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    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Diablo Blessed Mother Fan Art

    Diablo Blessed Mother Fan Art

    Blessed Mother Fan Art

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Diablo 3 Patch 2.6.7 is now live

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PST

    I really hope that music will play a more significant role in D4, not just for atmosphere but in front like music was used in the original Diablo

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:03 AM PST

    Quin dying to hc normal Diablo

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I know the 'Nephalem' idea is embedded in the lore at this point, but I REALLY hope it is significantly downplayed in D4.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I didn't mind the idea that the original children of angels and demons were very powerful, but I hate the idea that it became my character's nickname and destiny during D3. I died a little inside every 5 minutes when every hero and villain character would call me nephalem or talk about my destiny.

    I don't want to be a superhero. I don't want to be the chosen one. I want to be a regular adventurer who is skilled in combat or magic and augments my strength through finding magical items.

    Please, make nephalem a thing of the past, or take away their power so they're irrelevant, or just don't bring it up.

    For the love of god.

    submitted by /u/bapexile
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    An intermittent reward schedule is paramount to reinforcing players and increasing longevity, NOT small rewards every 15 minutes

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST

    In the aftermath of Blizzcon and all the Q&A and impromptu interviews with the D4 devs, there has been a topic that bothers me. I haven't seen it explicitly addressed yet in any of the excellent feedback videos and other posts here.

    Player retention and game replayability/longevity vastly benefits from intermittent reward schedules. This is a concept from behavioral psychology that essentially means that an individual is more strongly reinforced to perform a certain behavior when that behavior produces an occasional, but large reward.

    This is the phenomenon that underpins gambling addiction. For every 100 $1 pulls of a slot machine lever, you might get 1 payout. But that payout is $90 and you just made 90x return on that particular dollar!! What a rush, maybe you'll win $90 again on the next pull!

    Notice how different these mechanics are compared to getting $0.90 for every $1 pull of the lever. Or even $9 every 10 pulls. The steady, predictable reward completely diminishes the thrill.

    You may have already guessed at the larger comparison here. Diablo, and aRPGs in general, are more thrilling when the rewards for playing are occasional but large. Finding a Shako on your 100th Meph run was a big reward - if not for your own character, then because of its value on the trading market.

    At Blizzcon, the devs mentioned how they want to make sure that every time you play D4 - even for 15 minutes - you make progress in some way. This feels like a consistent, predictable reward philosophy. Despite the surface appeal of "more frequent loot!", this destroys the powerful behavior reinforcement of an intermittent reward schedule. The playerbase is not inclined to ask for it, but extended periods with NO REWARD are essential to make the eventual reward BIGGER and MORE REINFORCING.

    Please Blizz, lean on the excellent body of research that exists in the gambling industry to guide drop rates. My hunch/fear is that Blizz has gathered input from a survey of their target customer and heard a consistent theme of "we want more frequent loot!" and are designing with that in mind. Every slot machine player would say the same, but none would play a machine with small, predictable payouts for long.

    submitted by /u/blockchainery
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    Wolfcryer: Diablo 4 - Can It Be Both Approachable AND Complex? Itemization, Endgame, Skills

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Blizzard, nerfing is okay, that's not why people are upset with the Barbarian changes.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    It's because of overshooting and then the inevitable undershooting. Any time something seems viable to change up the gameplay, it gets nerfed to the point where it's not even on the radar anymore.

    Maybe you guys made a mistake and overshot the changes to the Barbarian, but the response to it is even worse by completely undershooting it afterwards. It's ok to throw them a bone once in a awhile, but don't flaunt it and take it away completely, at least leave a portion of it. Nerfing total damage to 33% is extreme and is viewed as a knee-jerk reaction. It seems like we are told these interesting changes will come in a future patch some day, but if you leave us to starve, we might not be around to enjoy them when (or if) they finally come.

    To make matters worse, these changes are heavily influenced by the seasonal bonus. For this upcoming season, Barbarians actually work better with it than most classes (remember how RoRG season was Barbarians?). Due to this, their power is actually inflated a bit, meaning it may actually have been balanced without the season bonus, and how much worse this build will be after season 19.

    Edit: Thanks to Nevalistis post, I think what is happening here is the all the overpowered builds are being reeled in to a more balanced state. While the Barbarian might have stood toe-to-toe with these top builds, these top builds are also getting hit, so it makes sense that barbarian is affected as well (as to how it turns out, we'll see)

    submitted by /u/Revolyze
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    2.6.7 Nerf to Whirlwind is staying. Lamentation to lose its 200% Rend multiplier :(

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:14 AM PST

    Blue post here

    TL;DR, they are removing the 200% rend multiplier from the Lamentation belt.

    I was really hoping they'd rethink this after the feedback from Blizzcon, but it looks like this is not the case. I am disappointed for sure.

    Theorycrafters out there, is this nerf as bad as it looks? Those looking to play Whirlwind in Season 19, are you sticking with it?

    submitted by /u/EffeminateSquirrel
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    2.67 Monk Mechanics Mini-Refresher for Season 19.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Zakarum symbol in the trailer

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    After rewatching D4 announce cinematic I've noticed what appears to be a Zakarum symbol at 2:59. It is a part of the lock and is used to guide bloodstreams to the door. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't really know anything about this place, besides pale dude saying that "it's a gate". But even then the whole thing reeks of Triune and other demonic stuff, I don't really see why there would be a holy symbol at place.

    You may say that because the church was placed above this tomb, Zakarumites were the ones to seal it. But the seal involves blood magic and I don't remember Zakarumites messing with such things. At least western ones.

    And, of course, there may be the possibility that there's something more behind this symbol than just the faith. Anyways, I'm a bit puzzled. They could use literally any shape with four trenches in it to guide bloodstreams, but they choose specifically this one.

    submitted by /u/landfallcrusader
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    Diablo 4 producers wanted to commit to a more evil villain

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Can you guess Diablo II Runewords-This is 30 questions Runewords quiz i made myself(spent 4 hours on it lol).I tried to include some less known Runewords but there are also couple of classics.Enjoy

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Legacy Apoc Items

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

    The monsters as a key part of Diablo IV

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I want to express my opinion on one of the less common topics about the next Diablo. I want to discuss monsters and their importance to make a engaging experience.

    It is a common mistake not only in Diablo 3 and ARPGs but in many games in general, that for an enemy to be challenging, it MUST have tons of health.

    Less health/More damage.

    I think that a better approach to the difficulty of a monster should be less health / more damage, this could make the fights more interesting and would make the player's decisions more significant. Diablo 2 accomplishes this with some types of demons such as the fetish and the fetish shaman. Diablo IV should take this philosophy and take advantage of the technology available to create mechanics that allow the player to intelligently face enemies.

    Smart fights.

    It makes sense that certain enemies such as zombies and ghouls group and attack all together, but certain demons and monsters should have another pattern of behavior such as surrounding, attacking from a distance, casting curses (debuffs) and charge towards the player, even make formations, but even more importantly working with his family of monsters to achieve a challenge that requires knowing the monsters to make the player search for a viable strategy.


    Each monster family must have hierarchies, with identifiable behavior patterns. This allows the player to target the main enemy and weaken the minor monsters by killing their commander. A perfect example is fallen and their shamans in Diablo 2. As a player, i knew that i had to kill the shaman first to stop the resurrección of the fallen and once the shaman was dead, the fallen dispersed in panic. This should apply to most intelligent enemies


    Minor beasts and demons could have an independent behavior from the rest of their family given their low intelligence.

    In this way I think that combining the different monsters and their behaviors can achieve a great diversity of confrontations and always keep the player's attention, preventing Diablo IV from being an overrated clicker.

    Sorry for the potato English, I hope to create a discussion where we can improve the mechanics of the monsters for the next Diablo

    submitted by /u/Diehard50
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    The Devs and The Exorcist references in D3&D4

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:55 PM PST

    The Devs and The Exorcist references in D3&D4

    In Diablo 3 Act 2 you can encounter a rare spawn of a Monster named Pazuzu. Which is the Demon in the horror movie The Exorcist.

    Pazuzu in Diablo 3

    Now that Diablo 4 has been announced you can check out the official D4 website and browser around a bit and you will find this picture which clearly shows not only the statue of Pazuzu but is also a direct, more clean reference to the movie.

    Pazuzu in Diablo 4

    In the actual movie The Exorcist the closing scene of the intro sequence is this picture:

    Pazuzu in the movie The Exorcist

    Since D3 I wondered why the Devs actually put Pazuzu in the game. According to some websites, Pazuzu is actually not an evil spirit. He is there to protect the young and the weak. Some even claim the demon possessing the little girl in the movie is not Pazuzu, but some other spirit and that Pazuzu only shows up later to safe the child as shown in this screenshot. That would also explain why the Iraqi man says "Evil vs Evil" in the intro sequence when the Priest finds a little piece of a smaller Pazuzu statue.

    Is Pazuzu saving Regan?

    What do you think? Why is in Diablo 4 such a clear reference to The Exorcist?

    submitted by /u/uzikundi
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    Barbarian discussion thread with 2,000 posts on main Diablo III forum gets locked for "large number of community flags"

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:35 AM PST

    Diablo RTS

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:12 PM PST

    Could you see the Blizzard doing a Diablo RTS at some point in the future? Perhaps based on the Sin War or something else?

    Blizzard has always been good at this genre and I could almost envision a Dawn of War 2 type of game with angels and demons and Nephalem or humans.

    Edit: this place is very 'downvote happy' but no surprise. Btw I was simply talking about a one-off side game not taking the whole series in a new direction.

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    Complex yet simple loot - thoughts?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    It might really be just as simple as something like this:

    Magic items:

    • Designed to get you through base content but not useless afterwards
    • Limited and fewer total affixes per item relative to Rare, Legendary and Mythic's
    • Have the highest possible affix stat rolls in the game. Even higher than Rare, Legendary and Mythic's
    • Important component in basic crafting

    Rare items:

    • Available throughout the game with great rolls being viable at end game
    • Cannot roll with a legendary affix but have the same total number of affixes as a legendary items
    • Stats can roll to the same level as Mythic and Legendary items
      • Some stats can roll slightly higher (Strength, Dexterity, intellect for example)
    • Important component in crafting

    Set items:

    • Designed to give players an easier option for getting involved and conquering end game content
    • Won't necessarily be the most 'efficient' builds but not miles behind either
    • Roll with one less affix than Rare and Legendary items but come with a set bonus
    • 2 piece and 4 piece bonuses only
    • Primary acquired via extensive repeatable 'quest lines' but can also be found in the Open World
    • Key crafting component in respecting charter talents/stats

    Legendary/Unique items:

    • Can drop anytime but have much higher drop rates for end game content
    • Roll with a legendary/unique affix in additional to other affixes
    • Very important in crafting resource for item modification. Considered a scarce resource you have to use wisely

    Ancient legendary item: DELETE them its a redundant concept

    Mythic items:

    • Can only drop from end game content or after a certain point in the campaign
    • Only one can be equipped at a time
    • All affix rolls are legendary
    • Extremely rare crafting material used for a specific purpose

    Obviously, balancing stats, affixes and the actual numbers becomes critical but as a concept I feel the above items work well together.

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    New classes vs Old classes

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:22 AM PST

    I've noticed alot of people have been complaining about others requesting the return of classic classes. But what is it that makes you want Blizz to make new classes instead of reintroducing and redesigning older ones?

    I could see them binging in a classes for already established factions like the Horadrim or Iron Wolves, but why do you guys want Angels, Demons and weird shit like technomacers?

    Imo the people of Sanctuary have been developed enough and as a lover of lore, I dont wanna see any unnecessary shit forced in.

    submitted by /u/WereBoi
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    Looking for high-res pics of the *unpainted* Lilith statue from Blizzcon

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PST

    Exactly what the title says. I'm looking for good pictures of the unpainted Lilith statue from the DIV experience at Blizzcon. They would be reference to use for a potential art project (a painting). If anyone could hook me up, I would be very grateful!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/stitchesandlace
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    Endgame Gear Idea

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:35 PM PST

    In ancient times, when the Eternal Conflict was at its peak, angels and demons fought over the control of the Worldstone to create worlds and dimensions of darkness and light with its energy. As angels and demons alternated domination over the Worldstone, the nature of the energy that empowered the creation also shifted. When possessed by demons, elements took demonic power in. When possessed by angels, matter absorbed angelic power. These dormant powers were confined to their own worlds, latent. But when the mother of Sanctuary, Lilith, was called upon these grounds again, all hell and heaven broke loose, setting those powers free to roam our lands.

    [Introducing the War Gear]

    Instead of an infinite Paragon level system, the idea is to create a pool of gear (which does not include set items) that is powerful beyond the legendary (or even mythic [which is currently limited to 1 piece]) items. War Gear contains the energy of the Worldstone itself, whether being demonic or angelic. The basic stats are boosted, and it also grants varied, high-power affixes, for example:

    1. Attacks that consume resources have a [1-10%] chance of removing the CD and cost of a random skill;
    2. Attacks that generate resources have a [1-15%] chance of triggering a random spell;
    3. When HP is below [10-40%], your critical damage has a [0.5-10%] chance of increasing by [100-4000%] for 5 sec;
    4. Chance of causing a nova explosion that deals [100-3000%] of your current HP when unmounting;
    5. When blocking, you have a [0.1-1%] chance of activating [The Shield of Anu], becoming invulnerable for 10 sec.

    Hundreds of different affixes, with varying ranges of percentages, changing gameplay dynamics. Could they break the game? Yes, but isn't that part of being powerful?

    The War tag is not linked to any rarity. As such, we may find War Gear with a great affix but of normal quality (therefore, with fewer and weaker basic stats, as well as lower percentages). If the player chooses to keep it, they have to adapt playstyle to this limitation.

    There's no limit in the number of War Gear equipped (please keep reading). They can't be rerolled by conventional means. They can't be traded, though they can be recycled. Virtually, any item could roll the [War] tag: gloves, boots, chests, helmets, weapons, rings, potions, etc.

    [Energy Balance]

    Even though there's no limit of equipment pieces, there's a price to pay. As said before, War Gear has either demonic or angelic energy. If imbued with the first, [Dark Tribute] effect is enabled: the player periodically loses HP but regenerates resources. If instilled with the latter, [Divine Offering] effect is activated: the player systematically loses resources but restores HP. The more items the player has, the higher is the effect. The math is exponential. And to have a balance, the player may want to find items with antagonistic energy, or even have other equipment with stats like HP or Mana/Spirit/Rage regen.


    The drop chance of War Gear is limited to world events and dungeon bosses. The drop rate depends on the rarity. The drop location also varies. Random NPCs (maybe angels and demons in disguise, as they sense the energy of the Worldstone), scattered across the regions, give directions of where to find them (whether in a world event or a dungeon). This incentivizes exploration of both cities and wilderness.


    Due to the power of the Worldstone, instead of dissipating with its use, the energy corrodes the items. Duration depends on rarity: normal (1 day), magic (7 days), rare (14 days), legendary (21 days - including Ancient), and mythic (28 days). After that, gear becomes broken, transforming itself in a [Fragment of War] (?) (same as if recycled). Material quantity varies according to item quality: 1 fragment from normal; 5 from magic; 10 from rare; 15 from legendary; 20 from mythic.

    [Grinding and Raiding]

    With the addition of War Gear, there's a whole lot more to loot grinding and dungeon raiding. It isn't just a matter of finding the perfect roll anymore (because items are so strong anyway, at different levels, for different playstyles). It makes build diversification easier in endgame content and brings that feeling of might (at last). As multiplayer will play a major role in this game, the sense of "we're powerful but not in the same way" is essential.

    [Special NPC and Challenges]

    A special NPC travels from city to city, rating the War Gear of players according to his/her knowledge of some ancient scripture, drafted by an angel or demon scholar of the Worldstone. S/he also considers what you have achieved in dungeons and world events, maybe time-to-clear, time-to-kill, synergy, chances of getting equipment so powerful, etc. This makes it possible to introduce a weekly "Rank of Power" as well. The same NPC indicates other supreme challenges: places to find tomes, to which only super powerful players have access. These tomes open portals to different dimensions with dungeons in which we punish prime evils in their ethereal existence. By winning the challenge, along with the usual boss drops, they also give a recharge tome that extends the item duration by 7 days, as well as crafting materials [1-50] (?). The duration extension can only be used once per item. This gives players time to find other powerful items to test combinations within the 21-day timeframe.

    (?) [Fragment of War] x 5 is used to craft the [Stone of Duality]. Basically, it channels the Worldstone energy into an item of your choice. If used in regular gear*, it becomes imbued with demonic or angelic energy, with random stats (proper of the rarity of your choice) and a random affix**; countdown begins. If used in War Gear*, its energy is shifted (angelic <> demonic), basic stats are rerolled, but the affix is kept. The countdown is reset.

    By using [Stone of Duality] in normal and magic items, you guarantee a quality upgrade to the immediate next one. For rare quality and above, there's a small, decreasing chance of an upgrade. Quality upgrades can skip levels, that is, you have a chance of turning normal quality items into rare ones, for example.

    * 1 stone for normal; 2 for magic; 3 for rare; 7 for legendary; and 10 for mythic – counting on some kind of Horadric cube in D4.

    ** All affixes are in addition to the ones inherent to the item (i.e., legendary and mythic).

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/_tatsuo
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    Has anyone noticed Two-Handed Items on all of their characters in D3?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:02 PM PST

    In Diablo 2, all weapons had a class. If my Necro used a spear, his skeletons were unaffected but he wouldn't be able to use his dagger skills.

    In Diablo 3, some skills say things like "requires a bow", and there are certain bows in the game that give skill bonuses to a class, like on the Demon Hunter's quivers, Crusader Shields, Barbarian Mighty Weapin's, yknow.

    However, the class-specific items in Diablo 3 are not very overpowering. Demon Hunter is the only class, I would say, where I continue to use her quiver, and I am about to experiment with switching her to a 2-handed character.

    I noticed this from my Wizard, my Necromancer, my Monk, and my Witch Doctor all having 2-handed weapons. And I don't just mean staves and the monk sticks, but big swords and hammers. They vary from levels 40-Paragon 360, which also means none of them have necessarily this deeply crafted build.

    But I just thought it was interesting, and I hope the Devs don't repeat this in Diablo 4. I understand that the barbarian's 2-handed weapon should be very powerful, it takes up two slots, but combining and off hand with a one-handed on other classes seems near useless to farm. I have never put those items on. Except DH, which I'm curious about changing.

    I hope they have very powerful off-hands that can compete with two-handed staves. And for the two handed staff, I hope it competes well on my Sorceress with putting a two handed sword on her. It's all just attack and defense, right? Wouldn't history repeat itself, and the barbarians weapons are stronger than a measly staff?

    submitted by /u/teensyghost
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    Hey r/Diablo, who in your opinion was the most disturbing/terrifying demon or evil for you?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    For me, as I mentioned in my last post, it was Duriel. The fight alone scares me combined with his deep voice. In D1 was obviously the Butcher and D3 was Rakanoth (he just reminded me of Pyramid Head.

    Edit: Added D1 and D3 ones

    submitted by /u/PrivateSlurpy
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