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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Diablo Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q3 September 2020

    Diablo Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q3 September 2020

    Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q3 September 2020

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Quin69's thoughts on the new Diablo 4 Skill Tree

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    The Skill Tree is getting all the attention right now...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    But this statement hints at make-or-break philosophy changes that they're doing to itemization. It's the sleeper big reveal in the post.

    We agree with the feedback that a character's power is currently too dependent on items. We plan to put more of the player's power back into the character to make build choices more impactful, rather than have the majority of player power coming from the items they have equipped.

    Trees can always grow more branches. This is something else.

    submitted by /u/EnzinoDVL
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    Best Item I have ever gotten.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Dropped from Sir Gorash on Normal, perfect zodiac roll, poor obsidian roll. I never thought I would ever get this item.


    I don't know what happened to the pic but here it is :/

    submitted by /u/jonkzx
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    If possible, every skill should have their own skill tree. To express the idea, I made a picture.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Request - Can someone good at photoshop remove all the icons and watermark on the new D4 skill Tree to make it as a wallpaper.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Please post a high resolution image if possible. Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/Karna1394
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    This was a spicy drop from last night. Been back about two weeks, now. Low ED, but I'll take it.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Diablo 4 Quarter 3 Update

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    MrLlamaSC on the new Diablo IV September updates. Detailed analysis.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    What was wrong with the D2 0-20 Skill system?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I don't know about anyone else, but personally I loved the 1 point to unlock 20 points to master nature of the D2 Skill Tree. It seems like every Diablo-like ARPG has done away with this, but I've never seen any reason not to put it back in other than different games decided to go with different systems. Does anyone have any good reason we shouldn't just have a level-gated system with 1=weak 20=powerful system with synergies like in D2?

    submitted by /u/HadesRising
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    What does everyone think of the new "Powers" progression system?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I couldn't find a discussion post for this topic so I'm making one:

    What are people's thoughts on the new progression system "Powers", where the attributes of Angelic, Demonic & Ancestral, change how your abilities work?

    Personally, I'm happy to see more control over how the game is played given back to the player, rather than D3's item-focused progression.

    What are your opinions?

    submitted by /u/Mickelham
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    Bounties Help

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Bounties Help

    Im having an issue with the bounties in Reaper of Souls , i do all 5 bounties and it gives me the chest at the end and says complete but when i close the game and start a new one im back in town and all 5 bounties are gone and i have to do them all over again. Any ideas ?


    submitted by /u/wzman82
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    Any other Local Co Ops wanting to team up? (Diablo 3; Xbox; East coast/US)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    My gf (witch doctor/helltooth) and myself (crusader/akkham) have been playing and are at Paragon 290 torment 11 (a bit tough still learning how to stack and what set to use)

    Typically run GR 50; but are looking to farm bounties and ultimately get up to GR 70 for primal.

    Let me know if someone has a similar situation out there or just interested to link up 🙌

    submitted by /u/steel-bulls
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    Please stop suggesting them that Diablo 4 should be a Diablo 2 clone, that game is not perfect

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    English is not my first language so forgive my spelling.

    I'm going to preface this by saying i've only ever played Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 and, out of these two, D3 is my favorite. Of course D2 will give anyone a aesthetic boner and charm then with the cinematics and general gothic ambientation, but the game has, quite frankly, outdated mechanics, and i can understand that, the game is 2 decades old and the design philosophy was different back then, and that is exactly the reason why they should change the outdated parts.

    Long story short, i was trying D2 a while ago and i picked the sorceress as my class, keep in mind that i had never played D2 before. As time goes on, i started to get bored of my ICE build, so i decided to try lighting mixed with ice, because, you know, i wanted to experiment a bit with the character. So i googled: "how to respec a character in D2", to which i found out that i need to talk to a Gypsy Lady in Tristam(i believe her name is akara), so there it goes, i respec, played a bit more, and realize i did not like it , and i was like: "Cool, i'll talk to Akara again", only to find out that i now need to finish the fucking game with a crap build because i did not read Diablo 2 wiki before playing it.

    It felt like i got done dirty, i was punished for trying new things and trying to find a more fun build for me to use. The reason why i picked sorceress was because i really enjoyed how chaotic and clustered she could make the screen in D3, meteor raining , calling upon tornados and blizzards felt really good. So, once i found out that in order to have a good class in D2 i should not ,only focus on one element,( but i should also make no mistakes while discovering the game or else the punishment would be really harsh and that combination made the game feel lame, i could not try a full strenght sorceress for shits and giggles and so on.

    It felt like i needed to know about the game before i even played it, i had to finish a game with a character that i wasn't liking anymore, and once i did, i closed the game and never played again, it felt that bad. It was 12 hours of my time gone in the fucking sewer never to be recovered. Futhermore, i would like to say that while i have a very flexible job and time to start a new game if this kind of system is in Diablo 4, there's people out there that don't and having to know about the game before you play it should not be a pre requisite, this is not the 2000's and they don't need to bring that kind of thing back, it does not make the game realistic or harder it makes it bad.

    So imagine for someone more casual to games, for example, your grandmother. She makes a barbarian in the recently released D4 and spends all of her hard earned skill points in the "Face-punching skill tree", turns out, she did not like it, and asked me, her beloved grandson that made her buy the game to spend more time with him: "How do i respec pumpkin?" and i respond:

    "You don't bitch, finish that game first lololololololol"

    How can people even praise that? These kind of things felt horrible to me, as someone who plays games since 8 years old and as diablo player, i strongly advise the developers to not fully listen to the people that want a D2 clone, acessebility is a factor in games today and it should stay like that. And for those that did not get the analogy, imagine convicing a friend to play, only for him to get pissed off with that kind of thing.

    "But respec-ing at will makes the games less unique!"

    It does not, if you ever played a borderlands or D3 you will know that's not true, the builds feel unique, you are choosing how many points a skill should have in borderlands and wich rune/ skill should i use for that slot in D3, and i never heard anyone saying, other than Diablo players, "this should be limited and arbitrarily complex", of course D3 was over simplified, but it was not bad, it was fun, running 5 basics skills on torment 10, having all pets all the time or summoning a clusterfuck of elemental magic. Moreover, imagine if before Respec-ing in borderlands you needed to beat 4 different bosses or finish the game in a higher difficulty, i know it's not the same game, but it would fucking suck and you know it.

    So, if any devs comes across this post, give it some thought, because your game does not need to punish people for trying new builds or for having fun in their own way, for example, all you needed in borderlands is some cheap ass gold, and that should be the goal for diablo 4, since the skill system will work different from D3.

    Concluding, i do not know how D4 will work online, but if i wanted to play with my friends, i would, for certaintly pick a more "fun" build or something that we all agree with and if needed to beat the game to go back to my main build that would probaly be the last time i played online. Please make "respec" accesible, look at borderlands for an example.

    I think with the point of "respec" hammered down i'll move to the second one. Potions. This is subjective, of course, but during my gameplay and from what i could watch on youtube on D2 potions were too essential, taking up an insane amount of inventory space.

    I actually preffer D3 approach to potions, they occupy only one space in your inventory and they are not needed every 6 seconds, taking a bunch of potions to fight monsters does not make it feel realistic it makes your character look like a junkie.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is, if potion were to be essentials as they once were, please make they go to a single slot in your inventory, if your counter argument is: "potions take inventory space in order to make the game hard or something", just remember skyrim, aside from alchemists characters and "fun" potions the fact that they took up inventory space never made the game hard or complemented the experience.

    This is another subjective thing, but i do not think we need city scrolls or the magic properties scrolls,i was honestly suprised when i went back at D2 and found out there was no hotkey to return to the city and that i needed to dedicate even more space to do basic things. Now, you might want to say that invetory management is part of the difficulty of the game and i'm am just filthy casual asking for a easy game, and to that, i say that i disagree, GAMES SHOULD HAVE QoL AS A PRIORITY, on D2 having to carry those scrolls and do all that clicking to reveal properties or go back to the city always felt like an inconvenience it added nothing to the experience.

    Lastly, as for itemization, i got to admit that i am on the fence about that, i actually liked both styles, both have their advantages, the thing i will agree on this sub though is that items should not have critical hit chance, that is just really powerfull, however, regardless i trust the devs on this issue.

    And with that, i think i touched every point i wanted to make, i actually have a few more problems with how the D2 fanbase gives feedbackto the devs, for example, THis LOokS CaRTooNiSH, MAke IT DarK aNd EDgy, nothing against you mate, but that just makes the diablo fanbase looks petty, and i get afraid that the devs start listening to this nonsensical feedback.

    I'm just gonna give this as an example, but borderlands 3 automatically picks up legendary loot, and i'm pretty sure if D4 goes for something similar there will be people complaining because of: "friendly features in my hardcore, bloody, atmospheric gothic horror games is a no-no". I don't want it to be a clone of D3 either, but there's absolutely nothing wrong in modernizing its aspects and making it more acessible, after all, no one wants to read a wiki before even playing.

    TL;DR = Diablo 4 should not be a clone of D2. QoL in games matter a lot and there's nothing wrong in playing casually or with your friends to have a good time, D4 does not need artificial difficulty to be good.

    submitted by /u/Respectmyautorithy
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    Arsenal, Enchantment: Optional class perks?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Start a new character, pick if you want to use Arsenal, Enchantment, or whatever else Blizzard comes up with. Would that be so bad? It'd offer an additional customization option, in addition to whatever the max-level progression system is, along with talents and items.

    I know they're saying the lore goes with the different classes but unless the Druid one somehow ties directly into some class-specific mechanic, like requiring shape-shifting, nothing in Arsenal or Enchantment absolutely requires a Barbarian or Sorceress.

    To make it super clear: if they had never mentioned these class perks and simply released them as a selectable option at character creation, you wouldn't have any sort of pull to say "well they're based on class fantasy so no, I don't want it to be a choice".

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    Enchantment & Skills slots look incredibly cartoonish! Please rework these for the love of God .

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

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