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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Diablo Good Morning Diablo Community. Enjoy your coffees.

    Diablo Good Morning Diablo Community. Enjoy your coffees.

    Good Morning Diablo Community. Enjoy your coffees.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    An Update on BlizzCon (Cancelled this year)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Celebrating my GR101 completion

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    IGN Summer of Gaming schedule revealed -- Unannounced Classic Revival

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    season ends when.....?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    when does the season 20 end??does anyone know??

    submitted by /u/herobrine777
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    What is your "No thank you" list for Diablo 4? If this feature exists, then you'll play something else.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    I made a post like this on the Classic WoW forums before that game was launched, and it was actually quite interesting to see a lot of the responses. Sometimes people posted an item and the entire community gathered around that item.

    I don't think that's going to work as well with Diablo, because I think there's a very wide ranging taste palette within this community. I would like to hear some features that, if they're included in Diablo 4, you won't be interested in playing.

    Because I don't want the post to focus around me, I will hold off on a list of my own so as not to derail from the community gathering aim of this post.

    submitted by /u/Sawyermblack
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    Low FPS with RTX 2080 and short freezes

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I am having some FPS issues and occasional freezes (last 1 second) in group play, 140+.

    I had similar issues with my previous computer, but I have upgraded to an RTX 2080 and Ryzen 2600X and having similar results. Everything turned up high, 1440p @ 155fps, but drops to 30 fps at times.

    Is this normal for most players? Or maybe I need to update or disable something? Pretty sure I have the latest drivers (up to Doom Eternal's drivers anyway, which plays great). Maybe D3 is not aging well and always has this bad of FPS?

    I am not accounting for the freezing/low fps when the UI wigs out due to load of mobs on the screen or if someone has area damage. My GPU is running at 40% usage, then dips to 0% when it freezes for a second.

    submitted by /u/Wootytooty
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    Diable III Upgrade

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I haven't played Diablo 3 in a long time. I got the game free with a code or key that a friend gave me now I want to upgrade it after so many years. I played the game on Hardcore in my first playthrough so idk if that has any significance, but when I go to try to upgrade the option shows that I would also be buying the base game as well along with the expansion. Anyone can shed any light on this? I'm just confused in how to upgrade and not waste money more than I have to.

    submitted by /u/TheCrises
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    New to the game and need some help about Set items

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    So im currently paragon lvl 38 wizard and i got a typhon's thorax. What is the best way to complete the set? And does the blacksmith offer this particular set if i decide to grind for plans?

    submitted by /u/CC2306
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    Diablo 2 Resurrected Idea

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Hear me out- one think I loved about the first guild war is how you begin the game in a zone and you feel like grinding levels and equipment just to find you were in an introduction zone that after a cut scene you enter in the main section of the game.

    I think it would be cool if they did something similar with a quick run through the first diablo game for like an hour of game play up until Diablo's chamber the. You see the cut scene and begin in act 1 of diablo 2 too begin the main section of the game. Just a thought I had, but that could be pretty cool to re-tell both stories and make the connection to the games so far!

    What are you guys thoughts?

    submitted by /u/MKaper
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    Loot after season rewards?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Im still kinda new to D3 and all the things they've added. I did a few seasons, had a blast got the armor rewards but i'm wondering if there's higher tiers of equipment past that? Or am I mostly trying to get paragon levels after that.


    submitted by /u/Redicno
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    What do you think Blizzard needs to do to make Diablo 4 successful and what would you like to see out of the game?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    While this post isn't meant to bash D3 by any stretch, I think it's fair to say that D3 wasn't the game that some folks were looking for out of a Diablo game, the reasons being anything from the art style, the end game, the character builds, the music, or any number of other reasons. While I personally enjoyed the game for a time, I've since turned to games like Grim Dawn for that D2 feel that I've been looking for, but I do believe that if D4 were to draw upon the many good things about D3, but also draw on the amazing ideas and aesthetic of games like Grim Dawn and Path of Exile, we would have the makings of an incredible game. These are thoughts I've had over the years, so I'd be honestly curious to see what folks think Diable 4 needs, and what lessons Blizzard can apply from Diablo 3, but the current ARPG Isometric market.

    1: Combat needs to be buttery smooth and satisfying. Diablo 3 honestly did a fantastic job with this element. Monsters exploded in bloody bits, each hit felt impactful, and combat flowed really well in general. If there is one thing I'd expect to be more or less on point, it's this.

    2: Character builds - One of the reasons I've fallen in love with Grim Dawn are the almost endless ways to build characters. Once you choose your base class and secondary class, the ways you can build that class are nearly endless. The system itself isn't complex either, and doesn't seem completely overwhelming like Path of Exile (Love ya Path of Exile, but it's true), but there's a ton of depth there. The Devotion trees further add customization, which can be used in so many ways to define your character. What this means for Diablo 4 is that the classes absolutely need to have build diversity that don't fall into the trap of certain builds being the 'current meta' due to balancing. Players should absolutely be encouraged to experiment with builds, such as offering a 'talent point reset' or something similar from a vendor if you want to change your talent points. Likewise, stat points like strength, stamina and so on should be distributed by the player upon each level up. With the reintroduction of runes, this could potentially add in some real needed build diversity. What do you think?

    3: Art style and aesthetic - I'll be honest, I've never been a huge fan of the Diablo 3 art direction, even when enjoying the game. I always felt that it lacked the 'grit' of Diablo 2, and I do believe that Grim Dawn captures the art style essence of D2 in a way that D3 never did. One thing that absolutely needs to return is the light bubble around the character, because nothing says atmospheric tension like not knowing what you might run headlong into in a dark dungeon because you can't what's around the corner. I will say that the gameplay trailer does give promise of a return to the 'dark gothic horror' vibe that I've missed, but time will tell as to what the final product will look like. A more realistic approach to the outdoor and dungeon areas, especially when it comes to lighting will make a big difference. As another example, the Fleshworks in The Ashes of Malmouth expansion for Grim Dawn chilled me because of the fucked up shit going on within. The more realistic art style definitely made the difference. Reaper of Souls had a pretty great aesthetic from a mood design, but man I just wish the art style had been more 'gritty'. As an aside, blizzard storytelling has fallen over the years, with so much cringy dialogue and poorly delivered voice acted lines, BUT, there are moments of brilliance that show that they have the ability to make a good story. Using great voice actors like Ralph Ineson such as they did for the gameplay trailer will add some real gravitas.

    4: Music - Hands down what I enjoyed least about D3 was the music. While much of it was servicable, it just doesn't compare to D2 unfortunately by any stretch. If D4 can make music that matches the overall tone of Matt Uelman's D2 soundtrack, including the haunting otherworldly wails, primal drums, and adding an almost creeping atmosphere to it all, makes you just feel like you're exploring a dark, dangerous, and dank dungeon. Take "Monastery", "Mesa" and "Leoric" as a prime example as to what I loved about D2s soundtrack, and want to see that feeling come back hard in D4.

    5: Always online - While we'll have to see how this system plays out, I'm skeptical of the idea of always online, but I'll have to see what the final product looks like. Personally, I'd prefer an offline mode that would allow you to bring your character into online games, and lobbies with a full profile and all of that. Clan support, tournaments, chat rooms, built in build calculators and all those things should be included within the online portion of the game. That being said, there's not much to be said on this, as we already know the game will be always online, and since it was controversial with D3, I'd be curious to hear opinions for how it could work well for D4 potentially.

    6: What classes do you want to see? We know the Barbarian, Sorcerer and the Druid are making a comeback, but I'd like to see the Necromancer (He's a friggin' icon of the game), and a Paladin type character, or even just bring back the Paladin. I enjoyed the Monk from Diablo 3, and I'd also love to see the Amazon and Assassin return in some form, or as a new class. Classes will definitely have to be a nice balance of the new and the old.

    In a nutshell, if Diablo 4 could incorporate the fantastic, smooth and optimized combat of D3, the music style of D2, the total grittiness, darkness and design aesthetic of Grim Dawn/Path of Exile, cool armor design (while not being totally over the top), character build diversity of Grim Dawn (Simple, but incredible depth when you get into it, and so many possibilities), you could have the makings of an incredible game. Take away the goofy looking butterfly villains (God she was horrible) from D3, and take a page out of the artbook for D2. Add in a compelling story voice acted with talented voice actors and boom.

    This has been a bit long winded, but I love the Diablo games, and I want D4 to be as good as it can be, honoring the spirit of the previous games, while not being afraid to add in new features that don't leave it feeling like a dated game right out of the box. We've seen so many cool things come out of the ARPG genre over the last few years, and I feel there is so much potential to learn from and apply to D4.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/VirginiaStrider
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    What is the best way to farm Blood Goblins on the Switch edition of Diablo 3? I can't do GRifts so I need an alternative.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I would do GRifts if I had the strength but I'm unable to at my level

    submitted by /u/Rawpineapplesonpizza
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    Does anyone know the massacre record. This one is probably not even close but I thought it was worth showing

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - 05/26/20

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT




    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    D4 Devs Should Have an Unflappable Overall Vision, Otherwise Risk Losing Coherence Like D3

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Came across Alkaizer poignantly covering this.


    submitted by /u/dsnvwlmnt
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    A noob gear question

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Hello. I am a Necromancer on PS4 and I'm trying to gear up to kill the skeleton king for my first time.

    My question is if I have 2 weapons and one says 41.5 Damage with 0 intelligence and other weapon says 22.2 damage but with +38 intelligence, is it worth it to use the 41.5 damage with 0 intelligence weapon?

    Should I also use what has +intelligence? Or does those types of stats become more important later in the game vs early in the game

    submitted by /u/BitterBuffalo114
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    New to the game, only paragon 48 and don’t have season set yet. The one on the right seems better because the ability sounds super powerful? Or no? Use pure dmg upgrade

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Good players didn't need chicken

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Can blizzard do anything to make non isometric gamers like D4?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    There are so many gamers talking crap about isometric games, how they much rather prefer WoWs POV.

    My friend wont try d4 because "you can barely see the character and the gear youre wearing, you also feel locked with isomtric pov" he and many other still play games like Dota and LoL. I just find it weird how they can like one but not the other.

    One "issue" i feel like is that perhaps the characters indeed do appear too small? A lot of people buy skins on LoL but thats because you clearly see the character and they look much bigger.

    But maybe it would affect the gameplay?

    submitted by /u/DSPtriesit
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    Natalya demon hunter build

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Hey all have a full natalya, rain of vengeance build I completed last night , hits pretty hard , but get slapped around easily, while my friends run witch doctor and barbarian and absolute rinse thru rifts carrying me pretty much in the higher level, is there anything I can do ? Or Is there another build/character like the witch doctor a that deals insane damage and barely dies, thanks

    submitted by /u/seemenomorex
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