• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 5, 2020

    Diablo Found this sacred relic cleaning out my old closet.

    Diablo Found this sacred relic cleaning out my old closet.

    Found this sacred relic cleaning out my old closet.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    To Druid lovers - Did you like the automatic druid shapeshifting of the D4 gameplay demo?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    I never played Druid in D2 so I don't have the nostalgia or experience from that.

    But seeing the druid gameplay, and the fact that shapeshifting happened automatic depending on what skill you used, it didn't really feel like you actually shape shifted into a beast. It felt more like a glorified attack animation.

    I think I'd rather have a dedicated "Become Bear" button, which gives me a new skill bar tailored for that specific beast I turned into, sort of like "Archon" for Wizards in D3. This would aid into actually feeling like you have changed form, and can do new things in that form.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/drum_playing_twig
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    Digital Blizzcon Early Next Year

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Didn't see this posted anywhere, article from PC Gamer below:

    TL:DR Not much other than a confirmation and they supposedly have other things they are working on outside of the "tentpole" sequels.


    submitted by /u/DiabolicalDan82
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    Diablo III ©2012-2019

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    It's August already and the dates on the main screen haven't been updated yet. The game is not dead, don't believe the haters!


    submitted by /u/Finwych
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    is getting Diablo 2 worth it?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Is getting Diablo 2 worth it? I play diablo 3, and overall I think it's a pretty good game, but I also see a LOT of people say diablo 2 is better. Is it worth it to buy diablo 2?

    Edit: I see that diablo 2 : remastered is coming out in 2020, should I wait for that?

    Edit#2: I see that diablo 2 : remastered isn't confirmed

    submitted by /u/HaymanIsGod
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    Anyone Else Here Still Play Vanilla d2 From Time To Time?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I love LoD, but there'll always be a special place in my heart for vanilla D2. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Whitemaus
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    What's the best way to power up completed sets?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    I'm currently on the DH GoD build and I've hit a plateau where I can not pass GR90 without breaking all my equipment in game. I can't seem to get anything as ancient or primal ancient so I'm just stuck at GR80-85.

    What do I need to be doing to break this plateau and get to higher GR?

    EDIT for the mods: I still can't find D3 in the tag list :/

    submitted by /u/xxwerdxx
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    Concerning Diablo 3 - ideas of improvement.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Greetings everybody!

    Fair warning at the start; this will be a longer post but hopefully an enjoyable one, I wrote this post in hopes to encourage new ideas, discussions, and possibly someone from Blizzard in position to make something about it will also see it. I want to establish from the get go that I am massive Diablo fan, been one since 1999, and I'm not a purist, I play every Diablo game as much as I can, with D3 being my main game. Diablo 3 had a rocky start and a lot more can be said about the past, but this is not about that, it is however about the fact that since it was launched D3 always kept improving, and although it is 8 years old by now and relocated to classic games I still believe it can improve even more. Realistically everybody knows we won't see another expansion to D3 but there are other ways to make significant changes and make the experience of D3 a cool and memorable one.

    Recently, with season 21 there has been a lot of backlash with season ability and how it affects the game. I agree with people saying that some aspects of it are way OP and some are "wet-noodleish". Season 21 shares similarities with season 19 both thematically and with the movement of making builds relaying on seasonal ability to finish the rift guardian. More so, every season since the Ring of royal Grandeur season has been about empowering you more than what you can be outside of your abilities and gear. There is nothing wrong with that, and the problem current season has also others before that can fall into the "fine-tuning" category, but there is larger issue at hand. Because of this over power that seasons themes provide the familiar enemy of the game has re-emerged, and that is the power creep. If the highest rift floor you can do is 150, and that is reached within the first week of the season (sometimes that very day) something is not really right with the game, longevity of the game is cut significantly right at the start. The power creep aspect is just one part of the problem because it grows on top of the already existing problem of game not being challenging enough, I believe it can be countered in a way that isn't directly nerfing or taking away a part of the game, but rather adding on, just on the other side of the scale. For example, have a season that empowers you in a certain way (I think that we established that the approach of season 19 and 21 was not the favorite judging by the community) but also have like a group of mercenaries or bounty hunters that ambush you or spawn right atop of you in the worst possible time, and they are really hardcore with boss like abilities. If you overcome them you are rewarded, but if they get you, you lose something (gold or gems or exp) that makes you push and try to succeed so that there is a true sense of danger from them. You can also make it that they don't spawn while leveling and that they scale with torment levels, all of that is fine tuning that can be sorted out during the PTR. This is just one example it doesn't have to be exactly this but it has to be something difficult and dangerous to offset the empowerment of seasonal theme.

    Season theme changes and making the game more challenging is just the ground work for improving the game, crafting is one of the other significant parts. Since the changes made to Captain Crimson set there hasn't been almost any other changes made, and that is a shame since crafting is usually a cool and fun aspect of a lot of games. While I applaud the pruning of crafting materials and the overall overhaul that was made to crafters, apart from making captain crimson, Cain set and a few more things crafting is basically dead. We have been receiving new class sets every season last couple of season and that is great and definitely something a lot of people, me included, never expected. Although a significant part of community doesn't like the reliance on sets in the endgame, there can be a way to make it cool and interesting without making new sets. Example time; why not take non-class crafted sets and rework them so that they give you like reduced damage taken, movement speed, added damage etc. but they adapt to the class you are playing and your abilities like blink, dream walk, or Akarat wrath etc. The key here is that these sets are never 6 piece, always lower, and you can mix and match them, with appropriate penalties and bonuses for xyz and similar. By doing so you open up room for regular legendries and by extent new build varieties. Again, this is just an idea, it doesn't have to be exactly this but something in this direction.

    One more thing that used to be a big part of the game, but with time it just lost its value, and I saw a few posts on Reddit on the subject, and that is the followers. People that remember vanilla D3 will remember running around while Templar killed bosses and praying to Heavens that Enchantress hex will land on the right spot, now they are basically stat sticks, unity carriers and similar. They are a cool aspect to the game and I always liked them more than the mercs from D2, they felt more personal and it was cool hearing them interact somewhat differently with other classes. I don't have a specific way they could improve upon them, and I don't want to take away from other people ideas that were posted on how to fix them, but a good way to make these changes could be with a follower oriented season, with changes made that are left to stay after season passes. Maybe have a quest chain for every follower that makes them learn new abilities or that they can better utilize the gear you give them, or grant them access to legendary gems etc. Also let them finish up lore loose ends that each follower has.

    Last thing I want to touch upon is the one that is most important to me and that is lore. First of I want to say that Diablo lore is one of the best ones ever made on any medium and that continuation of it even if in small ways is an extremely good thing. All of the changes I mentioned if hypothetically implemented would feel cold and crude if not backed up with some lore, it's basically what salt and pepper is for food. Good way to implement this could be to add more bounty types, add little quest with certain crafting recipe etc.

    If you made it this far I want to thank you for your interest and time spent, I would love to hear your own ideas or improvements on mine. Diablo 4 is long way down the road still, I think the time waiting for it will pass more quickly if we improve on the game we have now. Thank you once again!

    submitted by /u/Chimsa72
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    D3 List of skills that can/can't crit

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Hi, I want to do some playing around with Shi Mizu's Haori And would like to know before hand what skills are capable of taking advantage of the legendary modifier.

    I'm not looking for meta builds just casual solo fun.

    submitted by /u/Conrad_noble
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    Do you boost / powerlevel others?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I boost other players almost daily since I think it helps some players out with the worst grinding (1-70 leveling and gearboosting top tier set). But when I created my second hero (DH) for this season I found it nearly impossible to find anyone to boost me (EU servers).

    So my question: Is the Diablo community bad at helping out?

    submitted by /u/jtacguy
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    What do you think about the discussion Path of Exile vs Diablo 3 in 2020?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I played Diablo 3 in 2012 when it came out and now during quarantine I had the feeling to start playing it all over again. Looking on the internet I found some pretty neat discussions about other games that are like D3, for example POE or Wolcen.

    What do you guys think about that? Who wins the duel? Is the discussion actually worth it?

    I'm creating this post because a saw an article in DevianArt that hooked me up, so I share it.

    submitted by /u/LuiggyPadilla
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    Unable to install Diablo 3, is it just me?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Stuck on calculating required disk space: https://imgur.com/a/2qsNW5a

    submitted by /u/k3lt
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    The best advice to D4 devs looking at the first 3 games:

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    If it ain't broke; don't try to fix it.

    submitted by /u/NikoBadman
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    Gear grind feels so slow. Am I doing anything wrong?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Just spent the better part of the last 2 days playing diablo 3 non stop. I'm playing necro this season and doing the following; Using a cain/inarius mix and grinding on torment 11 (can't seem to go any higher without being one shot,) and doing GR for forgotten souls then doing every bounty for bounty mats. After I finish about 5 GR and a full cycle of bounties I try and reroll my legendary to try and get some ancient gear. I'm going for the LoD corpse explosion icyveins build so ancients are pretty important.

    I understand that the gear grind is all there is to do in D3, so naturally it would be a slow process. I was under the impression the slowness comes from end game farming for specific stats and minor % increases. So far, I have about 5 of the pieces I need for the build but none are ancients. Every reforge I've done has not given me anything. Am I just being horribly inefficient? Is this kinda rng normal or am I just unlucky?

    submitted by /u/WizardHat_Robe
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