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    Tuesday, March 30, 2021

    Diablo Just picked this bad boy up at a retro video game store! Kneel before the Lord of Terror!

    Diablo Just picked this bad boy up at a retro video game store! Kneel before the Lord of Terror!

    Just picked this bad boy up at a retro video game store! Kneel before the Lord of Terror!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    A word about leveling for season 23....

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Before I begin, this is more of a "for casuals or newbies" talk, you won't find much for pro players as not much changed. Feel free to take a look, either way, you may learn something new. Who knows. Let's get started...

    NOTE BEFORE WE BEGIN: These methods are PC oriented as consoles don't seem to benefit from Massacre bonuses apparently. Don't fret, the other methods listed are still just as viable, if not more so due to item efficiency, so you're not at a loss.

    While all classes level 1 through 70 differently, there are consistent factors at play that can be used to help decrease your leveling time. Now, I won't talk about group leveling because, honestly, in a 4-man ANY method is effective thanks to the huge boosts. If you can find a group, I always recommend it, even if it's just you and a friend. More people = more exp. However, if you're a lone wolf type, like me, we can make the leveling a bit easier on us with a few methods I'll list off and provide pros and cons in a more friendly to understand fashion. These methods can be found on youtube with location names and more details...

    1. Rifts: Of all leveling methods, the Rift running method is the slowest. However, it doesn't mean it's a bad choice. If you're not in a rush and can take your time, rift leveling is a great choice for you. Why? Two words: Dat Loot. While other methods will sprinkle chests and elites along the way, the Rift will guarantee you not just elites(to get you started on that DB grind) but also a Rift Guardian who will be giving you juicy loot. While leveling loot isn't entirely useful, you can luck out on legendaries to be cubed later or worn for that extra boost. This makes the Rift leveling process extremely beneficial as you'll not only be getting great quantities of materials(which we all know run out too damn fast) but also DBs and increased odds of good legendary drops. While the rift method is the slowest, it's the "juiciest" in terms of content. It also offers a variety of enemies and locations so you're not dying of boredom too quickly.
    2. Massacre Bonus(pet): The MB method is the surefire fastest solo leveling you can do but it comes at a cost. See, not all classes are well-built for MB runs and, depending on your class, you're left with 1 of two options. First, let's talk about pet classes. Any class with a built-in pet which can help sustain those bonus chains has it made. Necro, DH, Wizard and the king of MB runs Witch Doctor. Now, not all classes outright come with their pet unlocked(Wiz Hydra) but once it unlocks it becomes easier. The MB pet method is simple: Find open fields and run through them. As you kill mobs your pets tag other mobs and your kill chain just flies into the stratosphere. DH and Wiz are a bit more active than Necro and WB who can just leave their pets to do their thing though, so it's not as effective but still viable. There are a lot of open field maps and density options for each, you can easily find which are best run and just clear them out then reset. Of course, there are also enclosed areas with good density you can go to; like Halls of Agony and Temple of the Firstborn. Either way, you just B-line and kill and let your pets do the rest.
    3. Massacre Bonus(Halls): Well, let's say you want those new Firebirds so you rolled Wizard, or want to spin to win so you got a Barb. What now? Don't worry, MB method is still viable for you. In this case, however, you want to focus down on areas with multiple mobs and halls. We're talking Halls of Agony, Temple of the Firstborn, Ruins of Corvus/Sessh, etc. You're looking for claustrophobic locations where enemies are clawing over themselves so you can burn them down quickly and move to the next. It's important, however, to learn a bit of self-control and kiting. See, you dont want to burn them all down at once. It's nice to leave a few and just drag them along so you can periodically smack one and keep your kill chain alive till the next wave. Easy? No, but it's just a little extra that can help. Now, if you're finding it annoying to get a good consistency and you feel slow, I do have a solution at the cost of your own sanity.
    4. Temple of the First Born(MB): TotFB first floor is a great option to grind. It features a lot of mobs that help with bonuses, those being bugs and bloaters. It also tends to have really good consistency on the spawns and, most importantly, a cursed chest event can spawn here. Running this event than trying to keep the chain alive as you move to the next cluster can net you great bonuses. Under a proper run, you can expect easy 300 kills chains if you play your cards just right. The downside being that you'll be stuck grinding just this area, be wary of burnout. However, if you can stand the grind, this is the single fastest way to level by all other means. Solo, group, with grandma, whatever. Running Temple and finding that cursed chest event is Sonic of leveling.
    5. Pox Faulds: This is a universal method I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone who is entirely new to the game and doesn't know their classes functions and multipliers or just lazy. You can roll these badboys level 1 at kadala and cube them for maximum profit or, if the multiplier is high, wear them. The Pox method is the same as the MB methods above, the only thing that changes here is the fact you never stop moving. Just Sonic your way through mobs, tap a few if you feel the density getting thin and want to keep the chain alive, and watch them melt away. This method works perfectly with crafted weapons since AOE scales on weapon damage, so you never have to worry about mechanics outside your own weapon's damage. If you craft that early level 70 weapon with a level reduction, it's GG. Best part is that if you're wearing it, you can then give it to your follower for some good start DPS. These pants can even stay with you through you set challenges, don't underestimate the dirty underwear. This is the surefire EASIEST of all leveling methods as you can do all 3 above with these badboys on you, they just make the grind even smoother. Wizards, I know that blizzard seems enticing but I highly suggest you get these poopoo britches instead, they will serve you well in the long run and you dont have to wait to use them. They also synergize well with a LoD early build, winkwink.

    The methods above are the most used, now let's talk "benefits":

    I understand that not everyone likes the leveling process but I want to make something clear: If you just start the season YOU SHOULD BE LEVELING. Don't bother spamming chats for a PL till about the second/third day, you won't get any. I understand that it's clunky to have that weak characters with resource starvation and no cool bonuses, but it's part of the game. However, it's not all as bad as it seems. See, something a lot of people tend to forget about leveling is that you are still getting gear. While it may not seem like much now, as you begin upgrading and rerolling and all that jazz, you'll notice that pool of Yellows, Blues and Greys will QUICKLY run dry. The leveling process of your 1 to 70 can help give just a little extra "Umph" to your stash for that one extra hope of cain. Not only that, but remember that legendaries do drop. Not only is that more resource, but it's a damage increase for your LoD gem and it's a potential modifier for your cube or to be worn. You're NOT wasting your time leveling, you investing in your resource pool. If you start the season at level 1, with no items, and someone powerlevels you. What now? You're level 70, no resources, no legendaries, and you still have a grind to get sets or build you LoD. This goes double if you're going LoD, AHEM THAT MEANS YOU WIZARDS AND NECROS. The 1 to 70 ensures you hit that max level with some resources and weapons to make the next series of challenges that much smoother. So bite down, put on your favorite playlist, and level.

    So what about benefits? Well, here's where my suggestion rolls into play: Run rifts. Not constantly, but do run a few rifts here and there as you level to 70. While rifts may not be the fastest method, they will net you the most resources and ensure you hit 70 with a lot of goodies in the bag already waiting. When I ran Barb last season I started a bit late(bought two weeks in) I could have asked for a PL but I went in solo. Not only did I get my might ring to drop, but both bracers along with a Gavel of Judgement dropped for me. I literally breezed through the leveling and my challenges for the set and was practically done for my builds main boosters. It's not all about speed, we have MONTHS to enjoy the season. Unless you're competing for those sets of "First achievements" take your time. It's important to take the time while leveling to make sure you smooth out the inevitable gear grind you will have to put up with to unlock your set and its corresponding build. This goes double if you can find a group to run rifts with while leveling since you'll increase rarity on drops and exp. Which makes rift leveling in groups unrivaled by all others, even if it's slower.

    By adding Pox to the equation things become even simpler. Gear no longer becomes an issue and can be swapped with what you find. Letting you focus on gems and weapon damage to help smooth out the ride. As such, if your class has a shard option you don't like or if you got your shard gamble and still have some left, go try your luck at Pox. Getting a shard multiplier plus the Pox will make things a smooth run.


    Why didn't you mention Cursed Chest leveling? Cursed chest outside of Necro is not very beneficial for all solo players. I base my decisions on "time + resource" and cursed chest gives neither as well as the other options unless you're in a group environment. I suppose you can use Pox but the multiplier isn't as high as something like corpse explosion so it's meh.

    Why didn't you mention Halls of Agony(Blades)? Same as above and cause I HATE it so much.

    What's the easiest class(s) to level? Barb and Necro.

    Who has the best gift set? Barb.

    What class has the fastest key farm? Monk SW WoL

    What class has the best bounty speeds? FB Wiz(Teleport and damage reduction galore)

    Did they fix FB set? Yes, S-tier.

    Is Tal-Rasha a good set? ...... Personally, speaking? No. Explosion Tal is ok for grinding the FB set though.

    Are you single? Weird question.... yes, I am.

    Do you think Lillith is hot? Wtf is this. We're done here...................

    Smoldering hot.

    submitted by /u/Bossmantho
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    Should they "resurrect" the concept of Guild Halls

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    For the guys that don't know, guild halls were a concept meant to be implemented in diablo 2 way back when it was supposed to release, which was delayed and then said to be implemented post launch, and it just never happened.

    Guild halls was supposed to be a clan based system where you had your guild house, chest, the Steeg Stone (like an altar where you add gold to improve the guild house) and trophy room (purpose unknown).

    You could pick your guild flag, guild name, an abbreviation (or clan tag if you will) that stood in front of your name and when you created a guild you were the guild master and could add around 100 members, promote some of them to officers and other ranks. There were also supposed to be guild pvp fights, duels between clan mates, tournaments, interactions and all sorts of fun things, none of those came to fruition because a year before diablo 2's release the devs said they couldn't balance guilds before launch, so they scrapped it

    The concept of guilds was sorta implemented in diablo 3 but is not nearly as fun nor engaging as this unused thing.

    Here's a link that has everything we know regarding guilds:


    submitted by /u/yeetmaster655
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    Diablo II Resurrected Art is from author of John Wick Official Art

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    My first post on Reddit - made a wallpaper for myself, but maybe somebody will like it. Original images belong to Blizzard :)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Original D2LoD characters at the Harrogath bonfire with the pre-alpha D2R ones. [May the Eternal Light shine upon you and your descendants for having excellent taste in videogames. The continued survival of Diablo II is your legacy! Above all else, you have earned your place in this endless battle.]

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Convert white and blue mats to Veiled Crystals while leveling.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    I was wondering why leveling guides don't mention the possibility to convert materials you get from Challenge Rift Cache to Veiled Crystals in Kanai's Cube.

    That way you basically have unlimited tries to craft your 2h 70lvl weapon with LPH and CC and unlimited rerolls.

    I just tested it with my lv1 non-seasonal character and it indeed works. Not sure if season is any different.

    submitted by /u/xadix222
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    Anybody wanna multiplayer on The hell 2?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I'm level 21 sharpshooter and starting over to grind a bit

    I feel like this would be fun with others

    Hit me up if you're interested!

    submitted by /u/Lance2409
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    Help! Belzebub resolution less than quarter screen problem.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Hi there. I tried to change my resolution in game, put the resolution to 4K (same as my desktop) and all I got was this: LINK!
    Now I can't see shit and don't know how to reset the resolution back since I don't see even the menus. Please help me. Is there some file specific change I can do to reset settings?

    submitted by /u/kudlatytrue
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    2 amazing countess drops

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    First let me say that I deeply apologize to this community. I do not know how to take a screen shot of my Diablo runs :( I will have to figure this out for future posts.

    My games are SP mode LOD vanilla with no add ons.

    Before yesterday, I had only had one VEX drop for me. It dropped of off of like the 3rd or 4th trash mob I killed when I entered Hell mode for the first time ( on SP mode ). I used it to make a Silence so I would never fear Hell level resists again.

    Fast forward to yesterday. Im running my 78 orb sorc thru Countess when bamm ... trash mob drops a VEX. Needless to say, I was a happy camper.

    Today, I continue my Countess farming with my now 79 sorcie. I cant be sure who dropped it, either a Stalker in Countess's room or Countess herself, but when the smoke settled, there lying on the ground was a CHAM. This is the first time that I can remember did a CHAM drop for me ever. I didnt think a CHAM was on the Countess's drop table

    I have no clue what to do with it tho :(

    Thanks for stopping by.

    submitted by /u/MeanMchine
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    What film reminds you the most of Diablo?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Maybe similar atmosphere or story to the original game. What to you has a similar vibe?

    submitted by /u/b100mpanda
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    Small Diablo 2 Single Player rant

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    After playing this game since my childhood, I've never found a full set of items. I can remember having 2 pieces of the Angelic Raiment at most, but was never lucky enough to have 3 or more pieces. I started a new Barbarian character on Singleplayer, and I managed to get my first full set. I was so happy to have finally seen the list of items all turn green once I picked up the last item. What was bitter sweet is the item set is Cathan's Traps.... for a fire sorceress... I will hold onto this until the release of Diablo 2 Resurrected so I can transfer it to the new shared stash feature and start a new character with a full set for the first time. But until then, I have 16 squares of wasted space in my stash.

    One good thing that happened is I was able to roll a 4 socket on a ancient armor, so I'll be saving that for the Stone Runeword set.

    submitted by /u/ZenXRoli
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    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - March 30, 2021

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:00 AM PDT




    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Shoot dang

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    I was thinking about playing D2 Hardcore last night for the release. I dont remember many one shot mechanics, do you?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    I currently play a ton of Path of Exile (a couple leagues a year since 2013) and have shied away from ever play that game on Hardcore mode because of all the nasty one shot mechanics, crashes and random internet issues.

    Many of the one shot mechanics you can "learn" and recognize before they happen, but every league introduces some new crazy method that I can get one shot or swarmed so its just not worth it, coupled with crashes and lag Id rather not.

    D2 I played exclusively hardcore. Rakanishu (if you're melee and its a full game), the little skeleton explodeys in the Durance of Hate and their brothers the flame dudes in the sewers of A3. The seals in A4 before Diablo and the Lag Lord himself, Lister and his brother Duriel. These are the one shots I can remember, other than undergeared characters fighting Hell Ancients.

    Are there any other ones I am missing?

    I dont think our PCs will have issues loading Duriel or Lister any more, my PC might crash once in the next few years, and I have come a long way in my gaming skill.

    Anyone else thinking of playing HC in D2? What mobs are you afraid of?

    submitted by /u/SaviousMT
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    Playing with my friend and i dont feel like im doing enough damage

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    Me and my friend are playing diablo 3 advendure mode and im playing barbarian and he's playing wizard and it feels like he's getting way more kills than me

    submitted by /u/Kaikoz99
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    D2R - Grief DMG

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    I just searched and could not google a solid answer nor saw it mentioned. Will the "+ xxx dmg" mod of items like grief be displayed in sheet dmg on your char or not?

    submitted by /u/Molrixirlom
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