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    Diablo sooo close....

    Diablo sooo close....

    sooo close....

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Help pushing beyond GR113

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Hi again.

    I've made some progress since my last post and managed to break the gr100 barrier. Now I am rolling with barbs in pub games and the ones dying are them and not me, thanks to you guys!

    I am trying to make it to the leaderboards. Even being the last person would make me very happy! But I'm struggling to kill things fast enough. If I push too hard, I die a few times. If I play more carefully, I can't clear 121 solo in time. (Best time so far was 15 min 7 sec on gr121 with an ancient coe with 184%. Got the primal recently but couldn't beat that time.)

    One of the main issues I have is not always releasing the flurry stacks appropriately. It's kinda a hit or miss. I have been trying to specifically work on this lately and trying different methods but it doesn't seem to be consistent.

    I bind TR to rmb and blind to lmb. What I do is wait till 90-100 stacks on cold coe cycle then try to release. I've tried releasing by simply clicking lmb while on top of the mob. It works if I'm directly on top of the monster but I noticed that sometimes, the skill doesn't activate. It's when I'm not on top of a monster. Which can happen if I'm moving so fast and I clicked too slow or fast. I also release during 60-75% of coe cycle usually. Unless I'm already at 100 stacks, then I release once cold starts.

    I've also tried holding shift (force stop) or ctrl (force move) before I click lmb for blind. It works more consistently than simply left clicking so that's what I do most of the time. I use force stop mostly and hold down rmb so I will start TR right after I release lmb even if I am slow to release force stop.

    I find that I release stacks better when the RG spawns add ons compared to when it's alone. The hp drop is significantly more. When it's alone, the hp drop seems like flurry stacks were released without blind activated prior. Maybe a 1/8 of it's hp but when I do it well, it's at least 1/3.

    My hp also tends to drop dangerously low and I'm spamming mantra to heal since I get hp from spirit spent. But when I kite a lot, I can't spam as often as I would run low on spirit. I've tried to switch cheat death passive to guardian's path for more toughness but it didn't work as well.

    Here's my gear. Any help will be appreciated. Especially on how to release flurry properly. Thank you.


    submitted by /u/uppearl to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Vyr archon build, returning player

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST


    Hi guys I have just came back to Diablo (Xbox). Not played for a long time, just started to get to grips with all the new content.

    I have decided I like the look of this build, and I am currently grinding away trying to find enough of the pieces to start using it.

    Almost have the 6 set pieces and have the swami hat currently. Still need a lot before i can use the build.

    Question 1 - is the build in the link attached good, it says it's a top tier. Question 2 - at what point do you think I can start using the build, what's the min amount of the gear I need,

    submitted by /u/The-Randy-Duck to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Does The Barber work when an enemy dies?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Or do you have to stop casting to gain the effect? I know the language is "when you stop casting the creature explodes" but I'm curious if there might be another trigger to the effect.

    submitted by /u/hipsterwhipster to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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