• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Diablo HAMBURGER

    Diablo HAMBURGER


    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I tried logging on my account only to find out it expired. This video of him hitting 99 is the only thing I have left. R.I.P Pride the Druid @UsWest, you will be missed.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    PTR 2.6.9 S21 Detailed Feedback for Demon Hunter Gears of the Dreadlands (GoD) set

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I wanted to share my thoughts testing the 2.6.9 PTR patch for Diablo 3 Season 21. I spent the majority of my time testing out the Demon Hunter's new set, Gears of the Dreadlands (GoD).


    I describe the GoD playstyle as a "stop and go" elite hunting playstyle. Currently it is best played by stopping to do your Primary skill attack, and then using Strafe to travel from pack to pack. Ideally, you travel from elite mob to elite mob, but this isn't always possible, so sometimes you will need to settle for larger groups of enemies. It's also important to start Strafing away from your current location when most (but not all) of the mobs are dead, this way you still generate hatred and continue to proc the 60% damage reduction bonus on your way out. This playstyle also allows you to benefit from area damage (Primary skills cast from Strafe do NOT trigger area damage). It also allows you to benefit from the heal proc from Simplicity's Strength (Primary skills cast from Strafe do NOT trigger Simplicity's Strength healing component), and to also more consistently stand in Oculus circles, either generated by your follower, or by a zDPS Support.

    The playstyle struggles with mobs that are easy to kill (1 or 2 shot) and large empty maps. This is simply because you cannot generate Momentum stacks when there are no enemies around, and even if you could, the Hatred cost of Strafe is very expensive.

    Developer Intent

    Whirlwind Playstyle

    Is the intent of the set to allow a Whirlwind playstyle? If so, then the set is not built correctly. Whirlwind playstyle does not function correctly. This is primarily because primary skills shot from Strafe do not trigger Focus and do not benefit from area damage.

    Stop And Go Playstyle

    Is the intent of the set to allow a stop-and-go playstyle, one where you cast your primary skill while standing still, then use Strafe as a movement skill only? This style is more oriented towards elite hunting. The primaries that get cast from Strafe do not benefit from area damage and do not re-proc focus, and thus are only really useful for attacking trash mobs in-between elite packs, or in-between large groups of mobs.

    I believe the developer intent here points to the Stop and Go Playstyle, and we will focus on fixing problems oriented towards this playstyle.

    Problems with Gears of the Dreadlands

    • Set text is worded very strangely. This confusion stems from the fact that there are actually two mechanics at play. One mechanic is invisible to the player (Momentum stacks) and the other mechanic is visible to the player (seconds of Momentum remaining, displayed on the Primary skill).

    • Basing the set bonuses on how many seconds are left is confusing. It makes high level play difficult because it is hard to predict the nature of the Momentum stacks.

    • If you don't have any enemies to attack, or build Momentum stacks against, you lose your 60% damage reduction bonus, even if you are Strafing! This means you can die in hardcore to environment effects (like poison in Paths of the Drowned). This is very dangerous!

    • The 4 piece set bonus does not list how much faster you move per Momentum stack. (13%?)

    • Does not do enough damage with the 6 piece bonus.

    • Does not provide enough damage reduction.

    • Cannot fit in Zoey's Secret for damage reduction. (This is probably intended, but worth noting).

    • When using Strafe-generated-primaries, healing from Simplicity's Strength does not function.

    • Since the set is based on attacking with Primary skills, it's necessary to fit in Depth Diggers / Hunter's Wrath to do damage. This doesn't allow you to fit in Captain Crimson's. Thus, you are effectively missing the damage reduction and damage increase bonuses that Crimson's would otherwise provide as an opportunity cost. Any damage buff and damage reduction buff to the GoD set should also take this into account.

    • Killing enemies too quickly will not allow you to build Momentum stacks. This effectively makes GoD not useful for t16 keyrun builds, pool builds, or other speedrun-style builds where you kill enemies in 1 or 2 shots.

    • The Momentum stacks fall off too quickly.

    • Strafe itself requires hatred, so even if you have maximum stacks, if you hit an area that has no enemies, you will lose all your hatred and not be able to move quickly anyway. Since the build necessitates that you run other buffing skills and drop Vault, you're left with a very slow moving character, and it's not your fault, and it feels bad.

    • Tying the damage reduction to Strafe is very confusing. At the start of a GR for example, you need to build your first couple of Momentum stacks, and you won't have any stacks with which to Strafe. Thus, you can't have damage reduction until you build stacks, then Strafe, then stop to do damage again. This interaction is very unsafe for hardcore especially.

    • Knowing when you have the damage reduction from GoD up is not indicated anywhere except your sheet toughness. Players should be able to understand if they are vulnerable without having to guess (especially for hardcore).

    Proposal for fix for GoD set

    First, we unify the idea of two separate mechanics (Momentum stacks and seconds of Momentum) into one mechanic that sits on your buff bar, similar to Echoing Fury or Gruesome Feast. This allows players to understand clearly what's happening.

    We also increase the damage and damage reduction provided by the set.

    Finally we add a little flavor, by using "7" as a Momentum stack maximum. Maybe this is unnecessary, but it's fun, and it kind of adds to the idea of the steampunk/gear idea.

    The new set text will read as follows:

    (2) Set Gain a Momentum stack when attacking with a Primary skill. Your Primary skills deal 20% more damage per Momentum stack. (4) Set Strafing against enemies will automatically shoot your last used Primary skill. While Strafing, movement speed is increased 20% for each Momentum stack. (6) Set Your primary skills do 20,000% more damage. Momentum provides 80% damage reduction.

    Details on how this works:

    • Momentum is now a buff on your buff bar. You can have a maximum of 7 stacks.

    • Each stack lasts 7 seconds. Each stack of Momentum is on an independent timer. (Similar to Witch Doctor's Passive: Gruesome Feast)

    • Each stack of Momentum adds 20% extra movement speed.

    • Your primary skills deal 20% more damage per Momentum stack.

    • Damage reduction is given when you have ANY Momentum stacks.

    Ninth Cirri Satchel

    • The design looks like it is intended to make the item hard to roll (like any secondary with %dmg). This is good!

    • It only guarantees Hungering Arrow pierces once, additional pierces are subject to the 35% chance to pierce (or 50% with rune). This doesn't appear intentional?

    • Strafe cast Hungering Arrow interaction does not work with guaranteed pierce from Ninth Cirri Satchel.


    • Option 1, Design Ninth Cirri Satchel like Balance (two handed monk weapon):

    Hungering Arrow deals 450-600% increased damage, and when it pierces it gain 100% critical chance.

    • Option 2, ignore the second mechanic entirely, and just up the damage based on Devouring Arrow rune.

    Hungering Arrow deals 650-800% increased damage.

    Thanks for reading my long and detailed feedback! I've spent about 12 hours total testing and grinding on the new Demon Hunter set, so I hope I was able to provide something valuable.

    submitted by /u/echohack4
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    Artist Oscar Cuesta tells us his story of working on Diablo 3 at Blizzard North and South - PureDiablo

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Good day!

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Greetings, stranger. I'm not surprised to see your kind here. Many adventurers have traveled this way since the recent troubles began.

    No doubt you've heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the world again.

    I don't know if I believe that, but a Dark Wanderer did travel this route a few weeks ago. He was headed east to the mountain pass guarded by the Rogue Monastery.

    submitted by /u/KeyJelly9
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    When should i do hellfire quests ?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Should I do Diablo quests before attempting hellfire quests ?

    I am having a hard time beating the defiler ...I threw zillions of arrows at her...she wouldn't die...

    submitted by /u/Lucifer_in_Disguise
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    Is there a Discord community I can join?!

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Hi, I just got the game a couple days ago and I've been in love ever since. However since I'm still learning I would love to be part of a discord group or few for when I have some quick questions or need partners for rifts and bounties and such. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/laviabela
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    Necromancer First Look

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    The Sin War Visual/Interactive Media

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I am currently finishing off reading through all the Diablo novels with the Sin War Trilogy. The more I read, the more I'm convinced this story would work amazingly in some form of visual/interactive media. My first thought was a Witcher style single player game, perhaps multiple, or a tv series of some sort. I think it's unlikely, but I could also see it being an RTS. If it were to be made into a single player game, you could even have two campaigns, one for Uldyssian and one for Mendeln. What do you guys think? Have you read the Sin War trilogy? Do you think it would work well as a game or show series?

    submitted by /u/North_Rock
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    BlueTracker | Compilation of Blizzard's comments of the week

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Follow us on r/blue_tracker and @blue_tracker

    You will find all comments below

    submitted by /u/blue_trackerbot
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    Fan made d2 remaster. incredible. like no remaster-attempt before.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT


    not sure if this was posted. if yes feel free to remove this post.

    it seems like it stays true enough to the original. this looks amazing. the man, bence monori made this alone in 35 days.

    the cutscene with changed camera angle is also awesome. this type of cutscenes could fit well into a d2r.

    what do you guys think? is this how you would imagine a d2r?

    don t be picky/nostalgic with framerate or other small," irrelevantly obsessive" things. think overall if this is what you would want a d2r to look like

    submitted by /u/stark33per
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    I have only gotten 2 primals. Anyway to bump up my chances?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    So I met a guy who got 7 in a day, he says he gets 2 a day or so. In fact we were playing and he got one and gave it to me.

    Besides Nagel ring, is there anyway I can have more chance to get them? Been playing for over 2 months almost every day. And haven't gotten anything but 2, the lvl 70 gr one ,and one that I got the day after that one.

    submitted by /u/paayepezc
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    Question about buying Diablo II from Blizzard.com

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I currently own a PC but I am buying a Macbook air soon.

    If I buy the game for PC now, do I have to buy it again when I switch to macbook air? Or will the game already be in my Blizzard account?

    Also, will they update for Catalina?

    submitted by /u/Lifeisasong22
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    Necro: While using the restraint + focus ring combo, does the damage increase for my undead army/skeletal mages?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Basically the title, I have the Restraint Ring and i don't know if it's worth it to go for Focus too, or try and get another set. Suggestions are welcome too.

    submitted by /u/doggo_99
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    Diablo 3: does this affect my undead army as a necromancer?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Trouble launching Diablo 1 on windows 10

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    The game opens up and goes through the intros in full video and color but upon launching to the menu the screen goes blank. After messing with it I know the menu is still open via sound but I cant get visual I tried fiddling with the compatibility settings but nothing seemed to work

    submitted by /u/Mr_President01
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    What data is stored server side for Xbox One?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys, have a question regarding deleting your save file?

    I've had two achievements glitched on me. I'm wondering what I lose if i delete my save data on Xbox's side (local and cloud).

    Do I lose characters and gold? Or is it just challenge progress and stuff. Im finding it hard to find out whats stored on the blizzard server and whats stored in a local saved data.

    I obviously want to keep my character, levels, gold, items, story progress. I'm trying to delete my challenge progress. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lavindathar
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    Diablo 3 Xbox One Achievement Tracking Issues

    Posted: 30 May 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hey, wondering if anyone can help me out.

    Picked Diablo 3 back up, and decided to go get all those achievements. Which is fine, I enjoy the game.

    However, two acheivements on the Xbox One have decided not to unlock, and the trackers are now stuck. I guess because the game thinks I've been given them.

    Deep Pockets (is now stuck at 99%) and Destruction Derby (stuck at 94%). I've unlocked the ingame challenges, but I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do here.

    I think I can delete my save and re-earn the challenges, but the problem there is (I think) I'm gonna lose all my characters and gold.

    Or are characters/gold etc stored server side?

    submitted by /u/Lavindathar
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    Rumor: Would D2R come out alongside next-gen consoles?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Remember when xbox 360 came out and not long after Oblivion on xbox came out and everybody who bought xbox from that point on picked up Oblivion?

    Do you think Blizzard/Bobby Kotick would have the smarts to think of something like that or is he too simple?

    Or maybe, (ROFL), do you think he thinks D2 is sacred and this is a no fly zone?

    submitted by /u/inventeur_
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    Do you think non-repairable and very overpowered items buffing specific skills, could be a solution to the end game's BIS (best item in slot) problems? e.g. you get special buffs or synergies from the special destructible item, but you need to have HOTA, furious charge and leap in your active skills

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    We will be using almost all the skills in some sort of combination, because there will be incentive to do so, until our items goes bust and we will have to get a new (with different combinations and buffs)

    submitted by /u/kafros
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