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    Thursday, July 23, 2020

    Diablo By all that is holy! Do you see those 15 Forgotten Souls over there?

    Diablo By all that is holy! Do you see those 15 Forgotten Souls over there?

    By all that is holy! Do you see those 15 Forgotten Souls over there?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Diablo 4: where should the end points be?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    One of the things I have enjoyed about certain ARPG's over the years is that feeling you have reach the top of the mountain and feel 'godly'.

    Often there were multiple peaks to reach but each one felt rewarding to attain:

    • Complete the story
    • Defeat Hell difficulty
    • Finish a build
    • Reach level 99
    • Find a perfectly rolled item or set of items

    Diablo 3 in many respects blurred the lines of accomplishment and butchered the moments where you felt you had reached the mountain top:


    • Very short
    • Poorly written and very cartoon like
    • Wasn't challenging enough to feel like it mattered

    Inferno mode

    • Wasn't properly balanced on release
    • Far too many inferno levels diminishing any sense of accomplishment

    Completing a build/Finishing a character

    • Instance access to every skill and no talent tree removed any sense of permanence and character identity
    • No reason to re-roll a class outside the start of a new season
    • Items define almost every build and contribute almost all of the power

    Reaching max level

    • Max level was the 'starting point' not a journey in itself
    • Far too easy to speed level which resulted in short term gratification at the expense of a feeling of accomplishment and pride
    • Paragon extended max level into infinity - you can never reach the peak

    Endless dungeons

    • There is no max dungeon level
    • Made worse by Paragon levels which removes any ceiling

    Item hunt

    • Itemisation was and continues to be a major issue
    • Items are the 'build' and the power level between them is far too large
    • Items before reaching max level in most cases are trash
    • Sets dominate the game and remove the sense of wonder and creativity

    Do you think Blizzard understands that in an ARPG each of these elements need to be a Mountain Top that reward different types of players?

    Do they understand that having 'end points' in an ARPG is critical to creating a sense of accomplishment and the reason to start the game over (replay-ability)?

    Do Blizzard know the difference between an ARPG and an MMORPG?

    What should it look like?


    • The first peak to climb
    • Long enough and challenging enough to feel like the admission price was worth it. For the casual gamer, if they stopped now the $50 USD they spend was worth every penny.
    • The story was epic
    • With an open world, you might have to go a little sideways for awhile to overcome some challenges, but the side quests are surprisingly enjoyable and you are back on the main path pretty quickly
    • Good point to re-roll another class and do it all again. In fact it was so fun you are now in inner turmoil about which class to try next!


    • The second peak where most casual players end the journey
    • The 'old school' feeling like you have clocked the game on 'hard mode'
    • Difficult and time consuming but not impossible. You have given up once or twice but something keeps compelling you to come back.
    • Balanced so that you are not pigeon holed into a select few builds to get the job done
    • The road to completion has taken you off the path and you have explored much of the open world to help you attain the skills and items needed to clock the game on Hell difficulty.
    • You might need a week-off the game but you are excited to come back and try it all over again with a new class or variation of the same class. You know it can be done a little faster and you will make smarter choices with your talent points next time.
    • You can still enjoy the games content with friends who have been playing much longer as the power level difference between you isn't insurmountable (30-50%).

    Finishing a character

    • The third peak where 95% of players have now reached their mountain top
    • Hell mode is getting much easier and you feel 'godly' powerful at level 92
    • The optional side quests, hidden areas and end game bosses are all behind you. But, there is enough variation that you are not bored you just want to try it a different way.
    • Your character has its own unique identify that you have slaved over "you are now an accomplished "Hammerdin" or "Fireball Sorceress"
    • You can speed run the most challenging content but you still have to be careful as the big bosses can still catch you off guard. You know if you push on there is approx. 20-30% more efficiencies that could be made but you have achieved your desired goal for now.
    • Its time to re-roll a new character maybe the same class but with a different focus

    Reaching max level

    • One of the highest peaks to climb
    • Its been a slog and many hundreds of hours have been invested but you know only 5% of players will make a max level character
    • You swear 'never again' but deep down inside that internal challenge has now been set
    • Even though the power level difference might only be marginal from level 95 to 99 you know talent points matter and everyone does make you more powerful
    • There is little more you need to do on this character and its now a walking trophy you can show off to others.
    • Time to take a break and come back and do it all again soon

    The Eternal item hunt

    • The Everest - the hardcore 1%
    • Your items are near perfect and you have been at max level for sometime. Probably have multiple characters near max level also....
    • You are 'god tier' and very little in the game can threaten your supremacy but there are still small efficiencies (5-10%) to be found
    • You might only be 20% more powerful than someone that has invested a third of the time on their character but its perfection that drives you and its more than enough to show them who is boss in PvP
    • You are dedicated to your Bowazon and know its the niche in this game you want to play for another 1000 hours. No other Bowazon is like you and your character is the image you want to project to others in the game
    • You are after the ultra rare drops and not worried if its not for your current spec as you can find someone to trade with and/or use it on another character
    • The thrill of the hunt drives you on and while you have explored every inch of the open world the variation in its replay-ability keeps it interesting.

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    Gold Dropper Pranked My Friend

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Fun question

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Fun question if I gave my follower legacy of nightmares and equipped him with ancient stuff would it make him stronger or nah? I am running legacy of dreams on my self atm

    submitted by /u/rin660
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    [Diablo 1] Can't Alt+Tab out of game...crashes when I do ctrl+alt+tab

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    No idea why this is happening. I'm trying to play vanilla D1 on Windows 10, and it works fine except that I cannot do anything else other than play D1. If I do manage to somehow minimize it, it just crashes. Any idea why this is happening? I also cannot get it to play in windowed mode. For reference, I am using the old, original install from the CD, not the GOG version.

    There was another thread about this on this subreddit, but it it didn't help fix my issue.

    submitted by /u/SereneFrost72
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    Diablo 3 - Tempest Rush Monk Build Guide - Patch 2.6.9 Season 21

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    GR 115+

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    This is my first season so I'm still not sure where all to be looking, I've been trying in game to find some groups to push with. But I've mostly played solo. 3.4m sheet and only just now realizing groups means wayyy better gear. 😅 Anyone down for some GR's?

    submitted by /u/iTheAntihero
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    Diablo 3 Zones with Music from D2 (Video Examples)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I recorded some footage of D3 and edited it a bit with Movie Maker, by making it darker and putting some of Diablo 2's music on it.

    Maybe you find the change of atmosphere that this created enjoyable:

    Tristram Cathedral with the 'Monastery' Soundtrack from D2

    Tower of the Damned & Azmodan Fight with the 'Hell' Soundtrack from D2

    Ruins of Sescheron with the 'Harrogath' Soundtrack from D2

    Bonus: Festering Woods with Ambient Sounds from Diablo 4

    Thoughts? Feedback?

    Would you have liked it if D3's Soundtrack would have been more dark and ambient? Or would you like that we could import our own music files into D3 and D4?

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    Entire PC crashes in the cathedral

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:24 AM PDT


    I've played Diablo 3 years ago and I created my last character around last year, when I still had Windows 8.1 installed.

    2 weeks ago I bought the necromancer DLC and started playing again.

    But everytime I play the cathedral-level, my entire computer would freeze...where the screen just becomes one color (I already had light green, yellow and white) and the last sound, that was playing, get's looped over and over again, until I manually reset my entire computer.

    It's never a specific place oder event, that triggers the crash...and so it will just happen randomly. I think I remember, that I finished the first level of the cathedral and then teleported back to the village and it still happened.

    I couldn't find any specific origin of this crash. I updated all drivers (I hope I got all) and I even made a stress test and constantly checked the heat and none of these things were the culprit.

    (The game never crashes on games like "Sims 4" or "Cities Skylines" (with tons of mods), that produce far more heat than Diablo 3)

    I already started it in compatibility mode (Windows 8) and checked for updates on the game itself and on the Battle.net -launcher. I checked, if some files were missing, but everything was alright.

    Strangely enough, a day before I reinstalled Diablo 3, I installed "Darksiders 2" and "Orcs must die 1" and these are the only other games, where the exact same problem occurred.

    I hope someone here might be able to help me, or at least push me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/BAmling
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    Will Diablo 4 have elemental status (Cold Damage chill/freeze, fire can ignite/burn ect..)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Have we seen this mentionned anywhere? I really hope they bring elemental status back in the game..

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    Need help with Conquest

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I made a demon Hunter this season and can easily do a GR 85, but I have only managed to do 1 conquest so far The Thrill.
    I tried to do Speed Demon solo bu always end up using 2:20 of time.
    With the Curses I tried to follow guides from youtube but I have a hard time getting the Curse chest pop up in Paths of the Drowned.

    I would like to do the conquest solo if I can help it.

    Is there a better class to do the other conquest such as Speed Demon, or another better suited build for Demon Hunter?

    submitted by /u/Darkferal
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    I had the game release day. Finally found out my Time Played is 877 Hours...

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Tips for having more control over where leap lands on PS4?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    First time playing in years, I played on PC back when the AH was still a thing until my PC took a crap back in like 2016.

    Surprisingly not that bad playing on console, but the controls are still a bit wonky. My biggest problem right now is that now that I'm getting into torment 16, a simple mistarget can be an instant death for me and it's a little hard controlling where you land with leap when things get hectic since you can't click. I've kind of adopted a kiting strategy and I can usually just watch everything melt in my earthquakes without getting hit but every now and then I accidentally leap the wrong way and end up smack dab in the middle of 3 elite packs. Which is... generally bad for your health.

    submitted by /u/EpsteinsSuicideNote
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    game dosen't start !!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    i play this season from beginning , suddenly game doesn't start , perfect

    submitted by /u/cipri71
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    PS4 child acc seasonal blocked help

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Trying to get my kid to play as a seasonal toon with me on PS4 couch coop but I get the message:

    "Online service is disabled on your account due to parental control restrictions"

    But as far as I can tell, everything is open, had anyone had this issue or can offer any insight?

    submitted by /u/stein_backstabber
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