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    Diablo Just a 19 years old D2 local saves

    Diablo Just a 19 years old D2 local saves

    Just a 19 years old D2 local saves

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PST

    David Brevik on Diablo 2 Resurrected

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PST

    D4 crafting sytem

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PST

    If i am not mistaken they didnt say a word about crafting system since the d4 announcement. That is something i would be glad to read about in the next quarterly update. What do you think? Are you interested in the crafting sytem?

    submitted by /u/csulok01
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    Will D2r be flooded with bots as D2?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PST

    I've played D2 on-and-off for the last 5 years and bots are a huge part of the game incl. the ingame economy. Will it be a problem for D2r? Never played D3 so dont even know if it's a problem in that.

    Just curious

    submitted by /u/DepthSmall
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    Should Diablo 2 Resurrected be a living game?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PST

    There's been a lot of debate about what changes should or should not happen with Diablo 2 Resurrected. I found it interesting that a lot of it wasn't centered around whether it made the game better, but if it changed the game at all, or if any change could be a good thing.

    Online games need a team constantly tweaking and adding things to keep up with players. Diablo 2 did this when it first came out, but Blizzard's focus shifted to other things and Diablo 2 has stayed the same, more or less, for 10 years. Now that a remaster is coming and a bunch of new players, does it make sense for this new team to pick up where Blizzard North left off and actively develop the game again?

    I also don't think it would be an unprecedented thing for a new team to change a 20 year old game. Age of Empires 2 was pretty dead for a long time, but had an active mod community. That mod community eventually became a development studio that rereleased AoE2 twice (HD and Definitive Edition), added a ton of new content, and patched the game with balance changes. Now AoE2's online community and competitive scene are bigger and better than they were at their height 20 years ago. I don't know if Blizzard would actually hire any of the modders of Diablo 2, but I think that looking at plugy, Path of Diablo, and Project D2 and using them as templates for future updates would improve the game.

    I think Diablo 2 would benefit from some real substantial changes, but obviously a lot of people disagree with me. Coming from an AoE2 fan, taking a dead game and bringing it back to life can be an amazing thing. But I'm interested to hear what this sub thinks. Should Diablo 2 be a living game again?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/mattigus7
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    [D2] Is Warmth a bad skill?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 09:04 PM PST

    I've owned D2 since I was 12 (2003) and have looked over the packed in guidebook several times. I like the versatility of the Sorceress so I'd build her a lot, to minimal success.

    Anyway, the book claims that Warmth is one of the most vital skills to invest points into, but every online thread I've read says not to bother with it, and not to allot points into Energy.

    What's with this huge disconnect between the book and players?

    From what I understand, players are talking in the sense that end game gear will grant bonus points into these skills and stats so that building into it isn't worth it while the books is built to help you complete at least Normal difficulty.

    Am I correct on that or is there something more?

    submitted by /u/neoslith
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    What did David Kim mean by "gathering"?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 09:09 AM PST

    What did David Kim mean by "gathering"?

    So during Rhykker's interview with David Kim during Blizzcon 2019 I thought I heard David talk about gathering. But I was confused why no one talked about it later on reddit and forums and I kinda forgot about it. Later I convinced myself that maybe I just confused something. Now I went back to check if I just made it up for whatever reason and well..

    He said "We wanna make sure that crafting, especially the gathering component, is fully integrated to the open world. [..] We want to make sure that if you go out of your way to collect all these recipes, materials, and things like that and spend your time to craft something that it's worth your while."

    I wonder what he meant by this. When I hear "gathering" my mind goes back to collecting flowers and mining rocks in Dragon Age Inquisition, or many MMOs and other open world games. Did he mean that? Or maybe he considers getting materials by let's say killing specific monsters that only spawn in specific places as "gathering". Maybe both.

    The point is, I don't know. Would be great to get a clarification on what gathering will be, and on crafting in general and how both of those tie to the open world in D4. Hopefully in the next quarterly update or something.

    Edit: Ok I guess it's solved. There are resource nodes on the map. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out!


    Now I wonder if they are personal like loot in D3 or not, like loot in D2.

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    Loved D3, never played D2...

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PST

    See title.

    Am I going to want to play D2:R, or are there too many QoL things and advances in D3 that will make it not as enjoyable to me.

    Or maybe it's the opposite, since D2 is widely regarded as "the best" Diablo.

    Just curious if someone who really like D3 should pay attention to D2:R, or just focus on D4.

    submitted by /u/SsssnakePlisssskin
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    Ladder-only runewords in D2 Resurrected?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:39 PM PST

    Don't know how everyone else feels about ladder-only runewords, I always feel bummed out when I slot in a rare rune into an even rarer 5 or 6 open-socket gear only to find out I can only make certain ones in ladder and end up with a really expensive piece of junk. One aspect I like about D3's season is that it makes it easier for me to get a particular gear set. I can still farm for the same gear in normal game, it might take longer to assemble but at least I still have a chance to do so. I don't mind exclusive cosmetics, but exclusive gears... especially when many top builds use them (Grief, Spirit, Infinity, etc), then I can't help but to feel a bit snubbed. As far as I know, you can't really get those special runewords in single player either without using some kind of mod. I simply don't have as much time to game as I do 10yrs ago, plus they gonna make ladder shorter so chances of me getting those pieces on my own is even slimmer. I guess the only ways to get em is through trading or the occasional freebies. It's just different building it yourself. I doubt shared stash will function between ladder and non-ladder. The dev haven't mention anything about this yet. Maybe I am in the minority here. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/NerdgasmicTofu
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    D4 skill cooldown idea.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 07:03 PM PST

    I was watching the Rhykker and MrLlama "debate" video the other day, and their discussion of skill cooldowns got me thinking. Firstly, why are cooldowns even a thing? My guess (and it is just a guess) is that when you use a skill the devs want it to feel powerful and impactful, like a superpower. But to have a superpower on tap that you can spam out as fast as you can smash your keyboard kinda destroys any game balance. So in comes the cooldown to save the day and keep you in check, which I guess makes sense. I see Llamas point that he feels like it is forcefully removing player choice from the skill system, but I disagree that a cooldown removes all player choice. I think it just shifts the choice to something else.

    So my thought was instead of a cooldown that prohibits you from using a skill, what if the cooldown was for the skills efficiency? Take the new Upheaval skill for the Barbarian for example. The first skill use is full force and starts a two second cooldown. If you use it again before that two seconds is up the character would fling the dirt with less force, doing less damage and not flying as far, maybe it takes longer. Continued spam use of the skill could reduce it's efficiency even further until your character becomes exhausted, causing you to not be able to use the skill at all. You have the ability to spam your way out of those "oh shit" moments, but you can't just auto-click your way through every fight. Obviously each skill would have it's own cooldown and efficiency reduction rate. Maybe some of the OP skills like Conduit Just have a hard cooldown where you can't use it at all for a while. You could also add affixes or stats that can increase the skill efficiency.

    Now I am by no means a developer or have any real idea how to balance a game, so don't go crucifying me over the specifics of that one example. This is a very rough idea that I think could be a good balance in the cooldown/no cooldown debate. Also, and maybe more importantly, it's a different mechanic than the overused and dated cooldown and mana potion mechanics. I think it could add a whole other layer of player choice and consequence to the game. But I'm an idiot, I don't know. What I do know is that most games in this genre use either potions or cooldowns, and that shit is getting boring. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Nonameputs
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    Build planner for Diablo 2 similar to what we have for Diablo 3?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Is there an online build planner for Diablo 2? I can find some for skill calculators, but couldn't find one that includes character stats and items.

    I suspect there must be one lying around?

    submitted by /u/ares623
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    The Evolution of the Hack and Slash Genre - with Diablo included!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 09:33 PM PST

    To those who claim that MMO aspects, ie:factions, don’t have their place in a ARPg... keep in mind that those responsible for Diablo2’s greatness intended to add MMO stuff in the Original version of Diablo3

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 08:46 AM PST

    Why segregate mechanics to genres

    Blizzard North knew that as long as you do it well it's gonna be good

    I'm a hardcore Diablo and Arpg fan but fuck off being a purist, if it makes the game better let it be

    submitted by /u/The_Creatorist
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    Amazing Custom D2R Guitar Hero Faceplate

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Amazing Custom D2R Guitar Hero Faceplate

    My friend ( Insta link/cbuyukberber ) just sent me these amazing faceplate images that he printed for his guitar hero rig. When I first saw these, I yelled HELL YEAH! It looks so freaking amazing. Better than the original Metallica one!

    By the way for Guitar Hero fans, we searched for up to date, newest titles but it seems Guitar Hero is no longer a popular thing. Or did we miss something? Is there something similar right now?




    submitted by /u/lewstherin_telamon
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    Big Ol' Witch Doctor Nerf? No problem. But, buff something else please: Ring of Emptiness now applies to Pets.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Big old spanking Witch Doctor Nerf? No Problemo. But please buff something else. Please consider buffing Ring of Emptiness to apply to pets. This would enrich the WD gameplay experience a bit with the Zuni and Helltooth sets and give wd players something to figure. Toss us a bone, man! We promise not to be OP anymore!

    submitted by /u/Few-Historian565
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    Looking for d2r discord

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Hello, I'm looking for a discord dedicated specifically to everything D2R! Has to be active with a decent amount of members. Thank you

    submitted by /u/xprogenx
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    Whats the best way to make the cursor in D2 60Fps?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:38 PM PST

    I see youtubers like dbrunksi and mrllama have smooth cursor animation. My vanilla version of the game is jarring seeing the mouse move with 25fps. I know there are mods to correct this, but I'm asking which one do you use? I'm just using plugy and probably not getting d2se since I'm not having a bunch of mods.

    submitted by /u/Freds_Premium
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    D2 Online on Mac

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:36 PM PST

    My friends and I have been dying to revisit D2 recently but, unfortunately, I'm on a Mac. After searching for a bit, I found this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/gbok3w/run_diablo_2_lod_via_plugy_on_mac/. So, getting the game to run won't be the issue, going online might. I've read that for Macs, battle.net is broken and hasn't been fixed.

    If that's the case, what are my options? TCP/IP? Hamachi? PD2?

    submitted by /u/PolarOcelot
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    Stupid question I'm sure, but what replayability does Diablo 2 have?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 03:13 PM PST

    Like can you replay through the story with all your levels and loot? Can you fight bosses repeatedly to farm loot?

    submitted by /u/L337CAT790
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    What is this garbage?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Controller version has skill bar while pc version doesn't?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Maybe I'm blind, but from the videos we've seen we can see that the UI has been improved, but still is the same. We have to shuffle between two skills.

    Meanwhile, console users gets an entire skill bar, making it easily the highest apm and with possibility of using more auras and abilities as auras required an active slot.

    Can skill bar be toggled on pc or do you need to plug in a controller?

    submitted by /u/MikeJezZ
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    Thoughts on D2R First Ladder and such.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 06:04 PM PST

    So, I know many are excited for D2R like myself. I am curious, if we will be seeing new runewords for the very first D2R Ladder. I remember (fuzzy memory don't beat my head in lol). back when each ladder you would usually get new runewords. I would hope for more runewords. I mean combinations are nearly endless. I know D2R is supposed to be "pure" in the sense of keeping the game as is, but adding new rune words I feel would only add to the game, as long as the balance fits with the typical rune words available. Another thing I would like to see is more item sets. I also thought the amount of green sets available kinda lacking. I always wanted more. So perhaps more sets down the life line of the game. OBIOUSLY im not saying to have them available during a tech alpha or right away, but after one or two ladders yeah.


    Idea of new runewords for ladder for each ladder season

    Idea of new set items later on too

    submitted by /u/fantasticfacts01
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    My thoughts on Diablo IV and its game progression

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:02 AM PST

    Winning is fun when you are also able to lose.

    It doesnt have to be a huge loss, you just need to be reminded that you dont automatically win and secure everything forever. This applies to many games, esspecially games like diablo takes this approach one step further. Sanctuary is a place that evil is always come back, and you are never truly victorious.

    I mostly play city planner and RPG games, so i will give my couple of examples mostly from those games.

    Currently, i am playing "They are billions" which has a similiar atmosphere to diablo. World is ruined and you clear the zombie infested areas to expand your empire. Its not peacefull you are constantly under pressure to fight threats even if its a city builder game. One single zombie slipping through can destroy your entire city making you restart your game. This game also has another feature: no saving. At first i was mad at this, but i get it now. You would always feel safe if you could save the game at any moment you like.

    Another example: Frostpunk. The world is frozen. You take drastic decisions to survive while you build a new city among the snow. Your decisions always come with a downside. You may have solved the worker shortage problem but you did this because your forced children to be workers and their parents will eventually do something about it. No clean winning. You win some, you lose some.

    Darkest Dungeon. In this roguelike game, you form an adventurer group of four to venture and clear the dungeons. From items to very persons themselves, many things are subjects to lose. You dont lose progress at every front but you do at some. No items consist just upgrade, it always comes with a downside trade. Like, you may have a better dodge now, but you bleed more if you get hit with bleed attack. You may even lose your characters. Your level 5 paladin who you invested so much in, may die or go crazy. So on and so forth.

    I can go on forever with these kind of examples. My point is, dark games should not offer clean wins at every front, and often times it should test you, make you pay for mistakes and decisions. You should be able to lose some kind of progression. This is a thing with atmopsherically dark games.

    Diablo had this before, in D1 and D2. Story and art were full of this. Also it had this in gameplay too, it tried to do this it at many fronts. It was not able to succeed at every try but it tried nontheless. Dying meant experience loss, items drop on the ground etc. Even stamina was there because of this. It tried to offer a trade. You may run, but if you run out of stamina in a bad time, you will find yourself unable to run out of danger in heat of combat. That was probably what they intended with it. Yeah it didnt worked as they expected but the intention was there: You win some, you lose some. Choices and being able to lose somethings enchances dark atmosphered games like Diablo. It fits and it has its own charm to it.

    Since we ditched stamina, durability and experience loss we need some other gameplay aspects that has possiblity to lose progress. Even PvP is too much peacefull. Losing doesnt cost you anything: your items and your experience doesnt go away. As far as i know currently D4 has no punishing element or any sense of loss. Lets have some struggle, lets have somethings to lose and win back. If camps stay this way at least we should at least have something other new to get of taste this. We need somethings threatening to our progress. We need somethings to remind us that we are not always winning.

    Whats your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/-Cleglaw-
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