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    Diablo GoD speed grift builds

    Diablo GoD speed grift builds

    GoD speed grift builds

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Hi folks

    As folk are getting more experience and play time what speed grifting builds are you running for HA?

    I'm sitting at 1100 paragon, basically using squirts, nems.

    Wielding dawn and Batista. Clear 80s comfortably in 2 90s closer to 3.5 and 100 about 5.

    Which skill, gem and passive are you guys finding works well?

    submitted by /u/tortie2878 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Wiz sux (and it's awesome) - Build

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Wizard has always been my favorite class since D2. I come back to playing D3 after like ~6 years. Haven't played since 2.1 pre season 1. Firebird was the build and Wiz sucked hard back then. Marauder Helltrapper DH was OP. Now I see the meta hasn't changed, Wiz is still banished to solo plays and GoD DH still OP. I hear Wiz got some love in the between but obviously I missed that.

    Anyway, almost every Frost Hydra build guide I've read runs with Black Hole - Absolute Zero. I feel like the potential of Deathwish is being wasted because Black Hole have a long-ish cooldown. Here is an example:


    In the search for something more useful, I came up with Energy Twister - Wicked Wind, which is made viable by Ranslor's Folly. I have to swap out Ashnagar bracers for those, and man it was the best decision ever. The twisters basically suck in almost all trash from a ridiculous range and have no cooldown (unlike BH). The mobs get sucked into a tiny place that get concentrated damage from all the hydra heads, plus all the area damage procs, which speeds up our trash clearing ability tremendously. The play style is pretty engaging but also very safe and hardcore - friendly. The mobs are busy getting the best blow-job of their life, so there are less goat spears throwing, bogan trappers darts blowing, winged assassin jumping, anarch off screen charging, Fallen Shaman fireballs firing at you. Because of that, it's possible to drop defense and get more damage from passives and skills.

    Build: https://www.d3planner.com/805164524

    For GR100-105 speed runs I drop Unstable Anomaly and use Elemental Exposure instead. We have arcane from Energy Twister, fire from Arcane Torrent - Flame Ward, cold from Hydra and lightning from Lightning Armor (which is single target) or from weapon - for more consistent damage buff. Instead of Magic Weapon - Deflection now we can use MW-Force Weapon for moar damage.

    Video demonstration for GR100:


    For GR105-110 the trash killing speed is pretty much the same, but elites take longer so I drop Magic Weapon and opt for Black Hole for more elite control.

    For GR115 push I went a little bit crazy and dropped Teleport for Magic Weapon, and Illusionist for Glass Cannon. It's possible to play with Teleport too, which is safer but a little bit harder when mobs take too long to kill and get CC immunity.

    GR115 video:


    It's also possible to play the LoD Mammoth Hydra build with Twister. I run with Strongarm Bracers for 30% more damage from knockback effect and Energy Twister - Gale Force for 15% damage from fire skills, but I feel it's not as snappy because Hydras attacks are slower and directional. Mobs get out of CC sooner because there is no slowing effect from frost hydra.

    submitted by /u/WizSuxGr8 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Orek will you shut up please....

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I play my Witch Doctor mainly, I speed run GR80 best time 1:45 nothing special, but at the begining of every GR Orek has a dialog to close the dialog I am required to hit circle (my spirit walk button) after the dialog is cleared I can't use it for about 4 seconds, 1/6 rifts I die immediately because it will not let me enter spirit walk before a mob comes and chucks a spear at me and 1 shots me... No I will not use spirit vessel to beat a dialog box killing me

    submitted by /u/Darthkermit666 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    GR 100 ☑️

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Took me over 10 mins to clear it, but I got it. My first season (only started playing in June). I always love monks so I played one on normal through the campaign during season 20. Season 21 came and I leveled a necro to 70. I liked it but wanted to try a DH. Hated that and went back to monk. Rolled a Balance to cube, and luckily rolled a Cesar's Momento so I went Tempest Rush for leveling. (I ran Exploding Palm and then WoL on my previous monk.) Really started to enjoy it leveling. Hit 70 and used the SWK set at first. Power management was really frustrating so I ran TR with Inna's for a while then finally transitioned to PoJ and love it. Cleared it with 700 paragon and a Vengeful Wind as my only ancient. Excited to see how high I can go.

    submitted by /u/himay333 to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Need RGK for Xbox META

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Looking for a Sader to play with consistently and run 139+ GRs. Already have zBarb zMonk and TK.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/rzgiom6 to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Having trouble

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Hey Fellow Necros. I know im behind and new, but I'm having issues finding a better weapon to keep leveling. I'm paragon 93 only. My weapon does 4K damage with 1350 intelligence. If anyone higher level or any of the vets are tossing something out better than mine plz throw me a bone. Ps4 player

    submitted by /u/Skellington82 to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Kinda stuck around GR80 with Poison Scythe

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Any opinions on what I could be improving to get a bit further? I'm currently BARELY able to solo GR80. I'd like to get over GR100 this season and according to Fluffy and others, it should be no problem with this build. What am I missing??


    submitted by /u/Keyboard_Cat_ to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    LoD Hydra build - having a hard time to keep Aquila Cuirass buff up

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    Dear fellow wizards!

    I play the LoD Mammoth Hydra build, mostly following Rhykker's guide.
    Here is my current build: https://www.d3planner.com/200701533

    As you can see, I am wearing Hergbrash's Binding instead of The Witching Hour. The reason for that is, that in group play (in Solo the issue is not there) I mostly drop below 90% arcane power when wearing the WH belt, thereby losing the AQ protection. So I have to wear the HB belt. It is not bad, but for much more damage I would rather switch it if I find a way to keep my arcane above 90% (or 92% in my case).
    How do you do that? Or did you ever encounter similar issues?

    Is there anything about my gear that I could alter?
    What would be your reroll/improvement suggestions in this case but also generally? What would you focus on next?

    I did not push high GR levels yet, am still improving the build. Did a 85 GR in 7 mins without issues, but only go higher slowly to level up my LegGems.

    I also have the option to wear an Ancient Cindercoat instead of AQ and put AQ in the cube, thereby missing out oon the Stone Gauntlet bonus. When doing this, I feel more vulnerable, though.

    I would be very happy to receive any suggestions from you!

    submitted by /u/nuke740824 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Looking for Wizard players online

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    PSN - KilL3r_BOY6996

    submitted by /u/KilL3r_BOY6996 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Got these within 12 hours of each other... Which build to run?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Need to play with Witch Doctor Players

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Witch Doctor Lvl 320 - PSN - Stoned_Chicha

    submitted by /u/Stoned_Chicha to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    “Set Me Free”

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I'm still new to the game and have this to unlock on the journey. I am a Demon Hunter with the GoD set, just wondering does anyone know what the dungeon it is and how I can find it? Thank you in advance guys

    submitted by /u/Catdiff09 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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