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    Diablo Is the fire bird build worth it while I have vyrs build?

    Diablo Is the fire bird build worth it while I have vyrs build?

    Is the fire bird build worth it while I have vyrs build?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I want a build that would do alot of damage so I can do higher torments

    submitted by /u/salohgenji to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    WhirlRend barb having trouble above GR115

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    This is my 1st season playing D3, and i'm hitting a hard wall at 117. I've completed it at 22 seconds over time at best.

    I'm quite good at using spear, my problem is i die way too easily without ignore pain it seems so i've replaced spear with IP.

    I've gone full defensive passives but then lack the damage it seems, so right now im using just nerves of steel.

    Here is my d3 planner: https://www.d3planner.com/742420256

    Also i use BoM,Zodiac,COE in cube

    Paragon is 1293

    Any help or tips would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/skeeterpanman to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Where to go from here?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    This is my first character, i'm at paragon 200. Last night I luckily pulled a Dawn so i've been running the Natalya 6-set build with Strafe+Rain of Vengeance. Since I can always have Vengeance up, I don't even need Companion/Preparation for the hatred regen which is pretty cool, but i'm not sure what abilities to use instead.

    I'm using Natalya 6-set (no legs), Captain Crimson 2-set, Mantle of Channeling, Reaper's Wings, and a random amulet.

    I'm currently up to Grift 60 and Torment 13 for regular rifts and it's getting harder. I'm sure I could go higher but I'd be entering the 8-10 minute range for both.

    My diamond gems are mostly maxed, I have a maxed Bane of the Powerful and i'm now working on my Taeguk (lvl 27).

    I'm wondering where I could best spend my time.

    Perfecting gear lines? Rifts/Grifts? Bounties? Farming mats to extract legendary powers? Reforging legendaries?

    Eta: My one extracted legendary is "strafe gains the effect of the drifting shadow rune"

    submitted by /u/DeerFucked to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Doing my fire hardcore run, I’m around level 40. What’s a good leveling build?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I'm doing alright except once in a while if I don't have land of the dead to pop, I'm having trouble killing and getting my corpse lances quick enough. I don't want to scrap and have to start over! Any help is appreciated! Edit: *first hardcore run

    submitted by /u/fluxexitss to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Best/easiest way to get the barber

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a spirit barrage build but after a long time and way too much db spent, I'm getting a little exhausted

    (Edit: any advice for sacred harvester as well would be nice)

    submitted by /u/AscendedMoose to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    S21 wd, whats going to be bis after mundus nerf?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I skipped season 18 and 19 and just started again on 20 and luckily restarted for the strongest set ive played with since launch imo. Whats going to be bis next season? What was bis last season? Last season I played before thjs one was when arachyr firebats was bis, whats s21 going to be now that ptr is out? Is mundus still going to be able to compete with the changes to mundus?

    submitted by /u/Jibtech to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Which one to use? Which one to reroll?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    WW/Rend Gear Tests

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    So I did my own personal tests with various combinations of gear for the WW/Rend Barb. The base build for these tests was the WW/Rend build on Icy-Veins by Deadset. The gear combos tested were as follows:

    1 - Full Wastes set with Slander/Rogue (SR) weapons
    2 - 5pc Wastes and 2pc Crimson with SR weapons
    3 - Full Wastes set with Bul-Kathos (BK) weapons
    4 - 5pc Wastes and 2pc Crimson with BK weapons


    BK weapons way more fun than SR weapons, but not viable at high level GRs. BK weapons = super fun farming. SR weapons = GR pushing.


    The gear I used for these tests did not have perfectly rolled stats. But I did have all the required pieces (mostly non-ancient). Also, I did not test any of this at super high level GRs. I tested them at lvl 70 GR and also T14 regular rifts.


    Full Wastes with SR - I found the two setups with SR weapons noticeably did more damage. I didn't need to run numbers on this because it was obvious. But the biggest problem I had with SR setups was Fury management, even with the WW rune for +1 Fury per hit. I don't fish GRs. I run every one thrown at me. I take the bad with the good. Because of that, running poorly setup GRs with SR was taxing on Fury. Even more so with full Wastes set and no Crimson bonus. It was basically unsustainable without good grouping of mobbs in GRs. I found that it was necessary to use the passive that generates 2 Fury per second. Because of this, I had to use a Hellfire Amulet to make up for the loss of a passive skill slot. For higher GRs, this is not ideal because of the need for FoT to double pylon times. I also found that just adding the +2 Fury/sec passive wasn't quite enough to solve Fury issues. I had to enchant a couple pieces of gear with RCR and also fill all 50 points of extra Fury in Paragon Core. Once I did all those things, Fury management got a LOT more...manageable.

    Crimson variation with SR - I had similar issues with Fury management at first. But because of a bonus of the Crimson set (+20% RCR), Fury was not quite as much of an issue. However, it still needed a little help. So I ran a similar setup as I did with the full Wastes build (+2 Fury/sec passive and maxed out Core Fury Paragon points). This made traveling from one group of mobbs to the next fairly easy in even the worst GR setups all while maintaining WW. The beauty of this variation was not having to worry about using Ground Stomp every 8 seconds to proc BoM (Crimson build doesn't use BoM because of the need for Ring of Royal Grandeur RoRG). But I felt this build to be slightly more squishy without BoM. So I made some skill adjustments. I couldn't get rid of Ground Stomp because I needed its pulling rune. But I really hated Ancient Spear. It was taxing on Fury and was clunky as hell to use; especially with a PS4 controller. So I switched Ancient Spear in favor of War Cry with the Resist All rune. Not only is War Cry damn near set and forget with its 120 seconds, it generates Fury instead of depleting it. And it times perfectly with Battle Rage. So you throw out Battle Rage first and immediately follow it with War Cry and your Fury is right back where it started. War Cry made this variation much tougher and easier to manage. But, since War Cry has a cooldown, it interferes a little bit with the cooldown of Wrath. Plus, this build still wasn't quite as tough as the full Wastes SR build and didn't do quite as much damage. So, I switched out the Stricken gem for the Gogok of Swiftness. This adds 15% attack speed, 15% CDR, and a bunch of Dodge chance the higher you level the gem. The AS is whatever, but the CDR adds to your damage because of the Crimson set bonus while the Dodge adds to your ability to survive. I'm not sure how viable this gem is in super high level GRs. But it works great for level 70 GRs and makes keeping Wrath active all that much easier.

    Full Wastes with BK - This build simply doesn't do as much damage as the SR variations. But it does do a decent amount and is fun as hell to play. The BK weapons make Fury management a non-issue. Because of this, you can reduce your core Fury paragon points to zero and load up on Str/Vit. Also, it allows you to get rid of that stupid +1 Fury rune in WW and use the rune that pulls enemies from insane distances. Since this build doesn't do quite as much damage as the SR builds, I decided to make it a regular rift farming build. It works great for this because of several of reasons: speed bonus from BK set, no fury issues, and automatic mobb pulling with WW rune. Since this build isn't suitable for GR pushing and your WW rune takes care of pulling mobbs, you really don't need BoM or Ground Stomp. I still used my Hellfire Amulet for the 5th passive and slotted Nerves of Steel in the skill slot for cheat death when I get sloppy/greedy during speed runs. I still use War Cry instead of Ancient Spear, not for Fury reasons, but simply because when speed farming with BK weapons you don't need to worry about pulling mobbs with a spear. With Ancient Spear and Ground Stomp replaced by only War Cry, I still had one skill slot open. I tried like hell to find something useful to put in that extra slot. I'm on PS4, so when pressing the X button to pick things up, I really don't want to be casting a skill and causing a cooldown timer to start, thus messing up the CD reduction of Wrath. So for a while I did speed runs with my X button skill blank. No other skill seemed to really be worth using. The fury spenders either did negligible damage or cancelled the animation of WW and slowed things down. But I discovered a nice little skill that spends a small amount of Fury, has no cooldown, doesn't cancel the WW animation, adds a nice little boost to speed runs, and I don't mind casting it while trying to quickly pick up items. Sprint. Throw Sprint onto your X button skill slot (same button as item pickup) and don't even think about it. Now, since BoM isn't necessary in this build, that leaves the Kanai jewelry slot open. The obvious choice here is Avarice Band (did I spell that right?). Slot that bad boy in and switch Stricken gem for Boon of Horder in one of your rings or amulet. I'm telling you, this build is insanely fast. You get speed from Sprint, from the BK weapons, from Boon of Horder, from Wrath, etc. You'll be darting around regular rifts and bounties at insane speeds.

    Crimson variation with BK - Very similar to the other BK build, you use the same skills (Rend, WW, Battle Rage, War Cry, Sprint, Wrath) and same 5 passives (5th from Hellfire Amulet). The difference is, you lose a ring slot because of RoRG for set bonuses. So 2 ring slots plus Kanai = Obsidian, RoRG, and Avarice Band. The loss of CoE isn't a big deal because you just pile up on CDR to get more damage from the Crimson set bonus (+CDR = more damage). This build, like the other BK build, hauls ass. It's super fast and fun to farm with.

    submitted by /u/Contraus to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    new ptr build discussion about the Masquerade of Burning Carnival

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I didn't have the time to make d3 planner . i think the new set (Masquerade of Burning Carnival) should be mixed with either pestillence or inarius to perform well .

    submitted by /u/jfatal97 to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Shields on Console

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    So i know on PC you can hover the mouse on your health and itll display how much shield you have as well.Is there anyway to view it on console since we have no way to hover over our health.Ive checked the stats section and its not there either.Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Umaroo85246 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    How to Speed run properly? (Jade Harvester set)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:23 AM PDT


    I see most suggestions (for farming) are to run GRs at a level you can consistently clear in less than 5 minutes, and some players can get 3 minute clears. But no matter how low I go (Cleared 70-ish, usually spam GR60, but have tried as low as GR30 with the same setup), I usually get 6 minutes or so.

    Since lower GRs don't seem to change my times much, I don't think its my build/stats, but rather something wrong with my execution. I'm using the Jade Harvester set, Soul Harvest usually one shots, my stacks are always up so my move speed is high. Generally speaking I only engage with clumps, and run past stragglers or bait them into the next clump.

    Should I be doing something differently? Maybe bee-lining straight for Elites and ignoring trash? Or does speed running with Jade Harvester require a specific style?

    Any speed-running tips (Jade Harvester or in general) would be welcome.

    submitted by /u/Kindread21 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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