• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 7, 2021

    Diablo I think it's the perfect D2R Paladin! Could be clean shaved but the face is great! A lot more like the original one.

    Diablo I think it's the perfect D2R Paladin! Could be clean shaved but the face is great! A lot more like the original one.

    I think it's the perfect D2R Paladin! Could be clean shaved but the face is great! A lot more like the original one.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Assassins remastered face generated by AI based on the ingame model from Diablo 2 and concept art by Blizzard

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Just defeated The Dark Lord on my first ever Diablo 1 playthrough :)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:44 PM PST

    Made some "art" from the Diablo 1 manual.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PST

    How about a ring like this? I'm going to cast it in silver.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Trying to Gamble Magefist, Ended Up With Some GG Rare Resist Gloves Instead

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:59 PM PST

    I'm glad that D2R is happening with original contents keeped, adding some QOLs... But if possible I hope they can fix some annoying bugs that still exist. The list I'm going to mention here might be minor but they make me feel irritated sometimes:

    • Next Hit Always Miss: every "hit interuption animation" inflicted on your charecter (stun, knockback, hit recovery, block, dodge) causes the next hit you inflict to always miss. The most common case is Fend + Dodge, Block, Hit Recovery which would cause the rest of Fend cycle to be missed when any of them triggered.
    • Merc Equipment Auras: when your mercs die, the aura on their equipment (example: Insight) would be lost until you re-equip it.
    • Lying Character Screen: some values displayed in the Character Screen are incorrect.
    • Can't Talk to Jerhyn: if anyone enters Arcane Sanctuary before you talk to Drognan after retrieving the Horadric Amulet, you can't enter the palace.
    • Amazon Bow Skills: does not apply attack rating bonus as the description implies.
    • Dragon Flight and summon Shadows share Casting Delay: Dragon Flight has 1s CD, Shadow Warrior & Master have 6s CD. When you summon Shadows, Dragon Flight will gain 6s CD and vice versa.
    • Cloak of Shadows Casting Delay: it has CD equal to it's duration even though no CD is mentioned anywhere and the skill icon is not displayed red. And it can crash the game when use against the Ancients.
    • Inferno/ArcticBlast/Wake of Inferno: these skills do not do full of their listed damage. The animation for the area of effect is also misleading as the damage does not occur in the entire area of the graphic.

    Of course there are good bugs, bad bugs... that I can't categorize them all. People might not want the good bugs be touched but I believe at least these above are bad. And besides, bug shouldn't be a thing in the first place.

    And I know the list I made is not enough so it would be nice if you could share more of them.

    submitted by /u/Diabolos_Clone
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    Thanks from a SP guy

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:59 PM PST

    It actually happened… i prepurchased the game. It´s something I never did before and hey who knows eventually it´s really just a perfectly made trap.

    When I thought about a Diablo 2 remake, I was sure it would become a scuffed D3 version with the D2 story and some D2 aesthetics. Of course, online only and MTX options for transmogs and extended stashes. Items like Griffons Eye or Deaths Web would drop every few hours, same goes with HRs.

    I was always sure about that I´ll never truly quit D2, but would never play a remastered version (which I expected will release sooner or later after Star Craft 1 got its remake).

    Now 2 weeks after Blizzcon I´m still amazed about team behind it. I think I haven't felt that way the last decade in video games…

    I feel they really got it. It just doesn't sound like the usual corporate PR speech when they are doing their presentations, when they are doing interviews.

    It feels like they really understand the magic behind D2 and its uniqueness that no other game has that keeps people coming back for now more than 20 years.

    And the best thing about it – they won´t change the gameplay. Items will have the same droprate and properties, Skills will work the same way, leveling to 99 will still be one of the greatest video games feat of all time.

    And today I read the interview on IGN which made the dream perfect – we will be able to continue or Single Player Characters!

    As a kid I played a lot of D2 on battle.net, but It never kept me motivated for too long. It was just too simple to get the pieces you want through trading and then I was more or less done. It also demotivated me to lose everything after an extended break.

    Many years later I decided to randomly try out Single Player and got instantly hooked. Its more than 7 years ago since I started my SP career and while I have all those powerful Runewords and most of the rarest Uniques I´m far from done with this game.

    Items like Tyraels are so rare that you might never see them drop after many thousand hours. And that's so cool about this game. Other items are less rare, but what if you want a perfect roll? What if you want to craft a perfect 2+skills 20fcs +allres amulet? You will just never be done with this game.

    And with today's announcement I can continue this "lifetime" project in a lovely restored environment.

    Just thank you so much guys!

    (And please, please, please – enable ladder content (runeword, uberdiablo, ubertristram) for us Single Player enthusiasts :) )

    submitted by /u/-Eitoku-
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    Never played Diablo 2, I was too scared of the box when I was a kid

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:40 PM PST

    When I was a kid that box scared the absolute shit out of me and scarred me for life. I'm looking forward to my first play through on the remake, is there an official date announced? Is it confirmed 100% for 2021? It looks so amazing and I definitely missed out as a kid

    submitted by /u/IEnjoyWeedYes
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    Starting a new D2 Necro, found a pretty good wand for Act 1

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:31 PM PST

    Bro & Sis!!! Going to hunt the Evil!!!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:28 PM PST

    D2:R, would new content be fitting?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:24 PM PST

    I think the community is split on whether keeping the game and experience 100% authentic like the original or having new content.

    With keeping it all classic, Just with some quality of life improvements like the shared stash, etc. I agree with that in a lot of ways.

    Some want new acts, items, new classes, enemies, skills and skilltrees, mercenaries, gender swap classes (tho I think that would not fit lore wise), face swaps/customization, respec npc, etc. I feel like I also want those but I think it'll be too much and will definitely break the classic experience that this remaster is supposed to be doing. Maybe just add it in a separate DLC? Idk.

    What do you think? The game is looking very promising right now, hope they deliver their best launch!

    submitted by /u/aymanpalaman
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    Diablo Belzebub: Staves and Spell Levels

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:01 PM PST

    Do spells cast from staves use current spell level or are they all treated as level 1? And are there any staves that don't require str? All the ones from Adria seem to require a fair bit of str.

    submitted by /u/Game-Geeks
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    RMT & D2JSP - in D2 Resurrected. Have a read, please!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:52 AM PST

    This post above, is to show how bad D2JSP & RMT is for the game. Please have a read.

    Hopefully it can get enough attention, so, Blizzard, Diablo 2 Resurrected team, will have a read aswell.

    submitted by /u/Naive_Gap_7032
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    Updating my goldfind barb for the new follower update

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:32 PM PST

    While waiting fully hyped and excited, I made a short redesign for Diablo II: Resurrected sound and music

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Diablo statue and the blizzard gear store (BGS)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:38 PM PST

    Has anyone had issues with the BGS?

    I pre-ordered the diablo statue middle of last year and received and email saying it had been shipped in December. Being in Australia I'm used to long delivery times so i gave it to the end of Jan.

    I sent a follow up email to see if it should have arrived by then, they said it should have and said they would re-send. The next day, start of Feb I received an email stating it had been shipped. At the start of March I sent another email asking about the statue. A few days later I received an email from paypal saying I had a refund deposited but nothing from BGS.

    I sent them an email asking what was going on. They said they were having stock issues and had issued a refund, minus the shipping cost, I had a whinge about that and they ended up refunding the full amount.

    I've checked the website and it is still stocked so I've reordered it (mind you the price has gone up an extra $30Aud)

    So I can't complain about the customer service too much because they're fairly prompt in reply but was wondering if I've just had some bad luck or if there are issues with them overall?

    Hopefully this one will rock up this time (I always use parcel post (a 24hr parcel locker service) so once it gets to Auspost it should be secure)

    submitted by /u/Platypus_Dundee
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    Diablo 3 question - Does the game support creativity in builds?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I am a fan of looter games and since Blizzcon 2021 I feel a decent amount of hype for Diablo 4.

    The looter rpg games I have experience with are basically only Borderlands 2 and 3. What I like about these games is how creative you can get with designing your own builds, I never feel the need to follow a specific build and I can really exploit certain rolls and mechanics which in turn results in my character playing very different from how it plays on another build.

    I really like the look of Diablo 3 and I think I would really like it. I am just curious how much of that build flexibility is in Diablo? Does it have crazy mechanics ripe for exploiting or is it just all about number getting bigger and monsters getting tougher?

    submitted by /u/DJ_YoLoMCswagMoneY
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    Diablo 2 classic VS LOD? Runewords, Gearing up process.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:27 AM PST

    There seems to be a debate whether the base game of Diablo 2 is better or worse than LoD, and I bet the vast majority would consider Lord of Destruction an objectively better game. For a lot of good reasons too.

    However, I personally think Runewords are a less than ideal system, as they ruin a lot of what makes ARPGs fun, mainly loot aquisition and upgrading gear. This wasn't an issue in Classic, where running around with random rares and crap uniques was the norm. Loot wasn't more interesting, but the gearing up process was.

    Lord of Destruction was huge and it truly revitalized the game. But I can't help but feel like we lost a lot of what makes ARPGs fun when LoD came around and made the gearing up process very predictable.

    What is your opinion? Elaborate. And please, only comment if you've actually played both versions!

    submitted by /u/False-Adhesiveness-5
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    D2 Resurrected and old battle net accounts used on other consoles?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Not sure I'm allowed to ask here but... I was wondering if our Battle net accounts might work if I plan to use my current account on another console? That is, I have my Battle net account being used on my Mac right now and hope to play Resurrected online on my Nintendo Switch. Will this be possible once it's released? I haven't found anything on this yet, just that you can play from your old saves (I'm guessing single player), play across-platforms, and turn on/off the Resurrected graphics as you would like. Also, I've already seen what's on Wikipedia so far.

    submitted by /u/Trick_Ad_3145
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    Need this assassin

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:11 PM PST

    Connection Problems!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:49 AM PST

    I've bought Diablo III for the pc like a week ago because I wanted to play the game again.

    I was playing no problem until I reached act 3.

    I got there then disconnected because I needed to go to sleep, but since then I can't play it, it always gives me the "Network disconnected", I don't understand how one day its working fine and the next day boom no game for you.

    I even started a new character and it works just fine. Idk what is going on and I need help ive spent the entire day working on it an nothing works.

    I verified and its not my Internet or my computer. Please can someone help?

    submitted by /u/LilShrek6
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    (Poll) Do you want Diablo 4 to be more like Diablo 2 or Diablo 3?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:25 PM PST


    Just curious as to what yall think about this. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/vanillaricethrowaway
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