• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Diablo I did a remaster (AI-upscale to 4k60) of all the Diablo 1 cinematics. It didn't go nearly as well as Diablo 2, but I said I would do it and do it I did.

    Diablo I did a remaster (AI-upscale to 4k60) of all the Diablo 1 cinematics. It didn't go nearly as well as Diablo 2, but I said I would do it and do it I did.

    I did a remaster (AI-upscale to 4k60) of all the Diablo 1 cinematics. It didn't go nearly as well as Diablo 2, but I said I would do it and do it I did.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Just finished the game, bursting with thoughts

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I'm in love with this game. The very moment I heard the Tristram music, it was evident that this was made by passionate people.

    Sure it's not the most deep game in terms of loot, and the sorcerer outclasses everyone, but this game manages so much more than it's sequels when it comes to atmosphere, story and quests.

    It dreads me and fills me up with such unease, partly the visuals and partly the audio. There are special moments, like the encounter with the Butcher or Lazarus' cutscene and horrifying short monologue that are so iconic and memorable, they'll stay with me for some time.

    The story feels much more personal, because it's on a small scale. Listening to the tales of the past and otherworldly events, and then playing through a part of them, shows how little our character is in the grand scheme of things. The townsfolk and their light-hearted gossip really bring home the soul of the town.

    I also love how I was able to tactically win fights where I was weaker. This game really is a gem of the past. That sweet feeling when the game freezes so it can load a room or a voice line or an effect or the death of a mob. The cutscenes, no matter how outdated, feel fantastic to sit through. The entire game is truly something special.

    submitted by /u/NoPriority247
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    [showerthought] The real reason for the season boost this time.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:10 AM PST

    it is to get you to kill the trash to reduce the load on the servers. Because if you kill the trash instead of running past it, the game no longer needs to remember they are there, freeing up resources.

    submitted by /u/Adventux
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    Witch Doctor tips

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    Hi it's my first season as a WD having a great time. Just killed a 115 gr around 7 minutes but couldn't beat the boss, I'm running LOD dart build is there anything I can do to make bosses easier I'm thinking of ditching squirts neck from cube ?

    submitted by /u/CUNextTime2019
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    Diablo 3 Challenge Rift # 132 Map and Guide

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    Missing characters Xbox One

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:20 PM PST

    So, I'd been out of the game for a while, but I'd been playing before with my wife couch co-op and we both had accounts with multiple geared characters and about 275 Paragon. When we decided to play again, she lived into her account, no issues, but when I joined none of my characters were there, but gold and Paragon were. I tried searching the issue with no conclusive results as to wether anything can be done. Today when my wife got on, all her characters are now missing. Is there any solution to restoring characters? Am I just going to lose all my progress every two weeks?

    submitted by /u/DrRawDogDGAF
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    How would you feel if the Diablo 3 difficulties were squished?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    How would you feel if the available difficulties and GR levels were squished considerably, with the first and last difficulty we have now, along with GR150, still existing? The in between GR levels would no longer exist.

    Example in a table:

    Original New
    Normal (no GR) Easy (GR1)
    Hard (GR1)
    Expert (GR4) Normal (GR2)
    Master (GR7)
    Torment (GR10) Nightmare (GR3)
    Torment 2 (GR13)
    Torment 3 (GR16)
    Torment 4 (GR19) Hell (GR4)
    Torment 5 (GR22)
    Torment 6 (GR25)
    Torment 7 (GR30) Inferno (GR5)
    Torment 8 (GR35)
    Torment 9 (GR40) Torment (GR6)
    Torment 10 (GR45)
    Torment 11 (GR50) Destruction (GR7)
    Torment 12 (GR55)
    Torment 13 (GR60) Get Shit On (GR8)
    Torment 14 (GR65)
    Torment 15 (GR70)
    Torment 16 (GR75) Duriel (GR9)
    GR85 (GR10)
    GR95 (GR11)
    GR105 (GR12)
    GR115 (GR13)
    GR120 (GR14)
    GR125 (GR15)
    GR130 (GR16)
    GR135 (GR17)
    GR140 (GR18)
    GR145 (GR19)
    GR150 (GR20)

    The standard difficulties jump by about 10 up to old GR115/new GR13 and then go up by 5 to GR150. This specific numbering is not important, it's just an example.

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    Seasonal HC Demon Hunter advice?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:39 PM PST

    I've been an off and on D3 player for a few years but I decided to make a HC hero for the season. I'm almost at lvl70 and was wondering if anyone had any tips or builds for HC specifically. I play solo and dont really care about grinding super hard for higher tiers. I just want to progress steadily and not die (I've lost 2 characters already.) Any and all advice is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/oldnumbrseven
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    I'm a noob

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

    Just getting into diablo 3. After the story theres obviously just quests and grinding and looting. But is there anything else? Also is there a good video to watch explaining builds and gems and everything, I feel like I need to learn the basics hard core

    submitted by /u/IronThumbsOG
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    buying diablo

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    hey guys.. i wanna buy diablo 3 and iam not sure which edition i should buy (i have only 20e to spend)

    so if you can say which one is most worthy in your opinion.. thanks a lot, and sorry for my english iam just learning yet.



    submitted by /u/janker28256
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    Custom lobbies in diablo 4?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:18 AM PST

    So frustrating in diablo 3 trying to find a game where people are on the same page for grs. Need to be able to find games like gr 70 farm, gr 110+. Torment 13 and 16 seem to be the only difficulties with any activity. T13 rift games seem to = 75 and 75 only or everyone will leave and t16 = everyone will leave. No one is on the same page on t16 because its equivalent is like rank 80 grs but its as high as they're allowed to choose. So 80? 90? 100? who knows what they're trying to run.

    Then theres other stuff like mysterious chest hunting, treasure goblin hunting, or any low level groups

    You should be able to narrow your search with categories like difficulty but not be forced into them from the start.

    And the host should be able to control putting the difficulty up/down in game

    submitted by /u/ChipsHandon12
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    US EAST vs US WEST - Which has more active players?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:03 PM PST

    I just re installed diablo 2 LOD after YEARS. I am looking for good company to game with. Which provides the question of which realm to play on.

    Is there a accurate count of users on each realm?

    Does anyone have experience on both realms?

    Anyone want to game?

    submitted by /u/vacantdesires
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    Diablo Enhanced edition?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:14 AM PST

    I'm hoping some of you can help me out, feel free to recommend subs to post this to because there might be a more fitting sub.
    My uncle buys, collects and sells videogames as a hobby, especially older games for pc and some older consoles. He recently came across this copy of Diablo (1). The first picure linked is the peculiar copy, the second one is what Diablo normally looks like.
    The disk works as usual, loads the game fine and everything, except that it says Enhanced edition when booting up and on the menu. My uncle basically wants to know if the enhanced edition rare or if it is worth anything more or less than the standard version, since neither he nor I could find anything at all regarding an enhanced version of Diablo 1 on the internet.
    Thanks in advance for any tips :)

    submitted by /u/Smudi97
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    diablo 3 20 year anniversary Candle, collectible value?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:02 AM PST

    diablo 3 20 year anniversary Candle, collectible value?

    Found one of those 20 year anniversary Candle still in original package in my basement. Is there any value to it or is it just a worthless commercial Product?


    submitted by /u/Gunnevik
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 12/30/19

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to week 131 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Difference between Greater Rift levels in the same bracket i.e T7 30 and 34?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:19 AM PST

    Hey, I only picked D3 up a couple of days ago. I'm currently in between GR levels T7 and T8. I'm trying to work out what the differences are between the levels within a given "T" bracket, i.e T7 at 30 and T7 at 34, and whether it's worth playing them.

    I've found a couple of guides (like this: http://d3resource.com/difficulties.png) but they only show the differences between the T levels not each level in between. So I'm just wondering if there's any benefit to doing GRs on 34 over 30?


    submitted by /u/9Mast
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    Infinite difficulty scaling should be in D4 , but it should be heavily iterated on from D3

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:56 PM PST

    I've found this sub generally has some pretty good discussion, but there's a lot of understandable hatred of Greater Rifts (infinite difficulty scaling). After reading a number of threads I think infinite difficulty scaling itself is not the problem, but there are two other issues which compound the dislike of GRs.

    1 - In D3 there really is no endgame besides Greater Rifts, because the leaderboards are based on it as well as being the defacto place to grind for power. Most people's complaints with GR's stem from being that it limits viable builds. I think the endgame should be designed around other activites (such that a "viable" build is based around completing those objectives), with GR's (or equivalent) available "on the side" for those who want to push. They should also have the rewards significantly nerfed, you should get something tangible but it should not be the most efficient way to get power.

    2 - The other related issue in D3 is that you can infinitely gain power through Paragon. I think if the power scaling is fixed, then the difficulty scaling isn't as much of an issue (as then the difficulty is "softcapped"). Personally I'm a big fan of the Borderlands 3 version of the Paragon system. In BL3 you have 3 different tree's that all have 5 stats (ie +attack speed/+magic find things like that) and each point you invest into a stat increases it "infinitely". But the amount you gain each point decreases along an asymptotic curve, such that you can't really go above a 15% boost to any stat. But you keep gaining levels, which keeps that prestige of having a high level, without having an arbitrary cap where you stop gaining "power" (but the power you are gaining is so small it doesn't matter).

    I'm not a game designer, so I don't know the exact right way to implement these systems. But I think both these systems will be in D4, so we should be focused on suggesting better implementations rather than stubbornly pretending they won't be and then hating on the game when they come out exactly like D3.

    submitted by /u/althalous
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