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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Diablo First primal. This physically hurt my soul.

    Diablo First primal. This physically hurt my soul.

    First primal. This physically hurt my soul.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    My Blind Diablo II Experience Day 9

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Day 9:

    Feeling ready to go, I return to the Flayer Jungle so I can explore the Flayer Dungeon, where Khalim's Brain is apparently located. After making my way through the swarms of Flayers again, I arrive at the entrance to the Flayer Dungeon and descend the stairs. So far on level one, I am feeling rather underwhelmed by the number of enemies because, since it's the Flayer Dungeon, I expected to be constantly swarmed by numerous Flayer type demons, like how I was in the Flayer Jungle. Then again, this is only the first level, so there could be more. There was one demon so far that caused me a tiny bit of trouble and it was a unique Dark Shape that was immune to physical damage, which is frustrating since I mainly do physical damage with a sword, so I quickly swapped from Zeal to Holy Bolt, which deals very little damage since it's only a level 1 skill.

    Eventually I find the stairs to the second level. The second level, so far, is a bit better, in terms of the amount of enemies, but still a bit underwhelming compared to the Flayer Jungle. Then, within a few minutes, I reach the stairs to the third level.

    Somehow, to be honest, the third level so far is even more underwhelming than the upper two levels as the first time I encountered any monsters was when I got close to the back of the level. Well, anyway, I managed to get to the room with the chest containing Khalim's Brain and after killing two super unique monsters (I think that's the term for them) that were guarding the chest, of which I got two rare pieces of equipment, a bone helm and a war hammer, and after claiming the brain and quickly exploring the rest of the level, I teleport back to the port.

    After identifying the two pieces of equipment, I find out that the bone helm is called the Fiend Crest and the warhammer is called the Fiend Smasher, so I guess they are normally dropped by those two monsters, either that or it was luck that I got two rare items with similar names. Either way, they were both decent pieces of equipment, better than the ones I have equipped right now. Once I was finished, I started towards the Kurast Bazaar, of which I assume I have to go through a few places to get to from looking at the checkpoint list.

    Apparently, there were checkpoints for both the Spider Forest and the Flayer Jungle that I had missed, so I tried looking for them, starting with the Spider Forest one, but I didn't expect it would take me close to half an hour just to find the Spider Forest checkpoint, so if all of them for this act are so hidden like in the Spider Forest, it feels like it would just be a waste of time to find them all right now and I should only search for the ones that matter like the one that would be in the Kurast Bazaar which is my current destination, but it would be fine if I find the checkpoints for the other areas on the way.

    Since I have two directions I can go to proceed, one heading towards the Flayer Jungle and one heading towards the Great Marsh, I decide to try heading through the Flayer Jungle, only because the next main area, Lower Kurast, is listed right after Flayer Jungle in the checkpoint, with the Great Marsh listed right before the Flayer Jungle.

    After another half an hour, I manage to reach Lower Kurast and fortunately the checkpoint for the Flayer Jungle wasn't too far from Lower Kurast. That journey was a very tiring one, so I decided, after finding the checkpoint in Lower Kurast, to return to port and make sure I'm in top shape to continue.

    End of Session Stats:


    Level: 23 -> 24

    Strength: 67 -> 76

    Dexterity: 48 -> 52

    Vitality: 59 -> 61

    Energy: 23 -> 30

    Skill Update:

    Zeal Level 3 -> 4

    End of Day 9:

    Okay, I'm starting to see why this act is so time consuming since just getting from one area to the next takes a long time, so much that I decided to break my usual habit of completing the auto-map of each area because I want to continue going through the story. Well, despite that, I still plan to push on through as it's still a great game regardless and I want to see it to the end.

    submitted by /u/jmfindorff
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    Season Theme Suggestion - Legendary Gems everywhere

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    What if we would able to put any legendary GEM in any slot?

    submitted by /u/leonardobps
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    Is it possible to achieve high levels without playing in groups?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Hi, I haven't played for a few seasons, but at that time the only way to compete in paragon level (and with it in all other aspects of the game) was to farm GRs in groups since the XP/hr was much higher than playing solo. Is this still case? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/esmarana
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    Probably a dumb question but I haven't played in years, are there any mods or weakauras for this game?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I'm just looking for little quality of life addons, I don't think there are any though. I'd love something that tells me if I've extracted a legendary power from an item or not by hovering over it, or weakaura addons for buffs and what not. It can be hard to keep track of when buffs run out without constantly looking at my skill bar.

    submitted by /u/BossAtlas
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    Am noob, need help

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    So Im new to diablo, just dinged lvl 70 with my seasonal monk and Im having a blast on the ps4.

    I decided to look up some cool builds, but I see alot of them use two technique skills, and no defensive skills. And I can't for the life of me figure out how I am to choose a technique skill on the defensive skill (square button) panel. Cause as far as I know I can only choose between the 4 defensive skills.

    Even the challenge rift had a monk build that utilized both sweeping wind, AND dashing strike. But I am unable to select both of these at the same time when I attempt to make my own build.

    so help a newbie out anyone? :)

    submitted by /u/Gaffelkonteiner
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    With regards to Necro passives and skills...

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Does Passive skill - Spreading Malediction (receive 1% damage bonus for enemies affected by curses) get a benefit from the Skill Frailty - Aura of Frailty (always active aura within 15 yards)? Whereby any melee attackers get immediately affected by my aura and then I get bonus damage to hit them with?

    submitted by /u/Hyack57
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    Spirit barrage pop?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Hey, been playing diablo for some time now and decided to go with WD this season. Spirit barrage build is an absolute blast and i literally destroy everything currently in the 80s. I cant seem to be able to pop it on command though. The only thing im having trouble on is the guardian where im spamming sb and I do 0 damage for what it seems to me a random amount of time and the next second the guardian is dead. Is there anyway to control when the barrage pops? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/andreas95bb
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    Diablo IV Summoner: Tall Man Finger ring?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Like others, I'm curious about the characters in the Diablo IV trailer. One thing that caught my eye was when the summoner was reaching out to take Lilith's hand. He's missing his little finger.

    In Diablo III there's a legendary ring called the Tall Man's Finger. Here's the description of the ring from the game and official site:

    This finger was severed from the hand of an Umbaru priest who crossed over to Mbwiru Eikura in search of knowledge and came back... changed. Before the unclean phantasm was finally slain, he evinced great power over the dead, and this metal-plated digit still possesses some of that power.

    Honestly, that appears to strongly point to the summoner being that changed Umbaru priest. Metal-plated digit, power over the dead, search of knowledge, unclean phantasm.

    I doubt I'm the first to posit this possibility, but am curious to everyone's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Patruus_Inebrius
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    The Indestructible passive allows me to fight another day.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Set farming help

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    This is my first time at endgame and season. I want to use the god set for demon hunter but I can't find any. I've been doing greater rifts, rifts, and blood shard trading but have only come up with the boots, while getting lots of other set pieces that aren't part of the god set. Any advice for farming that I might be doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    S20 Theme suggestion: rares only

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Title. Rares only and no legacy of dreams. Other legendary gems available.

    What I expect: a diversity of builds like never before, with all skills using their original values and not being guided by specific gear.

    What I fear: too bland, maybe generic legendaries could be available (those which dont buff one specific skill)

    I assume this will get a no from a big part of the community but always wanted to suggest it. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/danielspoa
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    stuck on champion season journey

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Hi i'm new to the game, playing necro, and have inarius' with corroded fang. idk how to do these rifts and realm bosses. do i just need more legendary gems ?

    submitted by /u/Mensshirt
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    Need help with a Corrupted Ashbringer Build to have fun with.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys how's it going, I've always been a Monk Main and recently been fantasizing about using a Corrupted Ashbringer on a Crusader. It's always been my favorite wow weapon , And I've heard it can work with a LoN type of build. But don't have much Crusader experience to theory craft something. Can anyone help me out with a viable build. I had a friend that had one clearing GR 100's with it for fun but he stopped playing and I never copped the build from him sadly. Been playing seasonal and I'm currently 1500 paragon looking to switch it up a bit and have some fun.

    submitted by /u/Omro831
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    So i was doing bounties with my wife then this happened.. we are currently playing on Torment 9.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    How to solo GR20 on new barb?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I am using the leveling barn build from icy veins (rend + whirlwind). I have 436k dps and 413k hp. Monsters take really long to kill and I die in like 2 hits at gr19. Hell monsters take long to kill at gr1 normal rifts.

    Nothing that drops is an upgrade anymore what should I do

    submitted by /u/Cagliostra99
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    Less than 60 FPS during fights on a GTX 960? (Diablo 3)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    So yeah, I'm currently still playing on my old ass computer with a GTX 960 and an i7 920. When there's a lot going on FPS usually drops to around 30-40, sometimes even 25. I'm pretty sure that this should run better so I started up Afterburner to look at temps and usage. Turns out my GPU usage never goes to more than like 50%, the CPU is usually at like 20-30%. Shouldn't this be way higher? My only guess is that the high temps (70-80 Celsius GPU, 100 Celsius CPU) are throttling the system, could this be it? Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Skrumpeyy
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    Hardcore achievement

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Hello, I was woundering if I could get any help in the achievement that you have to get level 70 in hardcore mode PS4 btw

    submitted by /u/Psycho_Les2
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    So he truly cast off the petty illusions.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I would really like a pvp system like lost ark for diablo 4

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Hey! I been looking for arps in the meantime diablo 4 is developing, I wonder how diablo will make a great pvp, so I been playing lost ark for a while and have to say that to be an arpg "diablo" style the pvp is simply amazing, it would be nice if diablo could literally copy their pvp system. It would make happy people who loves pvp because they have an arenas like in wow to play against people and pve players could simply do what people do on diablo 2-3. The sets on pvp could be something similar for everyone so you could enjoy a full pvp experience. What do you think guys?

    submitted by /u/SpookieTea
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