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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Diablo Worried about D3 monster affixes coming back to D4

    Diablo Worried about D3 monster affixes coming back to D4

    Worried about D3 monster affixes coming back to D4

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    I want to start by saying that if you enjoyed or still enjoys playing diablo 3, there is nothing wrong with that and everyone is entitled to their preferences. However, for many of us Diablo 3 was a huge let down. Many things went wrong in this game and among those things are elite monsters affixes like arcane lasers, mortar, frozen pulses etc. First, it completely breaks the immersion of the game. Arcane rotatings lasers for exemple spawn out of nowhere without being casted and continue rotating without any sources. Not only this looks very stupid, it also look out of context. For exemple, you are fighting a skeleton or another monster that doesn't cast spells and out of nowhere, an arcane laser spawns not even originating from the monster. There is no animation of a spell being casted, it just appears. The same goes for the other affixes like frozen pulse and mortar etc... Second, it makes all the elite encounter feels the same. Instead of making different abilities for different elite monsters , they all do the same shit. It feels incredibly lazy and lacks creativity whatsoever. Surely, they can come up with other abilities that feels more unique to the family of monsters that can be engaging by forcing you to move around. I was very worried about this when I saw the gameplay footage of the rogue on youtube where you can see arcane lasers and mortar, it almost felt like a d3 sequel. Honestly, I hope the devs changes those things because I will definitly not play a game with those affixes coming back and I don't think I am the only one. I would like to hear your thoughts about that. Do you want those same affixes coming back ?

    Exemple, does this look stupid to you ? : https://www.google.com/search?q=arcane+lasers+diablo+4&rlz=1C1CHBF_frCA845CA845&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk01DfDfrAGkiN6N1CGJGZWWuEJvF_Q:1626636999982&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi51r6Er-3xAhUUbs0KHd51B3oQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=2560&bih=1297&dpr=1#imgrc=JmiWioE0xBv0zM

    Diablo 4 gameplay footage I am refering to :


    submitted by /u/Space_Is_Hope
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    Blizzard Now Emails D2 Character Expiration Warning ~16 Days In Advance

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Does Diablo 2 resurrected support 32:9 ultrawide monitors?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I think I saw that the new D2 will support 21:9, but how about 32:9?

    submitted by /u/tmluna01
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    The Reaper of Souls, but COVID lethargy hit (r/pathofexile crosspost)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    Diablo 4. Barbarians can’t use shields?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    I don't see any any item slot for barbarians that a shield would go. And it doesn't make sense with their battle system where the barb uses different weapons for different attacks.

    Awesome. Less diversity, less experimentation.

    I'm so happy that D2R will be out soon so I can pretend it's Diablo 4.

    submitted by /u/FUSe
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    Asking the big question

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Early access beta start date when

    submitted by /u/tooo_spicy
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    D2R - Idea for "controversial" QoL features

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    TL;DR in bold.

    I'm very keen for Diablo 2 Resurrected, but like many others, I feel that there are certain things the developers can do with the game to make it even more appealing over the long-term. I imagine some of these are somewhat controversial (although I've seen similar opinions on this subreddit), which could be a reason as to why they haven't yet been included.

    In particular, it would be great (in my opinion) to have:

    1. Ladder-only rune-words and recipes in single player and non-ladder
    2. More stash than the currently-proposed 1 personal + 3 shared tabs
    3. Cow level able to be re-opened by a character that kills the King

    People that have played PlugY would be familiar with the fact that the mod allows all these things (barring non-ladder, as PlugY cannot be linked to bnet) and I know a lot of people would argue that these aren't even very controversial, but I can imagine the main counter-arguments from the developers' perspective to the first 2 points being:

    1. Having ladder-only rune-words/recipes in non-ladder would draw players away from playing ladder, as this is a large incentive for many to play ladder.
    2. Infinite stash (or "too much" stash) encourages hoarding and could be technically challenging to implement online.

    I would argue that having ladder-only rune-words and recipes is important for non-ladder/SP for people that can't commit over 3-6 months to farming but would still like to slowly (over 6+ months) build towards all end-game items. For example, maybe you've spent a lot of time creating a strong Lightning Sorc or Javazon on ladder and you'd love to find a Griffon's Eye but life gets in the way and your character is relegated to non-ladder; you'd be forced to start all over, which could put you off from continuing to play. Not having access to certain recipes on non-ladder/SP (like upgrading Dol+ runes and upgrading Exceptional items to Elite) also significantly slows down endgame progression when playing on non-ladder. If the restrictions were eased, people could build their characters for years at their own pace while still having access to the multiplayer features provided by bnet.

    But then what would be the incentive to play ladder, aside from starting afresh and competing? My idea is that the shared tabs for your ladder characters would be permanently added to your non-ladder characters at the end of the ladder, assuming the completion of certain challenges during a ladder playthrough. For example, it could be as simple as completing every quest on a character, or acquiring an account-bound Standard of Heroes or Token, or reaching Level 85/90 on a character, or some combination of challenges. Players familiar with Diablo 3 seasons will recognise that this is similar to the system involved in acquiring stash tabs in that game too (although in D3 this is only 1 tab per season with a sad cap of 5, iirc). The result of this idea would also ease the transition of adding the items you acquired during ladder to your non-ladder stash, while providing a tangible goal for players that enjoy the luxury of having more space (i.e. probably most players).

    For many people (including myself, Grail completionists, avid crafters, etc), having significantly more stash space from the beginning would be more ideal but I think this idea is a good balance between what we currently have and what might be most ideal for some, while providing an incentive for online players to play ladder and allowing everyone to play at their own pace.

    A potential hurdle to the idea might be the character limit - what if we already have the maximum number of characters on our online account and we don't want to delete any, but we'd like more stash space? Considering that we could have unlimited characters in D2 (due to unlimited free accounts), I'm hopeful that Blizzard/VV will significantly increase the cap on the maximum number of characters per account.

    Of course, this idea doesn't translate well to single player - in my opinion, the game would hugely benefit from having the PlugY features (ladder rune-words/recipes enabled, infinite stash, Ubers, infinite respec, etc) by default in this mode, but if it doesn't, then hopefully mod support will be sufficient for those that would prefer to play offline or friends-only and have these features.

    What do you think? Is it possible or likely that Blizzard/VV would implement this or something similar?

    submitted by /u/BanterHommus
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    Will diablo 2 ressucted be 60fps on PS4 too?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Hey guys, do you think diablo 2 ressucted will be 60FPS on PS4, or will be only on PS5? What do you think guys? I already asked this on gamefaqs, and blizzard forums, and neither of the 2 places answered me. But what do you guys think? Will it be 30fps or 60fps on PS4? Because In the trailer said it will be 4K 60fps on consoles

    submitted by /u/FirePixelsPS
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    D2R: Here's the solution for more Stash Space

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Every ladder reset, add the 3 ladder Shared tabs in your non-ladder Stash

    So every new ladder you gain 3 more non-ladder Shared tabs

    This will keep you playing ladder, and non-ladder with increasead Stash

    it's a win-win situation!

    submitted by /u/Losteeeeee
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    Why is hell dia/baal runs nothing but 90% bots? is Blizzard not doing anything against bots or what.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Recently bought Diablo 2 not having played it for multiple years, i remember there were bots back in the days but now it seems 90% of players in hell dia/baal runs are bots. They all teleport in the exact same pattern, they simultaneously type "dont touch the seals" and spam links to item selling websites. Is it free reign to cheat in this game has Blizzard given up completely.

    submitted by /u/TyroneTyreseJamal
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    Need help

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a whirlwind set to be able to pass gr 70 for ancient legendrys xbox one much love to you in advance

    submitted by /u/full_bakery
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