• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Diablo Remember when indiekings claimed D2R was being announced June 29th then doubled down for Gamescom.

    Diablo Remember when indiekings claimed D2R was being announced June 29th then doubled down for Gamescom.

    Remember when indiekings claimed D2R was being announced June 29th then doubled down for Gamescom.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Hi, i'm kinda new to the game and i'm playing a 1.13 plugy version of the game and just finished Nigthmare act 1, what should i do now to improve my wind druid build? thanks!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Safest build for a hardcore run?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I'm going to be doing a hardcore playthrough with 6 or so buddies in the near future, and I was basically just looking for a build that is tanky and safe to play. Haven't played the game in a few years and all the guides I'm finding are for minmaxed level 80+ characters with specific gearset requirements, which is not helpful as we'll only be wearing what we find along the way. There may be a few repeat countess runs if we are going to be too weak for the next difficulty but we're going to try and limit farming. Right now I was thinking of a melee Javazon, or a zeal/smiteadin just because of the strong defensives with a shield but I am open to any suggestions!

    Also I hate summoner necro so please don't suggest it as I know that'll be the number one answer lmao. Thanks in advance guys!

    submitted by /u/TangySprinkles
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    D2 HD Remake, What to change?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    So I have been playing a lot of D2 again (almost 5 years since last time) but this time with PlugY.

    And I have been thinking a lot about what a good "remake" should be, and I really want to hear what the community thinks as well!

    Some basics things I think the whole community can stand behind (or maybe I'm wrong) is that the game should have 4k+ support and 60+FPS support (not talking tickrate, or animation frames)

    But what more?

    Should they fix bugs in the game?

    There are to many bugs to mention here tbh.
    Here is a list of some (99% the bugs are still precent in current 1.14d patch)

    But things like:

    1. Chapter boss bugs? (bugging them to always get "quest" drops)

    2. Ethereal armour bugging?

    3. Aura stacking?

    4. "Bug Boosting" (making it possible to "beat" hell at lvl1)

    Should they balance the game, and if so, what?

    1. Make some of the less used skills more viable?

    2. Make so that no hell enemy's have 100% immunity, just maybe 95%?

    3. Make hell enemy's give you more XP?

    4. Make some of the less used items more viable?

    5. Make all hirelings viable?

    6. Nerf some items/runewords? ( Looking at you enigma :D )

    And what Quality of Life changes should they make, if any?

    1. Make you have multiple tabs in your stash?

    2. Make a "shared" stash alternative?

    3. Implement a "game refresh button", so you don't have to leave/create games.

    4. Make players have a dedicated TP button?

    5. Change some of the town spawning points? (Thinking of Act2 and 3)

    6. Remove the use of gems for when cubing runes?

    7. Add a repeatable socket quest?

    8. Add "advanced" show options for viewing items? (show min/max stats and things like ilvl)

    9. add a force move key

    10. Make all skills left/right click selectable?

    11. Make destroyable objects (urns, barrels...) break using normal attacks/skills?

    12. Have a "shake screen" toggle in options menu?

    13. Make unique and set items show on the minimap?

    14. Expand the inventory space?

    Should they add visual enhancement/changes?

    1. Make things like stashes, barrels and other intractable objects more visible?

    2. Add a third minimap alternative (think D3/D4 style)

    3. Add/change some of the item text colours?

    4. Show active buffs/debuffs whit icons (think D3/4)

    5. Make unique/set items have more distinct visual differences?

    These are just some of the things I can think of on the top of my head.

    There is probably twice as many things to list/mention, but I cant think of them right now.

    There is also things like, if they should stick to having the game be a 2D sprite based game.

    Or if they should remake it completely using a 3D engine (but keeping the visuals)

    Enabling more then the limited sprite animations and being able to move/shoot in more then 16 directions.

    Also enabling it so that the characters can show a more accurate representation of what they are wearing (Dong this in 2D sprites is not something a sane person/company would ever do)

    Whit this said, what do the community want/don't want to see in an official HD remake of the game?

    Sorry for the wall of text.


    submitted by /u/crimson4649
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    I just started Diablo 3 on my Switch for the first time. Any beginner tips or advice I should know?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I am starting as a Wizard and am currently level 7!

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Warcraft 3 pet

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I bought Warcraft 3 Reforged and it came with a diablo 3 pet. I play Diablo on my PlayStation and am not sure how to get the pet on it. I do have my battle net and PSN account linked

    submitted by /u/Hazedrive
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    Random trivia question about Diablo II

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I'm tristram, there are exploding cows that you can click on. They deal damage to the activator.

    What is the message that displays if one of these cows kill you?

    submitted by /u/Hymnosi
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    Game crashed and won't let me back in

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Hopefully this is the right place for this question. So I got a PC the other day and the first thing I did was get diablo 2 because it's been years and it was always my favorite. Anyways I'm playing for a couple days and I get to the flayer dungeon and it's real dark so I go into the settings to try to fix it and I saw resolution there so I clicked on it out of curiosity but it crashed the game. I can start the game up and get to the character select screen, but when I try to get into the game with my character selected it just closes the game again. Does anybody know how to fix this?

    Edit: Got the solution from r/diablo2 right here, in case anybody else has this issue.


    submitted by /u/ThSprtn117
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    Was anyone else so excited that they had to buy this edition.. and then felt let down after. I hope D4 makes our dreams come true. what is your dreams for D4?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Diablo 1 games at the time...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I recently just got to see the trailer for diablo 4 (IV) and i thought of the first game that was the one that got me into rpg,s

    and found a post at your side that wonderd what kind of games that was the same genre...at the same time as Diablo 1 came. As i think diablo one started the whole rpg pc genre but there where some inbred bastards that followed the same line as a Diablo like game

    Do you not remember like NOX or Planescape Torment, i think they came around the same era. before Baldurs Gate (forgotten realms fantasy inspired games) It was in the era that you could get games pretty easily and they where well invested time to get to work.

    Nowdays you can buy the entire baldurs gate series to play on your cellphone but not Diablo :-D howcome?

    submitted by /u/siinaen
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    Installing D1 With Belzebub Mod

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I have a sudden urge to play Diablo after watching a funny clip from CarbotAnimation and I'm curious if i can just download the game from the archive and just copy the Belzebub mod

    Or do i need to follow all the steps in the wiki then copy the mod over.


    submitted by /u/MrFancyPant
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    play diablo I co-op with bots

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I did a google search and couldn't find anything. I have the GOG version that I purchased yesterday. So far its fun but I wish I could play co-op with bots. Is there anyway to do this? I am also using the bezelbub mod.

    submitted by /u/dox1842
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    Diablo Immortal??!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Looking for updates, anyone?

    submitted by /u/lukioboi
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    D2 rune set, few days of sculpting and painting to make my own collection

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Defeated Baal again. Still feels good beating that son of a bitch after all these years.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Starting a new run as a Druid as I never really played as one before. And this may be the best Waypoint to Forgotten Tower I have ever gotten. Rune Farm ready.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

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