• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Diablo mildly interesting : this map generated with part of the Barracks overlapping with part of Tamoe Highlands.

    Diablo mildly interesting : this map generated with part of the Barracks overlapping with part of Tamoe Highlands.

    mildly interesting : this map generated with part of the Barracks overlapping with part of Tamoe Highlands.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Anyone know what this is about? I got it logging in today for the first time in a while, friend didn't. Playing on switch.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Diablo Lore: Baal the Lord of Destruction

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    No loot in Nephalem Rifts

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    My friend bought D3 on the switch and just beat the game. I showed him the Nephalem Rifts and after completing two with him last night we noticed we're not getting ANY loot when defeating bosses. Hes on level 57, I started a new character on his switch and am only level 16. Is it because I'm such a low level? We're playing on Expert. Really frustrating because we're seriously not getting a single piece of loot from the rifts.

    submitted by /u/ipunchewoks
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    Liquid Rainbow Question

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I've been trying to get the liquid rainbow for the staff of hearding, and I got the mysterious chest in the mysterious cave but it didn't drop the rainbow. Is it possible for it not to spawn in the mysterious chest? All I got was a legendary shield...

    submitted by /u/BillSamsquantch
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    So close yet so far - Untwinked HC barb

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    So close yet so far - Untwinked HC barb

    If only they had left the WW mechanics alone from classic D2, I would actually have an upgrade from aldurs weapon and fleshrender barbed club. IDed this + a 310% ED 10IAS rare mancatcher, along with horking up hellslayer+messerschmidts reaver, yet I'm still struggling with 10minute pit runs doing almost as much dps with my main weaps as I do with my dual gulldagger weapon swap

    edit- to be fair, the gulldaggers are up'd to poignards

    The D2 struggle is real, and I love it. I reccomend untwinked SSFHC barbarian playthroughs to anyone who hasn't yet stopped playing casters^^


    submitted by /u/itam2
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    SSF or Group play goals?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Hi guys, just wondering what your goals are for the next season? And how you think you're going to reach them.

    I myself planned to do a ssf and hopefully share stories with other ssf peeps. but 2 friends who I played d2 with back in the day want to give d3 a go. So SSF is out of the question this season for me. Which feels weird because I've never been part of rat runs and meta grinding. I'll be going hardcore DH with hopefully some nice people. My goal isnt too crazy I reckon. Just wanting to make the leaderboard on the DH side and hopefully not lose too many characters in the process.

    See you at the reset!

    submitted by /u/Beardface1411
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    Challenge rift for season 21

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I've watched some videos on starting the season, this'll be my first. They've all said to do the challenge rift right after creating a character. I've never done a challenge rift. Would I be behind a lot if I can't complete it?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    WTF blizz ... I was about to complete GR140 solo and BOUM! your server goes down

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    title ^

    submitted by /u/LazarusD3
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    Help! Hardcore level 70 PS4 Trophy

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Just got back into Diablo 3 and I honestly don't trust myself and skills to get the Hardcore trophies for ps4. If anyone could help get me and my dad there, that would be fantastic.

    PSN - Ghostkota

    submitted by /u/ghostkota_
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    I finally got it

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    D3, 2 or 3 man levelling starts?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm looking to play the new season for d3 and was wondering what the best methods for levelling for 2 (and potentially 3 man, not sure yet) players are. I know most of the levelling strats already and I can level solo quite quickly but never tried with a friend. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/ColdeZhen
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    What is the start TIME of Season 21?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I know the start date is July 3rd from Blizzard's site, but I wasn't able to find what time on the 3rd the season actually starts. Does anyone know or can confirm?


    submitted by /u/FibreGlassCannon
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    Diablo 1 rouge Walkthrough I made not so long ago

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Games like D2 re: movement

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    I'm looking to play a new ARPG that kind of captures that magic of teleporting around with a ton of FCR and Enigma equipped. Is there anything else like it in a more modern game? In every game I've tried out it's always either too slow, or on a cooldown, or getting caught on walls.

    submitted by /u/mksicktheo
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    Diablo IV Feedback - Endgame progression beyond character and items

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Action RPGs are my favorite genre, probably like many folks here. The thing that personally keeps me playing the most are progression systems outside of items and skills. I'm talking about world and system progression. The best example of this is Path of Exile, notably its Atlas, Betrayal Strongholds, Temple, Delve, etc. In all of those endgame systems, you slowly upgrade and tweak a unique system to customize how you prefer to play the content. This creates several unique paths of customization and an huge amount of endgame variety. If you find yourself bored with one system, you can move on to another for a bit. It gives control over content back to the player, and I'm hoping that Diablo IV can fulfill that.

    submitted by /u/Baknik
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    Ideas for Diablo 4 itemization

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Ideas for Diablo 4 itemization

    They are only sketched ideas subject to change and modification. Tell me what you think and if you think these ideas are valid or in part or not at all or if something comes to your mind as well.


    The itemization system of D3 could also be resumed but making it more complex and complete. The affixes of the legendary who change the skills of the class should be much more varied and cover all the skills in order to offer a much larger variety of builds than D3 and diversify the affixes and their attributes according to rarity. For example make more versions of that legendary with that affix type ancient lv 1 and ancient lv 2 where the lv 1 will be rarer than the normal item and the ancient 2 will be even rarer as happens in D3 for the ancient and primordial, only that the 2 versions besides being rarer will have to offer both better attributes and greater damage to the affix or in any case a greater value to that affix that modifies the ability of the character such as for example a legendary weapon that increases the damage of the meteor or a legendary weapon that increases the number of projectiles of that ability

    example image:



    and at this point you could take a further step forward and make a greater customization of the item by putting for example various sockets, even up to 3, dividing them into: (low, medium, high socket) and the item can be found, in based on your luck, 3 high sockets or 1 low and 2 medium sockets etc. etc.

    example image:


    Then, in these sockets we are going to put runes, divided into low, medium, high rune that diversify that ability in terms of value and power such as for example increase damage, increase the number of projectiles, give a % to put a debuff to the enemy or a buff to you, decrease the cd etc etc, you could also put particularly powerful and rare runes which, however, also give a malus.


    3 types of runes (low - medium - high)

    Low Rune: common and the attribute will increase slightly, example:

    Meteor rune EL (increases meteor damage by 20%)
    Meteor rune ELD (increases the number of meteors by 1)

    Medium Rune: rarer and the attribute will increase moderately, for example:

    Meteor rune TIR (increases meteor damage by 40%)
    Meteor rune NEF (increases the number of meteors by 2)

    High Rune: very rare and will significantly increase the attribute, example:

    Meteor rune ETH (increases meteor damage by 60%)
    Meteor rune ITH (increases the number of meteors by 3)



    then with consumables that can be found in the world of sanctuary, I will be able to increase my luck to transform a certain socket from low to medium or high, for example: a consumable item that will give me 20% to bring a medium to high socket or the 10% from medium to high, you can have fun, you can find more consumable items in terms of rarity and power with various % to change the type of socket, example: a legendary consumable item very rare to find that increases the 100% of transforming a socket from low to high. You could find further consumable items that allow the reroll of the affixes or some affixes or to transform the legendary from ancient lv 1 to lv 2, or attribute all this to an npc in exchange for gold or more or less rare materials or even craft them in the cube with materials.


    In this case, the D2 runewords could also return with white items diversified according to rarity and number and type of socket, maybe up to 6. where if you put certain runes, more or less rare, of different types such as for example one runeword that requires 3 high runes, two medium and one low, a particularly strong and unique item comes out, perhaps even rarer and more powerful than a legendary ancient of lv 2.


    In order not to make an excessive difficulty in finding the definitive item, the ancient lv 2 could be eliminated and only the lv 1 could be left. Another simpler alternative would be to give the possibility with enchantments to enchant that item several times up to a maximum of n enchantments that can be found around or crafting and, of course, diversifying them in terms of rarity and power. So, in summary, the diversification of the builds will depend on factors based on the rarity and power of the item, its attributes and affixes that modify your skills. On the one hand the rarity of the item to be found which will have a much stronger affix than its respective but with less common rarity and on the other hand the luck in finding that higher version item, as said before ancient 1 and ancient 2 and with a high type and number of sockets. if you create many runes, like a dozen, for each spell of the character divided into low, mid, high, like 10 runes that modify the meteor spell in 10 different ways, 10 modify the ability of the lightning and so on, you could create a multitude of different builds, such as hybrid, or specific to make aoe or single target for bosses or for pvp

    submitted by /u/leyander
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    Lfm dedicated scandinavians

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    We are a small group of 4-5 scandinavians that like to play alot during the seasons. Season 20 was our first season together and we got a good 150 time and our paragons reached 3.5-4k.

    Currently we are a mix of norwegians/swedes and are looking for more from the nordic countries to play with. For exp farming and meta play later in season. Would be nice to get another group going.

    We are experienced players but we have a chill tone, not looking for ragers or whiners.

    Play time throughout season is done around 16:00-00:00 every day ish, and more on the weekends.

    Pm on reddit

    submitted by /u/Aenzzor
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