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    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Diablo PTR 2.6.8 Begin 2/6 - Patch notes

    Diablo PTR 2.6.8 Begin 2/6 - Patch notes

    PTR 2.6.8 Begin 2/6 - Patch notes

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Rank 1 Monk Tempest Rush Flurry Solo GR150 Season 19 (Patterns of Justice)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Remove Unity and CoE

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST


    Useless for multiplayer and mandatory for single player. This very boring and uninteresting.


    Mandatory for most pushing builds. No one picks CoE because it's fun, but because its necessary. CoE is awkward and doesn't make game play more interesting or fun, just more tedious and restricted. It should be redesigned in some way or removed so that other more interesting rings could be used instead.

    submitted by /u/amentjenafan
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    2.6.8 WD Set PLEASE not Spirit Barrage again!!!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    The new WD set seems very nice, except that the 6pc bonus buffs Spirit Barrage.

    Spirit Barrage is already a very good spell with LoN or LoD. I think its the only trash killer then wizard ,that ever cleared 150 in group outside of the OP Season 19 right now. With the two Buffs for The Barber and the Gazing Demise and the nerf for Bazooka Wizard the SB WD could maybe finally get a good trash killer spot again.



    I tested a bit on the Live Server and with all the passive and active WD spells you can get up to 1200 mana/sec that would be a 60.000% DMG 6pc bonus. Right now Spirit Barrage is already a very good Spell with the 9750% Set bonus from LoN or LoD. That would make the whole Build much too strong.


    -Zombie Charger

    -Acid Cloud


    For Zombie Charger or Acid Cloud the whole Theme about making a full mana reg Set would even make a lot more sense then Spirit Barrage, because for those Spells you actually need to stack a lot of mana reg to be able to spam them in a good way. For Spirit Barrage you just need Rush of Essence and you have no more mana problems at all, because the passive spell regenerates mana when you use Spirit Barrage.

    This makes the whole Theme of the Set right now completely stupid. You stack mana reg a stat that you dont need at all up to an absolut maximum only to gain the multiplier.

    Inthe latest Developer Insights post Balancing & Class Set Design. There was one sentence that made me hope for an awesome new WD Set " We hope to accomplish this by (1) continuing to add new builds and (2) improving existing builds that have fallen behind." This right now seems like the exact wrong way. (1)You dont add a new Build. (2) You improve an already very strong Build.

    So please D3 Team give us Witch Doctors finally a NEW Build and dont Buff an already very good Build.

    submitted by /u/Baskenater
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    Possible new Wiz build to replace rats?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST


    • 6 pieces The Typhon's Veil (new Hydra Set)
    • Serpents Sparker
    • Cosmic Strand (wormhole rune on teleport)
    • Witching hour
    • Ashnagarrs
    • Squirts
    • CoE
    • Manald Heal


    • The Magistrate
    • Tasker & theo
    • Starfire


    • Enforcer
    • Trapped
    • Zeis


    • Lightning Hydra
    • Magic Weapon - deflection
    • Time warp - (stretch time / time warp) 1 wiz running 1 of each
    • Teleport - safe passage
    • Frost nova - bone chill
    • Mirror Image - Extension of Will


    • Power Hungry
    • Cold blooded
    • Paralysis
    • Galvanising ward

    The hope is that the mirror image hydra counts towards the hydra headcount, for a total of 15,000% damage increase

    The plan is to run 2x CDR and diamond gem for 33.3%, leading to 100% uptime on mirror images

    AS on Weapon, gloves, belt, and 1 ring/amulet leads to a 24 frames breakpoint

    Edit This is is also non season viable by using RoRG in the cube, and wearing one of the Magistrate or Tasker & Theo

    submitted by /u/KevinTheEwok
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    Darn. So close.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    I had one guy left to kill to get the Protector of Tristram challenge, just got home from work and was going to try and get it and they took the Darkening of Tristram event down already. Oh well, guess I'll get it next January.

    submitted by /u/the_falling
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    Why is it so hard to install Diablo 2 and it's expansion from battle.net

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    I've had so much trouble downloading Diablo Lord of destruction, I bought both of them installed them, one gave me the wrong file and I had to download it 20 times until it gave me the right one, idk why. Now I need the Lord of destruction disk code and I can't find it on battle.net even though I already used the Diablo 2 code to install that game, it's so annoying idk why it's set up like a maze to get everything, I get why they'd do this when they were selling hard copies but now when we can download stuff online there's no need for these codes, they aren't in my email not on the download screen ive went back to 20 times now

    submitted by /u/RobotoDog
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    WD new set

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:15 PM PST

    How much mana regen can one person have? Does it seem like a new viable build?

    New Class Set: Mundunugu's Regalia 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long. 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 50% damage reduction for 30 seconds when you enter the Spirit Realm. 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals increased damage equal to 50 times your Mana Regeneration per Second.

    submitted by /u/EinValk
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    Any hard Diablo 2 mods out there?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Friend and I are looking to play TCP/IP, we're both experienced at D2, looking for a mod that will be a challenge.

    We tried Median XL but it was an absolute joke, way too easy. The harder the better.

    submitted by /u/MrChurna
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    Need help!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    THANK YOU BLIZZARD for listening to me/us

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:08 PM PST

    I have on multiple occasions requested that the Wiz get a new set focusing on HYDRA. I have not seen anyone else make the same request and I have even seen some people dispute it. Now, I won't assume that my voice was the only one heard in this matter but with the patch notes for season 20 I feel like Blizzard/Classic games team saw me. I can't express how super stoked I am about the new HYDRA set, but lets just say that in a way I feel like my feedback has been appreciated.

    So Blizzard/Classic games team, if you see this, I want to say thank you. I can now comfortably play my favorite Class build again since Vanilla and know it is a viable option for the end game. your hard work is much appreciated.

    Now, can we get some updoots and make this popular enough for Blizzard/Classic games team to see my thanks.

    submitted by /u/rytram99
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    How is Necros still being ignores.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Is it me or does anyway else find it utterly rediculous that necromancer's are still being ignored. even after a whole post explaining how they want to get things more balanced after clearly showing Necros being further behind then any class. Yet they didn't go near them with a damn 10ft pole.

    After last season k was really looking forward to see them finally give Necros some love, but once Blizzard dissapoints.

    submitted by /u/Tweakk000
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    Question: Kanai Cube & 2.6.8 legendary items

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    If I already have "The Undisputed Champion" belt cubed (on my non-seasonal Barb), will I have to find it again and cube it again to get the new patch 2.6.8 "... 300-400% increased damage" or will the 2.6.8 patch update my already cubed belt info?


    **This question is concerning my non-seasonal Barb; I know if I make a new 2.6.8 Barb that I'll have to find and cube the belt again.

    submitted by /u/austmeliamne
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    Assuming they came out with a D2:Remastered, what one change would you like them to implement?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I think I'd be most satisfied with a charm inventory.

    submitted by /u/Altnob
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    About Diablo 1

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:21 AM PST

    How to i change to cast different magics with the sorcerer on diablo 1? ive seen some videos people didnt had to press S to click change magic to use different ones...

    submitted by /u/tyYdraniu
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    Shenlong's Spirit

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:11 AM PST

    What does everyone do/prioritize to mitigate the massive spirit loss from shenlong when it procs? High spirit cap, spirit per second regen, spirit per hit? Without delving crazy into my build I'm finding that my spirit and health regen are very dependant on me being in combat. I tend to get insta gibed if I'm caught with my pants down. This is with the Reiment shenlong build. Anyone else find the build a tad glass cannon if caught out of combat or am I just unbalanced with my attributes.

    I can post my stats later, but I'm really just interested on how people balance the build.

    submitted by /u/Axteksnowman
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    Diablo 3 Season 19 How to get 1000 Kills and Spawn Uber Diablo Patch 2.6.7

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:46 AM PST

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