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    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    Diablo Focused Feedback: Druid

    Diablo Focused Feedback: Druid

    Focused Feedback: Druid

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Welcome to the next installment of the Focused Feedback threads, featuring the Druid class. We'll be covering a lot of different topics a few times a week in this focused feedback thread. If you have any suggestions, please post them as a reply to the stickied mod comment.


    Masters of nature, the druids were originally the same people as the barbarians until they left their tribesmen during the time of Bul-Kathos. Since then, the druids have been living in the northern woods of Scosglen, secluding themselves from the world around them more than even the barbarians did prior to the events of Diablo II.

    Previous Diablo installments

    In Diablo 1, there was no Druid or Druid equivalent class.

    In Diablo 2, the Druid class joined Sanctuary during the Lord of Destruction expansion, with three skill trees: Elemental, controlling the natural elements of fire, wind, and cold; Shape Shifting, transforming the Druid into a werewolf or werebear; and Summoning; bringing forth ravens, vine creepers, nature spirits, wolves and bears to fight by his side. Common builds included Werewolf Druid, Mauler, and Wind Druid.

    In Diablo 3, there was no Druid class. Parts of his kit was adapted into other classes, such as the elemental magic to the Wizard, summoning to the Witch Doctor and Necromancer, and aura-buffing to the Monk. The Druid was a highly requested character for an expansion pack.

    Diablo IV Demo

    Note: This section is purely from the BlizzCon 2019 demo and may not be representative of what appears in the final version of the game.

    The Druid has returned (and clearly has put on a bit of weight)! Taking a lot of inspiration from the Diablo 2 Druid, the Druid is able to shapeshift, summon creatures to help him fight, and command the elements. New in Diablo 4 is the "seamless shapeshifting" mechanic, allowing you to quickly change forms between human, wolf, and bear form using your skills. If you wish to, you can bind all of your skills to one form and stay in that form permanently. Similar to Diablo 3, you can also command your summons to attack specific creatures (like the D3 Necromancer Skeletons). On the elemental side, Fire magic has been removed and replaced with a greater emphasis on Storm and Earth magic.

    There were a number of skills available in the demo at BlizzCon 2019, and even more were hinted at in the skill selection screen. To see a complete list of skills and talents shown at BlizzCon 2019, check out the IcyVeins page.

    Guided Questions

    Please feel free to answer as many of these as you want or just use them as a guide. You are also welcome to completely ignore them and post your feedback in your own way.

    1. Are you excited for the Druid to be coming to Diablo 4?
    2. Does the inclusion of the Druid prevent another potential class from being added to D4 due to too much overlap?
    3. What play style are you most interested in trying with the Druid?
    4. What do you think about the fluid transformations into his shape-shifting forms, vs the more static transformations from D2?
    5. What are the most iconic skills of the Druid class?
    6. Are there any Druid-specific items you'd like to see return in D4?
    7. What do you NOT like about the D2 implementation of the Druid?
    8. How do you feel about the shifted emphasis from fire to storm/earth as part of his elemental kit?
    9. Are there other forms that you would like to see the Druid shapeshift into?
    10. Are there any specific armor sets or looks that you'd like to see on the Druid? (feel free to include links to art!)
    11. Are there any interesting implementations of the Druid in other ARPGs that you'd like to see in D4?
    12. Should the Druid have a pure summoner specialization?
    13. Overall, how do you feel about the Druid class in D4?


    Strawpoll questions: How do you feel about the "seamless shapeshifting" of the Druid class in D4?

    We'd like to include a quick poll with each of these Focused Feedback threads, highlighting hopefully the main questions in each thread. Let us know what you think!

    Previous Focused Feedback threads:

    submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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    Season 19: The Season of Eternal Conflict Begins Nov 22

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    The Great Evils

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:58 AM PST

    I really hope tommorow Exilecon in NZ will be incredible with 4.0 announcements and give D4 Dev Team this *WE MUST TRY HARDER!* and everyone will be happy!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:13 AM PST

    Competition is needed and we dont need ONE WINNER, both sides can win here!

    submitted by /u/Hellus666
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    Unique Items. Something about this simple straightforward design makes it so appealing.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    The Patched-Eye tomb Raider from the cinematic

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Ok so let my start by saying that, im not a lore nut but i do find Diablo's lore to be very intriguing and mysterious

    Now, the point of this Thread is that to me, to identify who the pale priest is, we need to identify the patched-eye guy that leads the group into the tomb

    Ok let me go on a stretch.

    This guy, I assume was the guy who organized the Raid, this guy knew we needed 3 folk to open that door. He found 3 poor souls in search of Gold, Power and Knowledge.

    By 3 they come, the blood of the willing

    They needed to be willing for all this to work.

    Now who is this guy?

    He has an eye missing, didnt get through the door, but somehow his body did get through. And what kind of being takes an axe swing to the neck and cracks itself back to standup position. That guy was already dead.

    Lacking an eye, lacking his heart, as he lived through certain death, and lacking his brain, as he certainly was posessed by an entity.

    Eyes seeks Gold;

    Heart seeks Power;

    Brain seeks Knowledge

    These we're the Will of the raiders.

    There is also Zakarum hieroglyphs on the tomb entrance.

    I do not have the lore power to prove anything. But im willing to humiliate myself and say that this guy is the embodiment of Kalim

    Rings a bell?

    Kalim was at the top of the High Council of the ZAKARUM. Mephisto captured, torture, and splits his eye, brain and heart all over sanctuary, and we actualy recover these parts in act 3 (Diablo 2)

    Now we have seen flashes of Inarius being held captured, Mephisto loves to capture and torture.

    Legends say that Kalim's spirit, unlike his Zakarum fidels, is incorruptible, and that his soul may never rest until Mephisto is destroyed permanently.

    Now my guess is that this guy is Kalims and he wants to revive Lilith, knowing she will be of help because Inarius is captured, and his goal is to destroy mephisto and remove the curse of the Zakarum.

    Now i know this doesnt make alot of sense, because the Pale priest is not Kalim, but maybe, if some of what i said makes sense, someone could connect the dots lore-wise and come to some better conclusion

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    Blizzard, consider adding EXTREMELY rare/unique items with special effects or abilities (such as opening portals). Hunting these items can greatly add to the game's longevity

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    When I play a loot-based game, it's always fun to know that I have an 0.01% chance to hit an extremely rare drop table (even as a level 1). I would suggest that Blizzard adds some extremely rare items in the game with unique effects. The vault in Diablo 3 is a perfect example of a special area that could be unlocked with one of these items. However, the vault has become too common.

    Add extremely rare stone statues to drop tables that allow you to fight uber-versions of bosses. Add rings to the game that, when combined, summon an extremely powerful super boss. Add a special staff that can open an alternate dimension where you can fight a memory of Tathamet himself.

    These suggestions are just from the top of my head, but you get the idea. Add some extremely rare items that give access to special bosses/unique areas with unique rewards. Hunting these items alone can be an endgame activity on its own.

    EDIT: Put this in Diablo 4!

    submitted by /u/Lovoskea
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    To Nevalistis and the D3 Team, thank you for your transparency

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:51 AM PST

    As a console player, my heart broke when I saw the Lamentation nerf before I even got to try it. I know I shouldn't get my hope's up, but I just want to say thank you for listening to us, and discussing our thoughts with the dev team.

    I just want Barb to shine for one season, please keep up your work ethic and communication, it bodes well for everyone. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Mr_Jackabin
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    Small Balance update planned before Season 19 launch

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I’d really like to see a bit of focus on player skill based gameplay.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:23 AM PST

    How's it going guys. I just want to say first and foremost, I started this franchise relatively late (I'm talking RoS late) so I'm by no means a veteran in this series, I am unfamiliar with the cult hit of D2, and I feel like D4 is really trying to appeal to the D2 crowd so I'm not sure how much my opinion here will detract from what people want to see in D4 from D2

    In the D4 demos at Blizzcon, I think we all noticed the dedicated 'dodge' ability that was only included in D3's console versions. This got me pretty excited. Of course, everyone's favorite part of Diablo is the endgame loot grind, being able to theorycraft insane combinations of skills and gear to mix synergies that make you an unstoppable wave of giant numbers splashing across the screen as you just melt through even bosses eventually without a thought. That is definitely one of my favorite parts as well, hands down. It's so satisfying seeing my boy decked out in the craziest looking costume surrounded by a blinding light show of magic as I just pop demons like bubbles.

    But the thing is, when you reach that point imo the dodge button pretty much becomes useless, hell after a while the game just becomes me stacking all my big buffs on myself then just walking through mobs of monsters, not worrying about anything really because my guy is just so ripped, the damage melts the mobs way too fast and the best builds have some kind of defensive measures that completely negate almost all damage, and when that happens I just ignore pretty much every thing in the game at that point. Kinda feels like I'm walking through a park and picking up all the shiny legendaries while monsters around me just blow up unexpectedly.

    Idk how many people would agree with me on this though, but another one of my favorite parts of Diablo was starting a new season fresh and being a totally new character with no gear. When I'm a brand new toon, I actually have to strategically manage my defensive cooldowns, I feel like I can't be careless and just wade through mobs of demons, and fighting bosses was really exhilarating because my health isn't regenerating immediately and I have to actually think about my positioning and what the boss is gonna throw at me next so I can dodge or blink or heroic leap, it makes me not only think about my build's damage output but also how I can use my build to reposition myself to recover or if I can fit a spell that gives me a quick invulnerable to eat a boss' spell.

    I think this early game is such a sweet spot because neither me nor the enemies are just instagibbing each other, instead I'm able to take a handful of hits which allow me to react and be strategic, but also I'm not so powerful that I can just ignore the damage, and likewise my enemies aren't just popping instantly so they have a chance to get hits in on me if I'm careless.

    By the endgame though, it really feels just feast or famine. Even if I change the difficulty, there is no fun, challenging sweet spot. The difficulty level is either at the level where mobs just melt if they look at me, or it's at the level where I die instantly to the insane difficulty modifiers that just let rare mobs smack my cheeks across the screen with NO way to even react, and at this difficulty level my damage barely even scratches them. Of course, I would just grind better gear to be able to handle this level, but once I get that better gear, that difficulty level just gets knocked down to "mobs melt instantly", there just feels like there's no sweet spot. Even with stuff like the rates that could wall you in or teleport you around, it felt like it was just a minor inconvenience anyways because the screen would get so saturated with my spells, the enemy spells, and the enemy corpses that even if I did get trapped it was hardly a punishment because the numbers were just putting in too much work.

    So what do you guys think? I know grinding for the ideal loot is a big part of this game, and everyone loves finally getting your character decked out with all the best stuff and having it actually SHOW that your items are good because you're just cracking demons like nuts, but on the other hand I really enjoy that style of play where it feels like I can't just rely only on my build, that I have to think strategically about my positioning, my reactions, my CDs, etc. do you guys want to keep that feeling of "having the best gear means I can just blow through this content mindlessly because I earned it" or do you guys agree with me with the idea of "having the best gear should make me strong, but I still want to feel like I have to rely on my skill as a player even if my guy is decked out to the max"?

    TL;DR: One of my favorite parts of Diablo is the early game when you aren't instantly killing your enemies and your enemies aren't instantly killing you, making the game feel more reliant on player skill and less on godlike gear and skill synergies, and I want to see if you guys agree and want to see that gameplay more prevalent in D4, or you guys just want the grind for gear that makes you unstoppable

    submitted by /u/doubleoutside
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    D4 needs to have 99 leveling system

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:31 PM PST

    Diablo 4 needs to have the leveling to level 99, for few reasons that I think would really Diablo 4 be a better game. Just Campaign should take to you to around level 75 for this system. The leveling system should work sort of like in d2, in that the levels from 80 to 99 you should lose some experience if you die.

    1. With 99 levels to be earned blizzard can make end game stuff can start at around level 80, so this way most of the builds should still be viable, and if they want to give us a slightly harder challenge it wouldn't be that difficult to adjust.

    2. Levels 80-99 can be there for the min maxers, for the people that want to perfect there build and gain some more stats, skills, and talents ( for this system skills should have a hard cap on how many you are able to obtain through levels/tomes and there would need to be stats and more talents to make gaining extra levels worth it).

    3. With a hard cap at level 99 and end game starting the end game content at level 80, there won't be a need for Paragon ( now levels from 80 to 99 should take you long time to achieve so that will actually feel like an accomplishment. With taking way Paragon levels we can actually feel a since of accomplishment instead of unlimited grinding for only a little gradifiaction which become dull and static pretty fast.

    Let me know what everyone likes or dislikes about this type of leveling system over Diablo 3 and Diablo 4's, any suggestions are also welcome, thanks.

    submitted by /u/helsreach
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    Season 19: The Spartan Developer

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:01 PM PST

    I just want to take a moment and thank the lone developer working on Diablo 3. You are to me the last spartan standing of 300 and I appreciate you. I know the community can be very vocal at times and I want to let whoever is captaining the lone Diablo 3 ship that you're awesome. I am very excited for the new season.

    submitted by /u/Mannfrede
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    Diablo'esque art I did in my spare time;)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Diablo'esque art I did in my spare time;)


    Just a little something I did afterwork. Hyped as hell for Diablo 4. Good thing that Wolcen is coming out soon;)

    Hope you guys like the art!

    submitted by /u/Whoopy2000
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    Anyone else a little unhappy with Frozen Orb in d3?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I really liked the frozen orb build in d2, but it just feels a little off in d3. It's so tiny, and moves very quickly forward in a perfect circle.

    I think one of the cool things about the spell in d2 was the scale of it and how slowly it moved forward. You could basically outrun it. A slow moving orb that tore small pieces off in all directions was a cool concept. The D3 version just feels whimsy and annoying imo..

    Also, don't you need to shoot off a small signature spell every 5 sec or something for it to even be relevant? Man I really wish this build would be more fun in D3.

    submitted by /u/EluneNoYume
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    Diablo IV - On Bars and Taverns

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    On Taverns and Bars:

    There's been a lot of great feedback and suggestions for this game already. Most of these suggestions tackle major gameplay elements like itemization, skill trees, end game content, etc. It would appear blizzard is in the process of addressing the quibbles many had with the tone/setting of diablo 3 and I'd like to speak to something that I think adds/should add to the tone and feel of the new game.

    Taverns and bars have always had a place in gothic/fantasy stories and games. Diablo has not been the exception to this. In Diablo one, the first person you are supposed to speak to is Ogden – the tavern owner. He gives you your first quest, and many of the quests revolve around Ogden's tavern. Many of the games npcs are also employed at the tavern (Gillian, Wirt) and Farnham the drunk certainly frequents the place quite a bout. The games credits even have his tavern as the backdrop.



    Diablo two is similar, with Atma and her tavern in Lut Gholein. In fact, Atma gives you your first quest in Act two. Not only does Atma have her own unique twist on dialogue and quests as a bar owner, but the tavern also houses an NPC (Geglash) that gives nothing but drunken dialogue. Atma's tavern is one of the very few town buildings in Diablo 2 that you can actually go in and explore. Sometimes it was even a place where folks would hang out at online.


    Let's also not forget that diablo 2's opening cinematic takes place in a bar.


    Diablo three had its share of inn's and taverns as well. Whether it be the slaughtered Calf inn, where the zombie infestation was killing business or the act 2 inn where folks hung out and smoked some hookah.


    What I'd like to suggest for the fourth game is taverns/inns/bars that can be visited in every town. I feel personally, that the Tavern/inn should be a place where players interact. That makes sense given that D4 is going for an open world feel. Perhaps the bars are where players can trade? After all, adventurers would stop by Ogden's all the time. One of them got so drunk that he left an item behind which was a quest reward for returning ogden's sign (the birth of the mighty harlequin quest!). The first thing I'd want to do after finding some epic loot if I were in such a world would be hit the bar and show it off. "Check out this sword I … BUrRRP… Found off this damn skeleton…"

    Maybe the tavern is the place where you meet with other players to form a party? My buddy made a few suggestions as well: Maybe make it like wow where if you log off in the bar, you get an exp bonus the longer you're there. Or How about a rested buff after visiting/socializing in the bar with other players for XX minutes- so you don't have to visit but there is a reward for it.

    Additions like these, I feel, really add to the tone of the game and could help foster a sense of community. Obviously the game is about loot, and combat and things of that sort. But taverns and bars have helped make diablo feel more like diablo for me. I'd love for them to be even more important in the next installment.

    submitted by /u/tecnorobo
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    Does Diablo 2 typically go on sale for Black Friday?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Planning to purchase some copies for some gamer buddies.

    submitted by /u/McFickleDish
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    Season 19: What will you play?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:39 PM PST

    With Season 19 around the corner what do you plan on playing this coming season?

    Even with the changes I plan on playing my Barbarian.

    submitted by /u/Mannfrede
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    Question for the switch version

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:28 PM PST

    Is it just me or I can not teleport to town anymore? Is it a bug?

    submitted by /u/Gamerpsycho
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    Of The Nature Of Covetous Shen (Zei), Gods (?)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:53 PM PST

    We are told that Xiansai has gods and Zei (most likely in the guise of Shen) is one of them.

    Lore-wise how do "gods" fit into the Diablo universe? Are they just a variant of angel or possibly surviving Nephalem?

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    D4: Make Monsters Defend Themselves!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    I want to see my Sorcerer's ice shard get cleaved in two by a bad ace goat-men who's not having any of that. Or have one of these wizard like monsters just suck some fireballs into another plane.

    Make swords clash a deflect occasionally, Make shields useful for the bad guys: imagine that channeled arcane spell scattering randomly as it's deflected . Give the monsters defenses they can actually use. Make some enemies better at deflecting some spells or abilities rather than others.

    I want them to feel like they are struggling and sometimes succeeding to fight back, rather than just walking towards me to dump loot.

    This gives depth to the combat experience, randomness to the encounters that happen millions of times over, and a chance for a more visceral feel (the most important aspect of this game imo).

    submitted by /u/amawizard
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    Holy Knight

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:29 PM PST

    Holy Knight

    Never played this game but came across this on YouTube.....this looks exactly like the type of Holy Class I would like to see in Diablo 4 in terms of how the class feels. That being said it's way over the top for Diablo, I am looking more at the types of skills and how they fit together rather than the over the top animations for some abilities.

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    Spinning Pentagram on D4 official blizzard site

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    It's not much but it was enough to put a nice little smile on my face to see they are bringing things like that back.


    submitted by /u/TheInnerWorlds
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    It's A Small World

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:03 PM PST

    Sanctuary seems like a very small world compared to the average fantasy world. It appears to be just made up of two small-ish continents.

    I wonder if there's anything beyond the two main continents and Greyhollow?

    Edit: the Diablo wiki says Sanctuary is a pocket dimension and not an actual planet but I'm not sure that's true.

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    Website for builds for D2?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

    Is there a website or source out there that has a list of builds?

    submitted by /u/jcpto3
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