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    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Diablo Diablo2.io • The filterable, searchable & relational item database for Diablo 2. Now open for beta testing! :)

    Diablo Diablo2.io • The filterable, searchable & relational item database for Diablo 2. Now open for beta testing! :)

    Diablo2.io • The filterable, searchable & relational item database for Diablo 2. Now open for beta testing! :)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Diablo2.io • The filterable, searchable & relational item database for Diablo 2. Now open for beta testing! :)

    Hello everyone! I'd like to share something with you that I've been working on for the last year or so. It's now in Beta so feel free to have a play with it and let me know your thoughts! Here goes :)

    https://diablo2.io is a database website that lets you instantly search, filter and explore all of the game's 379 Uniques, 78 Runewords, 159 Set Items and 493 Base Items.

    Browsing all Uniques in compact mode and using the instant global search

    The website has been populated with data from every item in Diablo 2, and automatically maps the relationships between these items in a way that is easy to navigate and understand. The three main features working together to let you explore this data are an instant global search, in-depth filtering options for categories of items, and hover tooltips that provide context.

    Global item search that instantly returns results with tooltips.

    As you type, results begin to appear. Hovering over them provides a tooltip for reference.

    The search is available globally on the site and makes finding items quick and easy. No more scrolling through vast lists or sub-categories to find an item. Just type and go! :) When you find the item you're looking for, clicking it will take you through to the item's page:

    The item page for Runeword 'Spirit' showing a user-submitted description/blurb, a comment, and similar pages by keyword.

    Hover-over (or tap) contextual tooltips for any item, anywhere.

    Every item, no matter where it is linked on the site, has a tooltip that displays pedigree information about it at a glance. These tooltips include the standard stuff we're all familiar with from the game, like magical properties, level requirements etc:

    Tooltip for the popular Elite Unique Shako 'Harlequin Crest'

    However they also include other useful snippets of info that you might want to know: take for example the Holy Scepter. The tooltip shows its Exceptional/Elite variants, its Unique/Set variants if any, and lastly what Runewords it can be made into with X sockets:

    Tooltips appear for any item mentioned anywhere on the site.

    Whenever you type the exact name of an item in a post - whether thats in the forums or commenting on an item page, tooltip links are automatically built into your text. This allows for extra depth when people want to start writing longer text-formatted builds or guides.

    Filter through item categories by modifier or other traits.

    Filtering the Runewords category by Patch 1.10, uses rune 'Ist', and requiring 4 sockets.

    Each item category can be filtered instantly in various ways. For example, I want to see all Unique items that have the magical modifier 'X% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items'. Then I can add another filter to see just Helms that have this modifier, then I can add another filter for the modifier '+to All skills' etc.

    Which leaves us with Harlequin Crest again because it's awesome :)

    Besides item types and magical properties, you can also filter by things like patch spawn, ladder-only spawn, by Normal/Excep/Elite quality, +to Skills for certain classes, max sockets, part of set etc. Uniques, Runewords, Sets, Base Items, Recipes, and Misc items all have different filters available. After filtering, you can also do a mini instant search within that filter selection.

    Most of the miscellaneous or 'Ingredient' type items have also been added.

    So yeah, that's filtering, searching and tooltips explained. With these three tools working together in tandem, I hope that people will be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. Feel free to play around with the system and let me know how you find it.

    Fully responsive for viewing on mobile and tablet devices

    I put a lot of effort into making the site look and work okay on mobile devices as well as on the traditional desktop viewport. There is no loss in functionality when going from Desktop to Mobile but tooltips work slightly differently.

    Mobile viewport of the general D2 discussion forum showing top navigation and condensed layout.

    Building a community of D2 players

    User profiles have their own tooltips just like items, so you kind of like, become an item when you join.

    Notifications dropdown for various interactions

    The site has a fully integrated user system with notifications, profiles, forums etc. You can save items for later with bookmarks, you can bookmark individual posts that you think are insightful, you can like pages, private message each other, share your bnet details, attach images, mention users, switch between accounts and more :)

    Members list showing players of different classes, platforms, ladder/HC status etc.

    For the last two weeks the site has been in 'Alpha' testing - so only really a handful of people have been poking around, submitting bug reports, feedback etc. I think the site is in a state now where I'd like to open it up to a larger audience for Beta testing.

    Lastly, a BIG thank you to Stormlash, Dzik, and all the other contributors who populated the DB

    When I started out with the idea of a database site for D2 I had a bit of a conundrum - how do I make over 1000+ item entry pages & tooltips, and categorise them all without driving myself nuts?

    I looked at Python for automation/scraping, but realised quickly that D2's item base is so varied and nuanced that a bot would never be able do it accurately enough, or with the kind of consistency that I wanted. In the end the solution was to crowdsource the data by inviting people interested in the project to 'contribute' items one at a time through a standardised form.

    The site wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of these complete strangers.

    I wasn't expecting a lot of interest in such a gruelling and tedious task but to my great surprise people began sending item data contributions in... after one week had passed they had already sent in 1016 of them and the site's database was pretty near to completion.

    So I just want to acknowledge these guys here, because they really did put a LOT of hard work into making sure that each entry was as accurate and comprehensive as possible.

    Ashadelo (4 contributions), borb (1 contribution), Kenorwoks (5 contributions), Madman (9 contributions), siulk (19 contributions), trandat9229 (6 contributions), Baal (71 contributions).

    Special thanks to Dzik (381 contributions) and Stormlash (504 contributions). You guys are the best :)

    Campfire scene original pixel art by WolfeNoctis https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4b4nD8

    Frequently Asked Questions about diablo2.io

    Are you going to add Resurrected graphics for the items?

    Yes, I'm just waiting for a reliable and comprehensive dump of the in-game artwork (not what was datamined from alpha) - hopefully if i get a Beta invite that'll be when it's done. There will be a simple 'switch' in the header that'll let you switch between classic and resu graphics.

    Have you thought about building a 'Trade' section for the website?

    Yes, there will be marketplace of buy/sell ads that you will be able to filter & search for things like Classic games only, by region or timezone, by the items themselves obviously, by Hardcore only games etc. There will be full integration with the other parts of the site - so item pages will show a list of trades in which they are being bought or sold etc.

    What other things are planned for the future?

    Besides finishing the database world (completing Monsters, NPCs, Skills etc.) there will be a few tools coming - things like a Holy Grail tracker/collection, Interactive Maps, item drop rates, a Skill Tree/Build Order hybrid tool etc. etc. Building on the core database with tools like this is my long-term goal for the site. You can see the development roadmap topic for more info on what's planned.

    What did you use to build the site?

    The main backend engine is PHP/phpBB, and most of the frontend is just jQuery. I have summarised all of the resources, acknowledgments, and tools/programs I used over in this area called 'Credits' if you'd like to know more about the technical side of things.

    And that's it! Let me know what you think :)

    Do bear in mind that there will still likely be a lot of bugs even after the extensive fixes from Alpha, so please report them when you can in the Bug Reports area!

    Moo moo?

    https://diablo2.io - The filterable, searchable item database for Diablo 2

    Also thanks to my other half Jenny who supported me through everything and gave me the encouragement to keep going with this project - wouldn't have been possible without you amor xx

    submitted by /u/Teeb
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    New screenshot from Polygon

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    I really need to stop

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    An old Impulse purchase came to the rescue when I couldn't find my original discs anymore.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    TYRAEL colored pencil drawing - Freedraw

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Diablo IV roguelike endgame idea

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    So tbh I don't really think my idea fits into the Diablo universe, since I don't want it to be too gamey with endgame content just because it is cool. I want endgame to be grounded in the lore and want it to make sense. Anyways I thought this idea was kind of fun and could add something unique to the endgame:

    As for my idea think Slay the Spire.

    • When you start a session you progress through some stages and have to clear a branch of paths until you reach the boss in the final stage. You start a session with your normal character and gear.

    • After you slay the boss you keep your progress but start a new session with higher difficulty

    • When you get killed you lose all progress in the session and have to start over

    • You, of course, keep gold, xp and loot

    Clarification on the stages:

    When you start a session you have to clear a path of stages until you reach the boss. There are a few different paths that you can choose each with different challenges and rewards. For example a reward could be gold or loot, but more interestingly buffs that stays for the entirety of the run like +10% fire dmg, more health regen, more mf, etc. This makes the player take a lot of choices where you have to weight the payoff in the long run, so you have to be strategic and also pick defensive gear/buffs.

    Different challenges could be:

    • Clear a map at a certain time

    • Survive for x minutes

    • Elemental maps (like a frost map) to progress through that has specific element dmg multiplier and effects

    • Minor boss fights

    • Pvp battles: Battle a random opponent (this might not work)

    These are just examples on how to make a roguelike experience in a Diablo game, which I think might be a ton of fun and adds a lot to strategic, different builds and variety. The reason I prefer Diablo types of games to roguelikes is the loot and a feeling of permanence. But if you merge the two genres it could be a ton of fun since you don't "lose" anything by dying other than temporary buffs. I think the model of Slay the Spire is extremely flexible and can be adjusted to match the Diablo universe.

    This is just a thought and my idea can be improved and expanded upon for sure. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/don-niksen
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    WD PTR Feedback 2.7.1

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:34 AM PDT


    Hi all 📷

    Here is my feedback for WD from PTR testing.

    Ethereals :

    Ghost Flame:

    Buffs Jade And Firebat Builds , suggest to add dual crit to the weapon as these builds still felt lackluster in dps or increase the secondary skills ethereal damage% bonus.


    On testing Gidbinn was not buffing fetishes from belt of transcendence and passive skill fetish sycophants, which breaks LoD Carnevil build. Blue affix "Movement On Globes Bonus" Suggest to be changed to "Damage %10 -100 Scaling" Or "25% Damage Reduction On Hit" Also Gidbinn Has No Damage Roll.

    Arioc's Needle:

    Buffs Zombie Bears And Spirit Barrage, feels decent and will bring SB back to its former glory and WD can be in 4 man push as trash buster etc. Finally ! 📷



    Zuni Carnevil build requires to drop all damage reduction gear to get any half decent dps for solo push. Suggest increase dmg reduction bonus from each fetish to 3.5% at 23 fetishes (80.5%DR) This will Help not getting 1 shotted in GR's 120+

    Zuni's Mana Spender On hit to proc 6pt bonus for x seconds is outdated, suggest to be passive damage buff, this way the build will have a much better flow like the Lod Carnevil variant and stacking CDR not required for Piranhado and regain much needed Tank stats.


    HT Zombie Bears needs more dps to be viable for endgame, Suggest increasing Off Hand Mojo Ursua's Trodden Effigy from 150% to 600-700%.

    General Feedback:

    WD Toughness is very lackluster in today's GR environment in every build.

    Lakumba's Ornament Bracer:

    Needs a rework! , highly suggest a flat 60% DR Then 2-3% Per Soul Harvest Stack, this will bring wd toughness up to other classes already standard DR and will open other weapon options for wd than just always sacred harvester/Lakumba combo for a weak 60% DR.

    Also will help on when the player dies to a RG and have 0% DR.

    Pet Melee Dps:

    WD Pet Melee dps is very lackluster in today game, even with the new gidbinn ethereal.

    Fan Favourites builds Zuni Garg / HT Garg / Lod Variants are very weak in todays game GR environment.

    Mask Of Jeram:

    MoJ Dps is far too low , suggest to massively boost pet dps% and add legendary affix from necromancers "Bone Ringer" to MoJ. This will make Pets viable for the endgame.

    What do you guys think?


    tony x

    submitted by /u/Bigdaddyden76
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    How old were you when your started playing?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    My daughter is interested in playing d2 and asks all the time. I'm considering it. I started playing pretty young. When did you start playing?

    submitted by /u/KodeyG
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    Automatic Build Generator?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    So, yeah- I see all these builds for my class and was wondering if there was a tool that could import my inventory from the game and calculate what I should wear, based on maybe what spells I want to use, or something like that?

    I typically don't have all of the items that get put in the builds and then can never really take advantage.. but I'm stuck and can't get to T16 now.

    submitted by /u/s4md4130
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    Maybe it’s a little early to ask this but I’m curious how Barb’s four equipped weapons will work—can I use all swords (short, long, great, etc.) or do I have to use a mix of axes/maxes/swords?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    I guess what I'm asking is if I want to be a Barb that pretty much relies on swords, will they force me to equip a poleaxe or axe or mace or hammer, or Vice versa—if I want to use just axes, will they make me use a sword or dagger too in one slot?

    submitted by /u/L11ghtman1111
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    Client stuck on checking versions?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I tried logging into my D2 account today and also tried downloading the new update but it's stuck on "checking versions". I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times now to no avail. Anyone have a fix to this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/NoPaleontologist647
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    Hair rendering quality

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    In the new quarterly update, the art team mentions giving a lot of attention to the little things while trying to create a character graphics style that's grounded in reality.

    I think the characters look superb, but one aspect stands out: the hair. It simply does not look as good. The aliasing on the hair strands is particularly bad. Well, aliasing seems to be bad across the whole game really, but that's another topic...

    So... why not simply use TressFX? I mean, it's free, open-source, gpu vendor agnostic, looks fantastic, and is (considering the quality) performant.

    They can even only enable it when the camera zooms in on the char (like in that wardrobe-transmogstation-thingy they've got) and in the cutscenes, of curse. For the top-down isometric view, they can simply use what they've got now as noone would notice from that distance.

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/Geahad
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    Found those at my parents yesterday…

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    Two Lilith Wallpapers made from the Quarterly Update June 2021 Post

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Update! Added no logo versions below

    Here's one That was posted in the header and Rod Fergusson posted about on twitter but with the logo painted out and using my d4 wall style with the bars.



    And the one taken from later in the post showing lilith from the in-game engine I just blurred/painted out the "Pre-alpha: In Development Content - NOT FINAL" text.



    I also posted these on twitter as well.


    See you next wall.




    PS: yesterday was my 13th Anniversary doing Diablo Based Wallpapers so I remade my first wallpaper.


    PSS: I also said Farewell to the Diablo Side of Heroes of the Storm wallpapers for Now with a remake of Diablo in my current style.


    PSS: 5 more Diablo 2: Resurrected walls as well. Condensed post for them all on twitter with all their links.


    PSSS?: Almost a week ago I also posted another Diablo:Immortal Wallpaper for those to enjoy.


    Thank you for reading these extras I've been behind posting when I post all these walls lately. I hope you guys like or at least take a loot at them.


    Diablo IV#12: Quarterly Update June 2021 Lilith #1(No Logos)


    Diablo IV#13: Quarterly Update June 2021 Lilith #2(No Logos)

    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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    Did I screw myself by making a non-seasonal character?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Just got back into D3 after not playing for like 2 years. Fired up a necromancer, but didn't want to have the constant gold issues I had when the game was first released (nightmares of having 100% broken gear in Act 2), so I made my necro non-seasonal. I've been struggling to move into higher tormet levels now that I'm 70, and all the fresh 70 guides assume that I have some green item set and am using a build built around it.

    Instead I've pieced together 2 sets (the ring/amulet and some boots/gloves/chest/bracer set I think) and the rest oranges and have tried to +damage to corpse explosion, skeletons, and mage which is the build that seems to work best for the gear I have. Any advice? Should I just reroll in the season? If I do, would love some opinions about what class, my original was a Wizard, and I think those are the only two classes I've really played. I like the necro having minions so I can go get a drink and not worry so much about dying, but it's sad not being able to go past Torment 7.

    submitted by /u/pmgoldenretrievers
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    D2 resurrected: Controller zoom and text chat on console

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Anyone know how or if this will ever be possible on console I tried the alpha and couldn't figure it out I saw the quick messages but nothing that allowed me to write out a proper message. Also can't figure out how to zoom or toggle classic view on controller hopefully these features will be implemented on full release!

    submitted by /u/Deadmanx10x
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    Kbm support for console?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Just looking to see if anybody has and info on whether or not there will be support for keyboard and mouse on console. I played d3 with controller and to be honest it was fine for melee classes but felt wonky for ranged. Just looking for more information.

    submitted by /u/377Iron
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    Controllers for co-op on Switch

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Hello! My wife and I are going to buy the Nintendo Switch and we are thinking on buying Diablo III as our first game since we want a game that we can play co-op. We are only going to have whatever controller comes with the Switch (I assume only a pair of Joy-cons). So my question is, can we play co-op Diablo III with that or do we need to buy another controller? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MoggMogg97
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    Aren't Succubus too polite in new Diablo IV Quaterly Update?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Aren't Succubus too polite in new Diablo IV Quaterly Update?

    While I love new Quaterly Update from Diablo IV and the work team put in all of the tech and art, I'm a little bit worried about Succubus. As we know they're very sexualized demons. Even in Diablo III they had skimpy outfit while in Diablo IV they will be mostly covered. Do you think this is good or bad direction?

    I remember interview with Allen Adham and Tiffany Wat for GamesRadar when they said that D4 will be much more sadistic in the way of killing monsers. Even Blizzcon 2019 screenshots showed us very bloody scenes with dead naked woman body or dismembered bodies. And thats why I'm curious why Succubus model is so polite.


    submitted by /u/siomer
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    Is the big D2R bundle worth it?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Hi. I played the original game and D2, but I never played D3 very far beyond just running to town. It just didn't grab me right off the bat like the original games did. Still, I've thought about getting the big bundle that includes D3. At this point is it worth it? Thanks, and happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans.

    submitted by /u/Sarnpeth
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    Will legacy graphics on D2R be as demanding as normal graphics?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    I'm planning to get Diablo 2 Resurrected and while my system meets recommended specs, I've learned not to trust my PC to always run a game at a passable level. So I'm wondering, if I can't run the new graphics, I could just play entirely in the old graphics, but would that run that much better? I assume GPU wouldn't be a huge issue since it's only affected by what's on the screen, but wouldn't there be CPU usage issues when it's almost like playing with a layered sandwich of graphics? When you can instantly switch between graphics at any time there has to be some portion of computing power dedicated to making sure the other graphics can be switched to. Maybe a dumb question but I'm curious.

    submitted by /u/WillowMain
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    I really hope that on later patches, they improve crafting with just 2 little changes… “affixes on the sacrificed item have changes to stay in the final crafted”&”Base specific restriction for crafting has been removed”

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Make it so it improves its odds of staying based on the difference between the affix level and the base item level, that way better bases means better results but not automatically worse bases worse results

    That would be so much for crafting, rather than spamming the same 2 recipe(amulet and gloves) it would

    Also, want to craft an helmet with a blood recipe, you aren't stuck with that shitty base, you can use whatever helm base you want, including barb helm. Want to craft a caster sorc orb, go for it, you are not restricted to rods anymore

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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    No Cutscenes in the Beginning of D2? Also poor performance :(

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been really interested into the original Diablo games for many years and after I was let down by the then D3 release and new comer hand holding easy mode type mechanics I knew I would love the classics for the true testaments to gaming they were. But I never got around to playing them.

    Recently I got a copy of D-2, my friends copy he doesn't use any more, and I've noticed there are no Cutscenes after almost 2 hours of playing the first few quests. I'm okay with that of course, but I've seen the cutscenes from this game and they are awesome!! I have activated the product code. Downloaded the files and everything. Set up was smooth. LOD check. Win XP pk2 check.

    I've heard there are some major issues with these classics in modern PCs, and I'm hoping for some suggestions. I have looked at the web and reddit common answers don't seem to work. I have everything running win xp pk2 etc. And I don't run it in windowed mode as per research that stops cutscenes from playing at all.

    I do have the resolution mod so I can play full-screen at 720.. I receive very choppy 25ish frames with massive screen tearing. Almost unplayable. I've restarted the game many times after making the needed tweaks and etc. I just cannot seem to get the game in a playable state :(

    I am getting long winded guys. Thank you for any advice!

    TLDR: D2 runs very choppy with screen tearing. Even high end games don't do this at 25fps. It also seems to not be displaying any cutscenes. Just enters me right into the main game, boom, go kill stuff. But I've scene the awesomeness that are diablo 2 cutscenes :( tried what the internet suggested to no avail. Any advice from the d2 fan base who can play it still in 2021?

    submitted by /u/RandomCat187
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    Which 2 rings should i keep? Barbarian level 28. Nightmare.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:13 AM PDT

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