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    Diablo [FanArt] Diablo IV. Druid!

    Diablo [FanArt] Diablo IV. Druid!

    [FanArt] Diablo IV. Druid!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    1st primal of season

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Necromacer by Aredheel

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    My HOPES (and FEARS) for DIABLO IV

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I'm sorry in advance. This is a long read.

    I've been been a fan of games and Blizzard since the mid-90's.

    I still recall the months leading up to the release of Warcraft II, and how incredibly hyped I was. When the game finally came out, it was everything I'd hoped for and more, and in spite of me not understanding nothing but a few words here and there (I'm a Dane, and at that time I was about 8 years old, so my English vocabulary was still in its infancy), I still LOVED every little bit of it.

    I was lucky to have the somewhat similar experience, when Starcraft came out, and then I jumped the Diablo bandwagon, when Diablo II came out in 2000. Just as Warcraft II and Starcraft had been my favorite games for the better part of a year respectively, Diablo II was, and still is (in my opinion) an absolute masterpiece. I'm tempted to hail it as Blizzard's finest game to this day.

    When Diablo III came out in 2012 I was overjoyed. My friend and I had cancelled all plans for the better part of three days and we plunged headfirst into the game and finished it after a rapid gaming marathon. The feeling it left was ... good, I guess. But I couldn't quite figure out why it was that 'good' just didn't feel, well, good enough. There was something missing. I felt kinda cheated. It didn't feel earned when we finished the last boss battle, and as months passed I was able to more fully understand where this frustration was coming from and how it had manifested.

    These feelings of frustration didn't just stem from the experience with Diablo III. They had a sort of familiarity to them, and I soon realized that this wasn't the first time that a Blizzard game had left me like this. But it was a newer thing: It definitely didn't happen with the holy trinity (Warcraft II, Starcraft, Diablo II), but in hindsight, I had had a similar sense of disappointment with Warcraft III and, to a lesser extent, Starcraft II.

    I've spent way more time giving thought to this, than I'd actually like to admit, but it's lended itself to a sort of clarity, and I've found the culprit:

    Somewhere down the road, the Blizzard games lost their PATIENCE. When I think back on Diablo II, half the fun and brilliance of that game lies in its utterly fantastic pacing of everything. There is a sense of urgency, but - unlike in Diablo III - it doesn't feel rushed. The skies aren't torn asunder from the get go. The tempo takes time to ramp up. You're allowed to have the feeling that something is way more wrong than what gives, before it's spelled out before your eyes. The slow build of Act I, the cleansing of the Monastery and the take down of Andariel marks the beginning of a perfectly executed dark fantasy journey, in which the stakes slowly but surely rise.

    It's the music: it's not all late romanticism bombast, coming in at full force already from the menu. It's in the monster design that knows how to hold back. It's (and this one's important) the character building. There are actual consequences to the choices that you make in Diablo II, whereas they are all but gone in Diablo III. Don't like the skill set combo you chose? Fine, revamp and choose some other skills. Have your cake and eat it too – who's got time to build a new character instead, right?

    Sometimes, when I'm in a more cynical mood, I dismiss these thoughts with the bare notion that it's no more and no less just a question of age difference: I was 12 when Diablo II came out and 24 upon Diablo III's release. Kids are wowed more easily (right?) and as we grow older, the really spectacular experiences and wider and wider in between. We've seen things.

    But I refuse to let this be the answer. I think some time during the mid-aughts, Blizzard sort of stumbled and began to question and doubt their ability to gain and hold people's attention. The design philosophy and aesthetic of their past many releases indeed does reflect this notion. It's games that features a fire-on-all-cylinders approach to story-telling, overblown visuals, constant showdown-centric gameplay and music that (while extremely adeptly and expertly produced and executed) features little of the dynamic and leit motif's that made games like Warcraft II so lovable an memorable. Doubt me? Try humming the first three tunes that comes to mind from the Warcraft II soundtrack. Yeah? Now try doing the same with Diablo III. Yeah. I thought so. I'm not saying music is everything. But it's symptomatic of a larger issue at hand.

    I'm still madly in love with Blizzard's worlds of Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo. But I think they could be more. I don't want them to be regressive and repetitive in their game designs. But I think that there are some valuable lessons to be learned from past games, that could be applied while venturing boldly into the future.

    PLEASE, Blizzard. Let Diablo IV reflect this. Let Diablo IV have the slow, menacing build, doing away with the frantic pace of the last story. Let Diablo IV have character building with actual consequences, punishment and reward. Let Diablo IV have conflict that doesn't mistake scale for drama. Let Diablo IV have the brooding, gothic visual aesthetic and the guts (sorry) to let dark, industrial chamber music usurp the full orchestral bombast. Let Diablo IV show the fans that it has faith in them actually wanting to invest time in an immersive world that needs not hammer away its point to keep people satisfied.

    Do these things and I think Diablo IV would be that much closer to having a chance at achieving the same glorious heights as II.

    If you came this far, THANK you for reading all of this. I hope this resonates with you. And I hope, should anyone from Blizzard come upon this post, that you see it for what it is. A giant love letter to the one game company that showed me that games can hold as much depth as any other medium.


    submitted by /u/MatPassion
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    Thank u AT

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    LF Xbox One player to help with Boss Mode Conquest

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Hey I am new to reddit and have been playing Diablo 3 pretty frequently but never have I played a seasonal character. Anyways since quarantine I started getting really into it on Xbox One and I'm almost done with the Conqueror part of the season journey... but I just need to find someone who can help me with the Boss Mode Conquest! I got a mic and saw an easy way to do it with we port back and forth between bosses but no one in the lobbies i get in want to run it or have mics. I can solo GR 75's so I can hold my own just need a little help getting through on time!

    submitted by /u/Ghostbay5
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    S20 Diablo 3 Challenge Rift #149 Map and Strategy Guide (North America)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    IK Boulder Breaker .vs BK Set

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I've recently returned to Diablo after not playing since the RMAH went the way of the dodo (didn't leave due to that change, just happened to be coomcedence) and still trying to get a feel for things. Ive managed to get to 70 on my barb and have the full IK set from the seasonal journey. I also managed to get lucky in a rift and got a dual bloodshard treasure goblin and gambled wraps (just to clear out bloodshards) and pulled both BK wraps.

    I'm following the icy veins IK Fresh 70 build, and am trying to determine if I should keep using the IK Boulder Breaker or switch to BK set, which would still net me the 6 piece bonus from IK and and 2 piece set from BK.

    Im not sure since it 'looks' like my damage is greater with the IK wrap (attack stat is higher than when I have the BK set equipped).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Vocal_Ham
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    Need a tip for pushes.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Im playing barb and atm Im with 1400 Paragon and Full str, around 17000-18000 (dont recall the number). Im aiming for a 122GR but besides killing the mobs with relative ease, Ive fished 40 keys and couldnt complete in time (the one I was doing great got a DC). My question is, after this tier is normal that insane and extremely frustrating fish or Im trying to push too hard for my level? My stats are OK, around 600K HP, wrath 100%, doing the hard cast rend, (stuck with 2 bad rolls on gear, bc the RNGods hate me)... But fishing that much for every single time I want to have a greater GR is annoying as hell. Tyvm in advance.

    Edit: Im playing season btw.

    Edit.2: Just managed to do it. Barracks last map so was a nightmare. Still, got it! https://imgur.com/a/ZbtqhsJ

    submitted by /u/Kr0nnus
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    Are the focus and restraint rings really that good, or should i be using other rings?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    i'm playing a whirlrend barbarian currently, and was wondering.. are the focus and restraint rings really that good for late game, or should i be using other ones like CoE, Band of Might, Zodiac, etc?

    submitted by /u/JadonArey
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    Running a Sorc first time since D2. Tips?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I have Barb main since vanilla and a Monk. Have not played Sorc since D2 LOD days. Any fun builds.? Just getting the sorc to 70 now. Not looking to be cutting edge GR. But looking for a fun solo build that could hang in GR 90. It's a seasonal char.

    Thanks for reading .

    submitted by /u/Torontokid8666
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    How do you guys get these perfect rolled primals?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    They're hard to come by in the first place, to get one that rolls 4/5 you're looking for would be insane.

    I've found some this season, but they're kinda meh. So am I missing a farming method, or something?

    submitted by /u/MostlyChess
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    Anyone tryna run with me just bought d3 the other week and wanna get back into it. :/ haven’t played for a few years and all I remember was good vibes and good times hmu!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Playstation-Zzerqzz,English speaking,good vibes only

    submitted by /u/Aztekaa
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    Finally reached GR 70 on HC, my biggest milestone this season with Captain America Crusader

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Feel happy and relaxed that I finally achieved my milestone of getting my first primal and reaching GR 70, playing hardcore since season 16. Every season I would die too much and then get disheartened by loosing toons and progress. This season my first Crusader with a full seasonal set went to the grave on GR 60 so went back to SC to get back to the drawing board and learn more about the game as well as fully understand the mechanics of the game. After comfortably clearing 80+ GR with two toons on SC, I considered myself well versed enough to start again HC. Now with this milestone done, I'll continue with levelling gems for augmenting and next milestone is to get to top 100 on Switch even though it's riddled with hackers. Slow and steady.

    submitted by /u/ZedSharif
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    Something is Coming from the East . . .

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Vyr archon without elemental damage % casts a multicolored disintegrate!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    I was wondering why my beam kept changing colors every time I used it. Proof here https://imgur.com/a/P0mqL6d

    The beam switches between the "no rune", "teleport", and "improved archon" colors randomly. It also has a fourth color, purple beam with orange lightning, not found anywhere else. I believe the other abilities also change colors randomly, although I haven't tested it. Pretty cool!

    submitted by /u/korlleka
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    Highest Damage Wizard build?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Trying to kill the butcher in under a minute on hardcore but im struggling

    submitted by /u/ratking001
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    PlayStation 4 population?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I decided to switch from PC to PS4 D3, how's the population? It's Ok? Can you find groups easy for rifts?

    submitted by /u/Xordun
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 04/27/20

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to week 148 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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