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    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    Diablo A Letter from our Game Director – BlizzCon 2019

    Diablo A Letter from our Game Director – BlizzCon 2019

    A Letter from our Game Director – BlizzCon 2019

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    Dear Blizzard: No cliche villains

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:24 AM PST

    No more villains telling us what they are going to do. No more villains that think they are unstoppable. No more bad writing of villains. #NoMoreClicheVillains.

    submitted by /u/Handies
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    Lilith body paint. Absolutely amazing.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    ICYMI: At BlizzCon, Quin69 confirmed that there is literally only one guy maintaining all of Diablo 3 nowadays.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST

    I am thoroughly Impressed with Blizzards D4 announcement and openness to receive our feedback

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I just wanted to take a minute to write an appreciation post for the D4 dev team and their care in accepting our opinions.

    I come from a sales background and the first thing you're taught in sales is to LISTEN. I think it's extremely admirable of blizzard to listen, and be vocal that they are listening. We all know how hard it is mesh corporate politics, software engineers, sales, and client opinions. You can't please everyone, but client opinions are key to the success of the project.

    The multiple times stated during blizzcon "we will be reading, please let us know what you think!" Really speaks to their ethos at the moment and it seems promising.

    So excited to see what comes from this!

    submitted by /u/SheetShitter
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    The Whirlwind Rend Nerf is effectively more than 7 GR tiers

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:11 AM PST

    Here's three different videos on three very good maps using the new (NERFED) Whirlrend build. People claimed that 7 GRs was a "small nerf", but I have video evidence showing otherwise. The nerf, assuming a top end of GR140, looks a lot more like a 10 GR nerf and that the 200% lamentation belt could have cleared 143 in PTR. Meanwhile, on live, you can see the results for yourself on 133 below. This is with a paragon 10,200 Barbarian with level 150 gems and near perfect gear.

    In reality, the nerf sugests that the build was brought down to GR130 on a great case scenario and perhaps a GR133 max with a world class map. Barring that, the build is extremely gutted and it should have never been nerfed from 200% to 0%.

    Video 1: Battlefields https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-0W6lazXLA

    Video 2: Festering trash + a blue pull: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQUQG4Wxt0Y

    Video 3: GG Festering with Thralls using Bloodbath physical variant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHz8na_2S7s

    You can test Lamentation + Ambo's right now on your Barb, it's easily a 10 tier nerf, not 7 like people predicted. For most players, it will struggle to clear even 130 at this point, which is a joke for other classes at similar paragon. Keep in mind that you can't balance this set (or any other) on Season 19 buffs, because those powers are temporary and exclusive to one mode.

    Before the changes to Rend, the only way to deal damage through the set was to max out on Area Damage and bring in Pain Enhancer (or Echoing Fury) to increase your Dust Devil spawn rate. Now, Rend is the superior source of damage, so naturally you're going to cube Ambo's and drop Pain Enhancer for a damage gem to boost Rends.

    The problem now is that since Blizzard killed Lamentation's damage bonus, the build lost the only direct damage they ever gave it (Rend nukes), resulting in more than a 7 GR tier nerf. The build is barely stronger than it used to be last patch, by about 2-3 tiers.

    The people who screamed about Lamentation being too powerful at 200% are curiously silent today. Meanwhile;

    1. Crusader has cleared a 150 solo without any Season powers helping it.
    2. The Bazooka Wizard is still wrecking 150's in 4 player, dealing Quadrillions of damage per shot, instantly killing elites in 4 player groups @ 150. They didn't nerf it appropriately, and/or they don't understand the build.
    3. Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, and Wizard still have extremely capable 140+ builds.
    4. The new Crusader set can kill any 150 boss in a minute or less in 4 player. So what was the point of nerfing Thorns and Blighter?

    It doesn't matter how you look at it, the data and math definitely isn't in favor of the people screaming for Barb nerfs in PTR. Sorry to be blunt, but if random gamers understand these issues and Blizzard does not, there's obviously a problem.

    Devs got scared about a 140 clear in PTR when 140 at paragon 10,000 with a modern DPS build is absolutely expected. WD, DH, Crusader, and Wiz can all do it at that paragon or less. No one's calling for them to be nerfed. I play both Barb and DH and I am happy other classes get fun stuff for high tiers. What's the dev's problem with Barbs?

    submitted by /u/Ulmaguest
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    Can we get the diablo 1 & 2 style music back?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    That's all I really want.

    submitted by /u/GalacticHorror
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    Update on Season 19 Start and future Seasons

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    It's so nice of Blizzard that they are listening to our feedback

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    How Diablo 2's Story Was Based On The Characters From Diablo 1

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    So, in the first Diablo there were three playable classes (Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer). When you finally beat D1 and kill Diablo, the ending cutscene shows the Warrior driving the stone into his own skull to try to contain Diablo.

    This perfectly sets up the plot for the next game:

    In Diablo 2, we follow the path of the Warrior who has started to become corrupted by the soulstone he plunged into his head. Along the way, we find out that Diablo also corrupted the other two playable classes from the previous game (the Rogue, the Sorcerer).

    The Rogue became the Blood Raven that we encounter in Act 1. The Sorcerer became the Summoner that we find in the Arcane Sanctuary in Act 2. Then of course we have the Warrior who became Diablo. It's a bit of a sad story as all three of the heroes who set out to confront Diablo in the first game had such tragic fates.

    I really wished it was something they could have continued in D3 (encountering the heroes from the previous game) or D4. Anyone else feel that way?

    submitted by /u/serotonin_flood
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    I hope they bring back Paul Eiding back to narrate lore or tomes!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Make many end game areas viable for farming

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    When designing loot balance in an ARPG it is common to see high-level areas yield the best loot. In Diablo games, you can typically find any item in the game in a variety of areas. Both of these styles are valid but what I dislike is that it usually becomes quite easy to identify the best places to farm and that makes many cool places seldom used. Adventure Mode in Diablo 3 was an attempt to solved this problem but in the end, mob density won out. This was likely the first step toward rifts becoming the end game content of choice.

    There is a better option, simply give each area one or more legendary or otherwise rare and sought after items that are exclusive to that zone. Maybe King Leoric's Tomb isn't the best place to grind xp or legendary per hour yield, but Leoric's Ancestral Sword only drops from the King himself, and at a low drop rate. Add more exclusive items to the tomb? Even better. Now this area will always, in theory, be a viable farming location. With this design process in mind we won't be farming the same places over and over, we'll have plenty of options.

    submitted by /u/ChromeEagle
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    Just Downloaded Diablo II and logged on to Battle Net. It's been a while

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:48 PM PST

    Anyone wanna join me?

    I'm blown away this game still sells 19 years later. LOL The last time I downloaded it was in 2008...

    In the top 5 best games ever made. YES.

    submitted by /u/Gunswetta
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    My Vision For A Skill And Itemization System That A Good Diablo 4 Can Be Built On

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:32 PM PST

    TLDR at the bottom.

    Primary Idea: Skill modification and enhancement should be accomplished through the skill tree, not through gear affixes. Each skill should have it's own skill tree, which allows for many skill customization options and can even completely change how the skill functions.

    This builds upon the "skill runes" concept in Diablo 3 and the "gem + linked support gems" concept in Path of Exile and takes it to the next level. I'll take an example from the Diablo 4 demo which featured a staff that changed fireball to instead shoot 3 fireballs that do 45% damage each. Such a cool modification! But it feels so bad that it's tied to a single piece of gear. If you want your fireball augmented in that way you are forever tied to using that legendary staff. That's exactly where Diablo 3 went wrong with itemization and it pidgeonholed people into certain items and sets and predetermined your skills and build. Having items modify your skills and skill interactions was a negative consequence of not having any character building or customization built into the game. Imagine if the team designed each skill with it's own skill tree and gave players the power to customize and enhance each of their skills to their liking, choosing between multiple effects, stacking them, or completely changing how the skill functions. That's an insane level of depth and customization that is still intuitive and easy to understand even for new players, unlike some of systems in Path of Exile that require players to "just know" how they work or have a Wiki open every time they play the game.

    I'm just going to use a single skill as an example: Frozen Orb. Through Frozen Orb's skill tree you could increase the duration of Frozen Orb. You could increase the speed of frozen orb. These effects can combine with each other (maybe some of them are incompatible with each other though). You could increase the duration and reduce the speed so that it becomes a slow moving Frozen Orb that lasts a few seconds, while you throw out fireballs while it slowly carves a path through monsters before finally expiring, and then you can recast it. You could change it to a stationary Frozen Orb that spawns wherever you choose and it and just radiates death from that point. You could modify it so that when you recast it you teleport to it's location, and then modify it so it explodes and can freeze enemies as well. There's sooo many different ideas the devs could experiment with and add, and this is just a single skill example. It would be so much better to have these things in a skill tree as opposed to being bound to specific items (which seems to be where the Diablo 4 team is headed, unfortunately). The devs could continue to add various skill mods to skills with new content updates and leagues, keeping players coming back for trying out new builds and skill functions, even replaying the same builds and using new effects/mods (similar to Path of Exile releasing new gems and skill with their content updates). THAT is long term replay ability and in-depth customization.

    Two characters could be using the exact same skills, and yet each skill on their bar would be functioning completely different, or even look completely different. I feel like this was Diablo 3's goal with skill runes, but it failed pretty badly at actually providing deep customization or depth.

    Skill Points and Leveling: I would advocate for a leveling scale similar to Diablo 2, where getting to max level seems like an impossible goal at times, and getting to level 85-90 was an accopmlishment in it's own. Level 85 was a perfectly fine level for doing any content in the game, but you could grind to those really high levels if you really felt like maxing out your build. With skill customization trees I don't even feel like investing points into skills would need to, or even should, increase their damage or numbers. The flat base numbers for ALL of your skills can just increase with your character level and be further increased with +skill level on gear (if they choose to keep +skill level gear in the game). This helps keep all the skills on your skill bar relevant damage-wise instead of just the damage skill you're sinking points into, while also providing more power and incentive to grind out those really high levels, because you gain flat damage and power to ALL of your skills each level. I like having a max level that seems unreachable, but unnecessary to enjoy endgame content and experience the entirety of the game. The points you receive while leveling (or however the devs decide to award them) will go towards your skill customization trees. You can call these points whatever you want: skill points, skill runes, Diablo Farts; doesn't matter (From now on I will refer to these as Diablo Farts). Investing Diablo Farts into your skills just unlocks more customization and skill modifying effects as you advance along in your individual skill trees. I've invested ALL of my Druid's Diablo Farts into Rolling Boulder so that it has a much bigger area of effect, explodes at the end of it's path, leaves a trail of tar that slows enemies, and gives me returned spirit energy for each enemy hit, but my Druids Hurricane skill with zero Diablo Farts is still effective and useable because every one of my skills' base numbers are scaled with my own level.

    Ideas for how you could earn Diablo Farts: They could be awarded each level. As quest rewards and each level? Or maybe each skill on your bar gains experience towards customization points (Diablo Farts) as you gain experience, and grinding out EVERY Diablo Fart for EVERY skill you have is a very LONG end game grind that takes months and rewards you with the satisfaction that you have the ability to fully customize every sorceress skill, and being able to switch between different builds. Or maybe you have a set amount of maximum Diablo Farts that you can earn to assign to your skills, and you have to pick and choose which skills you want to invest in to gain the desired effects you want for each skill. Any of these systems would be interesting and provide depth.

    Skill Tree, Talent Tree, and Itemization opinion: Skill tree should be used for customizing skills, Talent Tree for providing class specific bonuses and interactions, and gear should be primarily for optimizing damage and defense. The Skill tree should be for enhancing skills, and I don't really want to see ANY individual skill effects on gear or talent trees. The Talent Tree should be used for customizing your build, providing interactions between your skills and damage types, give unique class-specific bonuses, and changing your playstyle. Like a Sorceress talent that makes enemies you shock have a chance to be stunned by further lightning damage. Or a talent that encourages using multiple elements, like frozen enemies have lowered fire and lightning resistance. There's a Druid item in the demo that gives a stacking damage bonus each time you change shapes. THE TALENT TREE IS A PERFECT PLACE FOR THIS TYPE OF BONUS, not on items. Maybe there's a legendary item that provides you with this bonus, allowing you to put your Talent Point into something else; that's more interesting to me. Barb item that gives bonus crit chance after using a warcry? That should be in the talent tree instead. Barb specific item mod that gives Weapon Mastery skills an additional charge? Talent Tree. I do feel there can be room for class specific mods like this on items, but in general I would like items with cool mods that have usage across multiple classes. Mythic Items would be a perfect spot for very build specific items like this, where you're limited to one of these powerful items and they greatly enhance your build or greatly reward you for a certain play style, much like some of the set bonuses in Diablo 3. The more class or skill specific items there are in the game, the closer we get to Diablo 3 itemization and getting forced into using certain items for certain builds, and I don't feel like that's a good thing. Legendary Items can definitely be interesting and change your build and playstyle, but most of them shouldn't be limited to specific classes, and definitely shouldn't be limited to specific skills! (Apart from increasing damage maybe)

    Scaling and Items: I touched on how I think having all your skills simply scale with your level would be a good thing. I also think all your skills should have a flat base damage or flat number associated with it. Diablo 3 did this backwards, where each skill had a %scaling associated with it, and your weapon's flat damage determined the damage for all your skills. Flat damage on your skills gives your build a base power level associated with it, unlike in diablo 3 where if you didnt have a weapon equipped ALL your skills would do ZERO damage. I would like there to be distinction between attacks and spells, or something that would prevent a giant mace with high damage to be one of the best in slot items for my spellcaster sorceress. Maybe swords don't normally roll caster mods, but I can craft with spell mods if I want to use a sword on my sorceress. Maybe there's hybrid items that are good for druids who want to cast and use shapeshift attacks, like staves or sceptres that can roll good attack damage and spell bonuses, or something. I know it's kind of hard to design items for characters that like to use both spells and attacks when they scale seperately. That was one good thing about Diablo 3 and its simple design, I suppose.

    Conclusion: These are all just ideas that I think the majority of players, hardcore or casual, new or old, can find enjoyment in. A skill tree system that offers skill customization through the skill tree rather than through items feels like a much more rewarding and engaging system to me and gives players a sense of owning their build and actually "building" their character. It's complex, yet intuitive, and hardcore players that like theorycrafting and planning their build can find enjoyment in it, as well as casual players who don't want to concern themselves with that type of stuff. I'm sure there are other ways to make a complex and engaging skill and itemization system with depth, this was just my vision of a good system.

    TLDR: Skill modification/enhancement should take place through the skill tree, not through items like it currently is in D4. Each skill should have it's own skill tree, which can enhance the skill and even change how it behaves and looks. Huge amounts of customization options for each skill, huge build diversity. These enhancements can be cumulitive and result in drastically altered and customized skills, like having multiple skill runes in Diablo 3, or multiple support gems in Path of Exile. They don't need to increase damage. The actual damage/numbers of all skills could scale with your character level, giving useability to all the skills on your bar, not just the ones you sink points into. Leveling model should be similar to Diablo 2 or PoE, with a seemingly impossible, yet possible to reach max level. Diablo Farts.

    submitted by /u/justwolt
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    Diablo IV's World Boss - Gameplay

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:13 PM PST

    Recommendation for composer for Diablo 4 - Carlos Viola

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Not going to lie, but I would absolutely LOVE to see the musician for Blasphemous (Carlos Viola) to do the music for Diablo 4. I feel his music is very similar to Diablo 1's original style but with a personal touch.


    and a variation on that same song here:


    submitted by /u/RpTheHotrod
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    What was the significance of the Worldstone shattering? It didn't seems as big a deal as I expected after D2.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Diablo IV quarterly feedback and comparison with D&D Next development (Now 5th edition)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Those of you who know the history of Dungeons and Dragons well may have already made this comparison, but right now Diablo IV development feels the same as when Wizards of the Coast revealed they were working on "D&D Next", which eventually became D&D 5th edition.

    If you're unfamiliar with D&D history, let me give you a quick TLDR; (glossing over many details here...)

    1. D&D 3.5 was the primary version of the game for some time, and loved by the community.
    2. Wizards of the Coast was bought by Hasbro, and quickly released D&D 4.0, which had many problems after dumping many 3.5 systems, and generally wasn't well received.
    3. Several D&D devs left Wizards of the Coast, founded a new company, and created a competitor to D&D called Pathfinder, which is mechanically likened to D&D 3.5++. It quickly became the best selling table top roleplaying game.
    4. Wizards of the Coast hired back many old devs and created D&D 5th edition. 5th edition plays mechanically like 3.5 (except even easier to play), and brings back many other monsters, items, and elements from older editions of D&D.

    One of the most important things Wizards of the Coast did during the development of "D&D Next" is that they released alpha and beta playtest packets to the community. In total, I believe there were 15 playtest packets released during this time period. The playtest period lasted for approx. 1 year, from around 08/2012 - 09/2013, although the public playtest lasted longer than this I believe.

    The goal of releasing these packets was to gather feedback from a wide variety of different gaming groups, and give the developers fast feedback on the systems they were creating. The packets included some of the basic rules, pre-generated characters, and an adventure that the Dungeon Master could run their group through.

    As you may know, Blizzard has announced that they will be doing regular, quarterly updates on the progress for Diablo IV. I don't know if this is the plan, or exactly what Blizzard plans to show us, but my hope is that Blizzard is taking a page out of Wizard's of the Coast's development of D&D Next, and plans to gather specific, frequent feedback from the community.

    Perhaps a short demo each quarter, with pre-generated characters and all, to gather feedback specifically on certain mechanics, encounters, and itemization. (EDIT): A cheap way of doing this could have the developers showcase a demo, built internally, and share what they are working on in a video, without the extra labor you're talking about. ( Thanks /u/Sharkhug )

    The era that the Diablo community is in feels the same as the development of D&D Next. I hope that means the community is able to be involved in frequent and fast feedback to the developers to make Diablo IV the best game it can be.

    submitted by /u/echohack4
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    Skills that maybe good in Diablo 4

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:20 PM PST

    After watching the Art forum they where talking about rain, so what if the Druid has a skill that controls where it Rains and makes Quicksand as the skill improves the damage and area expand.

    submitted by /u/Roguesign
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    Does Blizzard listen to us, specifically?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 06:01 PM PST

    I am a relatively casual player, (I've done a GR 112 at my best, for reference) so I dont spend too much time on r/diablo, but I am curious if we have concrete proof that Blizzard is paying attention to this subreddit (or reddit on general).

    submitted by /u/crockpocket
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    Diablo 2 LOD PlugY help

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    so i bought the full game recently off of the blizzard website and ive been wanting to try it with some mods like PlugY and SP enhancements but i cant get PlugY to work and i need to figure out how to downgrade from 1.14 to 1.13 but i dont know how to get there so anyone know how to help?

    submitted by /u/RoberitoMan
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    Endgame Ideas - Discussion

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    Here is a great Idea I spotted in a Post from Sardaukar on the Diablo Forums.

    I want a whole bunch of hidden dungeons. And with hidden I mean that they don't glow like objectives like in D3, they're not mentioned anywhere in the game guide and you basically have to stumble upon them. Some you can find after getting a tome somehow, others by listening to an NPC, some you need to get a couple of artifacts together (like the staff of herding, but with a lot better dungeon), some I want only visible during the day/night (in-game) or even a certain moon-phase. Get creative, but give us different things to puzzle out, to accomplish instead of an unending number of Greater Rifts.

    What a wonderful idea, I added to this with as one of the best things I have seen here.

    Even to the point that this type of Dungeon will never be seen in the same place by other people, say when a character is created a code number is linked to it " RND Code " so that you cannot just search for a post " I just found a map that no-one else has and this is where you find it "

    But also with weather being a new thing maybe even take advantage of that for one of the hidden dungeons maybe cannot be found unless you are near it after a rain storm or you would never have seen the odd shaped foot prints.

    Maybe it could be that a monster only feeds during a set of conditions like Moon Phase and again if you are not there at that time you can never find the entrance.

    To bring leveling in to the End-Game a Wild Goose chase types where it starts as a rumor as you are leveling and you find-out more and more as you progress, so power leveled chars may never get all the hints and you have to get most of them to unlock the opening.

    I do like the idea of the old areas bringing you back some where to complete something, even if that is maybe part of a season, or part of the endgame.

    Expanding on Hidden Dungeons inside some of them have locked Doors there maybe a message near the door blaming someone that ran away with the key and to then have to track that person down, a drunken fool you had seen sometime ago may well have been that person.

    They need to give us good and fun reasons to go back an old areas, not just go kill this type of monster in x place.

    Then add one per season, getting new loot each season is great but story, adventure and fun will keep us coming back.

    Not everyone likes the grind of Boss Runs.

    I think plenty of others can come up with ideas that are better.

    submitted by /u/Roguesign
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    Wallpapers: Uni-Calendar November (Art by Oafnugget) & The first batch of By Three They Come)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:23 PM PST

    Uni-Calendar November


    deviantART: http://fav.me/ddk76j1
    twitter: https://twitter.com/Holyknight3000/status/1194023197265539077


    Featuring the Epic fan art of The Ascension of Roland_fin by Oafnugget.


    Slightly delayed thanks to the reveal of the lovely Diablo IV!


    New style/size mobile: Cal. Mobile #33: Uni November - Roland's Ascension


    Art by Oafnugget
    Roland set & Diablo 3 (C) Blizzard
    wallpaper arranged by me


    By Three They Come (First Batch of 8)


    deviantART: http://fav.me/ddkbs3j
    twitter: https://twitter.com/Holyknight3000/status/1194741745986293761


    All From the Announcement Cinematic at BlizzCon 2019!


    Diablo IV (C) Blizzard
    Wallpaper arranged by me

    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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