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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Diablo Non-Seasonal Pets Witch Doctor Can Only do T10?

    Diablo Non-Seasonal Pets Witch Doctor Can Only do T10?

    Non-Seasonal Pets Witch Doctor Can Only do T10?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Here is my WD build. It has 0 input from anyone. I want to fine tune it now. What should I change?

    submitted by /u/ThatRoyalGuy3 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    LoD Spectral blade and Frozen orb hybrid. Not for pushing GR. but maybe a fun build for any bored returning players

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    This is my Spectral blade Frozen orb hybrid:


    Its for hardcore so focuses on gaining shields from spectral blade, and damage from the frozen orb that gets casted by Wizardspike. for next season the last item in the cube will be Fragment of Destiny.

    Feel free to come with any changes you would make that are straight up thoughness or damage boosts. This is probably what i will play for SSF HC next season. will be fun to see how far it reaches

    submitted by /u/iBombeBoB to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Attack speed breakpoint with invoker for S22

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    So question about attack speed breakpoints to get the 2 piece bonus to 25 stacks. Haven't really used invoker much, but with the upcoming PTR I'm wondering how to reasonably look at the 2 piece (is it possible to get it at 25 and stay there).

    submitted by /u/Zimmik to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    No Primal Drops? Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I am currently at Seasonal GR109 and have done a lot of GR90-GR95 runs to power up gems. I have completed all but the last seasonal challenge (havent felt like doing the third Conquest)

    I have also done a bunch of Nephalim Rifts and Bounties "for fun" ( love seeing monsters just explode at a touch) and profit.

    However, the only times I have gotten Primals is via Kanai's Cube. I have three Primals, all from the Immortal King set that I don't use anymore.

    I haven't had a single red drop, despite thousands of legendary drops.

    Am I doing something wrong or am I just very unlucky?

    EDIT: Playing on PS4, in case that is relevant.

    EDIT 2: I am about Paragon 1000

    submitted by /u/imneuromancer to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    LoD Energy Twister

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:07 PM PDT


    Etched sigil will be changed, and Valtheks rebuke gets a buff.

    4th kanai slot will be for Twister sword.

    Pants should be swamp land waders

    submitted by /u/iBombeBoB to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    “Dr. Do-Little” A Console Friendly Lazy T16 Mundunugu Farming Build

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I've started my late season push, and the higher in levels I get, I find myself fishing more and more for the right Greater Rift map. Because of all my fishing, I'm burning through a frightening amount of keys in a short period of time.

    While the Mundunugu build is the most powerful WD build, it's not a very good build for grinding. You're constantly busy pushing various buttons without a moment to relax. I can't play this build longer than 30 minutes at a time. I could never accumulate enough keys playing this way.

    I needed a lazy Mundunugu farming build that I can play as long as I need to while listening to podcasts or having conversations with my wife. As I play on the PS4, I wanted a one button farming build that required little concentration.

    I came up with my lazy Mundunugu farming build I call Dr. Do-Little. Except for occasionally pressing another button to refresh my Big Bad Vodoo, all I do is press the X button for both my Spirit Barrage and loot pickup.

    A couple of caveats for this build. It is not a speed farming build. You can farm a T16 rift fairly quickly, but it's not the fastest build. I'm sacrificing some speed for ease of play. This build can also do solo or couch co-op bounties, but I don't think it'll do well in public bounties. I definitely don't recommend that you use this build for running GRs.

    After mentioning my lazy Mundunugu farming build to a couple of WD players on Twitch, they requested that I post my build. Since I play on a console, I had to manually enter my build on D3planner. For my convenience to enter my gear, I chose primal ancient gear as my default.

    If you are looking for a lazy T16 Mundunugu farming build, I hope this build helps you as it has helped me.

    Here is the link for Dr. Do-Little: https://www.d3planner.com/192761497

    submitted by /u/GoodEats2020 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    Choosing between chest pieces

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Made this post as a comment in the weekly thread, but no answer. Maybe here I'll have more luck.

    Playing the WW Rend barb. It's been several days since I am looking for a well rolled ancient chest piece for augmentation purposes. I am following the zodiac rend guide which recommends the following stats for the chest: Strength, Vitality (low-Paragon) or 15% Rend damage (high-Paragon), All Resist or Life %, Reduced melee damage and reduced ranged damage. As I understand, anything below 3000 paragon is low paragon, so I go with vit instead of rend dmg. I have the perfect rolls on my basic chest piece and have found several ancient pieces with not so perfect rolls. The best one seems the first one I mentioned below. But it still doesn't sit well with me to have % life instead of all res.

    What do you think? Should I go with one of the ancients I have and augment it, or should I keep the basic version I have and keep looking for a better ancient version?

    The * - means I rerolled that attribute

    Basic chest str, vit, *all res, -7% ranged and -7% melee

    Ancient nr. 1 str, *vit, % life, -7% melee

    Ancient nr. 2 str, vit, rend 11%, phys res (all res doesn't roll because of the phys roll)

    Ancient nr. 3 str, % life, lps, -6% melee, poison res

    Thank you in advance for your time!

    submitted by /u/webber294 to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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