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    Friday, February 14, 2020

    Diablo S19 Ending Next Week

    Diablo S19 Ending Next Week

    S19 Ending Next Week

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:14 AM PST

    What do people think of Wolcen?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Apologies if this is verboten as a competitor, but I imagine Diablo players (or PoE) are the best to ask being the most interested and having the most experience with the genre. Has anyone tried out Wolcen and have thoughts about it?

    I've only played an hour or so. Not sure if I'll refund it on Steam and wait for it to polish up or not yet. Certainly very pretty though!

    submitted by /u/Caleddin
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    PTR Update 14 February

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:20 PM PST

    For those that have missed it, there was a PTR patch earlier today. Full patch notes can be found in the old blog post by Nevalistis. Here's a summary:


    • 2pc: Small QoL/buffs (BBV follows you better & through floors)
    • 4pc: 50% damage reduction -> 60% (+20% toughness)
    • Barber 1.5 APS -> 1.4 APS (~6-7% dps nerf in group, slightly less solo)
    • Phantasm tick half as slow for twice the damage -> insane buff without dps changes, will remove lag in 4man which was the biggest issue
    • Slight nerf to Manitou attack rate, will try to get accurate numbers soon but it seems like solo RG kills will only be marginally slower, in 4man the rune wasn't used anyway
    • Ring of Emptiness can be procced by ONE out of Haunt or Locust, not both required anymore -> probably ~15-20% dps buff from extra skill slot (mostly Piranhado or generator for Vision Quest) and makes WD super smooth for fast runs, too (1x Locust - Pestilence is all you need)
    • Overall: ~2 tiers buff, should be best trash clear on NS and 2nd best after Necro (season only) and above Hydra Wiz now, top solo clears probably around 142-144


    • 4pc: 2sec CD on hydra heads dying & shields keep them safe
    • 6pc: 1000% -> 1200% (20% dps buff)
    • Channeling items will be addressed at a later point
    • Magistrate + Serpent Sparker 700% -> 550% (total multiplier x49 -> x30.25)
    • Overall: ~3 tiers nerf to LoD, big buff to set. They could be around even now, but if close enough set is preferred because you are forced to use a multi-headed hydra (Mammoth is very laggy). Top solo clears probably around 140, in group probably outclassed by Nec (season only) & WD, but still 150 capable


    • 2pc: Double damage can be procced by frozen now -> important for RGK, useless in solo
    • 4pc: 50% damage reduction -> 60% (+20% toughness), Frenzy double duration. Will be super easy to survive now
    • No dps buffs
    • Overall: Slight buff from survivability, top solo clears probably around 135-139, RGK viability is alright but quite behind Nec (season only) and Crus. Tier 150 RG kills possible in ~2:15-2:30min. Advantage is that this Barb can bring some utility like warcry, stomp, globespawn, extra pulling

    Gotta say, overall pretty good stuff. I'd expect some slight tweaking on Barb but not much else anymore.

    submitted by /u/wudijo22
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    where's the best place to find diablo 2 builds?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I'm trying to get back into diablo 2, as i haven't ever really beaten it. Is there a good site or guide i could visit to look up builds for the classes? I want to try and make a somewhat decent necromancer and have always been terrible at it.

    submitted by /u/Darkhex78
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    Drops of the Week

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Yo checkout r/Diablo09 our guys are all posting their GG drops from an old school patch 👍

    submitted by /u/Diablo_09
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    Season Start Solo Leveling

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 08:25 AM PST

    What is the most efficient way to level at a season start solo?

    How long does it take?

    submitted by /u/ZOO___
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    What exactly makes the “feel-good” combat in Diablo?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Technically what's exactly makes Diablo different than everything else?

    Animation cancellation? Frame skipping? What?

    submitted by /u/deflaimun
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    The Falcon Wings

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hi Guys just wanna ask is it still possible to get the Falcon Wings out of the mysterius chest in act IV

    tried it yesterday for like an hour and don't want to waste more time today if it isn't possible anymore thx :)

    submitted by /u/lewin47
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    How is GR150 done in 3 minutes?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Genuine question: yesterday I just noticed on NA season leaderboard there were 12 groups that has defeated GR150 within 3:30 minutes, and among them 2 were under 3. How did they do it? What's the setup there? I mean, to achieve that kind of speed, you gotta pretty much 1-shot everything.. and on GR150? I am truly blown away. Kudos to those who did it!

    submitted by /u/earsensewoo
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    [D3 2.6.8 PTR] Hydra Set Non-Channeling feedback

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    The past few days, I've been trying out the hydra set on the PTR with the self-imposed restriction of not using any channeling abilities, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts and experiences. I'm not one of those players that pushes 4k paragon and runs GR150s regularly, but I do typically get to GR100-110 each season, and this season I got to GR 126 (using Crusader so take that with a grain of salt).

    Before getting into it, I acknowledge that the set bonus is supposed to have an ICD on the hydra head death mechanic, and that shields are supposed to prevent hydra heads from dying. I have tried to gear/build as though the set works as we have been told it will when it goes live, although I've obviously had to adjust my play somewhat.


    The first thing that stands out when gearing with the hydra set is that you need The Magistrate, but you also really want Tasker & Theo. Outside of the seasonal bonus, this is only possible with RoRG. So while RoRG isn't strictly mandatory, it's "mandatory".

    The next hurdle was complementary weapon legendaries. Serpent's Sparker is an obvious fit, but since I'm not running DeathWish+Etched Sigil, the only options that have obvious synergy are Starfire and Orb of Infinite Depth. However, you probably don't want both, since one is for ranged builds, while the other is for melee builds. Aether Walker, The Oculus, or Cosmic Strand may be okay choices, if you want them for teleport, but they're not really fundamental to the build. All in all, the weapons are clearly the reason everyone's running channeling builds, since you give up a ton of damage to run anything else. Maybe if the set gave some additional benefit to Frost Nova, then Winter Flurry might be usable. In the end, I tried out a few variations, and I think the choice mostly comes down to long-range or close-range. It's good to have a choice, although I definitely found the close-range build ended up performing significantly better. I'll get into that below.

    For bracers, Ashnagar's are an obvious choice, assuming shields end up working how we've been told they will. I'll take a moment to say that I really like how this build (is supposed to) take advantage of shields. Usually, I don't really enjoy the wizard reliance on shields, probably because there's basically no feedback on how much shields you have. But since this build actually has a benefit to not taking life damage, the shields feel more rewarding - although they still have the problem of not giving any feedback on how much shielding you currently have.

    For the second ring, Halo of Karini, Unity, or Halo of Arlyse feels necessary, although it's hard to know until they get the hydra head mechanics working properly. This is pretty much on par with most wizard builds, so it felt reasonable.

    None of the belts are particularly noteworthy either. There are some that are definitely useful, but not in the way that Archon or Channeling builds are. Belts aren't as often game-changing, though, so it didn't feel like a problem, so this may be reasonable. There's definitely room for a complementary legendary belt, but the options may be fine as is.

    For amulets, it's all the usual suspects. Squirt's Necklace is particularly noteworthy, since it benefits from shields in the way the hydra heads are supposed to.


    As I mentioned, the few okayish weapon legendaries seem to pull you in opposite directions. I ended up trying three variations - 6TV-4TR Ranged, Ranged, and Melee.

    BUILDS - 6TV-4TR - Long-Ranged

    Since the belts and off-hand options were so lackluster, I decided to put Squirt's in the cube and wear three pieces of Tal-Rasha's. Combined with the RoRG that is semi-mandatory with this set, this gives the 6 set bonus of Typhon's Veil and the 4 set bonus of Tal Rasha's. I had hoped that this could serve to mitigate the lack of defense due to the bugged hydra deaths.

    This build was tough to assemble, since it's not always clear which elements are active for the 4pc TR, but once the Typhon's 4pc works properly, it might be a decent option as a tanky build. It has the usual challenges that TR builds have where you have to work four different elements in, despite only using one element for damage, but since only Hydra deals damage with Typhon's, this works semi-decently. I ran this with Starfire in the cube, so I used Lightning Hydras, Ice Spectral Blades, Arcane Black Hole, and Fire Magic Weapon (which it turns out doesn't proc 4 pc TR - oops. Maybe Twister or Meteor could work. This build works fine for T16, but as you push GRs, the damage starts to lag behind. I was still able to push to GR90 without too much difficulty, but that was when I tried to change things around.

    BUILDS - Long-Ranged

    By dropping Tal-Rasha's, I was able to use a different off-hand, equip Shame of Delsere for Barrier Blades (which will hopefully be more useful when the 4pc Typhon works), and equip Squirt's which freed up the cube for CoE. I was also able to get skills that worked better with the hydras, although the core was still Lightning Hydras, and Black Hole for grouping. For the off-hand, I used Orb of Infinite Depth, even though explosive blast doesn't work as well for ranged builds, I figured I'd get some enemies close enough to trigger the effect, while still keeping the main targets at range.

    This build definitely performed better, but it seemed very dependent on the buff from Orb of Infinite Depth. Because of that, I decided to try a more melee-range build.

    BUILDS - Melee-Range

    The biggest change here was to drop Starfire and Lightning Hydras. I was worried that I'd be losing a bunch of damage, but it turns out Ice hydras are just way better than Lightning Hydras. Probably because they have an AoE damage. For my cubed weapon, I used Wand of Woh because... well because I didn't know what else to use. The extra damage from Wand of Woh is useless, since Typhon's Veil only buffs Hydras, but the extra blasts make keeping the buff from Orb of Infinite Depth really easy. With these changes, I was just barely able to push to GR100. If the 4pc set bonus worked, I suspect I could have pushed somewhere in the range of GR105-110 without too much difficulty, since the biggest challenge was the fact that a single elite could kill a run if it had the wrong affixes.

    I also tried Blazing Hydras, which claim to have an AoE, since they should get damage bonuses from Fire Blades and Flame Twister. Unfortunately, it doesn't work how I thought, and it couldn't keep up with damage. It's too bad, too, since I was kind of enjoying trying to keep all the different buffs up. But even when they were all maxed out, the damage just wasn't there. I think I cleared a GR88 with that build.


    Well this ended up longer than I expected, so I'll try to wrap it up here with the key points. The Non-Channeling builds for the Typhon's Veil set were enjoyable for T16 content, and once the fixes to the 4pc go live, it should be a comfortable set to play. However, it pushes the limits of being over-specialized, since it only boosts hydras. Any other abilities are included because they have natural synergy already. This ties into what was probably the biggest issue I had, that there aren't a lot of great legendary powers in the available slots. Most notably, the weapon and off-hand options for a non-channeling build are pretty much Serpent Sparker, and Orb of Infinite Depth. Starfire worked okay-ish, but the single-target nature of the Lightning Hydras made it struggle with higher GRs. It really feels like there should be some additional legendary items to help the non-channelling builds along - either that or this build was intended to be played with a channeling build.

    Because of this lack of supplementary powers, I capped out around GR100, although that would go a bit higher when the 4pc set is fixed. For reference, I did my testing on a fresh PTR account, and by the end of my testing I had around 800 paragon, ancients/primals in 11 of 13 slots, and no augments. My legendary gems were around level 30-35.

    Regarding the over-specialized nature of the set, I think there is some potential to add some kind of interaction with some other skills - either in the set or in some complementary legendary power (ideally weapon, off-hand, or belt). Some of the options that seem like they would work to me are Frost Nova, Teleport, Black Hole, or Explosive Blast, but just about any ability could be used.

    submitted by /u/TheQueq
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    Wolcen strikes the almost "perfect" balance of depth between d3 and poe. D4 should aim for the same balance.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    You can watch Rhykker's video to get an idea on the depth:


    Basically the game is more complex than Diablo 3 but it isn t migraine-inducing like poe. you don t have to pull out spreadsheets and spend half the time in a build planner instead of playing the game.

    I personally hope D4 will aim for a similar balance. I did bash d3 over d2 because of lack of complexity but I do not want D4 to be a migraine spreadsheet fest like poe.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/stark33per
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    Diablo 4 PvP Proposal

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    An Idea for PvP i've been having is a multi-faceted approach that is somewhat removed from the core game.

    I think it would be interesting to have an Arena-style pvp, where mana is aquired from locations on the map instead of regenerated naturally. In PvP, mana regeneration would be non-functional, and either mana "globes" would grant a specified amount of mana, or grant a time-limited amount of mana regeneration.

    In addition, features of the map could provide positional strategy to players, e.g. walls that provide ranged builds/casters with protection from melee, although could be surmounted by movement skill like leap, or sections of the map that reward players with life/mana regen, but penalize the player in regards to their damage output, or otherwise prevent them from attacking the opponent (this would be to prevent players from camping these life/resource granting areas).

    Overall, it would be interested to see an element of positional strategy and map control incorporated into PvP. I think the dodge ability showcased in the demo could also add an interesting aspect to the actual PvP combat, and hopefully, for the overall combat philosophy (PvE included), Blizzard avoids the entire "right-click to kill" paradigm that most Iso-ARPG's seem to implement. Enforcing an actual skill-component to combat would add a very engaging aspect to gameplay, and would turn Diablo 4 into an actual ACTION RPG rather than just a glorified excel spreadsheet manipulator.

    For competitive PvP, there should be no special "power-up" type features (no shrines or anything that grant bonuses to damage/attack-speed/cast-speed). Players should rely entirely on strategy, and a fight should be reduced to a race to see who gets to a power-up first. That's not interesting or fun.

    For gear selection, I believe you should have the option to choose your character that you've built in the PvE portion of the game,but for competitive purposes, I think it would be interesting to allow two players to build a character by choosing items, skills, and talents using a budget. Similar to the way loadout selection in CS GO works. For example:

    Players are given a budget of 100k Gold, and enough talent/skill points to fill out one path on the skill/talent tree. Players will spend their talent/skill points, and gold on any items in the game they'd like, and then they would PvP with that specific build. This process would be done before trying to find players to fight. In addition, there could be additional constraints on the builds (Could set max level/attribute values that would limit which items/skills/talents are available). This way, players are provided a level playing field build-wise, and are left to rely entirely on

    their skill and knowledge of character build and build mechanics, and not penalized for not sinking time into PvE to build out a character to PvP with, as was the norm in Diablo 2 PvP. This would be a huge draw for players only interested in PvP.

    Prices for Items would change based on how many players choose to own these items accross all server instances (Similar to how player pricing works in most Daily Fantasy Sports Betting apps like Draft Kings and FanDuel, for those who are familiar with them).

    The other challenging part about PvP would be the actual mechanics of how damage, defense, and control altering effects work between players. I am not knowledgeable enough to spitball ideas for this area, so I'll let others discuss that.

    submitted by /u/TheChubbyBunny
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    Where is the big february D4 update?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    I thought we were promised a big developer update in February as per last Blizzcon

    submitted by /u/yoman6333
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