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    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Diablo Megathread: Path of Exile 2 Announcement Discussion

    Diablo Megathread: Path of Exile 2 Announcement Discussion

    Megathread: Path of Exile 2 Announcement Discussion

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Exilecon has started and Path of Exile 2 was just announced. We are creating this megathread to serve as an outlet for feedback and discussion regarding the announcement and how it relates to and compares to what was shown at Blizzcon with Diablo 4.

    To keep the sub tidy, we will be removing any posts outside of this megathread.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/menagese
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    [Forum Post] Patch 2.6.7a Update - General Discussion

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    This time; Anu & The Angiris Council

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Alkaizer on why Diablo 2 has such an amazing itemization system compared to other ARPGS

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:35 AM PST

    Does anyone liked D3's "Ultimate" abilities ?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Because I really didn't, and it seems to be back in D4.

    To me those abilities felt like either useless 90% of the time or you had a build around it to spam it. On top of that I hated the fact that some of them are transformation like the barbarian super saiyan. At least it looks to be less of that in D4 but still.

    submitted by /u/Sekko09
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    After 19 years...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    I finally realized you can shift click your potions while your in your inventory and it gets add to your belt. For the past 19 years I have been dragging each potion into my belt.

    submitted by /u/tobegreat
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    Andariel concept art showing her update for D4

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    I really hope Diablo 4's loot system can create some moments/memories like this *VID*

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST


    Skip to about 3:40 if you're impatient, but that build up is really worth it.

    But man that is insane to think a drop can create such hype. It's such a rare item that even Llama had never found it after playing for damn near 20 years. It creates this sense of hope that any random person can have a shot at finding an item that is so valuable, they could either use it, or trade it to a big min-maxer for a bunch of other valuable gear. This is one thing I felt was missing from D3. Primals were pretty rare, but not at the same level of TMight, since you could re-roll legendaries with bounty mats for a 1/400 chance of a primal. And if you did roll that primal, it was just a stat upgrade over an item you already had (most of the time) rather than a whole new item. I feel like there weren't really any items in D3 that could create this kind of feeling because the drop rates were so high.. at least in RoS.

    I hope D4 is able to make items have this feeling. I know the mythics are supposed to be incredibly rare, which is cool. I hope they also have other legendaries which are much rarer than others. It feels like most legs/sets have a similar drop rate in D3, with some standouts like Blackthorns (lol). Drop rates tuned properly can really create a big communal sense in the game, and make trading very useful

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    Diablo 4 evils. They probably did it again!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Back in Diablo 3, the opening done by Deckard Cain literally was the summary of the whole game! The below transcript is taken from Diablo fandom:

    And, at the End of Days, Wisdom (Malthael) shall be lost as Justice (Tyrael) falls upon the world of men. Valor (Imperius) shall turn to Wrath - and all Hope (Auriel) will be swallowed by Despair (Rakanoth) Death (Malthael), at last, shall spread its wings over all - as Fate (Itherael) lies shattered forever.

    Some few points I've caught in the gameplay trailer for Diablo 4, from what is said by the dude (idk who, I'm guessing it's Marius or Ba'al or Diablo) who also talks about dreams and he's talking to the grave. Below is the transcript and my interpretations or maybe speculations:

    The dream continues to haunt me old friend, It always starts with a journey - to a distant land, There I find a city in flames, Streets choked with corpses, Unthinkable DESTRUCTION (Baal), I witness senseless SLAUGHTER (Duriel), brother against brother, pure HATRED (Mephisto), and then - executions, SUFFERING (Andariel) surrounded me until my turn came - it burnt my eyes, break my bones. I waken in TERROR (Diablo). There's no one left to stand against THEM.

    You think me mad old friend, but I know these dreams. They tell of the future.

    Hell is coming brother, hell is coming. (All the evils return)

    At the time the dude says the 2nd paragraph, he leans forward and you can see high sleeves a little ripped with blood as if done by claws.

    I can't really pin point a few things, I'll need some help brainstorming into this:

    • Who this guy exactly is?
    • Whether I got slaughter & suffering correct on Andariel & Duriel or not. As of now we can confirm that Duriel is definitely there by looking at the video. I'm not sure about Andariel, I've been reading around about her return but I have no 100% confirmation on this.
    • What the 2nd paragraph signifies?

    That's all I got now, but of course this is pure speculation and personal points.

    submitted by /u/ohitszie
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    Diablo 4's Dodge Mechanic Might be Just the Evolution We Need

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:59 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    I was thinking about the dodge feature the D4 team put in and the large deadly sweeping attacks of the world boss they showed and realized how seriously fun that looked.

    When people talk about what they want in D4 the big things you hear are:

    1. Darker, dangerous, scary atmosphere
    2. Don't just want D2, Diablo still needs evolution
    3. Don't want to feel like some god-like being vs pathetic demons
    4. More skill based rewarding gameplay.

    The dodge mechanic helps with ALL these things. Look at Dark Souls. This is the only other successful game since D1/D2 that pulls the dark terrifying gothic atmosphere off. That atmosphere is maintained because the gameplay is 100% aligned! Monsters in DS are terrifying because they hit you exactly as hard as it looks. How do you balance this? Dodging and blocking. They built an entire game around being able to avoid large damaging attacks.

    Somehow, we don't have an ARPG Dark Souls yet and this seriously is just the evolution that Diablo and perhaps the whole genre desperately needs.

    I'm not saying we should go HAM on being like Dark Souls, just try building combat gameplay around some of the fundamental ideas of DS like dodging, blocking and telegraphing large threatening moves.

    Slow gameplay down a bit and make us remember what it's like being a low to mid level character that isn't effectively immortal. Make the damage from attacks and timing more forgiving than DS but keep the snappy Diablo skills and itemization we know and love. A few big attacks won't kill you, but you would survive a lot longer doing things right. Perhaps we could even have skills like "activate X effect after a successful dodge".

    Imagine expanding this to reworking shields to block, blink to dodge or move speed to weave in and out of combat on an isometric plane. The rush of dodging a powerful sweep attack never gets old and is the solution to keeping us engaged longterm instead of falling asleep farming pathetic mobs.

    I'm personally very happy that the D4 team chose to keep the dodge in. What do you guys think? Should gameplay be expanded around having methods of damage avoidance (rather than just straight up tanking or turning invincible for X seconds)?

    submitted by /u/Throwmyjays
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    Is Median XL worth to play?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Diablo 1 and 2 were so much fun and I really like the concept of Diablo games. what do you think? is it worth to grind there?

    submitted by /u/burohm1919
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    Cooldowns alternative and overall oraganic connection between skills for D4

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:44 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    During a conversation in Diablo's forums, I came up with an idea for a connection between skills we haven't seen in D2 or PoE (I'm not familiar enough with other games, and I probably wasn't the first to think about it), and I'd love to hear your opinion about it.

    Some people here want their Cooldowns, which is a tool to lower spamming 'The big guns' (Ult or just strong skills?), but it breaks immersion and just not natural for the setting or RPG games overall.

    However, what's your take on prerequisites?

    For example: Achieve x count of kills with y ability type or Do x amount of dmg to unlock this skill use (Also, Do x kills not using y type abilities)

    Those prerequisites can be improved/hardened with skill level:
    Do enough Lightning damage to become Conduit: (You become lightning incarnate).
    The higher your damage output, the less damage you'd need for recharge - but the stronger Conduit is, the more damage you'd need to recharge the skill.

    This mechanic can also be used to empower abilities!
    For example, Fireball is not capped by anything, however, you can use Firebolt to CHARGE Fireball, it'd take less uses up to none if Firebolt skill is high enough, but we'll need more uses if Fireball rises in power.

    Every time this criterion is met, Fireball will unleash more damage, or explode further - this could be affected by more than 1 skill and more than way.

    Again, I would love to hear your opinion about this mechanic.

    submitted by /u/nachuo
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    How does D3 Play on the Switch?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:41 PM PST

    Long time PC D2/D3 player, haven't played in years but recently got a Switch and was thinking about how fun it could play mobile. Worth getting it?

    submitted by /u/TsujiLeague
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    N'th layer of hell

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Developers have said there will be a hell layer under Sanctuary all over the world map. I think it would be cool if you could eventually go down the layers, increasing the difficulty.

    The Hells are divided into seven realms, each corresponding to one of the Great Evils, and can geographically be distinguished between upper and lower regions. Every level of Hell exists in a void, with 200 feet separating each level from each other. No walls mark the edge of Hell, and flying creatures frequently travel between Hell's levels.

    submitted by /u/blizter
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    Kind of random

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:42 PM PST

    How come games don't implement...two mice instead of just one mouse? How different would a game be with one for right hand and one for left? Have the keyboard still but to your side? How would this integrate into a game like Diablo, especially the first couple that were PC exclusive. I feel like this has probably been discussed before but what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/curiouspapageorgio
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    Thoughts on diablo 4, aesthetics and ambiencr

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:14 PM PST

    Hey guys, wanted to know what you guys think about the visual design and ambience of the game, does it do diablo 1 and 2 justice in terms of that gory, dark, and gothic experience.

    submitted by /u/telprata21
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    Paladin, Necromancer or Druid for my play style?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Doing a normal play-through and cant decide on a class. I finished the game many years ago but want to do it again. Here is my list of things for you to consider if you want to help me pick:

    • My first play-through was with a Paladin, so might be nice to try something new.
    • Don't care for Hammerdin play-style, would prefer shield bashing or Zealot.
    • Only interested in Elemental Druid, Would an Elemental Druid build work while still being effective using melee sometimes?
    • Prefer more of a Necromancer that has one skeleton or two (dont want a massive army), weakens enemies then finishes off with melee. Is this possible?

    So in other words, I love hitting mobs from distance, or weakening them, then finishing them off in melee, like a battlemage.

    I am not interested in other classes, just these three. Druid looks like it can do that a bit and so can the Necromancer with Amplify damage but how effective would melee be?


    submitted by /u/darkwombat45
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    Anyone interested in playing D2 tonight? US East HC

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Gonna start a new character tonight. I'm thinking around 8. Drop a line if ur interested and I'll hit you up later

    submitted by /u/Oyyeee
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    Black Friday sale?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:25 PM PST

    D3 usually goes on sale during black Friday, yes?

    submitted by /u/edgedsword
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    How i put BELZEBUB mod(Diablo 1) in fullscreen? And launch the mod on galaxy?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    I purchased the best diablo on gog, i already played tons of hours of D1. Wanna play the modded version who adds necromancer to D1. Any hints? The normal/hellfire version of D1 is on fullscreen but the belzebub is not.

    submitted by /u/L0rdV1ct0r
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    Is anyone concerned with D4 being a live service game?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:04 PM PST

    I have a few concerns about live service.

    My biggest gripe with live service is that items get tweaked all the time. As soon as a new Season/Ladder start items you found in the past aren't even recognizable anymore.

    For example an item as "Blade Of Abraxas" (Made up) Has 100% increase damage to the ability "Fan Of Knifes" in the early days of a live service game.

    A season or 2 later the devs tweak it cause they think it's bad. Now it's "Blade Of Abraxas" 50% increased damage to the ability "Whirlwind"

    Then 5 seasons later when Whirlwind is a garbage skill they change it again. "Blade Of Abraxas" 200% Increased damage to Slam. cause slam build is the new theme for the season.

    I don't know about you but changing items on a whim every season to fit the theme of the seasons sucks in my opinion.

    Just let the items be. Every legendary doesn't need to be viable a few can suck even.

    I don't mind adding more items and more content as a live service tho just the constant nerfing/buffing items every season.

    I would rather just have a huge expansion a few years down the line instead of constant tweaking.

    What are you thoughts?

    Edit: Found a good Comment about what i mean. The comment is more targeted for Mmo's but i do find similarities that could happend in D4. Most of that is true in D3 already.

    submitted by /u/Zaikoholic
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    What are your thoughts on early Reaper of Souls like crafting?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    I remember in the beginning of Reaper of Souls, if you wanted to craft specific legendary items, you had to go look for a specific monster, in a specific location, dropping a specific crafting material that you would then use for crafting.

    This was heavily streamlined in later patches, now most materials come from bounties bag and there's no longer that feel of "targeted farming", unless maybe you're farming an hellfire amulet.

    What are your thoughts? Did you like targeted farming, or do you prefer the streamlined version? What kind of crafting would you hope to see in D4?

    submitted by /u/Pyromancer1509
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