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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Diablo Diablo 4 Feb Quarterly Update

    Diablo Diablo 4 Feb Quarterly Update

    Diablo 4 Feb Quarterly Update

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Showcase of in game models, up close. Via IGN YT Channel

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Diablo 2 : LOD Valhalla mod shared stash files

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Was revisiting this old gem and wondered if anyone still had a complete shared stash file.

    A polish site used to have them but doesn't seem to be working.

    submitted by /u/Iamtoastbeyondtoast
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    Diablo 2 HD in Grim Dawn Mod

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:45 PM PST

    I haven't tried this, but currently watching ZiggyD play it, and it looks great! I plan on trying it asap and i thought maybe someone else might get as excited as me about it!

    submitted by /u/Wilbatron
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    I finally did it!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Guys! I finally got all the playstation trophies for diablo 3 ultimate edition! Thats it i just thought it was cool. Also did it take anyone else an absurd amount of time to get the batting 500 trophy?

    submitted by /u/epicnarwhal51
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    Thoughts on Cannibal Family lore

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:19 PM PST

    No one is certain where they come from, but some legends claim they are a former tribe of barbarians, banished from Arreat years ago. Whether their cannibalism led to their exile or developed out of desperation afterward is unknown.

    What do you guys think about this writing? I like the unknown in RPG genre. Let my imagination do the rest type of thing. But not everything has to be mystery.
    When I saw cannibal family, the first thought that came across my mind was: "They probably started eating other humans in their endless thirst for chasing power that once great nephalems held in themselves when they once walked the Sanctuary in greater numbers."

    I sincerely thought they would go in similar direction and when I started reading I kinda got disappointed. When there is an opportunity to leave something a mystery, something grand, I don't mind. But cannibal family in world of Sanctuary could have a different lore. Lore evolving about them wanting to get even a tiny bit of power nephalem once had.

    My two cents.

    All in all i'm glad they will reveal different aspects of the game in their future updates and this one was rather underwhelming but great none the less.

    Looking forward to various discussions.


    submitted by /u/WizBornstrong
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    The music of Diablo II and Diablo IV: What makes Diablo music an unforgettable soundtrack?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    (I wrote this text in Spanish, and with the help of Google I have translated it into English. I apologize in advance to english readers)

    I have decided to write this small opinion/analysis, taking advantage of the disposition Blizzard is having at this moment to listen to the feedback that the community has, and thus influence the development of our desired and real successor to Diablo I and II: Diablo IV . And in my opinion, the soundtrack we experience when we play the first 2 games of the franchise was simply unforgettable and has marked a whole generation, however, it is worth mentioning that it is not only the genius of its compositions what makes it a good soundtrack.

    So. What makes the soundtrack of Diablo II a good soundtrack?

    To address the topic of music in Diablo, we must shred it from a musical, technical and narrative perspective (in my opinion).

    I will limit myself to analyzing the soundtrack of Diablo II (and its expansion) only, since it is the game that I have played for more than 15 years and I think I understand some of the successes that Matt Uelmen and the team had at the time of working in the game audio

    1.- The technical:

    I think that one of the most decisive parameters in this part is the relationship of volume levels with music and SFXs. After playing some ARPG titles (trying to fill the lack of not having a Diablo II updated to 2020 standards) I found a common factor: High prominence in sound effects, and low in music (speaking of the volume levels). And is that when you are playing Diablo II the music simply does not go unnoticed, due to the high volume that it has and that gives it a leading role, before you realize how great it can be.

    So, the music of Diablo II is very important in the concept of the game (regardless of its musical content), because at that volume level, it is always present, in any corner of the universe, and therefore it is impossible not to evoke some kind of sensation/feeling. Not only in the exciting moments of combat or exploration, but also when we are meeting the characters and their particular stories. This is very important so that nothing takes us out for any second of our immersive state. What is most important, right?

    Ok, so that's how I found myself configuring the audio from the options menu in the other ARPG games I've played, to satisfy this need to listen to the soundtrack (which is very shy in several other games ... so shy that I must download all the other audio sliders to 20% or 10%, and leave the music slider at 100% so that something is really heard and the music helps me to get into the universe that they are offering me), since I don't agree with music (in Diablo) being like a background layer that you don't always notice. On the opposite .. Diablo's music has a great desire to invade your head, either to evoke nostalgia, terror, or action.

    Basically, the task of music MUST be to complete the story and not only accompany it, and that is why it must be considered as important as the rest of the audio experience. Diablo II has no qualms about putting the music in front of your face, and well .. if you want you can lower the volume later. But I doubt it :P

    2.- The narrative and musical:

    These two aspects inevitably go hand in hand, because the level of musical development that the soundtrack has throughout the game, ends up becoming a story, a story with its own language. The language of music and sounds, the language of emotions and states of consciousness.

    I can't stop being surprised at the level of depth that I find when I listen to the soundtrack of this game. The amount of details, textures and things that are happening at the compositional level as a song progresses, moves me. The way they present us with a desolate world, approached musically from nostalgia, the exotic, the dark and the glorious ... and how as we progress in the game we can listen and taste the mystery, uncertainty and fear set in the particular aesthetics of each location, it is remarkable.

    I think there is something that Diablo IV must understand. And it is that the terrifying music does not work for non-terrifying moments. The rawness and darkness in music is not synonymous with terror and silence. Terror is slowly built. I cannot start something from terror without knowing the context, nor connect with it at emotional levels first. This is how Diablo II builds that propensity for terror in me, making me more sensitive to his world from the guitar and nostalgic chords (act 1), rather than passing directly to the demonic cathedral voices.

    Let the terror and silence for moments that are really terrifying like facing something unknown, uncomfortable and very unpredictable. So we leave the clichés, and we get in tune as we move forward while maintaining the immersion (Less silence and more musical stories in the first minutes of the game).

    .. The authenticity of the soundtrack should be something important to consider as well. I think that in this sense Diablo II was lucky to meet Matt Uelmen along the way, who I deduce had a great musical restlessness by mixing such diverse styles, such as folk with industrial, giving it a dark ambiance touch, which determine the Seal or identity of its soundtrack: Guitars, percussion and strange and uncomfortable textures.

    I have nothing against ambient music alone, but I think Diablo IV should not be based primarily on slow, long, and atmospheric melodies/chords (especially at the beginning). I feel that this is the most obvious resource and that at the same time the role that music must play in this franchise is lowered, sometimes it is not only the volume (as I said previously), it is the low development of the composition what fails ..

    In regards to this, a parameter that I once heard in Game design comes to mind and is called: Awesomeness per second. I guess it is not necessary to explain what this means in detail, but that is what I mean when I talk about the compositional development that the music of Diablo IV should consider. Much detail, melodic development and make clear what the identity of each location is (either with the chords, scales, melodies it uses. Or the sound/material textures to which it resorts). Recall that Blizzard recognizes in his games an aesthetic common value, which is the feeling that everything is handcrafted, and music should not be left out of that philosophy.

    And well .. already closing this small opinion/analysis, and having taken out what I had inside, I have high expectations with this game and I hope that all the love that the team is devoting to the development of Diablo IV, is also reflected in its music (not only that of the trailer, which is incredible), and that in some way they consider doing their own analysis with the music of Diablo II, that not for nothing won the prize for the best audio in GDCA in 2000. I will be delighted to read your thoughts also about the music of Diablo II and how it should be Diablo IV's.

    Greetings to all and thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/nachointhebox
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - 02/26/20

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to week 387 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Good D4 Update but be warned

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Nice Update from the Diablo team etc. Good That they keep their promise of communication but dont think for a second That they wont leave and stay silent for 1year+ if they feel like it. What Blizzard has Done to WC3 should be a huge RED FLAG and wake up call to all. A LOT of time and money has been put on D4, you can Tell because everything else has been neglected beyond belief. Iam just here to remind you all of the shady buiseness of Blizzard Diablo 3 - A LOT of promises like content and expansions That never were delivered. Instead we got a LOT of good content That was "leftovers" from a cancelled expansion With the false premise That they had been working on "fixing the currently expansion" all lies. After they delivered all the leftovers we saw NOTHING for D3 FOR YEARS even seasons became a joke 3 seasons in.. so much potential lost HOTS- they straight up killed all of HOTS funding. Another game With potential That they killed off Wow - latest expansion universally agreed to be one of the worst ones to date Diablo Immortal-yall already know Overwatch2-???? Believe me its gonna fail Big time they are really shady With info about what a OW2 really includes and cant seem to answer simple questions about OW2 is suposed to be etc. its gonna be a fuckfest trust me WC3 - imagine treating one of their biggest Gaming pilars for the company that sky rockeded their own sucsess ike hotgarbage and even after the backlash they dont even Wanna communicate and they stated silent for over a year after announcment in 2018...

    Be very carefull With hyping D4 to the skies chances are they will screw it up if you look at blizzards recent history. Yes so far so good for D4 but Remember this is the same company That are currently killing WC3. They cant just do good on one game and then spit on the others, we all should let them know That they should act to the other games like they are currently With the community of D4

    submitted by /u/pinisofhatred
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    Just bought on PS4 - possible to complete season achievements?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:09 PM PST

    I am not new to Diablo 3 as I have it on PC but just bought it on PS4. Even if I'm able to get power leveled to max is it feasible to get the cosmetic rewards?

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/dlgtcu
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    Difficulty of Diablo

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I played a lot of diablo 3 and diablo 2 and I love both (sorry diablo 1, can only watch you on YT). What do you think about difficulty system in upcomming Diablo 4? What would you like to see and experience? The old normal - nightmare - hell system that really put your hero on the test, diablo 3 vanilla inferno or maybe todays (pseudo)infinite scaling? In my opinion, I would love to see something completely different and experience the game on some other level. Devs are making great job with the game and I would like to see some well designed difficulty system. Isn't it the most important aspect of those games?

    submitted by /u/Zdsdd
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    People here enjoyed the fantasy themed music I posted recently so I wanted to post one more for you guys :)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    My Personal Thoughts On Diablo 4's Current Direction

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I've had some time to think about the game since Blizzcon and wanted to put some of my personal opinions down in hopes it will somehow help make the game better (assuming devs could be reading).

    These are my personal opinions, so please feel free to respectfully disagree. But... does anyone else feel like the game has swung too far in the other direction now? Let me explain...

    I'm absolutely thrilled that they're finally giving Diablo back it's own trademark gritty realistic style to set it apart from World of Warcraft and their other more "cartoony" or "stylized" IPs. I'm really digging the detail in the new environments, and, for the most part, the new monsters look incredible. Quite frankly I'm really impressed Blizzard was able to do this. I honestly wasn't sure they had it in them to do a more "Blizzard North" artwork style, but here we are!

    One thing that concerns me, though, is that because the community was so vocal about the last game being too colourful or stylized, Blizzard is now swinging its full weight in the opposite direction. On many occasions I voiced my disappointment with the art style, and silly story elements of D3, but that doesn't mean I hated all of it. I remember thinking that D3's UI was gorgeous and fit the theme quite well. The contrast of colour and detail made it interesting. The current WIP UI is kind of.... drab... and depressing... and yes of course I think some of the game should feel depressing.. I mean it's Diablo.. but I also wouldn't mind a better balance of brighter colour and contrast here and there. A little vibrance mixed in with the muddy colours would go a long way I think. I just think there needs to be some more "balance". Doesn't have to be all black, or all white. Doesn't mean I want rainbows or anything, but I remember thinking how "out there" Diablo 3's character classes were, and I kind of loved it. I loved the originality, and the life the artists and animators put into them, I ended up falling in love with almost all of them. I'm hoping the artists can throw in a little more character and colour into the current models and do something interesting with the remaining unannounced characters. I don't mind something different, or a little out there as long as it's not cheesy or silly. Even the D3 Wizard I ended up loving even though I felt it was a bit too "OP fantasy" for diablo with all the pink glowy explody arcane stuff. So yeah, the keyword is balance.. not too much, but also not too bland or generic either that the game feels completely flat.

    I think Wolcen has hit the right blend of detailed, dark environments, and characters that are creepy but still have some vibrance and glowing highlights here and there to make it all pop and jump out at you. I'm hoping that Blizzard will still incorporate some more vibrant and exciting elements to help the game world come alive a little more.

    I love love love LOVE the character generator customization concept art that they showed. Just wanted to say that.

    Lastly I'm still mourning the loss of Matt Uelmen, to me, his atmospheric music style WAS Diablo. Diablo 3 went way too far into the high fantasy territory and made everything ultra epic to the point that it just didn't feel like Diablo anymore. I don't think we've heard much of the official soundtrack yet, but I'm hoping they can somehow tap into his brooding creepy style, drums, and bring back that iconic sound.. part of me wishes (even though I know it's likely impossible) that Uelmen collaborates with them for 4. I'm worried the soundtrack might end up being a bit too generic.. I want Diablo to have it's own personality and unique character so that it doesn't feel like " just another dark fantasty game".

    I'm looking forward to seeing how they continue to iterate... it's looking a lot more like what I originally expected 3 to be, and that's a good thing! Loved most of what I saw last Blizzcon, especially that cinematic (story finally feels more mature and not a saturday morning cartoon)! Excited to see more soon!

    Feel free to agree or disagree below.. thoughts?

    submitted by /u/cmaxim
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    My feedback on the inventory, it's as simple as this. Feel free to disagree.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Druid on D3, wouldn't be that hard, would it?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:18 PM PST

    They should just bring the druid from D2 over to D3. Graphically updated of course. Wouldn't be crazy to do. Get rid of the not needed skills and bring over the core character. Sets for it wouldn't be very difficult to figure out either. Could have a set that buffs summons, hurricane/windy druid or even wolf/bear.

    submitted by /u/UntoVahalla
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    Will Maurader/Chakram build finally be good in season 20 because of weird cube?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    With the season 20 cube we'll have 3 slots for ANY legendary power, so combining Dawn, Ill Will, Spines and Rucksack is possible. Will somebody good at multipliers tell me its still a lost cause?

    submitted by /u/burtgummer45
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    [Unpopular Opinion] I hope Diablo 4 does not overdo the monochromatic theme.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I may be in the minority here but I actually like the visually colourful, vivid and highly contrasted artistic style of D3. I think the key would be to retain very vivid and contrasted zones where it's warranted and then in caves, dungeons and hellish environments, really focus on that dark and gritty feeling that we saw in the demo. I feel like if they create too much of the game in that dark style, it will be visually boring and quite tiring to look at. Not only that, it might actually be hard to play since things don't present themselves easily. I just hope they can strike a good balance between that dark style they showed off in the demo but also have environments that are visually striking.

    submitted by /u/leobroski
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    Diablo IV - I hope they make the game with a lot of Depth and Complexity

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST


    I want to say that Diablo 4 needs a lot of depth and complexity to stand up to their competition Path of Exile. Bringing depth and complexity to a game gives the game longevity and it also makes the game more popular on Twitch and Youtube. This depth and complexity could be introduced gradually and naturally as you level, rather than making it a requirement to understand at the beginning.

    They should have this slogan *"Easy to get into, hard to understand, difficult to master"* Instead of this one; " *Easy to learn, difficult to master.* "

    Some of the casual players stop after the campaign, and there is nothing wrong with that, but if they design the game only for the casual audience the game will not succeed. The reasoning behind that is the fact that the hardcore players that will play a game for 1000 - 10 000+ hours will not find Diablo 4 as rewarding as PoE, myself included.

    If they are planning on having MTX in the game, that will be more beneficial if they can hook the more hardcore players that will play this game for 1000+ Hours. They will support the game by buying MTX so they can get more content, so it becomes like how PoE is doing. The casual players that are only going to play this game for 50+ hours will not participate in buying MTX.

    submitted by /u/SpearoftheOdin
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    I need Diablo 2 mod suggestions

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:15 AM PST

    Greetings nephalems,

    I've played Diablo 2 years ago and I want to play it again today. But I need some help with modding. I have never been into modding things for Diablo 2 so I'll ask for some advices.

    • I want to play the game in high resolution.
    • Although I want to see new items, I don't want to alter game too much with overpowered items.
    • I am okey with minor skill tree changes.
    • I will play completely single player.
    • Quality is a must. I can't stand bad / fake looking models / graphics in any game.
    • QoL mods are much appreciated (like bigger stash etc.)

    Can you please share some mods that are okey with those?

    Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/BloodcrownHotS
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    Diablo 3 vs 4 graphic comparison

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Blizzard is hiring an Associate Dungeon Designer for Diablo IV

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

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