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    Wednesday, August 4, 2021

    Diablo CM Nevalistis and D:I team were turned into scapegoats by Blizzard upper management

    Diablo CM Nevalistis and D:I team were turned into scapegoats by Blizzard upper management

    CM Nevalistis and D:I team were turned into scapegoats by Blizzard upper management

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Nevalistis' blog revealed what many of us have suspected since 2018. There were talented, empathetic staff at Blizzard who knew how big of a backlash Diablo Immortal would get, yet Blizzard upper management sacrificed them in order to create a Blizzcon that should never have been

    Excerpt from her blog (please read it):

    • Some of you may remember the Future of Diablo video we released just prior to the Immortal announcement. I pitched and championed this video as well as wrote the original script, because I was extremely in tune with the community and confident as to what the reception would be. Every step of the way, this approach was questioned. Every step of the way, the script was changed until it was unrecognizable, because leadership (particularly Activision and their obsession with investors) did not want to "give up the surprise" that Diablo IV was being worked on. Nevermind the fact there were plenty of clues this was already the case, like "unannounced Diablo title" job listings on our website. Eventually, we landed on the video that went out, which just wasn't sufficient, and spokespeople like myself and the Immortal team were hung out to dry at BlizzCon.

    Seriously Blizzard, what the f**k are you doing? She was THE best CM we ever had!

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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    Activision Blizzard CCO Fran Townsend deleted her Twitter

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    First rainbow goblin after transmogging my DH to look like Goblin Slayer yielded results. Highly suggest doing so as a legitimate farming strat

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    PTR Pop-Up | Coming August 5 - Focus on Freezing Issue - Bug Report

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Where is the endgame appeal for D2?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Let me preface by saying this is in no way a troll question but genuine interest.

    So I dabbled in D2 two decades ago when it came out but had no clue what I was doing and gave up when ruining my builds and getting stuck. Then I dabbled a little more recently - this time with the help of the internet in anticipation of D2R. I also read up a bit on what the endgame is like and I'm a bit baffled... so the main drive is obviously to gain better gear but to get the best possible drops it sounds like people are running the exact same boss or a very select few bosses again and again... doesn't that get mindnumbingly boring? I played some D3 and at least there you had "forced" variety via bounties and rifts which seemed to work fine for me. But how do you achieve a satisfying endgame experience in D2? Bugging out Mephisto a hundred times a day probably won't do it for me, so how do you stay motivated? What do you actually do after you beat hell? Getting better gear just to beat a boss that you've already beaten a bit faster sounds lame... how is PvP factoring into this - it seems many people don't even touch it and still get a lot out of PvM endgame...

    submitted by /u/Chaos-Knight
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    A question about difficulty from a new player

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Hi folks, I just started playing Diablo 3 (I know, great timing huh). I just finished the first act with a wizard. The thing is, the game seems waaay too easy. Most creatures barely get on screen before I've blasted them. The jail keeper mini boss didn't even get a chance to finish his scripted line before his was dead. I'm wondering if this is normal. My strength and vitality are quite low, say 30, while my intelligence is a least 10 times that. But it doesn't seem to matter because I never really get hit. The game didn't seem too easy until I got this weapon called Wizardspike about 30% thru the act; then coincidently, about 80% thru, I found a better version of the same weapon. Is this weapon the reason? I tried upping the difficulty but u can't in your first play thru. For quite some time I loved being overpowered but now it's getting boring. Can anyone confirm that it gets harder, presumably once I level out of the Wizardspike weapon?

    submitted by /u/Coldairrising
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    I am aware the V.V. said that D2:R would support "dual sense" features like haptic feedback. But does anyone have a clue if they will implement the touchpad as a cursor? At least for inventory...

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    After seeing feedback with controllers, it seems the main complaint is the inventory system. A really slow cursor is annoying AF. I could see the touchpad coming in really handy for inventory with the game running at 60fps. As long as they actually use it right.

    submitted by /u/Spare_Honey5488
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    [Australia] Is Battle.net (specifically: Diablo 3's servers) down for any other Aussies?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I'm perpetually stuck at the "connecting..." stage, and when I try to log in directly in-game I get the "code 2" error. Is anyone else facing the same issues?

    submitted by /u/JDP-Phoenix
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    Diablo books?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    I have seen that there are some Diablo books, but they seem to be supplemental to the series. Are there any novelizations out there for the core story? I'd love to dive deeper into it but all I've seen are YouTube videos and wiki posts. I'd even settle for a lore compendium.

    submitted by /u/---NoThisIsPatrick
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    Play together

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Anyone diablo 3 xbox 360 ?

    submitted by /u/lugli0
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    Is there a place in Reaper of Souls where better gear is liable to drop?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Hello, reader. I hope that this post finds you well.

    It's not relevant to my post but I'd like to preface this by saying that I'm playing on the Xbox 360.

    A long time ago, I could have sworn that there was a dungeon in Diablo 2 where the chance of better drops supposedly increased. I believe it was the second level of the Cave. I could be mistaken, though. It's been quite a while since I've played Diablo 2.

    Is there a dungeon with similar benefits in this game? I suppose that if I went to Torment 9 or whatever, excellent drops could be found all over the place but I am way too weak for that at this time.

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    Is there any lore for Diablo outside of the Sin War series, Legacy of blood, Black Road, The Kingdom of Shadow and the animated short?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    I want to catch up on all of it before D2R and D4!

    submitted by /u/KareAke
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    Help finding an item/perk regarding Ignore Durability Loss - Diablo 3

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    So I am running Necromancer in this season with enchantress as my companion. I had something on my enchantress that emanates ignore durability loss but recently switched to scoundrel to trigger the X1 achievement. I went back to her and looked through my gear, I cannot seem to find the item anymore. It's not a big deal but I know for awhile upon many deaths I had no repair bill, suddenly getting durability loss again. I really cannot remember what the item was or if maybe it was something else doing it, but see nothing on her skills or gear I've moved around. Is anyone familiar with this effect and what item has it? Haven't had any luck searching myself.

    submitted by /u/Kuljack
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    Any tips for gearing without Haedrig's gift on HC?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Is there a recommended/easier path to gear up a second character if not using Haedrig's Gift set?

    Reason I ask is I have a class set aside to play in a group, and only in that group, on softcore. But I am making a solo character as well, to play on Hardcore. My plan was to take the Gift on the group character but then I'm kind of out on my own with the solo char. I won't be able to just spam farm blood shards on a stronger character and gamble pieces due to sc/hc.

    Is there any way to speed up this process, or any tips you can give for manually gearing on HC? Will be playing monk.

    submitted by /u/nfefx
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    Downloading Diablo2 classic just now

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    I ran out of ideas to compose more tracks for Diablo, so I have decided to download Diablo2 lord of destruction onto my computer. Honestly it had the best soundtracks, and hopefully it will bring my ears to the right direction. For those listening my tracks, thank you very much. These days the biggest accolade of a game composer is that. I hope the game will run well regardless it is very old. :)

    submitted by /u/Bronko79
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    curses conquest

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Can anyone on Playstation help me with the curses conquest, I cant beat it solo

    submitted by /u/OkUnderstanding6315
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    LFG Etheral farming group (with the low level method)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey there ! I'm looking for a group to farm etheral with the snapshot method. I'm on EU server playing on seasonal. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/_Tom01_
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    The crudest boots

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT


    Do you know where i can find the crudest boots in diablo 3? I was looking for it everywhere and i couldnt find it.

    submitted by /u/Nice_Sandwich_8631
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    I wasn't too into D3, is D2R different enough to give a shot?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    Hi there! Just curious about the upcoming D2R. It's the kind of game that seems like it should be exactly what I love, with finding new gear, building my character every which way.

    However I played D3 for a few weeks and I kinda dropped off with it.

    Is the game style different enough in D2 that it might be worth a shot to see if I enjoy it? Heard nothing but good things about D2 and lots of older players have seemed meh on D3.

    Major differences I read about so far is they turned D3 into "Number porn?" and D2 is supposed to be more customizable with your character.

    Thoughts? I'm leaning towards just trying it but I was curious on what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/ILoveCats2022
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    A checklist for anyone working on Wings of the Dedicated

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:58 AM PDT

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