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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Diablo One thing I would love to see in D4 that isnt gameplay related

    Diablo One thing I would love to see in D4 that isnt gameplay related

    One thing I would love to see in D4 that isnt gameplay related

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:03 PM PST

    I would love to see the City of Kurast in his former glory. For those of you that have played D2 City of Kurast is the entire act 3, however the way we see it in D2 is after it was corrupted by Mephisto with the jungle growing and overtaking it.

    I dont know how D4s story will be laid out but seeing the city before its corruption or just being restored back to its former glory is something I want to experience.

    submitted by /u/prodandimitrow
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    Diablo IV - The Implementation of Cooldowns - Feedback

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:15 AM PST


    I think that the D4 Devs should remove cooldowns from the game and use resources instead, such as Mana, Fury, Spirit. I feel that Cooldowns fit MMO:s better than ARPG:s, Resource such as Mana is very good for a game like Diablo, look at Diablo 2, you get that flow of gameplay because you are not bound to cooldowns as you are in D3.

    The flow of the game suffers if you have to Wait for your cooldowns to be back up, especially long cooldowns as ultimates. Ultimates could be good if they were Implemented like they are in Overwatch were you gain Ultimate charges when you hit an enemy, so you could have 6 abilities and 1 Ultimate. This makes Ultimates more interesting, this makes ultimates more appealing because you get your ultimate charges when you slay Demons. (For Console, you could make it so that you activate your ultimate when you press RB and LB at the same time.)

    Also with cooldowns, you get this awful Affix called cooldown, which is essential for you if you play a cooldown build, this makes cooldown stats so important that you need to have it on every single piece of your gear.

    submitted by /u/SpearoftheOdin
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    My diablo story so far...part 1

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Hi guys, stay a while and listen. However, it's a long one so be warned.

    Small disclaimer, English is not my first language.

    I write this story because I myself like reading the stories of others. The succes stories when "gosu" stuff dropped and the hatred for People killers (PKers) and trade scammers. I've had my fair share of ups and downs growing up with diablo and I hope that I can put a smile on at least one other person his or her face.

    I'm 32 years old andg back in the day we had a CD-ROM with like 100 trial games in them. Which sounds like shit now. But when you're 11 that is amazing. Especially when you find this little gem called Diablo. I was used to FIFA 96 and streets of rage on the sega. Or darkwood on the Macintosh, always playing with the same frie 6nd... This was something else however. It was so dark amd scary and from what we could understand totally not appropriate for our age... We loved it! Armed with a dictionary our warrior heard the story abozh it tristram and king Leoric. The lost prince and how Wirt lost his leg... Just outside the chapel we found a wounded soldier. Telling us something about what he described as a butcher. Innocent me didn't really understand what a man's profession had anything to do with it... "whatever". We went in!

    The music, the feel the sensation when we fought our first skeletons. Found our first loot (blue rags) was addictive. We cleared the entire floor. No stone left unturned no monster left alive! We felt like heroes. Strong and confident as can be we descended to the next level. Here it was much of the same, opening chests, and killing monsters. Until we opened that one door. "Aaaahhh, FRESH MEAT".

    It took us 2 seconds to realize we had just opened a door into a room filled with blood and bodies. 2 seconds was too long. The creature known as the Butcher, the one that had terrorised the people of tristram was swinging his cleaver at us. Game over...

    My friend and I looked at eachother. Processing what just happened. "Super cool!" We shouted. And it was and still is. Frightening but addictive! And with my best friend his birthday coming up he requested the full game. Months we played. Read all the books about the sin war and listened to all the stories told by the townfolk. Bested the butcher with a bow and the knowledge that his meaty hands couldn't open doors and even found a harlequins crest. We didn't care much about Cain then. Just our mate Peppin the healer and Griswold the armorer. It took us months. But in the end. Thanks to a piece of jewelry that gave us max resistance at the cost of draining our life we managed to kill diablo in melee combat. I never felt so accomplished about beating a game. "We probably where the only ones to ever accomplish such a thing..." Oh the sweet internetless bubble I lived in.

    This was part one a small part since a year later I bought Diablo 2, 3 months after the release date on my birthday in september. I will post part 2 later if you guys seem to enjoy it. But first I have to get my barbarian a new sword!

    Thank you for your time if you came this far. Please share your stories as well! Love to read them.

    submitted by /u/Beardface1411
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    Diablo 3 on Switch surprisingly easy?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    So I just got Diablo 3 on Switch and I started playing as a Necromancer. I initially started on Normal difficulty then switch to Hard after starting Act II but I still steamroll enemies. I also have tons of gold which I don't really use aside from repairing my equipment.

    How exactly do you guys play Diablo? How can I maximize my experience as a solo player?

    submitted by /u/kingkupal
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    Dark Souls-style health flasks -- 8 points why they could be a good thing for D4.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:28 PM PST

    In D2, players had unlimited potions as far as their inventory space allowed -- IMO, archaic gameplay at this point.

    In D3, potions were on a cooldown system, with health globes to compensate for the downtime between drinks. Health globes introduced some interesting positioning mechanics, but ultimately I think the whole system felt very "arcadey" and half-baked.

    An alternative system I want to talk about is giving the player LIMITED potions, a la the Dark Souls games. For those unfamiliar, every time you go back to a checkpoint in DS, you can refill your health flasks (while simultaneously respawning the zone's monsters). You start the game with X number of flasks and can increase that number substantially by finding more in the open game world.

    I think it's worth discussing how this mechanic could elevate the Diablo series.

    • Finite potions per run means that the player is going to play more carefully. Death is always a good motivator to play cautiously, but so is the idea that once you hit zero potions, you're going to need to swing back to town.

    • By forcing the player to play more cautiously, you're slowing the pace of the game down. Ideally, IMO, players are going to have to think a little about the enemies in a room, the layout of the room, and the number of potions they have left. It's 2019 2020, and personally, I want ARPGs to finally move past the "turn off your brain and blow up monsters" type of slot machine gameplay. I want D4 to be designed from the ground up with mechanics that keep things at around a 6/10 on the "clear speed" scale -- around D2 "leveling" speed. I have about zero interest, personally, in D3 clear speeds or D2 boss-run clear speeds.

    • How you would increase your potions (or the strength of them) opens the door to a ton of other interesting ideas. Are the potions found in the game world, or unlocked in your talent tree? Maybe there is a choice to make: Do you want another potion, or do you want your existing potions to be stronger/add buffs? Maybe there is a Quest or two in the game that awards you an extra potion. In any case, I think there should certainly be a cap to how many potions a player can have (unless there are substantial trade-offs for going above that cap).

    • This system leaves the door open to additional mechanics. Perhaps base potions only add life, but it's your BELT that adds another layer of complexity on top of them? PoE potions are pretty nifty, but I also think they are needlessly complex. 5 potions, each of which has its own modifiers? Yuck. I think 5 potions, with blanket modifiers from a belt is a much cleaner, user-friendly system.

    • Instead of just capping off your health, Health Pools/Shrines could refill one or more of your flasks. That's gotta feel good.

    • Bonfires Checkpoints in Dungeons could be a thing, and something that you really look forward to finding. The "light at the end of the tunnel" type of feeling is really missing from D3 (and IMO, D2 as well). That said, if checkpoints are a thing, then I'm not against removing Town Portals in end-game dungeons.

    • The "take a breather" trope is an important one, I think, for Diablo. I think we will have better inventory management options in D4, so having a secondary reason to occasionally go back to town (or visit a theoretical checkpoint) is a welcome one.

    • An Endless Dungeon type of endgame mode makes a lot more sense if you have limited health. I'd be much more interested in seeing how long people can stay alive via skill than how fast they are.

    I know we all have different ideas of what we want in D4, but I'd be interesting in seeing some discussion about potions! If you don't like my idea, than I'd love to hear your suggestions or why you think it would be ineffective!

    submitted by /u/Wanderous
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    Is "ultimate" skill a good idea for Diablo 4?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Soo, I was reading the thread about cooldowns and someone mentioned ultimates... Or that super powerful skill that needs cooldown to not be spammed.

    Do you think ultimates are something good in an ARPG game?

    Or do you prefer something like Diablo 2? Where every skill was kind of regular...

    submitted by /u/bvgross
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    Inarius concept art for Diablo 4, by BROM

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:31 PM PST

    Update on Nintendo switch

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:55 AM PST

    Hello everyone, i bought diablo 3 to switch and I want to know if I need a Nintendo online account to update the game to the current patches.

    submitted by /u/cyrecs
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - 01/01/20

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to week 379 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Lore question: What are the amazon gods?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:03 AM PST

    The world of Sanctuary has many religions. Most of them have been explained to some extent. The barbarian Ancients are Nephalem; Trag-Oul is a mysterious creature outside the Eternal Conflict; Zakarum (as far as I remember) worships the Light of the High Heavens.

    What about the gods of the amazons mentioned in the Diablo II manual? How do they fit into the cosmology? Has this ever been addressed?

    My best guess is that they are Nephalem like the barbarian Ancients. But that is just a guess.

    submitted by /u/SpectrumDT
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    diablo iv vs iii vs ii graphics and art comparison

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Pushing beyond 123 lvl grift

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Hello guys . Me and my friend (950 paragon barb 1060 paragon crusader)have been running 2 player grifts trying to push. We managed to reach 123 quite easily tbh but the run for 124 seems impossible since we only manage 40% in 15 mins. I am playing a support build which makes me borderline invincible as a barb but my friend more than a few times gets one shorted(kinda). We were wondering if it is a paragon problem and if it is what paragon should we be for a 124 and beyond push.

    submitted by /u/Deathraiseronichan
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    D2 Speedrunning

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Hey, does anyone know what happened to Indrek? Looks like he hasn't been on Twitch in a month, and the last time I saw him he was having some kind of health problems. I hope he's doing ok.

    submitted by /u/DeathsBigToe
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    Diablo II on mobile (Android, IOS) ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:20 AM PST

    Can you show me some Diablo II like games on Android or IOS ?

    I found the FlareX Immortal game but they haven't updated it in a year

    submitted by /u/vuongthanhtai
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