• Breaking News

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Diablo [Rhykker] Diablo 4 vs. Path of Exile 2

    Diablo [Rhykker] Diablo 4 vs. Path of Exile 2

    [Rhykker] Diablo 4 vs. Path of Exile 2

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Diablo 2 Ladder Reset - MrLlamaSC's sign up sheet

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    THE TIME HAS COME! Diablo 2 Ladder Reset begins December 6th at 5pm PT! Due to the recent hype in the Diablo world, this will probably be the largest ladder reset we've seen in years!

    So, as per usual I am going to be setting up teams! Follow the instructions using the following link to sign yourself up for a team:


    Then join the discord:


    And come ladder reset day I will have channels built out for each team so you can voice chat with your team as you play through the new ladder!

    For all those Youtube commenters out there claiming they can get to the end of hell faster than our 2:05:04 record, now's your chance to prove it! For everyone else, come have fun and experience the joys of Diablo 2. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new player, there's a team here for you!


    submitted by /u/MrLlamaSC
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    Noticed Something in Diablo IV Character Selection Screen

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Noticed Something in Diablo IV Character Selection Screen

    There is a spear, shield, and skulls. That's a lot of \"S\"s.

    These seem to hint on the upcoming classes in Diablo IV.


    • Amazons wield spears and javelins as their signature weapon.
    • No other class weaponizes shields except for the paladin and crusader.
    • The skulls could be pointing to the skeletal minions of the necromancer.

    I'm aware that the developers said there would be five classes at launch, and we have three so far in the demo. They may be developing these classes post Diablo IV release, or they are analyzing our feedback on which class we would like to see next.

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    Noob on Diablo 3. I've got a few questions. Please send any tips you've got. Playing as the Demon Hunter

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:56 PM PST

    -What should I be spending my gold on during my first playthrough of the campaign? I see that I can upgrade vendors and storage, but I'm not sure what's relevant for me leveling up.

    -sell or salvage? I've been selling, but just switched to salvaging all junk b/c I've heard gold is really easy to get.

    -I'm level 12 and about to go fight the Skelton King, is there any items that I need to keep an eye out for that'll help me out? Not just for the Skelton king, but overall

    submitted by /u/peedmyshirt
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    Zombie Griswold theory.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    We all know Griswold turned into a zombie in Diablo 2, but he was the only one that was turned into a zombie whereas everyone else (Peppin, Wirt etc) were all slaughtered apart from Cain who was caged.

    I've seen many people on Youtube and on forums wondering why Griswold was the only one who was turned into a zombie and why not the others aswell?

    What if the reason Griswold was turned into a zombie was because the Anvil of Fury? The Anvil of Fury is said to be created by chaos, bones and other hellish things and that if you smash it with a hammer the ground would shake and that some of the most powerful Magi's power was inside of it. Now this doesn't really sound like a safe thing to use is it? Forged in hell? Magi power inside of it? Chaotic power? So what if Griswold used it, and everytime he used it (or that one time) he unleashed chaotic hell power and his body absorbed it?

    After he forged your gear in Diablo 1, what if he slowely became more silent, distant and perhaps more aggressive towards the townfolk? What if Griswold himself was the one who killed the townfolk in Diablo 2 before the demons even arrived? Perhaps he was turned into a zombie slowely over time because of the Anvil of Fury and NOT the demons. Or perhaps his soul was so chaotic now that the demons slayed him and revived him as a powerful zombie?

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Mexiun
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    Season 19 rewards

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:45 AM PST

    To start, while I've played since day 1, I'm a super casual player.

    Normally I play when a season starts, get the pet / icon / whatever, maybe farm a little longer, and then wait for the next season. For context - I've never seen a Primal Drop, don't think I've done higher than GR50, and really just try to have fun with what I find.

    That said... this season I was super excited when I saw the Angelic Goblin pet. I love the look of the little guy and am really excited to add him to my collection!

    Until I realized it was the reward for completing the entire season journey, something I've never done. I have completed the 2nd-to-last step, but never gone the whole way.

    On top of that, I didn't realize it was the last reward until after I had completed 3 steps of the journey on a Hardcore character! So now I'm faced with a more-difficult-than-normal seasonal climb, but I'm playing the most unforgiving mode.

    I'm actually happy Blizzard is providing rewards for the most hardcore players, but I'm genuinely sad that I'm not going to be able to get such a super cool pet.

    submitted by /u/rtwoctwo
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    Botters: Get rekt (hopefully)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Diablo 4 – Blizzard on the Different Approach to Diablo 3

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:04 PM PST

    Stuttering when alt tabbing or clicking friends/community icon [High End PC] D3

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:57 PM PST

    Is anyone else experiencing stuttering/freezes in diablo 3? I get micro stuttering when i click the friends/community icon, and i get complete freeze/sometimes crash, when i alt-tab.

    Here is my pc specs:

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz (6 CPUs), ~2.8GHz

    Memory: 8192MB RAM

    Available OS Memory: 8118MB RAM

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

    please tell me if you know something i can do to fix this. All my settings ingame is set to low and vertical sync is set to FAST in nvidia cp but not ingame.

    submitted by /u/MudiDK
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    Diablo 4 Lore - Return of MEPHISTO? - The Lord of Hatred

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST

    Bought the Eternal Collection...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:12 PM PST

    Started trial game and bought the Eternal Collection. But when loading in-game it says Reaper of Souls. I saw on YouTube streamers in-game loading page is Eternal Collection. Do I need to redownloaded my whole Diablo game?

    submitted by /u/redditnooneuser
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    Help a witch doctor out?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Hey everyone.

    I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting this, but man I could use a hand doing some greater rifts right now. I just started playing seriously again, on ps4 instead of PC this time since my gaming laptop died on me, and have hit a huge rut at gr 94. For the life of me I can't get any further, and I'm about to destroy my controller and possibly my entire house if it continues.

    If anyone can help let me know! I never do multiplayer but apparently I simply can't handle it alone. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/GutturalNuance
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    Best Versions of LoD Frozen Orb and Vyr Archon?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:35 PM PST

    Looking for the best versions of these two to build for. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Doorhorse
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    Diablo on Switch

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:58 PM PST

    So been playing this forever and just got it on switch. Anyone wanna jump on and help me level? 😅

    submitted by /u/SammiMalfoy
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    How do I play Find item Barbarian?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    I recently restarted D2 and decided to play Barb (never done it before). "Find item" spell looked cool, so I tried to max it. The issue is that I deal no damage lmao.

    I'm in act 3, it takes me 2-3 hits (I use Concentrate) to kill the flayers. It's so frustrating because they run so fast, they get out of range and kite me with their darts. I tried to run past them, but they swarm me and so I'm forced to fight them in order not to get overwhelmed.

    I do not have any issues with bosses (so far). I managed to kill both andariel and duriel on my firs run without needing to cheese with portals. My problem are hordes: how do I deal with large groups of mob? Also in act 2, unravellers and their hordes were very dangerous for me.

    Am I playing item find barb wrong, or is the build really weak? Should I ditch it and reset my skill points?

    EDIT: thank you all for your answers! I can see there are different opinions and from them I understand that there is still a lot that I must learn about this game

    submitted by /u/gunalltheweeaboos
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    Should Diablo IV Present Storytelling through Apparitions/Specters?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:21 AM PST

    There are places that depict ghostly forms reenacting past events, as seen with a boy being thrown into the water as a sacrificial offering to the Drowned Witch in Diablo IV demo and the decapitation of Queen Asylla in Diablo III.

    I don't think this was present in older Diablo games. Do you think the developers should push through with this new method of storytelling, considering how gruesome it can be compared to NPC gossip or tomes we are accustomed to?

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    Join a Ladder Reset Team! Softcore and Hardcore USEast

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Hello Everyone, We are starting to organize our starting teams this weekend. We are a Legit Trading Community that Removed Bots, D2jsp Active Traders and any other hacks one might use. So if you want to join in on the fun and play legit this session jump in the discord and claim your spot this weekend!


    submitted by /u/xJukex
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    Quick Question: is it confirmed that a pale guy from D4 cinematic is Rathma or it's just a speculation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    I know that many people believe that this is Rathma. But is there any official confirmation? Or we only have evidences and nothing is 100% sure?

    submitted by /u/XTeKoX
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    Trading Idea

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST


    I will keep this short, since my texts usually starts to clutter with length. I'll gladly let you guys elaborate more on this if it got any solid points. Or just put a nail in it's coffin. Sorry in advance if this has been talked about already.

    So! I was thinking about how could "free/open" trading exist without the rmt issue. How about all items have a set value depending on how many there are in the world, region or server. Like supply and demand kind of. Adjusted by drop-rarity basicly.

    When trading an item you have to match the value or in a range of that value, for some flexibility, to complete the trade. So if you're trading a Stormshield that has a value of lets say 100 peanuts. The opponent could match that value with 100 gems ( or in a given range ) which has a value of 1 peanut each.

    Pretty much!

    Would this eliminate the blackmarket? Since you always have to put something in the trading window, matching the value of the counteroffer no matter if you pay for it or not.

    Over and out.

    submitted by /u/ctr89
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    Should D4 be a game more designed to be played forever or towards a one-time experience?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    Following the discussion about D4 on this forum, I find that a lot of peoples difference in opinion stem from this core design philosophy and that people speak past eachother because of this. So I simply wanted to hear peoples opinion on this.

    Some people seem to argue from the point that D4 should in their opinion be a game that you can play for multiple years and enjoy, a growing game with depth and replayability. These people expect a game that lasts for thousands of hours of gameplay.

    Other people seem to be of the opinion that the game should be more towards playthrough one-time-buy games, which you enjoy a lot but maybe wont replay(or replay that much). For these people it is less important that the game lasts for a long time, rather that it is more fun experience for a shorter time.

    Obviously, this is a simplification since there are middle grounds between the two positions. But I am overall interested in what people think.

    submitted by /u/Milfshaked
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