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    Wednesday, April 28, 2021

    Diablo Is it better, and what to reroll?

    Diablo Is it better, and what to reroll?

    Is it better, and what to reroll?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    Say i dont care about how much i can push, what 2h weapon would you recommend me with the WW build?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    Currently, i am using slanderer and little rogue, and I'm having some pretty good results with them, but as an ex wow player that mained a warrior, I was always looking for that 2h weapon that can just cleave trough mobs. Yes I care about fashion more than anything. Sadly I can not use 2x2h weapons like I can in wow but 1x2h weapon would be cool to use aswell. Now I know there are MotE sets that use 2h weapons but I don't really like the gameplay of it. P.S. do you know of any sword and shield builds? i saw the "sword and board" talent and would like to take it for a spin, but so far haven't been able to find anyone that was using it.

    submitted by /u/Novikmet to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    WoL Keyfarming without Tzo Krin's Gaze? (Console)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    Let me preface this a bit:

    I consider my Monk my "main" toon at the moment. I've always enjoyed the playstyle and aesthetic for Monks personally and so I've felt like this class always fit me best even when I was playing on PC years ago. However, I stopped playing on PC years ago, but recently found new interest in the game on console. I enjoy using a controller and it caters more to my more casual playstyle.

    All that being said, I am having trouble with "casting" WoL with Tzo Krin's Gaze on a controller. I know that this is one of the premier key farming builds out there, and I do see the potential with the speed. I've geared out a set for my monk specifically for this purpose, but I find that "casting" WoL on console at a distance leaves much to be desired. I feel like I should maybe just stick with my TR build and just set aside a few pieces specific for key farming, but I like changing up play a bit when I can to experience something different and TR isn't exactly the most exciting or the fastest. I was farming mostly with my WW Rend Barb there for a while, but while that's a bit of fun too, but the playstyle is basically the same thing as a TR build, and so...*shrug*

    I have looked at the MaxRoll builds, and I see that they've also suggested a SWK LTK variant for keyfarming, but I got rid of my LTK pieces a long time ago and while I could farm out and get them again, I was wondering if it would even be worth it. I was thinking that you could essentially run a WoL build minus Tzo Krin's and it would essentially be the same thing as a LTK build, but would it be more or less effective, long term? I know neither will be as ideal for key farming than the Tzo Krin's Gaze setup, but I haven't found a way to aim that cast properly on a controller that doesn't have me constantly casting it on myself half of the time anyway and wasting my spirit.

    Any thoughts or other alternatives are appreciated. I might just try the build out myself and see...and maybe get those LTK pieces and compare...but if anyone has thoughts on how to save myself from wasting time on it, let me know.

    submitted by /u/Samhain000 to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Is Primal Rondal's worth it for Firebird (console twister)?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    I got a Primal Rondal's amulet with %Fire Skill, Crit Chance, and Intelligence. The legendary power is useless and takes the place of Squirt's.

    I now equip Squirt's power so my rings have to be Royal Ring of Grandeur (to power Firebird, Capt. Crimson, and Augchild), and Convention of Elements. Obsidian Ring gets kicked to the curb and my CDR is at 54%.

    Is this is worth it? Also, as a general question, how do people test build power? Just run the highest GR and see if they can clear?

    submitted by /u/HeyItsMau to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    When/Where to spend resources for upgrades

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I'm working on building an AoV RGK set and I have all of the pieces but none of them are that good yet and most are not ancient. My question is, is there a good order of items to chase with the different upgrade sources? Is something like a chest or shield better to use blood shards on rather than boots, is it better to run bounties first and get a good captain crimson set, is it better to reroll a weapon in the cube or rings/necks? Any guidance on this would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/joeflag12 to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Paragon Levels for GR150

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Anyone knows what is a reasonable paragon level to clear GR150?

    submitted by /u/Zappyli to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    DH GoD GR pushing advice

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I would appreciate help for GoD GR pushing please.

    My profile is https://eu.diablo3.com/en-us/profile/jumpair-2594/hero/143386046

    Currently doing 105-107, struggling above. Using Scoundrel with "cannot die" token, though I would welcome optimal build for it too.

    submitted by /u/jumpair to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Solo pushing: Leapquake vs Seismic Slam MotE builds

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    I'm on switch and I've made it a goal to hit the top spots of the leaderboards for as many sets as possible.

    Ignoring the cheaters, I have been pretty successful so far. Even without Augments I am in the top 3-10 for most sets.

    In general I end up playing the same thing as everyone else ... except for might of the earth. On switch it seems like the rest of the legit clears are with a leapquake build, while I am pushing with a seismic slam build.

    To me, the SS build just seems to be so much more capable. Leaping away from the monsters to blow them up results in so many fewer deaths than leaping on them and shouting -at least for me.

    Is there something that I am missing about leapquake? Is there a good video that I could watch that breaks down the gameplay? I've got the gear for both and am worried that I'm missing out on some techniques

    submitted by /u/Reply_or_Not to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Question about GoD DH

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Hi all. So I have a question about how often I should be using Hungering Arrow.

    I always keep my momentum stacks at 20 but I'm curious am I supposed to be spamming HA while strafing or doing it every couple of seconds to keep up Bracers and momentum stacks between 17-20.

    I have HA on a different hotkey so spamming it is easy while strafing.

    submitted by /u/mystyle21 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Leveled up legendary gems but not seeing any improvement while fighting

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    I'm using Bane of the Trapped and Enforcer. I had them both at 114 and was playing solo GR 111 just fine. I joined a party with someone who was going thru GR 150 like it was nothing and I got to level up my gems. Now that the gems are at 121 each, I went to play GR 112 solo and I don't really see any improvement. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/whoopdeedoodles to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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