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    Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    Diablo Carbot Top 6 changes

    Diablo Carbot Top 6 changes

    Carbot Top 6 changes

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Without necessarily changing the Diablo 2 feel of D2R, can we please improve Mercenaries' AI? Better pathing and Combat

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    how many times your dumbfuck merc is stuck in the wall next to the door

    or he attacks skeletons while you are trying to kill that Unraveler

    for the later, minimum change, always attack the same target as you

    Maybe too much of a change, Add a toggle in combat window [Defensive, attacks monsters that attack you] or [Offensive, attacks the same target as you]

    submitted by /u/Power_Creep
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    First hardcore diablo 2 kill \o/

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    We did it, reddit!

    Thanks to the community posters over at /r/diablo2 who helped me get here.

    To be honest that was a lot easier than I thought it would be! The 3 Os of hardcore continue to get me super amped up about big fights and then ultimately result in a tepid experience.

    Anyway I'm happy I did it. Thanks to everyone for your advice and suggestions. I think you'll find I mixed it up and was able to intertwine help from everyone to kill him.

    Feels good to be able to move forward!

    Thanks again!


    No mods, Bnet, hardcore 1.14d. Also I've gotten enough private invites to discord servers, so please do not message me about yours!

    submitted by /u/Siigari
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    Scoundrel’s Reworked Vanish in Hardcore?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    So the scoundrel follower's vanish ability got reworked in the new patch, making him able to prevent you from taking fatal damage when the passive is off cooldown. Does anyone know if this will prevent your hardcore character from getting wiped? just trying to figure out which follower to bring with me.

    submitted by /u/FatalM3rcy
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    Why the Diablo Series would also be a great Netflix Series

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    So, I was thinking. Its possible to make a Diablo Series on Netflix and incorporate all 3 Games (with Add-Ons) so far.

    Given D3 would need to be a bit darker but you can change it.

    Was thinking of a darker animation Series, similar to Spawn or Castlevania.

    The Games would each last a Season with around 8-12 45 min episides.

    Cast would be all characters playable and I feel Keith David as the mage in Diablo 1 Mark Meer (Male Shep) as Aiden and for the Rouge I am not sure, maybe you can help.

    I feel, this could lead to a prequel Movie about the Sin Wars.

    (Whilst writing this, I just remembered, there were rumours about Diablo having an animated series on Netflix, but then Covid happend).

    submitted by /u/MacMaizer
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    New versions today, alpha and dev

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - April 27, 2021

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT




    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Diablo 3 Hardcore Appreciation Thread

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    Hey guys, long time Diablo fan here who would like to spend a quick minute and spread a little love to what seems to be the redheaded stepchild of this sub, Diablo 3 (no D3 flair, really?).

    I turned 40 not too long ago, which means Diablo 1 came out when I was right in my height of PC gaming as a teenager. Oh, the nostalgia. Even though I was 16/17, and I should have been driving around with a new license, trolling for chicks, I was instead playing Diablo and duping Godly Plates of the Whale and trying to grief people with TP kills. Fast forward to when Diablo 2 came out and I was on a college campus using the insane LAN line speed to illegally download music on Limewire and play Hardcore Javazons on Diablo 2... as opposed to trolling for chicks. Hell, even when Diablo 3 first came out, I should have been working on my young career in business, hitting bars with the guys at nights, and trolling for chicks, with my new hefty paychecks. Instead, I was playing the Auction House like it was Wall Street. I didn't mess with real money, but really liked the idea of an AH. I spent more time in menus than playing the game, but was OK with that, it was fun for me.

    That is about when I stopped. I had two Demon Hunters die on me, in Hardcore, within a week of each other and I quit cold turkey. The Auction House was banned shortly after and I had no idea what D3 had become until 3 or 4 months ago when I decided to play it again, on a whim. In between all that, I managed to find a wife (finally had some time to troll for chicks!), establish a good career, and have a kid; so late night gaming from about 9 to midnight is all I can do at this point. That's dad hours. Things like paragon levels and Act 5 were completely new to me. Boy, this game sure got an overhaul, but I have to say that I have loved it all over again.

    I solo'd the campaign from the beginning with a Hardcore Demon Hunter and liked how every boss, and every elite pack, managed to drop something incrementally better for me to gear with. There were many times where I thought, "There is no way I can get a stronger bow!" but I obviously was a naive little man, because I wasn't even level 70, yet, where EVERYTHING is better than what I had. I felt good finally getting to 70 and discovered that the game just begins here, for the most part.

    Now deep into paragon levels, I am still enjoying trying to find powerful sets and the complimentary pieces. I heard people have a problem with the loot 2.0 drops, but I'm trying to figure out why? Its still hard to get the right piece with the right stats and with the way the skill tree works, I don't need to start a new character to try a different build. I have 3 or 4 totally different builds to choose from for my Demon Hunter and that is enough to keep things interesting. Maybe this game is just good for the dads out there, or older crowd in general. When you only have a few hours a night to pop on, rip through a few Rifts to hopefully find something cool, then log off. If the kid wakes up and starts to cry, I can quickly pause, do my duty, then get back to the real business at hand; grinding.

    This game hits my sensors on so many levels, just like D1 and D2 did before it. I feel like Diablo grew up with me and has adapted to how I like to play games, now. I don't have infinite time so I need the rewards to be hard, but attainable. Whenever I feel like I have too much gold or resources, my character dies, then I have to re-grind the Legendary Gem levels, re-roll a bunch of backup gear, and transmute Set pieces to where I get gem, gold, and material starved all over again. I feel like the balance of the resources is pretty spot on, but that may only be the case for Hardcore since you have to gear up every time you die.

    Anyways, I'm rambling, so I'll wrap it up. This game is great and I have played a lot of Diablo in my life. Its nice that people have opinions, but I don't see what the problem is with D3. Like any game, I guess it has small issues, but it doesn't seem to be at the extent that people think it is. I'm at the point now where I have to grind pretty hard for very small increases in DPS, so I know I'm going to slow down on this game soon, but I think i've played 250+ hours which is insane to me. When I think about other games i've played in the last few years, it is usually 20-60 hours of content, then I move on. D3 makes me feel powerful as I tear through enemies, gives me slot machine excitement, looks beautiful even 12 years later, and is a whole lot of fun, even completely solo.

    Thanks D3, its been a great last couple months and I'm happy to have run into you again. Looking forward to D4 and where the franchise goes next.

    submitted by /u/LewisCBR
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    Some D3 season questions

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    So for seasonal sets, my account is locked to one per season? Meaning I can only get the set for one class this season? Also, for previous seasonal set gear, I just can't get that as a new player right? Aside from the set dungeons which I believe there are 4 per class. Also, I get the sense that set gear is just strictly the best option for end game greater rifts, is this accurate or can you compete with legendary gear?

    submitted by /u/AfixeVI
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    Some rough art of my diablo 3 fav

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:06 AM PDT

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