memorize the game. i hadn't played the campaign in years until last week and I wrote the entire thing from memory.

    submitted by /u/CHARLESBARKLEYDUNK
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    Charms in Diablo IV?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Would anyone else like to see charms in D4? I recently got back into Diabo 2 by playing the project Diablo 2 mod (loads of nostalgic fun btw) and thought it would be great to see a comeback for D4

    submitted by /u/pccarl
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    The Darkening of Tristram

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:10 AM PST

    Your Journey Begins…

    Exclusive rewards and challenging enemies await you, but they won't last forever! The cultists will appear on December 31 at 4 p.m. PST, and the portal opens January 3 at the same hour. Both parts of the event end January 31 at 4 p.m. PST.

    I'm confused, where can I find these?

    P.S. I did a little bit of research on the matter. It looks like there should be a pentagram icon on the wp, but I don't see it?

    submitted by /u/FrickingNinja
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    Best mods/patches for new Diablo Hellfire players?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    I bought Diablo and its dlc Hellfire from GOG and was wondering what are some good mods or patches for beginners.

    submitted by /u/Wilczek21
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    belzebub or tchernobog which should i play?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    im looking to play diablo 1 again which of these mods is superior they seem similar.

    submitted by /u/Individual-Error-919
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    Pet classes..necro..witch doctor..

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    What's the appeal honestly? It seems boring having other monsters fight for me.

    submitted by /u/Digital_Diarrhea1
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    Legacy of Dreams Question.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    I used to play it years back when it came out and I got a wizard paragon 860 and I use tal-rasha/vyr set archon build.

    I can easily clear out level 70 solo rifts which I'm guessing is pretty crap and I've recently been trying to get the LOD, but I don't understand how to get it.

    Could someone please tell me what must I do in order to get LOD? I really need it for a build Which I'm still collecting the pieces but the main piece is LOD.

    Please if anyone could let me know how to get the Legacy Of Dreams gem I'd be forever grateful.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dj-zozo
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    Resistances and esoteric gem

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Is it better to get belt/pants/boots with all res or without all res but with physical res if I have esoteric on max level?

    submitted by /u/Super_Sephiroth
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