• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 6, 2021

    Diablo My brother doesn't use Reddit, so I thought I'd share his amazing tattoo of Baal, the lord of destruction

    Diablo My brother doesn't use Reddit, so I thought I'd share his amazing tattoo of Baal, the lord of destruction

    My brother doesn't use Reddit, so I thought I'd share his amazing tattoo of Baal, the lord of destruction

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Diablo 2 Resurrected - Trading made easier.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:42 AM PST

    Passionate Diablo 2 player here, who is currently working on a Discord server for trading, for when Diablo 2 Resurrected is released. I want an alternative for the playerbase, who doesn't want to use the current meta of 'forum gold'. I think it's awful, and I want' to keep it as close possible to oldschool trading. The Discord will be basic swapping ratio; for example you can sell a Shako for an ist rune. If you could have any interest in using this, feel free to come find the server over at r/TheChaosSanctuary

    Also looking for passionate people, who could be interested in moderating.

    - I also have my fears, that D2JSP trading could look like RMT'ing. So this is a good start for people, who's not super casual, and still want's to be able to trade, while doing something else in-game.

    submitted by /u/Naive_Gap_7032
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    How Diablo 2: Resurrected is calling on the spirit of the original ARPG

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:45 PM PST

    Got lucky and found this Diablo 2 strategy guide just in time for the remake. Only 5 bucks!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:48 PM PST

    I talked with the creator of Diablo 2! - David Brevik AMA

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:01 PM PST

    D2 items flooding the screen

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:20 AM PST

    D2 items flooding the screen

    One of the biggest problems with D2 IMO

    when pressing alt, the item names seem to go up and to the right until they just stop showing up. I've prob missed several Jah rune drops because of it ;) and tons of rals!

    Would be nice to revamp the way alt works ^^;

    a good example, there are 3 uniques on the ground and a set item in the below pictures. I can only get two of the unique items to appear with alt by running around in circles

    lmk boys, would be an amazing QoL that didn't really affect the feel of the game!

    edit ; Would altering the way alt worked, essentially just utilizing more of the screen to show the item names really change the feel of d2? thats basically what Im getting at, and I bet it wouldn't even be noticable




    submitted by /u/itam2
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    Diablo 2

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:38 PM PST

    Anyone else upon seeing the fact old saves will transfer over get extremely excited and start playing D2 again?

    submitted by /u/Freeburger916
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    D2R Clan Channels on Battle.net - Could help extend the prime of D2 [Idea Proposal]

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:04 PM PST

    It sounds like the D2 Resurrected team will be keeping channels and improving the UI.

    For reference, here's a short video portion of MrLlamaSC's deep dive with the VV team. In the first 45 seconds of this video, Llama asks the VV team about multiplayer - will there be changes to PvP, trading, how players interact, etc. The VV team answers by stating they "want to keep all the features we know and love." As I'm mainly focusing on BNet channels for the sake of this post, VV then states that trading will function the same as it did in D2, and that you can still talk in chat channels. VV states that some areas of improvement, in regards to their mentioning of improving the UI, include "improving the Battle.net lobby".

    That is great news as many of us look forward to this aspect for socializing, trading, organizing a game/event, or even just to chill out and laugh at some of the funny chat that graces our screen. Channels just add to the atmosphere of the game and add an element of socialization that is severely lacking without them.

    However, I seriously think that something similar to how Warcraft 3 did clan channels would be a boon for D2R.

    If you never played WC3 in its prime, clan channels consisted of a chieftain, 5 shamans, grunts, and peons. The chieftain was the founder of the clan, the shamans were like officers, the grunts were seasoned members, and peons were new recruits. The chieftain and shamans all had channel operator privileges (this included having control of the channel, could kick/ban or designate other users).

    This definitely prolonged the prime of WC3 on BNet and made it just that much more fun to be a part of the community. As we all know, clans already existed on Diablo II nearly from day one. This led to organized activities, helping each other walk, quest, level, xfer/mule, rush, or do anything you wanted together in-game. Clans also made for juicy drama, whether that be PvP tournaments or clan wars, you name it.

    While we can still enjoy all of those activities without a change to D2 clan channels, I seriously think it's worth considering to implement a system closer to how WC3 delivered clan channels. It made you feel a sense of allegiance to your clan, and you could wear the clan tag without having to change your account name or character name. This is a good point as names won't be unique in D2R but will have a gamertag of sorts associated with each name (ie you can call yourself 'James' and the name wont be taken).

    I've posted some screenshots below for examples of WC3's clan/channel setup on BNet and how D2R could implement something similar:

    Example of a WC3 clan channel showing clan tag and channel ops

    Example of a WC3 user profile showing the user's clan details

    As a reminder, in its current form, Diablo II clans are more informal and you can only create channel ops by joining, for example, channel "Op Clan-EZ" and BNet appoints the person with that account name as the operator (and they can then designate one additional user). Not much functionality.

    In conclusion, I'm glad that D2R will maintain the use of channels on BNet and I really think that adding these types of features (clan specific channels; visible clan ranks (some ranks with channel ops capabilities/responsibilities; and clan tags that are visible in channel) would be a serious boon to the social aspect and atmosphere of D2, helping form more organized communities on BNet, create a little drama which would keep people passionate about the game and help keep the scene alive and colorful, and inspire people to help each other. Clans will be made and used regardless of these features being available or not, but I think this would definitely help accentuate the function of clans and everything that they are made for. The ability to wear a clan tag without altering your account name or character name is another huge benefit. In my opinion, these types of features would definitely help the overall experience and prolong the prime of D2R.

    Thank you for reading. Please let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Gsw-
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    Diablo 1 mod with HD, Cut Quests, QoL improvements only?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:14 PM PST

    I don't want something like The Hell 2 that dramatically changes the gameplay.

    submitted by /u/MotherHolle
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    Ladder only rune words needs to not be a thing.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:37 PM PST

    The only incentive to play ladder is for certain rune words and the race to 99. With the seasons being shortened, they should really give the casual player a break. I mean just getting an insight will take some time. That's super cheap compared to some of the other ludicrous rune words out there. Keeping certain rune words ladder only while reducing the length of each season is a huge mistake imo.

    Sorry if this has been posted a lot but I think we should really try and push for them to change this.

    submitted by /u/Location_Excellent
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    New Diablo 3 player here with a question

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:59 PM PST

    So I just started diablo 3 for the first time after wanting to play it for quite a while and I'm very excited to get into this world! I'm really into games in the same style as diablo, played through all the borderlands and torchlight games and loved them all!

    I picked witch doctor for my first run and I was wondering, is it possible to solo the game with any of the classes? I'm not interested in playing a character if they are stupidly hard to solo the game with.

    and one more thing: I noticed that the witch doctor starts with a knife, but as soon as I got my second skill, right-click no longer lets me melee, I checked the keymapping and didn't see any hotkeys that let me melee attack, and id love to know what that hotkey is!

    Thanks in advance for the help! really excited to play this game!

    submitted by /u/jesuschristk8
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    For season 23, will group play still be the best way to top the solo leaderboard?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:26 PM PST

    I've been soured in the past when people would play in 4 man groups, hit a really high paragon level, and then smoke the solo leaderboards with their massive paragon advantage. I remember a few seasons ago someone had a massive paragon level, made a Wizard, and with under 10 hours of played time they were number 1 on the leaderboard. Obviously, they had accrued gear from whatever their main character was and then used their huge intellect bonus from paragon to wipe the floor with me.

    This made me bitter since I was exclusively playing Wizard in solo play or with a friend whenever they were on. And I had really amazing gear. I got up to number 4 on the leaderboard at some point. But my paragon was low because I wasn't farming high level grifts in groups.

    With the season 23 changes to buff solo play, will it make a huge difference in who tops the leaderboard? I understand topping the leaderboard doesn't make a huge difference to most players and I can enjoy the season for a while, but I'm curious about what will be "best". Thank you.

    submitted by /u/IconicIsotope
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    QOL suggestion for D2R - monster level

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:46 PM PST

    Would be nice to see actual monster levels near their names since it is important for item hunting and exping. What do you guys think? One can always look this up over the internet, but why not make it an option (on/off)? I don't remember if Plugy does it, haven't played for a while.

    submitted by /u/user315708
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    BlueTracker | Compilation of Blizzard's comments of the week

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Follow us on r/blue_tracker and @blue_tracker

    You will find all comments below

    submitted by /u/blue_trackerbot
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    D2R Box

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:39 PM PST

    Would pay $20+ extra for a box version, for no other reason than nostalgia. That is all. Discuss.

    submitted by /u/2blentendre
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    Typhon's attack speed interaction

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Does the 2 set piece increase the hydra attack speed? I'm asking because I want to run a hydra firebird build after 2.7.0 comes out, but I was wondering how best to build it. Either running typhons 2 piece and 5 pieces of firebird+Tasker and Theo in the cube or 2 piece crimson and 5 firebird with just Tasker ans Theo to increase attack speed

    submitted by /u/Sora20333
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    How to play with mates

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:54 PM PST

    Recently got back into D2 with Project Diablo and I've convinced some mates to play when resurrected comes out.

    How would we play as a party?

    Would it have to be through battlenet?


    submitted by /u/coolhandlukke
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    How many copies of the game do I need to buy?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:41 PM PST

    I want to get it for PC but I also want to be able to play my characters on the switch and I want to be able to play with my daughter with her on the switch and me using the PC.

    In my mind that is a PC version and a switch version but can the switch use her account for her to play and can I switch it to my account for when I want to play on the switch?

    Any ideas how this works?

    Edit: For D2R

    submitted by /u/300wizzum
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    Diablo fans what are you playing?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Hi Guys I've been running out of steam playing the same games and am kind of curious what people are digging for PC online games that have a similar taste.

    I'll be playing next D3 Season and hopefully D2 Alpha when that comes out. I've done a few play through a on D2 but don't won't to go ham and get burnt out.

    Games I enjoy D3 D2 Overwatch COD Dota 2 Wow Classic..

    Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/SlashTurbo
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    Open B.net and character file save limit.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:07 AM PST

    This is for my Mock PI character editor dueling community out there.

    Will open B.net still be a thing for player side saves since you're promising to keep the known game features including vanilla d2 option

    And secondary to that will the character save limit increase from 8192 bytes? This would open up a whole world of editing diversity if the size cap changed.

    submitted by /u/SaintLewdest
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    Can Diablo 4 Beat Diablo 3's Insane Sales? [Speculation Video]

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:24 PM PST

    Let's discuss potential D2:R gameplay tweaks and changes.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:44 PM PST

    If the devs were to create a third version of the game, a D2:R+ if you will, where more substantial balancing and gameplay tweaks were to take place, what would you like to see implemented? (Keep in mind that in this scenario the regular D2:R version 1.14 or whatever would remain untouched in order to preserve the original experience).

    For me personally, I would love to see the paladin's holy bolt and sanctuary aura affect undead AND demons. It seems weird that the two holy abilities don't do anything to demons, and it would make them a little more viable in PVM without affecting PVP.

    submitted by /u/McFloober
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    Free trade, free pvp

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Why do new games feel the need to hold players by the hand exactly ?

    In D4, they want to allow pvp in a very constrained manner. They are wasting time on this when all they have to do is put a hostile checkbox...

    In D4, they want to allow trading, but only for certain items, with a set of specific rules. Again, wasting time when all they have to do is let it be a free market.

    In my mind, sandbox games are always better.

    submitted by /u/darkFire2920
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