• Breaking News

    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Diablo Real places that remind me of areas from Diablo II

    Diablo Real places that remind me of areas from Diablo II

    Real places that remind me of areas from Diablo II

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    [Diablo II] I've maxed out my Zealot Paladin

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:59 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    How in the world do I stop the Nemesis from showing up on console? My wife and I are pushing 115+ and I keep dying to the nemesis. I don't even get a chance to kill it./u/

    submitted by /u/Geekoneonesix
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    David Brevik tells about the origin of Deckard Cain's name.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Leoric's Castle 4v4 Team Diablo 2 PvP Game

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Leoric's Castle is a softcore 4v4 team PvP game. You compete against another team and try to be the first to kill King Leoric. You start with a new character each game, and try to get as powerful as you can in order to fight off the enemy players and ultimately slay King Leoric. Think Gauntlet Legends meets the Blood Moor. The mod supports a higher resolution than 800x600, so its not so grainy. It's a quick 5 minutes download and install as well.

    With Resurrected coming at the end of the year, Diablo II has seen a huge resurgence of interest and players. While our team looks forward to the player killing havoc of the Blood Moor in Resurrected, we would like to invite you to experience a new chapter in Diablo 2 PvP.

    Slay monsters. Gain Experience. Defeat Bosses. Buy Loot. Purchase upgrades. PK the enemy team.

    Players will be able to use the game-finder discord channel to join a queue and get matched against other teams.

    Feel free to hang out in the discord and test out the Castle while more players find their way here. It could a bit for enough players to fill the Castle so that 4v4 matches are happening regularly, but we are hopeful!

    Leoric's Castle is available for download at leoricscastle.com

    We are doing walkthroughs of the Castle all week.

    If you have any questions please stop by the discord . See you soon!

    Download: https://leoricscastle.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/QnGFVph

    Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9XO2cgkcmw

    submitted by /u/Jagueroisland
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    Fresh lvl 70 DH build help!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Hi my wife and I just got into this game (for me it's back into this game I stopped when Kanai's cube got added) and I cannot find a build that doesn't include being a seasonal character. Any help, advice, or builds would be super appreciated.

    Side note: we are still clearing the campaign and are at the end of Act 3 right now.

    submitted by /u/ItsSobee
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    D3 - Challenge Rift 206 (NA) - Guide

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Diablo3 lag and freezing issue

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Started playing Diablo3 on PS5 about a month ago. Never encountered a problem until 4 days ago. Now my character keeps freezing for about 10-15 seconds at a time and won't do any damage. I've reset my router, changed out the controller, put my PS5 in performance mode and the issue continues to happen making the game unplayable. Anyone know of a fix for this?

    UPDATE: I loaded the game back onto my PS4 and still encountered the same exact issue.

    submitted by /u/MsCrankyPantz
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    8Man Speed run June 5th

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Assuming there is no ladder reset that weekend we will host a 8man speed run, we beat norm on HC east as a team of 8, game lasts about 1.5hours.

    let me know if you want to join!

    submitted by /u/kickassbitch
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    Question about Necromancer Build D3

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Question about my Bone Spear Necro build

    Little context: I'm running Masquerade of the Burning Carnival with Captain Crimsons. My paragon is 1034 currently, and my highest GR is 118.

    My question is at what point should I consider switching over to the Aughilds variation of this set or whether or not it even makes sense to do it?

    Currently my CDR is ~41% and my Cost Reduction is ~32%. With Crimsons bonus that technically gives me a 41% damage boost and 32% damage reduction to all enemies. I don't understand how the Aughilds 30% damage buff against elites would make me any stronger, but I'm assuming I'm missing something here.

    For more information about my build(ignoring the secondary stats), here goes:

    Helm- Ancient Luxurious Bauta 

    -Int, Vit, FR Diamond, Bone Spear Damage

    Chest- Primal Sophisticated Vest 

    -Int, Vit, Armor, 3 FR Topazes

    Shoulder- Ancient Glamorous Gigot 

    -Int, Vit, Reduced Resource Cost, Area Damage

    Bracers- Ancient Gelmindor's Guards 

    -Int, Crit Chance, Poison Skill Damage, Life per Hit

    Gloves- Ancient Lavishing Gloves 

    -Int, Crit Damage, Crit Chance, Area Damage

    Belt- Ancient Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle 

    -Int, Vit, Life, Life per Second

    Pants- Ancient Elegant Pants 

    -Int, Vit, Resist All, 2 FR Topazes

    Boots- Primal Captain Crimson's Waders 

    -Int, Vit, Movement Speed, Bone Spear Damage

    Weapon- Ancient Scythe of the Cycle 

    -Int, Vit, Life per Hit, Poison Damage, FR Emerald

    Offhand- Ancient Lost Time 

    -Int, Vit, Damage, CDR, Bone Spear Damage

    Amulet- Ancient Haunted Visions 

    -Int, Life, Crit Chance, Zei's Stone of Vengeance

    Ring 1- Ancient Convention of Elements 

    -Int, Crit Damage, Crit Chance, Bane of the Stricken

    Ring 2- Krysbin's Sentence 

    -Int, Attack Speed, Crit Damage, Bane of the Trapped

    P.S. I'm writing this whole post on my phone, so please excuse me if the formatting isn't great!

    submitted by /u/SirJivity
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - May 31, 2021

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    **Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How rare is this? Diablo Medallion, Skandinaavia release

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    D2: Nihlathak, Pindleskin, and Anya: When and How?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    Llama will say something about saving this mission for later, then not do it—unless he does it at Hell difficulty, far into the game.

    Does anyone run this during Normal? Is it broken if you do not—can it be ran after completing the main storyline for each difficulty level?

    Do people still farm Pindleskin after v1.09? Perhaps it is better to farm someone else?

    As with bugging Andariel, there is a plethora of misinformation about farming Pindleskin. As far as I can tell, unless one kills Nihlathak, Pindleskin can be farmed forever.

    If there is some special reason to not rescue Anya during normal (not the difficulty level) game play, please tell me.

    submitted by /u/MightyMississippi
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    Do we have new information about Diablo: Immortal's itemization?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    WIll it be trash like in D3?

    I only have this article (https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo-immortal/23574266/itemization-in-diablo-immortal) and it's pretty scary.

    "No Diablo game is complete without a deep, rich, and rewarding loot system. "

    Then how did they even release D3?

    Then the article is just about the usual grind you see from chinese developers where you roll and reroll thousands of times to get +0,005% more to some stat...

    submitted by /u/Mogthar_the_Shaman
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    Worth getting D2 now?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    With D2R "around the corner" (some expect to be released the same day as LoD) is it worth buying D2 without the LoD expansion? I'm asking this because I've recently gone back to play D3 on the switch and I'm hyped to play D2R since I've never ended up playing D2. The game seems rather complex (with rune words and whatnot) for newcomers, so I was considering getting D2 to get familiar with it.
    How worth is it to get just the base game without the expansion, since getting both is half the price of getting D2R.
    From what I've seen (might be wrong) most mods and features require LoD, is that right?

    submitted by /u/-In2itioN
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    Do Kenai cube and items equipped stack?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    I put in holy point shot into my kunais cube but today I got another holy point shot if I were to equip it does it stack.

    submitted by /u/ithrowbagelsatpeople
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    Modded D2R or non-Modded that is the question!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    [D2R] Not making drastic improvements to Diablo 2's gameplay is just lazy

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    As a hardcore D2 player for 13 years before quitting, there is nothing special or nostalgic about patch 1.10 which is essentially what D2R is going to be.

    To not add brand new content, new items, new balances, new end game is just lazy on the dev's part.

    There are so many balance issues, bugs, QoL issues in 1.10. Diablo 2 mods have made huge improvements in many areas already and D2R feels stagnant or backwards.

    Unless the dev team commits to providing future content, balance, and QoL improvements, D2R will become stale and a gimmick fast. It'll basically be a quick money grab.

    This isn't Starcraft 1 where balance was the core of the game.

    submitted by /u/senttoschool
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