• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Diablo Wanted Lilith from the very moment I first saw her. Finally gave in and called her home.

    Diablo Wanted Lilith from the very moment I first saw her. Finally gave in and called her home.

    Wanted Lilith from the very moment I first saw her. Finally gave in and called her home.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:25 PM PST

    What are some MINOR topics you'd like to see covered at BlizzCon or the next quarterly update?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    To compliment the other thread going on about BIG topics, what are some minor/lesser talked about topics that you would like to see addressed? Things that aren't as big as itemization, or unique class mechanics.

    Looking forward to hearing your ideas!

    submitted by /u/Kenorwoks
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    I'm a first time Diablo 2 player, should I play vanilla first or go straight to PD2?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Played a bit of Diablo 3, liked it but a lot of my friends told me that every gripe that I had with the game isn't present is D2.

    Does PD2 alter the core experience of D2 a lot? Or should I just play it instead of vanilla for the QOL improvements?

    submitted by /u/BrotherOccasion
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    My wife's Necro seems invincible compared to mine; I'm definitely holding us back. Halp plz! [IcyVeins Poison Scythe build]

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:27 PM PST

    I'm going for Poison Scythe, she's going for Masquerade + Bone Spear. We're working on GR95+ but I get one-shot every so often and she seems to be super tanky by comparison.

    His - https://us.diablo3.com/en-us/profile/ArchStanton-11273/hero/126770817

    Hers - (damn, no chars listed on her b.net account page for some reason??)

    I switched from Rubies to Diamonds and that certainly helps. Otherwise not sure what to do to improve survivability.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/BoxOfRingsAndNails
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    What's the next big requested topic for the following quarterly updates?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:29 AM PST

    So, first of all: next quarterly update will be Blizzconline itself, and the announcement of a 4th class has been practically confirmed. I guess we'll also see updates on varios other mechanics.

    Now, itemization received a nice update in the last post. I expect they will keep telling us about it, but there are other topics I'd love to know about following the Blizzconline. As a musician, my most requested one is Music and sound design, but I'd also love to know more about the Druid specific class mechanic, real world inspiration and environment design of the different regions (we saw Scosglen references and design during Blizzcon 2019), and Dungeon keys.

    What's yours?

    submitted by /u/Ropp_Stark
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    D3 Season idea; "Season of the cross-class"?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    This isn't some crazy big-brain idea or anything, but it is a pretty crazy idea. But... well, the idea popped in my head, and I kind of like it.

    What if they did a Season where all of the Classes were basically "screwed up". Where you got a "Death Knight" who had access to both Crusader and Necromancer skills and passives, or an "Assassin" who was a mix of Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor skills?

    Presumably, one class would be taken as the "template", adopting their primary Resource, and converting the second class's skills to use that resource (or just switch it all to Mana).

    There is NO way this idea would be even REMOTELY balanced.

    But you know what?

    Maybe it's just me, but... the idea does sound like a lot of fun.

    I mean, even of the classes were a bit stripped-down compared to their traditional counterparts, I do kind of love the idea of a melee fighter who summons skeletons (and maybe actually uses Ashbringer in a meaningful way). But then... I'd legit be happy with just a Warcraft III-style Death Knight but in Diablo, so what do I know?

    Anyways, think there's any way a crazy idea like this might actually work?

    submitted by /u/Jcorb
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    Is there any way to keep my cursor locked within the window in windowed mode?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Strange that there's an option for fullscreen windowed but not regular windowed. This is for Diablo 3.

    submitted by /u/Ajora666
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    Why do people love diablo 2 so much

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    I didnt play it back in the day, played it recently, its a good game

    But why do people worship d2 like a god, the peak of gaming and arpgs

    Its a good game but i dont get that

    submitted by /u/Headbone11
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    I know D3 is in maintenance mode, but Blizzard, PLEASE give me an option to assign left-click to ONLY movement

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:51 PM PST

    In a perfect world, we could re-bind the left-click ability to the "5" key, especially as it could match the UI perfectly well.

    But for the love of god, PLEASE give us the ability to simply have it ONLY used for Movement. I don't even care if it means completely forfeiting the use of a skill slot; there are a number of builds that, when I left-click, I just want to fucking move.

    Now extra kudos if it can still interact with items and pick up loot, but honestly, anything is better than what we've got now.

    Just my two cents, but lord knows it would be a great addition.

    submitted by /u/Jcorb
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    What do YOU want for endgame in D4?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:42 PM PST

    I'd like to see what the community's ideas are for endgame in D4. I personally hope for there to be multiple activities to do. At least 6 or 7. More than just dungeons, world bosses, and random boss hunting. PoE has a good variety of endgame activities that are all pretty different from each other. I feel like D3 is just rift, rift, GR, bounty for mats and repeat.

    I'd like to see things that we could target farm. Let's say you want to farm runes (assuming they will be present) There could be a cave system that would have energized stones that must be defended. After enough kills, it would charge the stone that would have a higher chance to drop runes. Have 5 stones each with different properties: monsters cast abilities twice when near stone, players are slowed near stone, gold pours out from stone when nearby monsters are killed, etc.

    You could try and lure more monsters to certain stones to power them up sooner/more rewards from them, but in doing so, other stones will get attacked and broken. It can be a risk/reward system that rewards different types of play. Maxed out builds might/should be able to save every stone every stone excavation.

    And this is just for a better way to farm runes. Could be something else for gems/weapons/armor/dungeon keys/gold/crafting mats/cosmetics or trophies/whatever new other type of items they introduce.

    If there were more than 3 things to do on repeat that have their own type of gameplay, I'll be happy. Now I want to hear your ideas!

    submitted by /u/Xenn000
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    A Question for the more experienced player

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Can someone explain me the art of enchanting. I dont understand which perks i should reroll to get a specific result.

    submitted by /u/derSchnaufi
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - December 30, 2020

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Is it possible to carry more than one Greater Rift Keystone at a time?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:38 AM PST

    As per title - they don't seem to stack in the inventory, so I was wondering if I'm missing something.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/perceptSequence
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    Discussion about mounts in D4

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:20 AM PST

    How important should mounts be in D4? Should they be hard to acquire? Should they have different speeds or effects? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Ggthefiree2
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    Will Diablo 4 be like Diablo 2?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:52 PM PST

    What is the early pulse on this?

    I got D3 the night it came out and never played it again after about 30 minutes. Felt like some great value version of WoW which I'm not too fond of either

    I demand unique looking equipment and scrolls of identification

    submitted by /u/Azrairc
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