• Breaking News

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Diablo Me, a WW barb fan, after seeing a post from Nevalistis on the forums.

    Diablo Me, a WW barb fan, after seeing a post from Nevalistis on the forums.

    Me, a WW barb fan, after seeing a post from Nevalistis on the forums.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:19 PM PST

    Anyone else find POJ + epiphany jarring?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:52 PM PST

    I've used epiphany before, but only for wol with tzo krin, so no teleporting. Anyone know how to make the experience smoother, or will i just get used to it. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/weremybattleaxe to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Help: Gearing a fresh S19 DH with Haedrig's

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:22 PM PST

    This upcoming season has UE as the DH's Haedrig's set so I thought it would be a good opportunity to go back to the DH class after years of playing on and off as Barb/Monk/Wiz/Crus (sorry WD).

    What is the ideal season start for a UE DH? Are there level 1 legendaries to gamble for with the challenge rift shards? Should I craft the Malth bracers @ fresh 70 for hatred spender spam?

    I want to ask the resident experts how they would play this upcoming season start in the hopes that I can try and hit a leaderboard during the first week.

    submitted by /u/larebiletirt to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Pig Stiker and Stone Gauntlets?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:46 AM PST

    I'm not understanding these 2 items. Could some explain to me why these 2 items are used for the new build?

    submitted by /u/CWScholten to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Lost my stash!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:20 AM PST

    Hi! Im returning to the game after a year or so and i noticed that ALL my stash is gone from my WD! He isn't a seasonal character.

    You know why this is???

    Edit: This was a seasonal character long ago but the season ended and i collect the items and continued playing him as a non seasonal. I just realize that all my stash for all my characters is gone :(

    submitted by /u/Doctore92 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    New TR Zmonk concept?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    So I had an idea after playing with the new set in d3planner. Due to the new WKL, there are some nifty synergies with zmonk you can do. Here is an example build.

    So don't pay too much attention to the details of the build, as I just copied it from a random zmonk setup I had saved that was designed for speeds. As with all zmonk setups, there are a lot of different options you can swap, based on what you/your greep need, and depending on the content.

    The idea here is that this is ideally even easier to play than the other build. The fact that you are moving, cycloning, healing, and ccing all at the same time, just by holding down right click makes it sound very user-friendly. I always have issues teaching my friends how to play support monk, because they either don't know when to do those things, or they are too squishy, etc. This could simplify all that, and since it's a more mobile playstyle, could also be better for speeds. You still easily have full uptime on Inner Sanc (and can more easily place it where you want it too, imo, thanks to moving through units).

    Some modifications off the top of my head:

    • Options to run Ingeom for dashing strike spam in faster groups (the swords really aren't needed in this setup, Can easily run Ingeom+Crystal Fist and its probably just better)
    • Leorics crown cubed. This is either more CDR or even RCR (if you wanted to spam mantra more... not sure exactly how it will feel as is, but epiphany+4set justice should give you plenty of spirit as it is)
    • Nems cubed? Hxing pants as an alternative for spirit regen? Aquila? Illusory boots since waller can still be stupid?
    • Tons of weapon options too. If you drop the swords you can use all sorts of stuff. Moving the WKL to your main hand opens up all the 2 handers (flying dragon, ahvarion+gloves of worship, etc). Not to mention all the possible 1 handers.
    • Skill options! You can use sweeping wind to freeze. Even though its less often than other ccs, it can be nice, and allows your other skills to use different runes. Plus, if you run SW+Vengefulwind, you get a bunch of move speed from the 2 set, which might be enough to let you drop dashing strike and use other skills for speeds.
    • Other skill thoughts: Blind for the damage reduction/cc. Mystic Ally if on use spirit was needed. Serenity-Tranq? Breath of Light-Zephyr? You can even still run a generator for any of those desired effects, and use tempestrush to adjust the position of the pull.

    Bottom line, I think this is the "ww zbarb" version of monk. (WW being slightly less good than raekor zbarb, but easier to play.) If we take classic zmonk and call it a "high skill = high reward" build, this one is low skill medium reward? Let's face it, there are some bad zmonks out there, and this version of the build simplifies a lot of the build so they can focus on things like positioning, and their allies.

    submitted by /u/mebell333 to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Weekly Consolidated Gear Advice Thread

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    To reduce clutter on this subreddit, please post your gear check questions in this thread only.

    Please note that independent gear check threads will be deleted with a note to copy/paste that gear check here.

    In order for others to provide useful feedback on your gearcheck, you MUST include the following information:

    • Your desired build

    • A link to your battle.net profile

    • A description or screenshot of how your paragon points are spent

    • A description of your what you want to accomplish with the gearcheck - e.g. your goals and/or problems - a grift difficulty level, ubers, a specific build or playstyle, etc.

    • An in-game screenshot of your stats with the details tab open is recommended, but not required - if we can see your dps, toughness, all resist, armor, hp, cc, cd, etc. as you see it in-game, it's easier for us to help you.

      If you use printscreen and paste, it will show your desktop. But if you use printscreen and go into your Documents/Diablo III/Screenshots folder, you will find the in-game screenshot.

    ANY post that does not include this information may not receive a response.

    In addition, if you haven't done so already, take a look at the guides in our sidebar. Many of your questions will have been answered there.

    Thank you, and may your sentries clear a path to victory!

    Please note: The consolidated gear check posts are created every week (Tuesday) at approximately 2 PM GMT (7 AM Eastern)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    New Monk Player

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Decided that I want to try Monk in this upcoming season. What will be the best build for Season 19?

    submitted by /u/ThonZa to r/Diablo3Monks
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